I'll recommend a movie just for you!


4 (100%)
I have a vast knowledge of film (holly and foreign) and am willing to give my input on what you will enjoy. Just tell me 3 movies you really like, and 3 movies you really hate and I'll give you 3 movies and tell you WHY you will like them
What the hell. Interesting idea.

I like - Commando; LOTR trilogy; Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

I hate - Spider-Man; Bram Stoker's Dracula; Capote
bobo2k4 - you seem to like movies that have an artsy feel to'em and have emotional attachment. That is certainly true of AHX and brokeback mountain, and pulp fiction is a given for pretty much anyone who enjoys cinema. As for hating crash I assume its not because you didn't like the style, you either didn't agree with the message (it was over done a bit), or didn't buy into the hype, again I dont blame you. Meet the fockers is just another trash comedy for the teens, no big surprize there...thin red line, not sure what you didn't like there, its a decent film, just not spectacular...onto my recommendations!

1. City of God - gritty, real, and well shot gang film.
2. Requiem of a dream - From the guy who did Pi, well done, engaging, and will leave an impression on you for time to come
3. American Beauty - It's never been so easy to love a unlikable character. Brilliant in almost all aspects.

Honorable mension: Oldboy
I Like:

City of Lost Children
Lost Highway
Fight Club

I Hate:
A Thin Red Line
Friends with Money
Lost Highway

Figure THAT out pal!
Like - Peter Jackson's King Kong, Batman Begins, Casino Royale

Hate - Fast and the Furious, Hostel, Transporter 2

I'm intrigued.
Three Movies I like: Road to Perdition, The Good, the Bad & The Ugly, The Graduate

Three Movies I didn't like (that are considered good movies in the top 250 imdb): 12 Monkeys, Run Lola Run, Mulholland Drive
[quote name='bobomallone']bobo2k4 - you seem to like movies that have an artsy feel to'em and have emotional attachment. That is certainly true of AHX and brokeback mountain, and pulp fiction is a given for pretty much anyone who enjoys cinema. As for hating crash I assume its not because you didn't like the style, you either didn't agree with the message (it was over done a bit), or didn't buy into the hype, again I dont blame you. Meet the fockers is just another trash comedy for the teens, no big surprize there...thin red line, not sure what you didn't like there, its a decent film, just not spectacular...onto my recommendations!

1. City of God - gritty, real, and well shot gang film.
2. Requiem of a dream - From the guy who did Pi, well done, engaging, and will leave an impression on you for time to come
3. American Beauty - It's never been so easy to love a unlikable character. Brilliant in almost all aspects.

Honorable mension: Oldboy[/QUOTE]

Three of my favorite movies.

[quote name='naes']Hey now, that was a good movie![/QUOTE]

To me, it's the poor man's Saw with Tarantino's name stuck on it.
iheartmetal - You're likes are pretty much all over the place, and would have also assumed you would have liked fight club. You liked an epic tale, the classic indie comedy, and my disney favorite.

1. Trainspotting - reminds me a lot of clerks. Based around friendship and drugs.
2. Seven samurai - If you liked braveheart this movie is for you. Just as epic, written better, directed better, acted better. An epic movie lovers dream
3. Chasing amy - you've probably already seen it, but just in case. Same great kevin smith writing, just with more debt than clerks. It actually helped me out with a relationship problem in my younger years

wubb - 3 action movies eh? Especially since you didn't take well to capote, you take a no non-sense approach. It can have a story as long as asses are being kicked.

1. Wizards - no not the nintendo movie. A very trippy animated movie from the 70's...very much like LOTR, but with nazi propiganda and faeries (not even making this up)
2. Rambo 3. Commando has a ton of cheesey one liners, and well the ultimate in cheesey one liners is non other than rambo 3. Enjoy hanging your head and letting out a sigh every few minutes from the corn
3. Hero - A lot like crouching tiger, but with Jet-li. Very beautiful movie with some excelent action

horonable mension
Oldboy (damn i love this movie)
I respect your opinion, but I think the movie was made to show brutality that you shouldn't in the real world. And to be honest, I thought it did just that.
[quote name='Greetard']To me, it's the poor man's Saw with Tarantino's name stuck on it.[/quote]
Man, never realized how much easier it is to list movies you like than movies you hate.

1. Sneakers
2. The Red Violin
3. Office Space

1. Terminal Velocity
2. Escape from LA
3. Saving Private Ryan

Thought it might be more useful to base my movies on ones in the IMDB top 250 ( http://www.imdb.com/chart/top )
like: 12 Monkeys, Finding Neverland, Snatch
dislike: Apocalypse Now, Requiem for a Dream, Princess Mononoke (although I loved Spirited Away)
[quote name='naes']Hey now, that was a good movie![/QUOTE]
Maybe if you watched it expecting a porno it would have been good. I however wanted a horror movie and it didn't deliver.
Alright, I'll bite. It's nice to see a creative thread, even if you've probably made more work for yourself than you probably want.

