If you bought a PS3 bundle from amazon get ready to be disappointed

To make things easier for all of us, I will link screen shots in case you want to send them to Amazon.

Before I do, this is an official post on the PlayStation blog. This particular post even says that Amazon is including GOTY Uncharted 2 with their bundle. Check out the post here.

There are more screen shots you can use from this thread. Discussion pertaining to the GOTY-less bundle error goes up to page 287.

Some people have been partially refunded after numerous calls to Amazon. This is in the same thread at page 400. Be sure to peruse through a few pages behind and in front of it as well.
[quote name='spiderman4657']
Edited Version for legal purposes **** = Representative[/QUOTE]

What is the legal issue with posting their name? Just curious never heard of it.
[quote name='bg2001']What is the legal issue with posting their name? Just curious never heard of it.[/QUOTE]

There isn't a legal issue. He could've posted the name, especially since it's only a first name anyway. But even if it had been a first and last name, there wouldn't have been an issue.
Posted this in the other thread, reposting here:

To anyone who contacted CS and wasn't satisfied: Make sure you reply to the automatic followup email asking you for your opinion. If you're not satisfied about something, let them know it in the comments section (make sure to describe your situation so that they know what you're talking about), because maybe it will help us get something better out of this- if there is another "mystery email" that's going to go out soon, the feedback will help them understand how we feel and then they can act accordingly in the next email...

As for me, after two emails and one phone call, all I got to show for it is basically the $10 pre-order promo credit (for a bunch of games that I'm not even interested in). I'm not happy, so I know how I'm going to respond to the follow up email.
Posted in the other thread, but might as well post here. I called twice yesterday. First person didn't help at all, the second gave me a $35 credit for future purchases.
[quote name='spiderman4657']Well after I sent them a email raging for basically 5 minutes. They sent me a refund for the difference 39 bucks.[/QUOTE]

Where exactly did you send the email (which "Contact Us" categories did you pick from the dropdown menus)?

I'm wondering if maybe it matters what place your email gets sent to? Is there a proper email address we can write to from our own email account, without it being a generic "contact us" type submission on the website?
I got a 30 dollar credit for anything on the site. That, plus the 10 pre-order credit seems reasonable to me, since I was planning on buying LB2 anyway.

I had to contact them twice--once by email and once by phone. The initial email response was absurd; the rep. told me to contact Sony. Ridiculous. So I called this morning and the rep. gave me a 30 dollar credit w/o any hassle. Nice chap. Emphasize that the bundle was missing not just the game, but the 35 dollar bonus credit as well.
Hmm, hope I don't have to call, I really don't feel like it when there's no reason their reps shouldn't be able to read my email before slapping on a form letter. I got the one about contacting Sony, too. I would like either the GotY version (and happy to send back the standard version afterward) or some credit for the $35 of extras. I don't really see why they are giving some people 20% off the whole bundle and other people nothing, and still others something in between. They really ought to have just offered a replacement game or a credit for the amount of the game, across the board for everyone.
just tried the chat CS for the third time and managed to get 20% off my order. the rep first wanted me to return it, but i said i wanted to keep the ps3, then i asked for a partial refund. they initially offered 10% but i told them my friend got 20% and that's what i got. good luck to the rest of you, definitely worth it to try if you don't feel satisfied. i already had the regular version of uncharted 2 so getting the same game was a real disappointment, especially since there were other bundles.
Here is my second chat with Amazon. I have already called twice already and the same response was to check your e-mail for the $10.00 useless credit for pre-orders.

I was offered an additional $10.00 that would be added to my account. I declined said offer.

You are now connected to **** from Amazon.com.

