If You Have A Backlog Of 7+ Games...

...then why do you care if a mediocre or shitty game hits $10 or cheaper? Even if you once had a remote interest in playing the game, why spend the money on a game that is generally considered to be crappy when you are likely never to make it completely through your backlog?

To me, it's a complete waste of money. Now, if you have money to blow, then by all means, go ahead. If you don't, why bother?

I saw someone say he has a backlog in the triple digits. While it was probably hyperbole, it's still gotta be a huge backlog. I think, at that point, you can stop buying games for awhile.
I have a backlog of at least 150. I bought crap games at the $10 point to initially fatten my 360 library but I know better now.
Personally if a game is $10 or less (either by sale or clearance) I generally will pick it up simply for the fact that if 1 day I toss it in and play for a few hours I feel I got my moneys worth (these days thats about the price of a movie ticket and I cant resell/trade those). I have loads of games on my shelf that are still sealed that I have not got into but atleast once a week I grab a game off the shelf pop it in and play. When I am done I trade it in or sell it for usually the price I paid or sometimes more. I cant remember the last game I actually paid for out of pocket and was not what I call "recycled" money from those trades and sales.

Above all else I enjoy collecting games and finding that needle in a haystack of the game that slipped under the radar or was unrated.
[quote name='gettinmoney662']
To me, it's a complete waste of money. Now, if you have money to blow, then by all means, go ahead. If you don't, why bother?[/QUOTE]

You can say that about most of the stuff people buy.
ive got a few games i havent played and or finished yet and i recently got more due to the gs sale. i tend to buy things for 2 reasons

1. its a game i really want to play and dont want to wait for so i get it full price.

2. i buy games im kinda interested in or curious about but dont feel like theyre worth full price ( like mirrors edge) when they drop to a price i like i go for it.

i dont knocn anyone or think ill of anyone who has a huge backlog if anything i envy them because maybe they have something i wish i had but dont have because i missed out on it or cant afford it. and considering this is the summer when fewer new games are released its good to have some game on the backburner to tide you over till new shit is released.
[quote name='lokizz']ive got a few games i havent played and or finished yet and i recently got more due to the gs sale. i tend to buy things for 2 reasons

1. its a game i really want to play and dont want to wait for so i get it full price.

2. i buy games im kinda interested in or curious about but dont feel like theyre worth full price ( like mirrors edge) when they drop to a price i like i go for it.

i dont knocn anyone or think ill of anyone who has a huge backlog if anything i envy them because maybe they have something i wish i had but dont have because i missed out on it or cant afford it. and considering this is the summer when fewer new games are released its good to have some game on the backburner to tide you over till new shit is released.[/QUOTE]

You sound like most people on here. I'm talkin about the people who still have like 20 games to play but get all excited when Hail To The Chimp drops to $10.
[quote name='laaj']You can say that about most of the stuff people buy.[/QUOTE]

Especially video games. Most of them will only depreciate in value.

I've got a huge backlog, and I don't really care. In fact, it's rather comforting. If I fall on hard times and can't buy anymore games, at least I've got hours and hours of entertainment value in my backlog.
[quote name='Chairman_LMAO']
I've got a huge backlog, and I don't really care. In fact, it's rather comforting. If I fall on hard times and can't buy anymore games, at least I've got hours and hours of entertainment value in my backlog.[/QUOTE]

I agree with what you said 100%.

Plus for me it doesn't seem like it is the $10 clearance games that are exploding my backlog, it is usually the brand new games that all come out in a huge wave where I can't possibly beat them all before the next wave of great interesting new titles come out... and the cycle continues.
I have a backlog of one game... only because I"m not really playing anything or else I would actually have no backlog. I don't have time to waste my life playing horrible games I don't like and buy just because it's cheap.
[quote name='gettinmoney662']
To me, it's a complete waste of money. Now, if you have money to blow, then by all means, go ahead. If you don't, why bother?[/QUOTE]
You just get addicted to the deal hunting. It's almost the same as people who collect thousands of records. It's impossible to listen to them all but you just want to have them.
Why are you ranting about this, lol. If people want to throw their money away at cheap games, that's their prerogative.

