I think CAG has made me spend MORE MONEY than actually save lol.


For SNES, N64, PSone, and PS2, I only had about 4 games per console. Ever since discovering CAG, my collection ballooned from like 16 to 100 games in a matter of a few months. I almost feel like I'm losing money if I don't take advantage of a deal. Not going to name all my games but here is to give you an idea. I bought DS in January, and until I found CAG in June, my collection was this:

Nintendogs: Dachshund and Friends
Mario Kart DS
Feel the Magic: XY/XX
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Trauma Center: Under the Knife

In 6 months I got 5 games. From June to now which is only 4 months, this is what I ended up with 14 more games due to $8.96 CC sale, Overstock glitch, Sears sale, K-Mart sale, etc:

Brain Age
Trace Memory
Advance Wars: Dual Strike
Metroid Prime: Pinball
New Super Mario Bros.
Metroid Prime: Hunters
Animal Crossing: Wild World
Resident Evil: Deadly Silence
Kirby: Canvas Curse
Tetris DS
Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
Rub Rabbits
Pac Pix

That same amount of growth applies to my PS2 and GC collections. GET THIS. I didn't even own a GC when I started buying GC games due to sales, AND I STILL DON'T own a GC, yet I have 20 GC games I got for cheap! Course I can finally play them when Wii comes out. Damn you CAG!
you have to add up the total you spent for the 5 games before CAG vs the total of all the games you've bought since CAG. let's say before CAG the 5 games averaged $30 per game and after CAG the 14 games averaged $10 per game. 30*5=150 and 14*10=140. in other words, you spent less and got a lot more games after you discovered CAG.
my friend that's why we have a little thing called, "Will Power". You can choose not to buy the games and to save your money. That is why I stop trying to jump on so many deals because I saw how much it was affecting my funds.
CAG has actually helped me save money, sure you spend pretty much the same amount of money you would.. but you get like three times as many games or whatever for the same price.
Amen my brotha!

A deal is only a deal if you play the game. At one point, I to was buying games for systems I didn't own, I remember buying Panzer Dragoon Orta for $10, Dungeons and Dragons: Heroes for $10, and Eternal Darkness for $10 before I owned a Gamecube and longbefore I had an Xbox, just because those games retailed for $50 at the time and I thought it was cool.

Since then, I've been very lucrative on what I buy, and I'm only likely to jump on a cheap game if it's a roleplaying title or super cheap (IE $4 or less), I remember growing my collection from 200 games to over 450 in less than a year because of all the cheap games, yet I haven't the time to play most of them (I'd say I've only actually beaten maybe 30-40 games in my entire collection, and not a single PS2 or Xbox game).
You will learn to hold back on a lot of stuff. When you start CAG you can't believe the deals you are getting but then....you will trade-in your stuff at EB or GS during a promotion because even though it was cheap it wasn't really worth it. Then when you get really good you will learn to build your credit through shitty games to buy games that you actually want to play. In the end you will pay next to nothing for AAA titles and consoles you thought were too damn expensive. Have I been here too long? Maybe :)
I think I spend about the same ammount of money in terms of weekly spending, but I've saved over the long term.

For example, Buying 5 games I want for $150 or buying 10 games for $150, I'm getting everything I want, just in half the time. That's the way I look at it. If there's a good deal I'll jump on it, knowing that it will reduce my costs in the future.
[quote name='jkam']You will learn to hold back on a lot of stuff. When you start CAG you can't believe the deals you are getting but then....you will trade-in your stuff at EB or GS during a promotion because even though it was cheap it wasn't really worth it. Then when you get really good you will learn to build your credit through shitty games to buy games that you actually want to play. In the end you will pay next to nothing for AAA titles and consoles you thought were too damn expensive. Have I been here too long? Maybe :)[/quote]

that about sums it up. my experience was largely the same. nothing beats okami and legend of zelda for wii for 7 dollars out of pocket, courtesy of the three for ten and a pile of power dromes :lol:. but eventually you cool off and realize you don't HAVE to jump on every deal that's out there. usually that's after your collection has ballooned so far in size that you don't have enough time to beat even half of what you have. but you WILL learn. eventually.
I feel the same way. I'll buy a bunch of cheap games that I might play and backlog them. If I get to them, fine, but if I want something bigger and better I'll sell them and put the money toward something else. I just traded in a bunch of games and got a 360 for $100 out of pocket. That's the beauty that is CAG.
I imagine I'll be jumping on fewer deals as time goes on. I'm still pretty new here compared to many other members, and after time I'll probably grow a much thicker skin when reading about amazing deals.

Especially when I've been around long enough to anticipate when a big seasonal inventory-clearance or sale will occure. :D
Thanks to CAG I have a VERY difficult time convincing myself to pay full price for ANY game, especially console games. For some reason the 30 dollar price tag for a portable title (DS especially) seems reasonable. In fact, this year I have only bought ONE console game at full price - and that was OKAMI which I had waited a long time for. Tho I still havent even played it due to lack of time.
Yet my game collection has grown enormously this year... and I used to think nothing about spending 50 bux for a game that I might not even play.

Then again, thats when I had a job and now I dont so that makes a big difference as well. Its been real hard holding off on stuff like Kingdom Hearts II but I just KNOW that will price drop like a rock as a greatest hits soon...

I also foresee me purchasing Zelda and FFXII at full price just cos Ive waited so long for them. If its something that I have waited and wanted and longed for then 50 is still reasonable. Even though I have sooooo many games I have not even popped in or opened for that matter.... eh..... oh well. . Im hopelessly addicted.
[quote name='kittycatgirl2k']Thanks to CAG I have a VERY difficult time convincing myself to pay full price for ANY game, especially console games. For some reason the 30 dollar price tag for a portable title (DS especially) seems reasonable. In fact, this year I have only bought ONE console game at full price - and that was OKAMI which I had waited a long time for. Tho I still havent even played it due to lack of time.
Yet my game collection has grown enormously this year... and I used to think nothing about spending 50 bux for a game that I might not even play.

Then again, thats when I had a job and now I dont so that makes a big difference as well. Its been real hard holding off on stuff like Kingdom Hearts II but I just KNOW that will price drop like a rock as a greatest hits soon...

I also foresee me purchasing Zelda and FFXII at full price just cos Ive waited so long for them. If its something that I have waited and wanted and longed for then 50 is still reasonable. Even though I have sooooo many games I have not even popped in or opened for that matter.... eh..... oh well. . Im hopelessly addicted.[/quote]
Final Fantasy XII and Zelda: TP are 2 games I definately wouldn't hesitate throwing down 100 bucks for. Some games are just worth paying full admission when everyone is excited and discussing the games right after release. I just got a 360 and I honestly think I'll only pay full price for 5 games (Gears of War, Halo 3, Mass Effect, and 2 more). Ironically I used to think Greatest Hits were AWESOME deals at $20. $15 is now my new "high" mark for any game (basically $20 with Best Buy Gamer Gift Card).
^ yeah under $15 for a decent game is the sweet spot.

i love CAG for informing me of the GGC, wonderful stuff. also the disgaea direct from atlus deal. the internet is powerful :)
bread's done