****: Hi, my name is ****. I'll be happy to help you today.
Me: Hello there. How are you?
**** : I'm good. I'm sorry for the inconvenience and we have sent all our customers $10 promotional codes to compensate this error.
Me: The response to this error disappointed me. The pre-order credit is only for a paltry list of games. I would like to turn down said offer.
****: I'm so sorry for that I'd request you to return the wrong item for a full refund.
Me: The main draw for choosing Amazon over other vendors was that the bundle included the Game of the Year Edition version of Uncharted 2. I would prefer not to return the whole bundle as I waited a long time for a bundle with great content. Instead, could I be partially refunded?
Me: It would be a huge inconvenience for me to return the whole bundle. Is it possible to work out something?
****: I do understand that it is an inconvenience but I'm so sorry but we'll not be able to refund you partially.
****: Your chat has been idle for 3 minutes. If I don't receive a response within 2 minutes, I'll need to close the chat.
Me: Is it possible to request credit to make up for the lack of a Game of the Year Edition version of Uncharted 2.
****: I'm so sorry but we have compensated all our customers for this unexpected error. As a token of good will I can try apply another $10 promotional credit to your account. Will that be okay with you?
Me: Some of my friends with this same problem have gotten at least $35.00 (the additional value of the content in the Game of the Year Edition version of Uncharted 2) credit.
****: I'm so sorry but this will be the best I can do for you.
Me: I understand that it is a mistake on Amazon's part but I can not accept the $10 promotional credit you have offered. The originally advertised game (Game of the Year Edition version of Uncharted 2) in the bundle includes additional content valued at $35.00.
****: It is against our standard policies to credit the account with an invalid credit. Please let me know if there's anything else I can help you with today?
Me: No, that will be all. Still, thank you for everything you have done. This is the most disappointing and frustrating order from Amazon I have experienced. After this one order, I am so upset at this mishap that I am really thinking twice about using Amazon in the future.
****: I'm sorry for this disappointment. However Thanks for visiting Amazon.com. Have a nice day! Happy holidays.
I had a much more pleasant time with my rep. They offered to refund me the cost of the regular edition($59.99 as of this time) so I could buy the GOTY edition. don't give up till you find a rep that's helpful.
Yeah don't give up but you HAVE to talk with a supervisor. The first rep either won't or can't do much to help you.

I was nice to a supervisor, explained the situation and how I felt ripped off, how I got up at 2am to get it when I could have gone to wal-mart, that the other game has additional content worth 35 dollars, and that I thought 40 in credit was fair for the difference in the content and the hassle.

She refunded 50 to my debit card instead.

All the frustrations went away when a nice manager offered me two choices to resolve this issue: a partial refund or an exchange for the GOTY.

I chose the partial refund: $80.00 credited back to my credit card in two to three days.

The key steps are:

1. Keep going at it. This is very frustrating for me since this is my first bad experience with Amazon.
2. When you think the call is at the end with the first representative, kindly ask for a MANAGER.
3. Kindly and calmly explain your situation like bg2001 did.
4. Remember, yelling at the people on the phone will not make this better. They are not at fault.

I told the manager that I could have went to other vendors but chose Amazon because of the GOTY included with the bundle. Let them know that you are disappointed when you opened the box. You expected GOTY but received non-GOTY.

As you can probably tell, everyone's resolution is all over the place with varying amounts. The key thing is to keep at it.

The nice manager did not know how much I really appreciated the offers. It really made my day.
[quote name='Trueblade']All the frustrations went away when a nice manager offered me two choices to resolve this issue: a partial refund or an exchange for the GOTY.

I chose the partial refund: $80.00 credited back to my credit card in two to three days.

The key steps are:

1. Keep going at it. This is very frustrating for me since this is my first bad experience with Amazon.
2. When you think the call is at the end with the first representative, kindly ask for a MANAGER.
3. Kindly and calmly explain your situation like bg2001 did.
4. Remember, yelling at the people on the phone will not make this better. They are not at fault.

I told the manager that I could have went to other vendors but chose Amazon because of the GOTY included with the bundle. Let them know that you are disappointed when you opened the box. You expected GOTY but received non-GOTY.

As you can probably tell, everyone's resolution is all over the place with varying amounts. The key thing is to keep at it.