I have large backlog, though mine mainly consists of really good titles (Dynasty Warriors 6, Folklure, Infamous, Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction, Shadow of the Colossus, etc.)
Yea - buy games while you have the chance. Just recently I went through a period where I was totally broke and haven't purchased a new game in over a few months. But, since I had a bunch of games backlogged I have been able to play a bunch of things. Finished Dead Space, Ico, Mass Effect, God of War 1 and 2, played some Resistance 2 and almost beat Dark Sector. I'm glad I got all those when I had money!
1. I don't go out and buy just any crap
2. Money is not an issue for me.
3. Some of us don't have all that much time to play games 24/7 but we still like to pick up games we want when they come out because we know we will get to them when we have the time.
4. Who gives a shit what others do with their money?
[quote name='NJMane']Personally if a game is $10 or less (either by sale or clearance) I generally will pick it up simply for the fact that if 1 day I toss it in and play for a few hours I feel I got my moneys worth (these days thats about the price of a movie ticket and I cant resell/trade those). I have loads of games on my shelf that are still sealed that I have not got into but atleast once a week I grab a game off the shelf pop it in and play. When I am done I trade it in or sell it for usually the price I paid or sometimes more. I cant remember the last game I actually paid for out of pocket and was not what I call "recycled" money from those trades and sales.

Above all else I enjoy collecting games and finding that needle in a haystack of the game that slipped under the radar or was unrated.[/QUOTE]

Im the same way about the resell. I just bought Chronicles of Riddick and Fear 2 for $12.48 from target. I will be able to get that back or something VERY close for a LONG time just trading it in to Gamestop during a promotion. Selling it on ebay the same. You can still sell the first Fear games for around $8-10. If it is a game you want to try out it makes absolutely no sense not to pick them up.
lol. My backlog is a lot larger then that, even after I made my blog I sitll add a new game about every month, sometimes more. I still like having the variety, but a majority of my "major" purchases I always beat in 1-3 months, and fighting games? Well infinite replayability, so a $10 game doesn't bother me much. XBLA purchases don't bother me either.
Well if it's a $10 game and the person has never played that game before, then it's worth a shot.

I mean just because it got mediocre or bad reviews, doesn't mean the person buying it will hate it.

Personally, if I buy a cheap game and at least have some enjoyment out of it, then I can say I got my money's worth.
[quote name='Chairman_LMAO']Especially video games. Most of them will only depreciate in value.

I've got a huge backlog, and I don't really care. In fact, it's rather comforting. If I fall on hard times and can't buy anymore games, at least I've got hours and hours of entertainment value in my backlog.[/QUOTE]

Dude you realize that if you fall on hard times, it's prob due to the way you spent your money when things were ok? LOL I do it too but the reasoning there kind of conflicts with itself.

Here is my take on why its ok for cheap ass gamers to have a backlog of 7+(or my case 70+):
Before CAG, or standard gamers now typically spend close to full value on every game. Yeah I may have 70+ in my backlog, but at around 10 bucks a piece I prob still spent just as much as the gamer with 6 in the back log who paid close to full price.

Games used to cost $5 just to rent...why not pay 5 more to own it and play it whenever you want..even if you never do its still the price of a super sized meal at McDonalds but it'll last way longer.
[quote name='Chairman_LMAO']I've got a huge backlog, and I don't really care. In fact, it's rather comforting. If I fall on hard times and can't buy anymore games, at least I've got hours and hours of entertainment value in my backlog.[/QUOTE]

This. Same goes for when the Zombie apocalypse comes to pass and all of you are bored all holed up in your house and whatnot, I have all these games to catch up on. :cool:

Dude you realize that if you fall on hard times, it's prob due to the way you spent your money when things were ok? LOL I do it too but the reasoning there kind of conflicts with itself.

What? You've never considered the possibility of losing your job? I think most of us have financially built ourselves up to where a $10 game isn't going to break the bank. lol
i agree with the op and recently changed my game buying habits. previously, i was all about the cheap deals on games i was potentially interested in. but when it actually came time to choose the next game to play after i beat one, i would generally always prefer an excellent game over these mediocre cheap ones i bought. of course, there comes a point when you have no excellent games left to play in your backlog so you switch over to the "i got it for cheap even though it got bad reviews" pile. conan was the last straw for me. after i practically forced myself to play through the game, i sold like 25 mediocre games in my 360 backlog.

nowadays, my time is more important than money so even if a mediocre game that i was partially interested in such as bionic commando were free, i wouldn't bother picking it up just because i'd rather spend my time playing a much better game. i'd rather pay full price on games like modern warfare 2 and bayonetta than cheap prices on handfuls of bland games.
$10 is a no brainer for me. I find myself enjoying almost every game, at least a little. Even games like Open Season entertained me a bit.

