I told my girlfriend to move out

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But now I'm upset. I wouldn't say depressed, but I feel like shit. Nauseous, even. I didn't think I loved her, but now I'm second-guessing myself. Thinking about living without her seems bleak, quite lonely.

We've been living together for just about 1 year. 1 year in a few weeks.

I haven't treated her well lately. Since I pay for everything (rent, food, bills) and yet still feel like I do the majority of the housework, I've held some resentment for a while. She definitely feels it. She's been depressed for a while, months, longer than I've held the resentment, but I think I just make it worse. She says she's upset because she doesn't feel loved, and she thinks I hassle her too much about chores and contributions. Her view is that, since my parents help me financially and hers don't help her, that I should pay for everything and still do half the work -- she views chores as equally split, and the money as my parents (which a large part of the money is).

On my side of things, I mostly just can't take the stress. She's quite pessimistic, so aside from complaining about a ton of issues she also takes things negatively that aren't. For example, recently I bought steak and grilled it, then later that night she asked if I enjoyed it and I replied that it was okay but I don't really like steak much... she took it as me saying I only cooked it for her and that she was unappreciative. Just twisting events negatively. I Think the biggest issue is the housework, though. I feel like, for the most part, I clean up after her. Combined with what's financially provided, everything feels really one-sided, which gets really stressful when school gets tough. We're both in college, and were both working part-time until she quit a few weeks ago.

I have to admit, her quitting bugged me quite a bit. Her excuse for not contributing financially was that she didn't have the money -- yet she could afford to quit. Her excuse for not contributing with housework was lack of time -- yet after quitting nothing changed, except her having more free time (for computer/tv). Since then, I've probably been a little hard on her... refusing to pay for certain things, etc. It's just that I kind of want her to feel how expensive living on your own is so that she can understand just how much is provided for her.

Last night was the boiling point. Around 1 or 2 she went to an interview at Sears, she got the job and was upset that she did. She didn't want to work there, and only applied because her first choices wouldn't hire her. When she got home she was complaining about it quite a bit, I said she shouldn't have quit her first job, she got pissed and left... went see a movie with her ex-boyfriend and then bowl with him. This is a "friend" who, last time they hung out, was high and tried to get her to be physical with him. She calls around midnight to make sure I'm in the bedroom trying to sleep, then brings him over here and drinks with him until 3.

She always goes to a friend when really upset with me. She never talks to me about it, and if I bring it up at a later time she just gets pissed off and ends up leaving. So while they were her, I confront the guy and ask him what she tells him out us when she's pissed at me. My girlfriend, of course, gets pissed at me for it. It was only for about 5 minutes, then I went to sleep. Evidently afterward she just vented about being pissed at me for a while.

This morning, when I tried to talk to her about it, she just said she's going to "try to get out". She seemed upset that our relationship had come to this, regretful, yet had no sign of wanting to work on it. I think she believes she has tried to work on it. Lately, she HAS done more around the apartment... as much as I do. If it were financially equal, everything would be equal. The problem is, in this past week or so, when she's done more around the apartment, she's also treated me like shit. Even though she's done more, it's obvious she does so with resentment, even though what she's doing is just her half of the chores.

I definitely used to love her. I think. I don't know, I don't really know what love is, it's just what we feel when chemically addicted to a person. Biological impulse to stay with somebody. I thought I liked her and didn't love her now, but maybe I love her and don't like her, maybe both, maybe neither. To like somebody is to enjoy and admire who the person is, to love somebody is to enjoy the biological chemical reactions from instinct... equally confusing impulses. The one thing I'm certain about is that one part of me wants her to stay, while another part wants change and doesn't think change will happen so long as I'm living with her.

I think I'd appreciate her more, and show it more, if I didn't feel as if an unequal amount of responsibility is being placed on me. If she'd clean up after herself and do half of the chores, I don't think I ever would've shown resentment. That resentment is why I think she's been treating me like crap, and being more upset, feeling unwanted and unloved, and in turn holding resentment for me. In my mind, her fault for not doing her responsibilities, and in her mind it's my fault for... essentially, for letting it bug me. I guess more accurately would be for not showing I care.

She said she doesn't want to live with me, and I said I don't want her leeching off of me if she doesn't care about me. I think I probably want our relationship to work out more than she does, while, if anything, the ability to live here is the only thing keeping her tethered to me. It's obvious neither of us are happy with the current relationship, chores/money/apartment aside, but I think things can be worked through and I don't think she does.