The nice manager did not know how much I really appreciated the offers. It really made my day.[/QUOTE]

Makes me wanna call back and ask for a little more. I'll wait and see if they offer any concessions tomorrow or Friday and then call back then.
Wow, an $80 partial refund is about the best deal so far. I'm happy that I got a GOTY copy on the way and I hope everyone else in this boat can have a similar experience.
I'm a bit surprised that they've yet to come to a formal refund for everyone yet. We all know it was a mistake but it was essentially bait and switch and that's not acceptable, and I'm sure someone higher in the company is aware of this by now. Perhaps they're trying to hold out for people that haven't caught on...
I'd be happy with the DLC codes or whatever it costs to get a copy of the GOTY edition. I'd love to get an 80 dollar concession but I don't think I'm that lucky.
I would have thought the easiest option is to give everyone $35 in PSN "cash" to buy the downloadable content for GOTY or whatever else they wanted to.
[quote name='Trueblade']3. Kindly and calmly explain your situation like bg2001 did.
4. Remember, yelling at the people on the phone will not make this better. They are not at fault.[/QUOTE]
:applause:THIS is the proper response, not 'zomg I'M OWED SUCH AND SUCH'. If you give them an attitude on the phone and think that you're owed the world for an obvious error in their ad, then you will likely get NOTHING.

Act like an entitled asshole on the phone to the CSR and/or their manager and you'll get treated like the asshole you are being.;)
[quote name='Guerrilla']I'm a bit surprised that they've yet to come to a formal refund for everyone yet. We all know it was a mistake but it was essentially bait and switch and that's not acceptable, and I'm sure someone higher in the company is aware of this by now. Perhaps they're trying to hold out for people that haven't caught on...[/QUOTE]
Yet again, the misuse of the term 'bait and switch'. Bait and switch is when a company/store offers a product for a cheaper price and then says they're 'out of stock' of that one and then offers another similar product at a higher price. The bait part being that they got you to come into the store for X item and the switch they're trying to get you to buy Y item by saying the first one is out of stock or otherwise unavailable.

Nowhere has Amazon said that item is unavailable, but rather that it was an error with their ad.

In the case of this bundle deal it was a simple error in the ad where someone placed a copy of the GOTY edition of Uncharted 2 in where the standard edition should have been. Should they honor it? Sure. But only if people are nice and don't act like entitled assholes.

There are far too many people on both threads relating to this that are demanding more than the price of the game in compensation just because 'someone else got offered that'. Did you think that perhaps maybe they weren't shooting off emails every half second to Amazon and using words like 'compensated for my time' and so on?

Be nice and you'll get a decent resolution. Be an asshole and you'll likely only get the $10 pre-order credit thing. Simple as that.
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[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']
Be nice and you'll get a decent resolution. Be an asshole and you'll likely only get the $10 pre-order credit thing. Simple as that.[/QUOTE]
I agree it's pretty crazy to expect $60 back over a game mixup worth a decent chunk less than that. But I try to be really nice to CSRs, and I only asked to exchange my game for the GotY edition or to get $25 credit. (To equal the $35 in missing content, after the promo coupon for pre-orders, which I did use.) No deal. I don't even want a crazy refund, or think I should get one. I get that it was a mistake. But I'm still sad not to have the right version of the game with the extras, and disappointed at how inconsistent they're being with their resolutions.


I recently ordered the 160GB Playstation 3 bundle when it was advertised as including the Game of the Year version of Uncharted 2 and as you're aware, it was mislabeled and corrected AFTER many people bought it. Personally, if I knew it was the regular version, I would've ordered the bundle from Gamestop. An email was recently sent out acknowledging the mistake and giving us $10 credit towards the pre-order of a set list of games which I don't really think is fair. First of all, I never buy new games so the pre-order bonus does nothing for me. Secondly, I'm now forced to buy all the downloadable content that should've been included in the bundle in the first place and that adds up to about $35.

I hope I'm not being rude, but I just wanted to point out how unfair the compensation is.



