if my son wins contest

Voted, gotta love the Doctor!

EDIT: Jordan Siegel was the name i liked under

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*Edit November 19th*
Well I unliked the pic after finding out this was a scam/fake?

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O  yea and I don't mean to look a gift horse here, but would you edit the 1st post for a prize amount?  Just a nit pick red flag I have, if I don't know what the prize is .

So its 2 hrs before contest ends and my son is in the lead by at least 50 votes. Thank you all for your help. Just gotta ride out the last two hours.
So he won by a landslide. I will pick the winner, at random, today and will contact via pm.

thank you all for helping to create a happy 5 yr old get some free toys.
willynateDgreat is the winner and has been notified by PM.  Thank you once again for helping this happen.

bread's done