I'm definitely being rational. I've taken bias into an account, and I think this is quite fair to the both of us. We're both flawed.

I don't expect helpful responses, I don't even expect you to read all of this. I just needed to vent, to type, to think. It's actually helped clear my head quite a bit. However, if you were board enough to read it and have advice/comments, let loose.
I didn't read the whole thing, but she brought her ex over and got drunk with him, while you were in the other room?


You just left the two of them together, and you know that he's tried to get physical with her before? I wouldn't even have let the asshole in my house.

Sometimes a break is good though to see what two people really want, and who knows, maybe she will change.
Wait wait wait wait.....you don't like steak much?

Close your account.

On really, that's a pretty heafty sized post you got yourself there so I'm gonna wait till more people weigh in so I can get the CAGNotes version of this epic tale of love lost and unappreciated grilled meats.
[quote name='JimmieMac']Wait wait wait wait.....you don't like steak much?

Close your account.

On really, that's a pretty heafty sized post you got yourself there so I'm gonna wait till more people weigh in so I can get the CAGNotes version of this epic tale of love lost and unappreciated grilled meats.[/QUOTE]

Here's what I don't get... he dosen't like steak much, but he still bought it and grilled it? I hate onions, but I'm not buying them and cooking them.
[quote name='JimmieMac']Wait wait wait wait.....you don't like steak much?

Close your account.

On really, that's a pretty heafty sized post you got yourself there so I'm gonna wait till more people weigh in so I can get the CAGNotes version of this epic tale of love lost and unappreciated grilled meats.[/QUOTE]Now, now. It's usually the case that people who dislike steak just haven't had good steak. Don't blame him because his stores stock crap beef.
Be happy you got of that relationship now. Simply having someone around to not be alone is not worth years of resentment and fake happiness.

Go play some of your favorite video games, relax, and go look for someone new when your ready.
Yeah, hearing all that, I don't blame you for kicking her out. Sounds like far too much trouble than it's worth.
[quote name='jmcc']Now, now. It's usually the case that people who dislike steak just haven't had good steak. Don't blame him because his stores stock crap beef.[/QUOTE]

In my case, I can't afford good steak. I bought them because she likes them and they were on sale for $4/lb.

Edit: Heh, just realized my sig... great quote, though.

Just curious, what do you guys think is the big problem here?

I know nobody really has to be at fault for a relationship not working out, but what, if different, could've saved things? Or do you guys just believe in things being meant to be or not meant to be?

Personally, I think all relationships require effort on both parts, I don't think two people can spend so much time together and never have their problems. In this case, it just feels like neither of us are willing to put forth that effort.
Just curious, what do you guys think is the big problem here?

I know nobody really has to be at fault for a relationship not working out, but what, if different, could've saved things? Or do you guys just believe in things being meant to be or not meant to be?

Personally, I think all relationships require effort on both parts, I don't think two people can spend so much time together and never have their problems. In this case, it just feels like neither of us are willing to put forth that effort.
Hey, I fucking don't like steak, get over yourselves :D.

Anyway, how old is this girl? Sounds like someone I dated a LONG time ago. And no, it can't possibly be her because she'd be, like, 37 now :D.

I think you made the right choice. I am married with 3 kids. I can't IMAGINE how much free time you guys have and if you are already having chore/responsibility issues, just wait till you have real jobs and KIDS! It would only get 10-fold worse. And if she isn't marriage material (or you aren't ready for that or whatever) then you should be dating someone fun - certainly doesn't sound like the case here.

You really shouldn't have those problems at that point in life, whether you are with someone you think you might marry or not. It comes up now, occasionally, with my wife (she thinks I don't watch the kids enough, I think she's a slob :D). But it certainly never came up when we were dating and even for the several years we lived together before having kids. When you have no kids you have SO MUCH fucking free time I can't see how it is possible to have these problems!

Edit - oh yeah, ther part about the ex-boyfriend over... Even if you can trust her and messing around is not an issue, it was a blatant (yet passive-aggressive) move on her part to bring him over while you were sleeping and drink the night away. Not cool in the slightest.
Resentment in a relationship = bad.
Resentment that she didn't like your meat = worse.

The boyfriend in the house set off alarms for me. Girls seem to think they can keep old boyfriends as friends, but it just breeds negative feelings all around, in my opinion.