I've reviewed our previous correspondence and your order. I understand you're concerned about your recent order for the PS3 160 GB Black Friday Bundle.

As mentioned earlier, we’ve discovered an error which displayed Uncharted 2 Game of the Year edition as part of the offer where the offer should have displayed Uncharted 2 Standard Edition.

To help make up for any disappointment, we’ve already offered you a $10 promotional code to apply towards the pre-order of any of the titles on this page:


I'm so sorry, but we can't offer any additional insight or action on this matter.

We appreciate your business and hope to see you again soon.

Thank you for your recent inquiry. Did I solve your problem?

If yes, please click here:

If no, please click here:

[quote name='racheling']I agree it's pretty crazy to expect $60 back over a game mixup worth a decent chunk less than that. But I try to be really nice to CSRs, and I only asked to exchange my game for the GotY edition or to get $25 credit. (To equal the $35 in missing content, after the promo coupon for pre-orders, which I did use.) No deal. I don't even want a crazy refund, or think I should get one. I get that it was a mistake. But I'm still sad not to have the right version of the game with the extras, and disappointed at how inconsistent they're being with their resolutions.[/QUOTE]
I can definitely understand just wanting an exchange and that should've been the first thing offered, but folks are reading too much into the '$35 in extra content' thing. Especially if they don't plan on playing a ton of the online multiplayer, since that's what a bulk of the codes included in the GOTY edition are for.

They're pretty worthless too(skins, etc), so it's not like it's such a big loss.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I can definitely understand just wanting an exchange and that should've been the first thing offered, but folks are reading too much into the '$35 in extra content' thing. Especially if they don't plan on playing a ton of the online multiplayer, since that's what a bulk of the codes included in the GOTY edition are for.

They're pretty worthless too(skins, etc), so it's not like it's such a big loss.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I'm sure some people wouldn't actually care about the bonus content. I do like skins and things like that though, heh. Ah well, I've got my shiny new ps3 to play with, it's all good I guess. :whee:
[quote name='racheling']Yeah, I'm sure some people wouldn't actually care about the bonus content. I do like skins and things like that though, heh. Ah well, I've got my shiny new ps3 to play with, it's all good I guess. :whee:[/QUOTE]
But the skins are only good in multiplayer, thus worthless in the single player game and they're really worth nowhere near the $35 arbitrary amount ND/Sony slapped on the cover.:razz:

But I can definitely understand the wanting to get the advertised item, just not the 'omg they should give me ALL of the compensation that I'm seeing other people getting on here'. The best solution would have been to swap out people's vanilla U2 copies for the GOTY ones, but since it was an obvious error in the ad Amazon is trying to make up for it somehow.

But it just seems like some are getting too greedy and expecting the world for what is essentially nothing.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']But the skins are only good in multiplayer, thus worthless in the single player game and they're really worth nowhere near the $35 arbitrary amount ND/Sony slapped on the cover.:razz:

But I can definitely understand the wanting to get the advertised item, just not the 'omg they should give me ALL of the compensation that I'm seeing other people getting on here'. The best solution would have been to swap out people's vanilla U2 copies for the GOTY ones, but since it was an obvious error in the ad Amazon is trying to make up for it somehow.

But it just seems like some are getting too greedy and expecting the world for what is essentially nothing.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I get what you're saying, though if it costs that much to get all the extras, I guess they're still technically "worth" the stated amount, regardless of whether someone would have spent $35 extra to get them or not. But it's true that a lot of extra content is stuff people don't care about in general, and is mainly there to make the newer edition look all shiny. I do think this thing has gotten a little nuts, but at the same time I understand the desire to ask for what other people have gotten, even though I didn't ask for a refund. I wouldn't have even thought to ask for a refund to be honest, I didn't even know they did that sort of thing, and certainly wouldn't have thought for more than the value of the game if they'd just decided to replace it. Who knows?