My 360 collection was up to about 100 games recently (not all unplayed). I weeded a bunch out, some I had bought for cheap but barely played or others I bought cheap and beat in a sitting or two, to make room for better games. I still have an addiction to buying cheap games. A deal is a deal. I think any game is worth $10.

With the 360, even the metagame of achievement farming is rewarding enough. I'm not an achievement whore, but I've played games I never would have touched this generation because of them, and found some really good titles in the process.

And if you see a game for $10-15, especially good ones, chances are its for a limited time and you aren't going to see it that price again. So I grab clearance titles as I see them, even if I don't have time to play them right away, because I know I just got lucky and scored a deal.
If your backlog is less than seven games, you're probably a very dull person or not someone who should refer to themselves as a gamer. Does the acronym ADD mean anything to you? By its power I have a backlog in the hundreds, possibly thousands depending on how you measure it. It goes back multiple console generations.

Besides, I dare say I probably spend less for my massive library than many hardcore gamers who tend to pay full price. It's exceedingly rare that I pay over $10 for any game. The number of times I've paid more than 50% of the original MSRP in the last thirty years of gaming can be counted without removing both shoes.

and it isn't just about the playing. For those of us with an interest in the realm of interactive games as an art form, it's entirely worthwhile to acquire games we aren't especially interested in playing if it serves as an interesting example of some aspect. There are games that were exceptional in some way or another but so lacking in other areas they were disasters overall. Getting one of those for a few bucks is adding to the library but not necessarily the backlog.
When i first started on here, I picked up all the cheap games i could.
now i try to stick to my list of wants and if there is something that is out of the ordinary
another thing is i have relatives with every major console out right now too, so if i see a good deal i grab it as a gift for christmas,b-day or whatever else comes up.

All that aside i still have quite a few games backlogged that i havent even played, oh well. it makes me happy. :)
[quote name='epobirs']
Besides, I dare say I probably spend less for my massive library than many hardcore gamers who tend to pay full price. It's exceedingly rare that I pay over $10 for any game. The number of times I've paid more than 50% of the original MSRP in the last thirty years of gaming can be counted without removing both shoes.

I'm a hardcore gamer but I don't jump on $60 games very often. I'm in the same boat as you--my huge library of games costs a small fraction of what other people pay for a much smaller collection. I think $60 is a fool's price point and only a small portion of games warrant this price (games with longevity or content like Fallout 3, etc).

It's like buying a new car--I won't do it. As soon as you drive it off the lot it's worth less. Games are the same. I would still rather buy new to support developers, but not at $60. The game WILL drop. I don't need most games at launch because of the backlog. Being a couple months behind the curve is great for the wallet. When I was younger I needed a game right away, but with age comes wisdom and a lower degree of impulsiveness. This generation I think I've only bought 3-4 games at launch for $60, and those usually with a free giftcard, or something. All others in my extensive collection average $15.

100 games x $60 = $6k. 100 games x $20 = $2k. That's quite a savings. I'd rather have a backlog, personally. :)
In a few years when global climate change melts the polar ice and the sea level rises 20 feet, I will be able to construct a cheap and seaworthy raft by lashing together my hundreds of PS2 and Xbox game cases.

Then the joke will be on you OP, as I paddle past you, stuck on the roof of your now underwater house, holding your pathetic handful of games...

Or maybe I'll stop to help. We can arrange hundred of dvds upside down on your roof to fashion a giant solar panel in order to power up your xbox so we can play 'Hail to the Chimp' until rescue arrives.
[quote name='botticus']I'm curious how the people with a backlog of 6 games avoided your wrath.[/QUOTE]

they bribed him with a free game lol.
the majority of my backlog (it is a decent size backlog) comes from trading games i already beat on here, or trading a game thats worth 500 points or more on goozex and then picking up a bunch of 100-200 point games just because some of them are actually good games and worth the points. and if they wind up sucking, oh well i only spent $5-$10 of theoretical money that can only be spent on games anyway :p
It's not always about the actual game, sometimes it's about the collecting, the hunt, etc. My backlog is about 30 deep and growing weekly/monthly. I'll get to them all at some point, even if it's only for an hour and I never touch it again.

Which is more of a waste? A (6) $10 games that give you 60 hours of enjoyment, or (1) $60 game that you don't like?

True, you can trade it in, etc., but you can do that with the $10 games as well.

Also, to those that said "had you not bought those $10 games, you wouldn't be in the financial hardship", etc. That's a ridiculous saying. If someone is spending thousands on $10 games on a monthly basis, then yes, I agree. However, how is spending $10 on a game vs. spending $10 at Wendy's on lunch on a daily/weekly basis any different?