I like: L.A. Confidential, Enemy Mine, Lilo & Stitch
I hate: Minority Report, Tears of the Sun, Shrek
I like:
American Beauty, Life Aquatic, and Office Space

I hate:
Blue Velvet, Children of Men, Van Wilder

Let's try for a twofer:

I like:
Vampire Hunter D, Disney's Sword in the Stone, and Wallace and Gromit

I hate:
Walk the Line, Chasing Amy, Punch Drunk Love

I will await you upon my golden throne.
[quote name='naes']I respect your opinion, but I think the movie was made to show brutality that you shouldn't in the real world. And to be honest, I thought it did just that.[/quote]
I disagree. This movie was nothing more than a mountain of hype that turned out to be no more gruesome than most summer horror flicks. If you want to see brutality, check out Battle Royale, Ichi the Killer, or Oldboy.

Movies I like:
1. Battle Royale
2. Spirited Away
3. Labyrinth

Movies I dislike:
1. Failure to Launch
2. Jeepers Creepers 2
3. Tomb Raider 2
naes - You like the surprize. All 3 of your likes have surprizes at the end, and who the hell can HATE penguins? So I'll give you 3 movies that'll leave your mind reeling for a while how about that?
1. Oldboy - don't read spoilers for this or any of the other movies for that matter, korean sub titles are a must. Even if you're not used to reading during movies you'll love the payoff)
2. Cube - A lot like Cube, but more of a puzzle. It's quite fun trying to figure out what's going on through the film. Just don't watch the sequels and don't get pissed about the lack of a conclusion.
3. Jacobs Ladder - the movie that parts of silent hill was based on, 'nuf said

Honorable Mension -
The Usual suspect

soliddragon - Finally someone else that respects city of lost children for all of its weirdness! And I do understand your love hate relationship of lost highway, we need a good US transfer. WTF Lynch WTF.

1. Videodrome - For me, Cronenberg and Lynch go hand and hand. This is my favorite cronenberg movie. Gives you not only a new perspective of the universe, but also of the transformation of ones self. (long live the new flesh!)
2. Leon the professional. No explanation, just got a feeling.
3. Seven. Anyone who likes fight club owes it to themselves to see Seven.

Greetard - I'm gonna take a guess that you see a lot of movies in the theater. Most people that saw king kong and batman begins on DVD didn't fully appreciate it.

1. Batman. There's nothing like a little Joker action.

2. Shiri/Swiri - An action movie done right, from overseas. Also a lot of the training tactics in the first scene are part of Kim Jong-ill's actual training methods.

3. The Decent. Last good horror movie to come out in the last decade stateside. Doesn't need to use cheap torture or jump out scares. It's all atmosphere

Silencer - Who doesn't like seeing people get shot? Backed with a good story it's hard to resist. Kudos for the graduate, not nearly enough people have seen it. And don't feel bad for not liking things in the top 250, a lot of those don't deserve to be there. I also completly understand you not liking mulholland drive...its one of those you have to see quite a few times to start to grasp

1. The Departed
2. Goodfellas
3. City of god
[quote name='bobomallone']
wubb - 3 action movies eh? Especially since you didn't take well to capote, you take a no non-sense approach. It can have a story as long as asses are being kicked.

1. Wizards - no not the nintendo movie. A very trippy animated movie from the 70's...very much like LOTR, but with nazi propiganda and faeries (not even making this up)
2. Rambo 3. Commando has a ton of cheesey one liners, and well the ultimate in cheesey one liners is non other than rambo 3. Enjoy hanging your head and letting out a sigh every few minutes from the corn
3. Hero - A lot like crouching tiger, but with Jet-li. Very beautiful movie with some excelent action

horonable mension
Oldboy (damn i love this movie)[/QUOTE]

Heh, just caught Commando on A&E last week so I had to throw it in the mix. Amazingly enjoyable. From the opening Arnie-Milano montage with them laughing and feeding a wild deer, learning to throw a deadly elbow, and laughing while releasing a stream trout - Arnie was REALLY happy doing that one to the scene where he's taking on about 100 bad guys while pretty much standing out in the open (everyone with full machine guns.) It just never lets up.

I've seen Rambo 3 and Hero. Rambo 3 is awesome of course but nothing can touch #2's "Do we get to win this time?" Hero was decent, think I liked CTHD and House of Flying Daggers more though. I'll keep Wizards in mind if I ever come across it, but I'm guessing it's not something I'll find at Blockbuster or on Encore. I'll have to find Requiem for a Dream somewhere as well.

This is an enjoyable thread.
rendil - You like lighthearted takes on serious situations (cubicles r srs bsns MIRITE?) Which may explain why you hated saving private ryan.

1. Boondock Saints (yea the emo kids like it, but it's still decent)
2. Love me if you dare. Modern french love story.
3. Usual Suspects.

trq - You're the first person to mension a movie I've never seen, Enemy Mine. After looking it up at IMDB, it seems pretty sci-fi'ish? Can't comment much on it sorry. You hate Shrek, but like Lilo & stitch? Think about that for a minute.

