If you had a band, what would you call it?


Dick Tracy

If you had a band, what would you call it? Why?

... or if you have a band, what do you call it? Why?

I've had many band name ideas over the years. One of the funnier ones is The Gays. I came up with it when I was in my 7th grade science class, flipping through a 1970s Wellness book -- you know, the ones with the really shitty illustrations?

Well, one of the illustrations was of a band playing. Really '70s looking kids, too. Anyway, on the bass drum (where bands usually have the name of the band scrolled across), someone wrote "THE GAYS" on it. I've rarely laughed as hard as I did that day -- then again, my sense of humor is a bit off.

I wouldn't use that name if I were embarking upon a serious musical effort -- it sounds more like a punk band or ska band, or whatever... And, yes; I'm aware that there is a band called "The Fags". They don't count, though, as they're terrible. ;o

What would I call a serious band..?

I'll post some more later.
Metal band- Skulldust
Emo- Kayla Goes Crash
Punk- Awkward Weiner
Swing/Ska- The Tight Fitting Lids
Rapper Pseudonym- Milkbone

Just a few that I've been thinking of.... :)
We're no longer called Sonic Death Monkey. We're on the verge of becoming Kathleen Turner Overdrive, but just for tonight, we are Barry Jive and his Uptown Five.

3 of the best band names ever.
[quote name='robdees']Emo- Kayla Goes Crash[/QUOTE]

Hahaha. Emo band names seem to follow that formula.

Let me see if I got one...

A Knife to Elise

A suicide reference, my exgirlfriend's name and a "The Cure" reference. SO EMO!
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Naked Aggression[/QUOTE]

Been Done.

[quote name='ajh2298']Kathleen Turner Overdrive[/QUOTE]

Been Done.


Sack of Shit.
The Sally Jesse Ventura Orchestra.
Hell Toupee.
I always thought that Nemesis Enforcer would be a decent hardcore band name, and is my favorite member of cobra-la.
Poontang Trolley.
Tiger Uppercut.

When I was in high school, I think my friends and I came up with roughly 3000 different dumbass ska band names; at the moment, the Bill Skasby Ensemble is the only one I can manage to recall.

Oh, and if I were to name an emo band? Kick My fuckin' Ass.
my former rock bands:
R.O.C.K M.U.S.I.C.
audio slave ( this was 8-10 months before the other guys)
the velvet tongues
nude homicide in the fastlane
cannabis suicide teenage japanese girls
and of course the band im in now- Antonio y sus Guerreros de La Frontera
Way back in high school we were The Anal Vomits (or just "The AV's" for school oriented stuff).

Heywood Jablome and the handjive philharmonic
10 Little Indians
Violet Fez (a Violent Femmes cover band)
Camp Kristallnacht
Cockosaurus Rex
All You Can Beat Buffet
The New Directions (it's a women's shelter by a place I used to work...ironically can also be pronounced "nude erections")
I'm in a band and we're called The Brasshole Fiasco (thebrassholefiasco.tk). Anyway, we were thinking about names and had a lot of good ones, but we really liked The Brassholes (brass because we're a ska band, horns and whatnot). Anyway, we found out that a couple of bands already had that name, so we're like aw man this sucks.. it's a.. fiasco... the brasshole fiasco.. hey i like it...
[quote name='JimmieMac']Dirty Sanchez and the Donkey Punchers[/QUOTE]
Would you be surprised if that band already exists?
[quote name='cashmoney805']I'm in a band and we're called The Brasshole Fiasco (thebrassholefiasco.tk). Anyway, we were thinking about names and had a lot of good ones, but we really liked The Brassholes (brass because we're a ska band, horns and whatnot). Anyway, we found out that a couple of bands already had that name, so we're like aw man this sucks.. it's a.. fiasco... the brasshole fiasco.. hey i like it...[/QUOTE]

Checked out the site. The music is a little rough, but I like it. Do you guys have a full length album or an EP for sale?
I actually have a trip-hop group (where I am the only member). It's kind of a fake group, but it still exists, I guess.

I take phone conversations that I've taken part of and set them to music. The song "Batman is Real" is one of my more famous songs.

I do them under the name "That Soldier Boots Grace".

I even got asked to perform at some German house concert... rofl

You can listen to it here:
bread's done