If you suddenly became wealthy would you still be a CAG?

Depends how wealthy. I'd still come here, but I wouldn't be scrounging to save $30 on consoles or $10 on games.
cars, and mansions no, vacations and hot gold diggers yes =) and i would still be a gamer. just not as cheap as i am now.
The value I place on a game wouldn't change; I'd still only pay what I thought it was worth.

Granted when it comes to consoles I'd probably own them all, and I would buy a top of the line TV without any issues. I'd also own an extra console for my wife (we own 2 360s now) when they are released ie two 720s at launch.

I would still be cheap on games because of price drops. Unless I really need the game theres still no reason to buy at launch with games dropping in price so fast.
I probably would--assuming I still played games which I already don't do that much anymore.

But I've been a bargain shopper for games, movies etc. online going all the way back to high school, and still do it now that I'm in my 30s and make pretty decent money as the value I place on such things hasnt' changed. If anything it's went down as my hobbies have changed and free time has shrank.
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People who say they won't care what they pay for something if they had a ton of money will never have a ton of money.
[quote name='javeryh']People who say they won't care what they pay for something if they had a ton of money will never have a ton of money.[/QUOTE]


For many people who build and obtain wealth, the object is to continue building this wealth. Money becomes just a number after a while and your perspective on it changes. It just becomes more of a game than anything.
Agreed. The best way to get rich is to be cheap. Anybody want to guess what the best way to stay rich is?

If I were wealthy I'd probably just buy CAG and make slidecage a mod just to watch the chaos.
I'd still only pay what I thought the game was worth. 90% of games these days aren't worth the MSRP to begin with anyways.
I became moderately wealthy a couple years ago, and I'm still just as cheap. Bargain-hunting is something I enjoy, and I like that feeling I get when I find a good deal. My cheapass ways are here to stay.
I'm definitely not rich, but I have enough money to pay for games at full price... I just can't excuse doing that. $65 with tax? Where'd they get the chutzpah to charge that?
If I became wealthy, I'd be more inclined to pay full price for games I was interested in at launch. I wouldn't say the clearance rack would be below me, but unless it was an older game that I had already missed out on, there'd be no reason to check them out anymore, as the major motivation is seeing if theres anything cheap enough to sell for a profit/flip at another store. If I was already wealthy, I'd have no need to do so, as there are much more profitable ways to make money especially if I already had enough to begin with.

That said, I don't buy many games anyway, and those I do buy have been from good deals on them. Not because I think, "oh damn a sweet sale!" but because the large sales bring games to my attention that I would have otherwise never cared about.
I'm already at what I feel most people consider wealthy but I still wouldn't pay full price for the vidja games. I rarely pay for anything at full price in my profession so why should any other aspect of my life be any different? As javeryh and others point out, one of the keys of being rich is being cheap. But being cheap doesn't mean quality should suffer as a result. It means being patient and waiting for (or creating) an opportunity so that you can get both. Besides, anyone can always make back the money they use up but no one can ever get back time that they've lost (unless you've got a time machine or possess supernatural powers). My time is much more valuable which is why I'm on CAG less frequently.
If I were a rich man, ya ha deedle deedle, bubba....

The only viable choice is the second one. I would probably mostly pay MSRP for the majority of the games I purchase if I had more than enough money to spend. I would be a dumb ass to continue the way I purchase games, which would be to wait months before I purchase a game because I don't want to pay more than $40, and I wait even more if I really don't need the game.
My windfall came in 2006, and my visits to CAG have lessened I believe. Still, I can't remember I paid full price from something.
I don't even think I would play video games anymore if I became instantly rich. Too many other hobbies that are more fun and require more money than video games. Pounding buttons to beat up a guy in a red gi < traveling the world.
Yes, though I think I'd actually buy less games then I do now. Now if I find a very good deal on something I want I usually pick it up because I might not find that good of a deal again, but if money were no object there would be no reason to, so I would end up just buying it when I wanted to play it. Odd how that works.
Rich? yes i would. Wealthy? No. Chris Rock best explains the difference between rich and wealthy:
Wealth is passed down from generations. You can't give wealth away if you tried. Rich on the other hand can be lost in a crazy summer with a bad drug habit. Shaq is rich. The old white man that pays Shaq's checks is wealth ... "here you go Shaq go buy you another one of them bouncin cars, BLING BLING!"
I'd still look for bargains out of force of habit. The bargain hunting is a hobby in of itself. OTOH, I'd probably give a lot more gifts with the results of the bargain hunts.
I got a fairly large inheritance a few months back when my mother died, and I'm still pretty frugal. The only thing I've splurged on is a PS3 - and even then I only bought it when the bundle of LBP and Wall-E BR became available.
i'm not cheap at all, but not wealthy.. to me CAG is just a forum about videogames. so, yeah, even if i were rich i would still visit this videogame forum.
I would pay "asking" price if I were wealthy. Since time is money, the money I saved by bargain shopping has to be more than I the price I would pay to not have to hunt for the right price. I'd probably just order everything from amazon so I wouldn't have to bother driving to stores to find new releases.

