If I Ran the Gaming Industry...


150 (99%)
Here is an article that goes over somethings that need to change in the gaming industry. I agree with all but here are two that really bother me mentined in the article, No more new sports game every year and lower game prices. With the new online community, we should be able to download new yearly rosters and players instead of buying it year in and year out without any real difference in game play. If you ran the gaming industry what would you change?
that link doesnt work..

but if i ran the gaming industry one thing i would most definatly do is stop the summer game drought. I wish more great games would come out in the summer, when its hot and on my days off i wanna sit inside my house and relax. Another thing i would love to see is systems come out with better launch titles. I know this is a little unrealistic because the fact of the matter is when a system is new its hard for developers to make quality games for it, but i think if consoles didnt rush to launch so much maybe developers would have time to make good games to launch with the systems, which would boost launch sales and everyone wins. I also hate how with recent gen systems launch systems always break down, another thing that could be solved if the big 3 held back their systems a little more waiting untill they are really ready to be shipped.
Link doesnt work.

I agree with whats been said so far tho.

Another thing I would change is no more rushing incomplete, glitchy games out the door to meet some abritrary release date. Even if it means missing the magical 'holiday window', or the release date of the associated movie.

Games should only be released when they are done. Look at Nintendo first party, and Blizzard. Two companies notorious for delaying games. Also two companies known for making great games and making lots of money.
[quote name='Sonichigh']Here is an article that goes over somethings that need to change in the gaming industry. I agree with all but here are two that really bother me mentined in the article, No more new sports game every year and lower game prices. With the new online community, we should be able to download new yearly rosters and players instead of buying it year in and year out without any real difference in game play. If you ran the gaming industry what would you change?[/quote]

magazines and gaming sites found giving games ricidulously high scores either for pay or for special treatment will be banned from reviewing games or shunned or something.

movie based games that are obviously done to milk the franchise to make more money cant charge more than 5 to 10 bucks per game depending on the games quality and playability. and not just movie based games either all games should be held to that standard where quality decides how much you can charge.

and id do away with micro transactions alltogether i hate the idea of them charging money for things that should be free and at one point were free. its one thign to charge for new levels and such but for some of those things they sell are stupid and not worth the money. id force the console companies and the game manufacturers to set one basic fair price for things.

id also require a 2 to 3 year space between the releasing of sports games so that they can take the time to actually put in the work and make games that truly have outstanding improvements instead of slight upgrades here and there. if a company does that then they should have to sell the game at a lower price. and id make it where companies cant buy rights to sports leagues so we can have more diversity and competition in the sports games genre. and again if you only want to do slight upgrades then do it via micro transactions that are fairly priced.

the biggest thing is id hold game stores and parents responsible for buying underaged kids mature and adult games. im so sick of older gamers havign to get screwed cause some lazy parent didnt take the time to read the front and back of the damn box and likewise id hold stores responsible for enforcing this rule. if parents want to buy the games they have to sign a waiver sayign they will accept the responsibility for any stupid things their kids do in trying to mimic the game that way we can do away with the stupid lawsuits.

and id push for more mature and adult games and id liek to see certain games liscenses move around more so we can see how diff companies would do them .
Well, being an accountant, in my line of work, we always run into artificial deadlines. They are part of the real world. You can really blame Wall Street for that, analysts freak out if you miss a quarterly estimate by a very small percentage. So, sometimes, companies need to release games that are glitchy. It's part of life. I can live with that.

But, companies should be forced to patch these games and quickly. If new levels were rushed out, they should be added in later, for free.

Microtransactions, I'm not sure about. Some games (like Oblivion) give you tons of game in the initial package. I think it would be really hard to claim you are really cheated from the game if you don't add on for additional money. But, other games (nothing is coming to mind) ship with items ready to buy out of the box. That, I have an issue with. Though, I think consumers hold the power there (along with reviewers, to a lesser extent). Don't buy games with microtransactions on them right out of the box. And, never pay for those extras.

I think the real issue here is that levels and extras were often cut out of games as they neared release. Previously, these levels either became part of the sequal or were just forgotten. Now, they are finished up after the fact and sold. Really, it's somethiong extra you would never have gotten before, but now it feels like you are being double charged.
bread's done