But 99% of my experience with Amazon has been great, no problems, etc. I can deal with an issue now and then. And despite what some people are saying now, the bundle was a really nice deal, IMO. After using the gaming credit and $10 pre-order coupon, I've spent $325 total for the bundle plus Little Big Planet GotY and a pre-order of ICO/Shadow of the Colossus.
[quote name='racheling']Yeah, I get what you're saying, though if it costs that much to get all the extras, I guess they're still technically "worth" the stated amount, regardless of whether someone would have spent $35 extra to get them or not. But it's true that a lot of extra content is stuff people don't care about in general, and is mainly there to make the newer edition look all shiny. I do think this thing has gotten a little nuts, but at the same time I understand the desire to ask for what other people have gotten, even though I didn't ask for a refund. I wouldn't have even thought to ask for a refund to be honest, I didn't even know they did that sort of thing, and certainly wouldn't have thought for more than the value of the game if they'd just decided to replace it. Who knows?

But 99% of my experience with Amazon has been great, no problems, etc. I can deal with an issue now and then. And despite what some people are saying now, the bundle was a really nice deal, IMO. After using the gaming credit and $10 pre-order coupon, I've spent $325 total for the bundle plus Little Big Planet GotY and a pre-order of ICO/Shadow of the Colossus.[/QUOTE]

I cant decide if i want to preorder ico or killzone 3
[quote name='SpartenOmega117']the C.R. told me that the email is suppose to be coming out tonight, not friday[/QUOTE]

Anyone get an email yet?

Finally got a $35 credit back to my c/c, after talking to a rep then asking to speak to his manager (basically, I followed Trueblade's excellent advice posted above). I was expecting the GOTY edition. This was all about making it good. Now, I'm finally satisfied at the outcome.

Good luck to anyone else who is still contacting them. Do yourself a favor, listen to that advice in post #66.
[quote name='TraBuch']Me:


I recently ordered the 160GB Playstation 3 bundle when it was advertised as including the Game of the Year version of Uncharted 2 and as you're aware, it was mislabeled and corrected AFTER many people bought it. Personally, if I knew it was the regular version, I would've ordered the bundle from Gamestop. An email was recently sent out acknowledging the mistake and giving us $10 credit towards the pre-order of a set list of games which I don't really think is fair. First of all, I never buy new games so the pre-order bonus does nothing for me. Secondly, I'm now forced to buy all the downloadable content that should've been included in the bundle in the first place and that adds up to about $35.

I hope I'm not being rude, but I just wanted to point out how unfair the compensation is.



I've reviewed our previous correspondence and your order. I understand you're concerned about your recent order for the PS3 160 GB Black Friday Bundle.

As mentioned earlier, we’ve discovered an error which displayed Uncharted 2 Game of the Year edition as part of the offer where the offer should have displayed Uncharted 2 Standard Edition.

To help make up for any disappointment, we’ve already offered you a $10 promotional code to apply towards the pre-order of any of the titles on this page:


I'm so sorry, but we can't offer any additional insight or action on this matter.

We appreciate your business and hope to see you again soon.

Thank you for your recent inquiry. Did I solve your problem?

If yes, please click here:

If no, please click here:


You'd be surprised how well clicking no on those emails works. I did it back during the ODST price-drop fiasco and was taken care of very quickly afterwards.
Man, this sucks. I just off the phone with customer service (5th attempt) and the manager kept saying "the $10 credit is all we will be offering" while I was talking.

I guess Amazon is getting big enough that they don't care if they falsely advertise products. I'll see if I can avoid buying from them from now on.
I got my free copy of Uncharted 2: GOTY in the mail today. Wish all of you guys who are getting bupkis so far get this resolved as well like how some of us have.
I e-mailed them politely and got a $10 promotional credit on any product, which is all I asked for and what I thought was fair compensation given the circumstances. I told them I was annoyed with the limitations of the other offer and the fact that they offered no alternatives in terms of getting the correct game.