Just do what feels right. If you don't see things ever changing, then now is the time to call things off.
[quote name='Koggit']Just curious, what do you guys think is the big problem here?[/quote]

Well, you can't go wrong with a ribeye. It's prime rib but cut into steaks. Get one of those, and since you're having a weeks worth of fat and cholesterol any how you might as well get some heavy cream, reduce it down in a sauce pan with some blue cheese chunks in. Pour that over the top, grill some portabella mushroom caps, or baby bellas since they're the same as porta's, just younger and maybe some corn and eat until you feel like you're insides are going to bust out, then, eat more.

The other garbage with the chick, dude, most everything in life can be summed up with the phrase "Man, fuck that bitch".
its good you got rid of her now, its almost impossible to deal with a person who everytime there is some sort of an argument runs away and doesnt talk. Ohh and if you are feeling so lonely right now get a puppy, that will give you some company when you are at home, plus its a great way to pick up chicks
mmm seems like u are p**y whipped. no guy would let her girlfriend hang with some dude after he tried to hit it. i would of knocked his ass out if he came over to my house especially if im knew he was hitting on my lady. grow some nuts boot her to the curve.
[quote name='4rapier']mmm seems like u are p**y whipped. no guy would let her girlfriend hang with some dude after he tried to hit it. i would of knocked his ass out if he came over to my house especially if im knew he was hitting on my lady. grow some nuts boot her to the curve.[/QUOTE]


I still can't believe you came out for five minutes, then went to sleep while your girlfriend and her ex were getting drunk, and you KNEW that he tried to get with her before when he got messed up.

It makes me think you don't care about her as much as you think, because if you did, you would have thrown that asshole out and set things straight.
1. Steak sucks.
2. Move on from your girlfriend. Most of the time I would say give things a week or two and see how you feel....but ya....she is one to move on from.
My question is .. you told us all of your feelings and anger about your situation with her but did you ever tell her? Or did you let all your anger build and build until this turn of events occured?
Stop being such a co-dependant baby, she was using you, and treating you like shit to boot. The fact you let that some of that shit even go on blows my mind. Don't be so insecure. You need to realize what's going to hurt the most is not having regular poon-tang, but who cares because there's a million vaginas out there. You'll find another one, trust me. Get over it, go lift some weights. Don't even focus on women for the next few months, learn more about yourself and who you are.

P.S. Don't talk to her, contact her, apologize for anything. You need to pretend she's dead, that she doesn't exsist. Live your own life, focus on making yourself stronger and stronger. Financially, physically, mentally. Let her ex-boyfriend pay her way from now on.
You did the right thing man. She was walking all over you no doubt about it.

There's an old saying about how the groundwork of a relationship is set up in the first month and it's true. Within that time period if you're doting on her, paying for all the dates, etc she's going to expect that forever. She was a moocher and you let her mooch but that's over now.

Go out, don't think about it, have hot drunken walrus sex with a fugly and move the fuck on.
If you lived with her for a year and you still weren't sure you loved her, then you don't. Find someone you can love who doesn't whore out to her ex boyfriend.

Also, in the future grow some balls. If a girlfriend ever gets drunk with an exboyfriend in your apartment again, ask him to leave, and if he doesn't, knock him the fuck out.
[quote name='cochesecochese']You did the right thing man. She was walking all over you no doubt about it.

There's an old saying about how the groundwork of a relationship is set up in the first month and it's true. Within that time period if you're doting on her, paying for all the dates, etc she's going to expect that forever. She was a moocher and you let her mooch but that's over now.

Go out, don't think about it, have hot drunken walrus sex with a fugly and move the fuck on.[/QUOTE]

Thats dead on. However you start a relationship may not be how it ends....but it will be how you expect eachother to act. I spoiled the hell out of my fiancee at first very stupidly......she got accustomed to it and started acting like a spoiled brat and we almost broke up because of it. I wont give you the advice you will hear from most of the jackasses online and say to treat a woman like shit, but you cant let her walk all over you either nor let her make all the descions. I still open the car door for my fiancee and I wait for her to sit before I sit most of the time....I just don't let her pick all the resteraunts we eat at, what we watch on TV or fuss over her.

Edit - I should add that goes for woman too. My girl like most put out constantly at first, but as time went on wanted sex less and less. This is a common problem in relationships. Guys have to remember to treat girls well, but girls need to remember guys have needs and if you satisfy them constantly at first....they are gonna be pissed when you stop.
[quote name='MSI Magus']My girl like most put out constantly at first, but as time went on wanted sex less and less. This is a common problem in relationships.[/quote]

If you knew how to fu(k her right then it wouldn't be a problem.

