I played a bunch of ps3 games today... quick reviews


8 (100%)
real quick... im hella tired so details are scarce. any specific questions... ask me in this thread and i'll let you know. basically there was a sony party in LA for game crazy employees today and me and a buddy who i work with drove up. quick reviews on my time with the ps3 games shown...

motorstorm... offroad racing style game. it used the tilt sensor controller (you could switch it back to normal analog) and any slight movement would send your car flying into a complete turn. completely unplayable with the SIXAXIS controller. WACK ass game.

nba 07... basketball game. looked decent graphically. just about as good as nba 2k7 on 360. once again you can use the special tilt, motion, jerk, (whatever you want to call it) controls to pull off jukes. much like motorstorm it was just frusturating and unplayable with the motion sensing capabilities. decent game without them though. but nothing you havn't seen on nba 2k7 or live 07.

f1 racing was what you would expect...f1 racing. it looked very nice graphically but if you've played a racing game before then you've played this one.

genji... plays just like genji on ps2. BY FAR the best looking game we played today. the lighting and effects were on par with most current 360 games (except for gears of war). the character models were kkinda bleh and the framerates would drop hard at times. gameplay wise the game was just hack and slash boredom with dumb enemies.

RESISTANCE: FALL OF MAN... pssshhh so much hype on this game (9.1/10 on ign.com) and i really don't know why. since this is the most hyped game i'll break it down for you... i really wanted to like this game because i love insomniac.

graphics: DECENT at best. we were even playing on 1080p top of the line sony hdtvs and it was still not looking too hot... like it looks good and all but with all the talk around how good this game looks we all really expected more. when i first played it i was way close to the screen so i thought maybe it looked bad because i was so close so when i moved like 10 feet away to see someone play it, it did look A LOT better BUT in all honesty gears of war on my normal standard tv looked better than resistance on a 1080p hdtv using a blu ray disc.

sound: they didn't have the volume on!

gameplay: if you've played black on ps2 or xbox or killzone on ps2 then you've played this game. enemies are smart but it's definetly not the best shooter ever. cool game, definetly fun but NOT worth your 599.99 to play this one game.

almost everyone who was there had some kind of "dude gears of war is better than all these games." kind of comment. i don't know one person who walked away saying "omg i have to buy a ps3 now." and we all kind of got feedback from eachother during the event.

put it this way... most game crazy stores (around my area) got in the wii demo units today. when we found that out we were way more excited to go to our stores, set them up, and play the wiis rather than stay and play ps3. so we went home and played wii at our store for a good hour or so.

i kind of want to sum up more but im hell tired. basically, buy a 360 before you buy a ps3. wait a good year or so until there is something worthy of a 600 dollar purchase. unless you just want to stick it on ebay.

oh yeah... 3 systems froze up today in the 4 hours we were there. im not taking that as a good sign.

also, remember... i spent about 10 - 20 minutes with each game at most. so my reviews totally don't refelct the whole game, just the parts i played.

best game i played at the event was ratchet and clank on psp.
I played Resistance recently, and really enjoyed it, but it's still not enough for me to get a launch PS3. Sometime next year when MGS and DMC are out :p
Yeah I knew that this game would not be that big when I saw it I know that MGS5 will be the biggest hype and GTA.
[quote name='Daddy']$600 doorstop if purchased at this point[/quote]

That's what my Brother used his 360 for until GoW came out. :D
To be fair, Resistance runs at 720p so even though it was running on a 1080p set, that doesn't make any difference.

Also, Insomniac hasn't been making FPS games for years while Epic has. It stands to reason that GoW is going to look better than Resistance just because the programmers have more experience making these games.

That being said, Resistance seems like a very straighforward FPS, but what are your alternatives if you buy a PS3?
[quote name='lebowsky']

That being said, Resistance seems like a very straighforward FPS, but what are your alternatives if you buy a PS3?[/QUOTE]

I know, dont buy one..lol
[quote name='lebowsky']To be fair, Resistance runs at 720p so even though it was running on a 1080p set, that doesn't make any difference.

Also, Insomniac hasn't been making FPS games for years while Epic has. It stands to reason that GoW is going to look better than Resistance just because the programmers have more experience making these games.

That being said, Resistance seems like a very straighforward FPS, but what are your alternatives if you buy a PS3?[/quote]

ah thanks for that reminder on the 720p. i had heard about that somewhere. but i guess sony people breathing down your neck on every game saying "hey you know this game is running on fulll hd off a blu ray disc??? isn't that cool!?" i kind of assumed it was running on 1080p.

i don't know. in my opinion, insomniac has enough talent and experience to make a game look damn good. they don't have the experience of making fps which is why thee game felt like it suffered gameplay wise. i just don't think their non experience with fps would mean the game wont look good.

i am telling you gamers right now... don't buy a ps3. if you want it for blu ray movies then go right ahead. if you want to play games, buy a 360 or a wii. please. im no fanboy, i just love games and right now i am telling you not to spend an extra $200 to play the good ps3 games like cod3, tony hawk, fear, because i guarantee that's what you will be playing on ps3. then you'll be damn disapointed because you could have saved some money and bought a 360 for the same games.
In Motostorm, did you notice the muddy backgrounds (especially of the adjacent canyons) and cardboard-cutout crowd, or was that just me?

Also, not being able to take a legit shortcut (i.e. Not breking/glitching the game) is lame as fuck. Want to go down that ridge to cut off the others as they go around a turn? No, get put back on the ciourse and fall further behind. Want to go left around that sing? No,, gots to go right, son. URGH. Crashes were hilarious though, for good and bad reasons (stiff, action-figure like movement).

As for the other games, I don't know. I want to like Resistance =(
bread's done