I also received a damaged packaging of Gran Turismo 5, with the box basically cut in half during shipping, along with the insert within the box. They took care of that problem fairly as well.
My refund showed up in my list of credit card transactions and I am a happy camper. For those who still have this ongoing issue, you just have to keep at it.
Just a note for those that received a refund, don't forget that your $10 pre-order code still works.
so when do you guys suppose this "friday" email response to come out. do you guys noticed that amazon removed the picture completely from their site.

my ps3 bf bundle came in yesterday, but i didn't even open it. i'm almost 90% certain that I'm returning it (unless they have some insane reconciliation to make up for this mess in that email) since I picked up the lightning deal ps3 family bundle + $50 credit.

i'm certain this will end up in warehouse deals. amazon already opened the box just to put the bf bundle stuff inside.
Do you guys even think there is going to be another mail now, wasn't something supposedly being sent wednesday night? I'm curious how many people have contacted them about the GOTY issue ( has there been enough people that they feel they need to address it even after all of us called/emailed them?)
I only got a $10 credit after several emails. One customer rep even set up a ups pickup of my bundle without my consent when all I requested was send me uc2 goty and I'll send the still sealed uc2 back to them. Absolutely horrible. Anyway, this is probably going to be the last time I'm buying any big ticket item from Amazon.
[quote name='cloretsfresh'] One customer rep even set up a ups pickup of my bundle without my consent[/QUOTE]

You know what, I think one of the replies to my multiple emails was that the rep set up some kind of return of my bundle (instead of a credit like I wanted). I just ignored the email but I guess I need to read it again properly.

So did the UPS guy show up at your place, and if so what did you tell him? Refuse the pickup?
[quote name='CENNY']You know what, I think one of the replies to my multiple emails was that the rep set up some kind of return of my bundle (instead of a credit like I wanted). I just ignored the email but I guess I need to read it again properly.

So did the UPS guy show up at your place, and if so what did you tell him? Refuse the pickup?[/QUOTE]
According to UPS's tracking system, they did attempt to pick up my package. I was at work so I never saw the UPS guy. Anyway, I called UPS about this and they told me to either leave a note saying there's nothing to pickup or tell the ups guy in person that there's no package to pickup.

Even though Amazon arranged this, they told me it's not possible for them to cancel the pickup yet UPS insists that amazon can cancel this..Go figure.
the uncharted 2 standard game is probably useless to them since it has no upc. i don't think there will be another email, they already removed the picture.

i think at this point, amazon has been more than gracious enough to offer people who contacted them $20-80 in concessions and keeping the standard uncharted 2. they rather have you return the ps3 bundle back to them, then offer more on an already sweet bundle.
[quote name='cloretsfresh']According to UPS's tracking system, they did attempt to pick up my package. I was at work so I never saw the UPS guy. Anyway, I called UPS about this and they told me to either leave a note saying there's nothing to pickup or tell the ups guy in person that there's no package to pickup.

Even though Amazon arranged this, they told me it's not possible for them to cancel the pickup yet UPS insists that amazon can cancel this..Go figure.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, if the UPS guy does comes round I know what to tell him.
Wow amazon just processed a refund of 250 dollars for my ps3 bundle. It was a huge mistake on behalf of the representative, we put that the item was not received Im very confused on how this happened. If I my ethical standards weren't so high I would take them. But obviously, I can't I emailed them saying that I didn't request a refund since I received the item, and recommended that they monitor their refunds more closely.
[quote name='spiderman4657']Wow amazon just processed a refund of 250 dollars for my ps3 bundle. It was a huge mistake on behalf of the representative, we put that the item was not received Im very confused on how this happened. If I my ethical standards weren't so high I would take them. But obviously, I can't I emailed them saying that I didn't request a refund since I received the item, and recommended that they monitor their refunds more closely.[/QUOTE]
Well done! It's refreshing to read these types of posts rather than the one's about people bragging how they ripped off company x.
I got a code as well. I'm glad Amazon came through on this. BTW, anyone know how to check your promotional balance? I can only think of trying to check out with something.
bread's done