Chicks put out less and less because their "man" doesn't know how to lay the pipe right and it's not worth messing up their hair for.
[quote name='JimmieMac']If you knew how to fu(k her right then it wouldn't be a problem.

Chicks put out less and less because their "man" doesn't know how to lay the pipe right and it's not worth messing up their hair for.[/quote]

You are the smartest man alive!

EDIT: reminds me of this (NSFW, it's the Diceman) http://www.angelfire.com/dc/diceman/audio/ramfiles/checklist.ram

You do the same old thing every time, she's bound to look for something new
I don't really see what the big deal about steak is. I just use it as an excuse to have A1. I'd chug a bottle of that stuff if I had one right now.
[quote name='sevdustflyer']I don't really see what the big deal about steak is. I just use it as an excuse to have A1. I'd chug a bottle of that stuff if I had one right now.[/quote]

Aye. I'll take veal chops or ostrich any day of the week over steak.
i cant believe you went to sleep while she drank with that dude.....
i would have knocked him out and thrown his limp body to the curb with your girlfriend.
Well, I didnt read all the replies, but based off your post alone, you should have dropped her ass a long time ago. Don't hope it works out- hope you never have to deal with the leeching cow again.
why do people feel the need to stay in bad relationships? is tension and resentment really better than being single? how do people expect to have a healthy relationship without communication?

on that note, you made the right decision. in fact, i've got 5 bucks that says she comes back begging for a second chance within the next month. girls like that always do when they realized they fucked up the best thing they ever had going for them (in this case, a free ride and guy that probably cared.)

my tips for better steak: buy the better cuts like jimmie said, and marinade. a tough piece of steak can be made tasty and tender with marinade and cooking it right, or a premium cut can be screwed up and made inedible without proper prep. also, if you like it juicy, do not cut it open to check if it's ready. learn to tell if it's done by touch.
The problem is you were playing house with someone you "think maybe" you loved. Dude, not a good idea. Either it's a roommate situation or it's a very serious committment, not an experiment.

That being said, you saw many of her flaws: laziness, vindictiveness, etc. She's way too immature to be in a living together kind of relationship. I understand you're sad and you need to grieve the relationship, but let it go. Now.
I just thought of something!

If you dump her (I think you have... I didn't read the OP because I'm lazy) you should post hot nude XXX pics boobs. With lots of porn.
Well I have to say that once your turn your back don't look back. From experience it's just best not to go back. Sure it may be all good at the beginning, but things end up right back as they were before. It will not change unless you can accept the fact that she is lazy and dependent, and she accepts who you are. You may feel depressed and regretful of what you did for awhile, but just don't ever go back.

I know there are two sides to every story, but if you expect your partner to be a certain way, and they aren't, it's time to move on. You will eventually find someone that fits what you want in a partner. You may not even have to find the person, the person may come to you. That is what happened to me.

But the only good thing about moving on from past relationships, is that you learn what to look out for in the future. If my partner ever starts acting weird and closes communication with me, he is gone. It's just not worth the time to keep thinking and waiting that things will work out. My parents always sad you can't change a man, and they are right.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']...P.S. Don't talk to her, contact her, apologize for anything. You need to pretend she's dead, that she doesn't exsist. Live your own life, focus on making yourself stronger and stronger. Financially, physically, mentally. Let her ex-boyfriend pay her way from now on.[/quote]

This man speak'ith the truth!

Congrats on kicking the bitch out. You saved yourself money and aggrivation. Think of women like cars; They cost you a bunch, they are high maintenace, & thier tailpipe is for exhaust only. :D
[quote name='CappyCobra']This man speak'ith the truth!

Congrats on kicking the bitch out. You saved yourself money and aggrivation. Think of women like cars; They cost you a bunch, they are high maintenace, & thier tailpipe is for exhaust only. :D[/quote]

Also, they both work better when you hit them.
[quote name='Beana Blasta']fuck it dude, go bowling[/quote]
...and to a movie... and drinking... with an Ex.... :lol:
Bottom line even if she did exactly half of everything how could u allow a female to live with you and go out late hanging out with her ex bf that trys to get up on her?
And he has the nerve to come to ur house?? Why not take that opertunity to walk in the room with a large kitchen knife look at him and say 'hunny theres a prowler in the house...'walk towards him' hes talking in spanish I cant undersatnd what hes saying 'walks towards him again' Im going to stab the prowler hunny.

At this point he should be gone and u wont have to deal with him anymore.

Do not let this woman back in ur life she doesnt put herself first she doesnt put you first she puts her friend first think about that deeply.
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