For example: When I was 10 I would save my pennies for LaughyTaffy. I would walk several blocks to a restaurant that sold them at the checkout for pennies cheaper than closer stores. Years (and years) later, if I want LaughyTaffy, I pay MSRP at a closer store because the cost difference is not worth the time it would take me to find a better price.
id probably just buy more games, but not necessarily at retail. and id still pick up games i never touch just because theyre on the clearance rack.
It doesn't matter how much money I have, I still only buy something when I feel that I'm getting a good value.

As for coming here, while I do look for good prices on games/movies, I primarily come here to kill time during the day between trades. If I actually had to get a "real job" I probably won't be here as often.
I would still play them because its a cheap hobby for me now so it would always be around. I wouldn't play as much but I would enjoy myself regardless.
If I was truly wealthy I would still be on CAG, but I would be visiting it on mobile devices in strange parts of the world, having shit sent to a US address. Even if I had uber-money, most of the stuff I want to buy I learn I want to buy due to CAG. =P
Yes, absolutely!

I'd just buy MORE games. Hell I spent most of my JET paycheck from the last 3 years on games/consoles.
I really enjoy hunting for games and finding amazing deals.
[quote name='Gameboy415']Yes, absolutely!

I'd just buy MORE games. Hell I spent most of my JET paycheck from the last 3 years on games/consoles.
I really enjoy hunting for games and finding amazing deals.[/QUOTE]

yeah this is what i'd be doing if i was rich. I too actually enjoy bargain hunting and finding amazing deals.

plus if i was filthy stinking rich, i would end up japan and just buy even more video games i couldnt play...and than get a big house and dedicate the basement to a full coin op arcade. i would never leave.
I would still buy games for as cheap as possibly. No reason to waste money paying $60 for a game when you can get it for under $10 a few months or a year later no matter how much money you have.
I picked the 3rd one, as finding that perfect deal that has you smiling ear to ear is far better then actually playing the game, most of the time, it's just the fun lasts longer with games.
[quote name='integralsmatic']yeah this is what i'd be doing if i was rich. I too actually enjoy bargain hunting and finding amazing deals.

plus if i was filthy stinking rich, i would end up japan and just buy even more video games i couldnt play...[/QUOTE]

You just summed up the previous 3 years of my life in one sentence! :lol:
I sure miss the JET Programme paycheck...
If I become a billionaire, I still would be a cheap ass gamer. And it's not just about video games, but also every aspect in life. I'm not materialistic (only for very, very few things), but there must be some value in everything you buy.

You worked hard earning your money at work. Let your games, and the developers, work hard to earn your purchase.

Your game costs $59.99? Show me a $59.99 performance.
None of these really describes me. I would still wait a while on most games. However, I'd be more likely to pay full retail for a game I really wanted (like I'm waiting for Infamous and Prototype now) rather than waiting for the first price drop.

More realistically, I'd probably buy so much stuff to pad the collection that I'd never be able to play it all.
If I suddenly became obscenely wealthy, I'd pay my parents debts, marry my fiance, and buy a big-ass house with a modern console gaming room, classic console gaming room, and private arcade with a Virtual-On machine in it, amgonst others.

And I'd still probably buy most of my games used with coupons, just to keep me from blowing too much on games I'll rarely/never play. I'll probably buy a few more games new, just for condition and to support developers I like- but I don't see my habits changing too much. Not much reason to, really- I mean, why pay more for the same product just becuase you can? It's silly.
[quote name='javeryh']People who say they won't care what they pay for something if they had a ton of money will never have a ton of money.[/QUOTE]

Say you start out with 10 million (inheritance) and can somehow manage to make a couple hundred thousand dollars in profit each year off of interest. How would spending $50 extra on video games each month bankrupt you? Wouldn't it be a better use of your time to manage your investments than to try and save $10 on a game?

And hell no I wouldn't look for deals if I was that rich. I might still visit the forums but it wouldn't be for the deals. I'd probably buy most games I was looking forward to (maybe 7 or 8 each year) at full price and games I don't care about as much on goozex like I do now. And while I'm buying these games at full price I might as well send my butler to pick them up for me while I sleep.
bread's done