Icewind Dale 2 Collectors Edition


CAG Veteran
Howdy all,
I'm looking to find a copy of Icewind Dale 2 Collectors edition to finish off my collection of Black Isle Interplay games. The only place I ever saw it was in Interplay's online store. Does anyone know where I could buy one complete from or would be willing to sell me a copy? I've hit ebay and online everywhere and have come up empty so any leads or help to find a copy would be much apprecated. Thanks for any help you can give!

I think I'm thinking of the wrong collection, but there's a collection with Icewind Dale, ID2, strategy guides for both games, and I think the Hearts of Winter expansion.

You're NOT looking for this one, rite?
Sweet, what's this collector's package include?

(Note to OP: No, don't worry about me fighting for the ebay bid should you decide to pursue it, I'm concentrating my money elsewhere for now ;) )
The collectors edition had a ton of stuff in it. A list of the stuff can be found here . Thanks by the way for posting the ebay auction by the way. I got way hosed on the price on it but it was still sealed so I don't feel so bad. Someone once told me they saw it sold in some retail stores. So if anyone ever sees a copy please let me know. Happy new year all!

bread's done