In either case. Way to have a closed mind about it.
I think backlog should be redefined... 7 unplayed games is not a backlog, that's called control when you're a CAG.
[quote name='NJMane']Personally if a game is $10 or less (either by sale or clearance) I generally will pick it up simply for the fact that if 1 day I toss it in and play for a few hours I feel I got my moneys worth (these days thats about the price of a movie ticket and I cant resell/trade those). I have loads of games on my shelf that are still sealed that I have not got into but atleast once a week I grab a game off the shelf pop it in and play. When I am done I trade it in or sell it for usually the price I paid or sometimes more. I cant remember the last game I actually paid for out of pocket and was not what I call "recycled" money from those trades and sales.

Above all else I enjoy collecting games and finding that needle in a haystack of the game that slipped under the radar or was unrated.[/QUOTE]

You nailed it right on the head. I agree 100% with you. I'll buy a game (although I am selective) that goes on clearance, play it to mainly see what it looks and plays like) then eBay or trade it. I equate games to the stock market kind of. They start high, then go low (and I buy) then resell on eBay for more, or at least even money.
[quote name='epobirs']If your backlog is less than seven games, you're probably a very dull person or not someone who should refer to themselves as a gamer. Does the acronym ADD mean anything to you? By its power I have a backlog in the hundreds, possibly thousands depending on how you measure it. It goes back multiple console generations.[/QUOTE]

Hahaha, so people who don't buy a bunch of mediocre $10 games are dull? I'm not taking offense to this because my backlog is at 10, but what a stupid thing to say.

I don't care what people do with their money, I'm just trying to get people to realize that they could be spending their money more effectively.

A cheap game is worthless if you never get around to playing it. Besides, why do people keep bringing up the get $10 enjoyment out of a game argument? If I laugh at a cutscene, I probably got my $10 out of it but that doesn't mean I couldn't be using my time better by playing another game.

Now, if you have a ton of money and time to spend, then this probably doesn't apply to you, but I imagine that money isn't overflowing for a lot of you considering we're all on this site to look for deals.
[quote name='Puffa469']In a few years when global climate change melts the polar ice and the sea level rises 20 feet, I will be able to construct a cheap and seaworthy raft by lashing together my hundreds of PS2 and Xbox game cases.

Then the joke will be on you OP, as I paddle past you, stuck on the roof of your now underwater house, holding your pathetic handful of games...

Or maybe I'll stop to help. We can arrange hundred of dvds upside down on your roof to fashion a giant solar panel in order to power up your xbox so we can play 'Hail to the Chimp' until rescue arrives.[/QUOTE]
I will buy almost nothing that scores less then an 8 and costs more then 20 bucks. Spending 20 bucks to keep me happy is nothing. Especially when an night out can easily cost $80+.
[quote name='gettinmoney662']Hahaha, so people who don't buy a bunch of mediocre $10 games are dull? I'm not taking offense to this because my backlog is at 10, but what a stupid thing to say.

I don't care what people do with their money, I'm just trying to get people to realize that they could be spending their money more effectively.

A cheap game is worthless if you never get around to playing it. Besides, why do people keep bringing up the get $10 enjoyment out of a game argument? If I laugh at a cutscene, I probably got my $10 out of it but that doesn't mean I couldn't be using my time better by playing another game.

Now, if you have a ton of money and time to spend, then this probably doesn't apply to you, but I imagine that money isn't overflowing for a lot of you considering we're all on this site to look for deals.[/QUOTE]

Some of the wealthiest people are also some of the cheapest. How do you think they got all their money?
For me, having a huge backlog is more about collecting and the "hunt" than anything else. This year, I decided to work on my backlog and have completed 12 games to date. Not the greatest total but considering my limited playing time, I'm happy. The only problem is that for every game that I've finished, I have added atleast 2 or 3 to my backlog.
I don't have that many games right now, but I plan to have at least a little bit of a collection/backlog going once I get out deal hunting and such. But like the post above me, I find it to be like the "hunt".
I have an enormous backlog, and I completely agree with you op. it's really like an ocd thing with me. In fact, I find myself playing my portables (DS/PSP) more than any of the three big systems. And when I do play my big systems I usually play Halo 3 or Tiger Woods 10.

I've started selling some of it on ebay. I've decided to do a little minimizing. It's hard to get started, you don't want to give up the games (even though I'm 42 and still haven't even finished FF8).
I don't have a backlog of disc-based games. Pretty much everything on my shelf are games I've beaten or re-bought after having beaten them before.

My backlog of XBLA games is pretty freaking ridiculous though...at least 30 games. But I bought them all with free/cheap points, so I don't care.
I couldn't care less about shitty or mediocre games regardless of whether or not I have a backlog or not (which I never have more than 1-3 games waiting to be played). I have two games I'm in the middle of currently (RE5 and Fear 2) and two on the shelf to play next (Fallout 3 and Prince of Persia).

But in any case, I just stick with great games in genre's I enjoy. Don't have that much time or interest in gaming these days, so why should I waste it playing anything but the cream of the crop? Much less by crappy games just because they're cheap? I just pick up the AAA games, and get the vast majority of those from Goozex.

But as the other person suggested on the first page, I don't refer to myself as a gamer. It's been a decade or more since games have been my top hobby, and I probably get at most 5-10 hours a month in on average. And that's bumped up form the 1-2 months a year that I get sucked into an RPG or something and put in more hours for a couple of weeks.
I have no idea how many I have in my backlog, and really don't care, I'll get to them eventually. It's also looking like I might be the cheapest person here. I usually only get games I'm REALLY wanting when they hit the $15-$20 and this is for the titles that don't usually drop much like the Nintendo brand stuff like Mario, Zelda and the core Final Fantasy titles. Then $10 for the other stuff I'm really wanting. But once they hit around $3 and under I'll pick up almost anything. I will stay away from the kid stuff.
I've got a pretty big backlog and it's for a number of reasons: the game was cheap ($10-15), I'm really interested in playing it or it's something I can pass on to my neice of nephews when I'm finished with it.
Also, cheap, mediocre games can sometimes be more fun than the rest of the world thinks-
Just because I can afford champagne doesn't mean I'm not allowed to enjoy Mountain Dew.

//misses bakubaku
[quote name='sefaleth']Also, cheap, mediocre games can sometimes be more fun than the rest of the world thinks-
Just because I can afford champagne doesn't mean I'm not allowed to enjoy Mountain Dew.

//misses bakubaku[/QUOTE]

Agreed. I had a lot of fun with some shit licensed titles like Aque Teen, Simpsons and Family Guy but I would have hated them if I paid more than 5 bucks for each.

As someone else in the thread mentioned sometimes you have a chance to pick up SE or Nintendo games on the cheap and avoid paying the customary tax from those publishers. It's worth it just to grab them and play them when you have a chance.
Well, I see OP's point here, if you have a backlog of games, why are you buying anything (though, an argument could be made for a game you'll absolutely love if it's cheap enough and might not be there).

For me, I've come to grips with the fact that I really enjoy buying games. I enjoy finding a sale and buying the game often as much as actually playing the game. I've gotten a little better at returning games during the time frame for purchases I shouldn't have made, but my backlog is huge (not in the hundreds but probably 20+ games that I honestly intend to put more time into).

I really need to back off on buying games for 6 months from that aspect, but there is a great stress reliever (for me anyway) in buying cheap games. And, if I can get a thrill over buying something for $5, even if I only play it an hour, that is a lot cheaper entertainment than just about everything else out there (excluding books, since just about nothing beats the hours you can get out of a book for either free from a lib or $7 for a paperback).
I have a backlog of about 8 PS3 games and another 4 highly rated PS2 games that I still want to get to. Doesn't sound like much, but considering I only play a couple hours per week and some of these games are loooong (Fallout 3, GTA 4) I feel like I may never get through them.

My biggest issue with having a backlog is that I feel self imposed pressure to get to the games. I don't know if it's guilt or what but I feel these unopened games mocking me as they sit there unplayed.
[quote name='Kelegacy']
With the 360, even the metagame of achievement farming is rewarding enough. I'm not an achievement whore, but I've played games I never would have touched this generation because of them, and found some really good titles in the process.

I agree with this. I'm no achievement whore either but I'm much more likely to pick up a $10 360 game if I can say "hey, at least I can grab a few achievements for it." Probably the reason I've had my 360 for almost two years less than my PS3 and have almost twice as many games for it now (conversely, I have almost no games in my PS3 library which I haven't played or have an interest in playing at some point).

Really the reason I'll pounce on cheap games is kind of shallow but I'm sure shared by many on here: I really like the way they look on my shelves. I'm a collector of games, obviously I have a much greater fondness for the games I love, but even some of the mediocre games I just seeing them lined up neatly below my 360 gives me a nerd/OCD sense of glee. And as others have said, if I pop one in for an afternoon sometime, I feel I got my money's worth for the price of a movie ticket or less.
bread's done