1. Usual Suspects. It's always reminded me of LA conf, you've probably already seen it, but if you havn't you need to shoot yourself now
2. Firefly/Serinity. Sci-fi in its finest form.
3. Fargo. Yea that's right effing fargo!

thespillcanvas - I love seeing Ichi the killer up with Shawshank and AHX. and yes BR2 is trash, I would put BR on the list, but I'm sure you've seen it

1. Memento.
2. 3 Extremes. 3 of my favorite directions on one disk. Plus a movie that will make almost any woman throw up, hard to go wrong.
3. Boyz N the hood. Most people will turn their nose up at this one. But if you liked AHX in the slightest, you need to see it.

Strell -
you only get a onefer kind sir. You like a good off beat comedy. Three of my favs as well actually.

1. The Big Lebowski. One of my favorite comedy's ever. You'll enjoy it, no doubt in my mind.
2. Little Miss Sunshine. Yea its getting a lot of hype right now, but it's deserved.
3. Oldboy. I know it sounds really stupid...but this is the only move that has touched me the way american beauty did.

1SwtDeception -

You're giving me a field day here! I know you're open to foreign, anime and 80's...what's not to love (ok i dont like anime, but spirited away is excelent)

1. Freeze me - Not a terrific movie but you will appreciate it. Woman gets raped. Few years later, her attackers find her and LIVE with her. She goes on a rage and well...you'll see.
2. Sympathy for Lady Vengeance. Known state side as just Lady Vengeance. Emotional to the max, especially during the school scene. Hard to watch at times, but well worth it.
3. Versus - Japan. Zombies. Kung-fu. not to mension the lead character looks like a cross between the rock and keanu reaves
Wubb - yea I know what you mean, some people feel very strongly about hero, some feel the same about CTHD. If you like cheesey action, check out versus as well. You get that a freeby

bobo2k4 - I wish i could get a job doing that! I'm just a man who loves movies. here lemme practice that quiz thing though "If you we're a hollywood action star you would be....Rob Schnieder in Judge Dredd" How was that?

The Crotch -
you odd little person you...hated CTHD but loved Hero. Oh and everyone hated pearl harbor

1. House of flying daggers. It's more like hero than it is like CTHD, you may enjoy fearless as well, i felt it dragged a bit to long.
2. Life of Brian - If you at all enjoyed the gods must be crazy, you have to like this.
3. Cemetery Man - Most underated zombie movie of all time. Dash of comedy thrown in, but still keeps its dark necropheliac tone the entire time.

GrimNecroWizard -

Well arn't you just the product of 90's culture? You need to culture yourself a bit. I'll give you 3 movies you'd normally not watch, that you will love

1. Raging bull
2. Oldboy (how many times do i have to recommend this before people catch on?)
3. Ran. Yes it's 3 hours long and japanese, but at least its color. Plus it's shakespear done by kurosawa, you're not alowed to not like it.

whoknows -
1. Texas chainsaw massacre (orig) you owe it to yourself
2. Videodrome - did you think the matrix opened your mind? Long live the new flesh!
3. Tai Guk gi - Brotherhood of war. I'm going out on a limb for it, but it really is a brilliant movie that people need to see. If saving private ryan made you cry, this will make you commit seppuku
[quote name='bobomallone']Greetard - I'm gonna take a guess that you see a lot of movies in the theater. Most people that saw king kong and batman begins on DVD didn't fully appreciate it.

1. Batman. There's nothing like a little Joker action.

2. Shiri/Swiri - An action movie done right, from overseas. Also a lot of the training tactics in the first scene are part of Kim Jong-ill's actual training methods.

3. The Decent. Last good horror movie to come out in the last decade stateside. Doesn't need to use cheap torture or jump out scares. It's all atmosphere[/QUOTE]

You're good.
Aight OP, try me. To get specific, Oldboy is probably my favorite movie ever. Never have I seen a movie (besides Saw the first time) and been like WTF?

Here's my movies to see list. Feel free to add anything else:

Battle Royale
Visitor Q
Sympathy mr/lady vengeance
Cube/Cube Zero
Jacob's Ladder
The Happiness of the Katakuris
Ong Bak
Session 9
12 Monkeys

Anything i'm missing?
Whisper of the Heart [Studio Ghibli]
Blues Brothers [the original, Akroyd, Belushi]
The Last Samurai [Tom Cruise]

The Lord of the Rings [trilogy]
Gone With The Wind
Disney/Pixar's The Incredibles
assassinX - Into the kung fu flicks eh? and who doesn't hate police academy six? it's like saying "I hated blood rayne"

1. The Protector. Tony Jaa is amazing! This is more or less the sequel to ong-bak. The plot is still as paper thin, but you don't pay for the plot, you pay for the 2 story knee drops.

2. Billy Madison (aka the OTHER good adam sandler movie) I'm a fan of dumb comedy's as long as they are in fact, funny. This one most definatly is.

3. Rasomon. I know not quite an action flick, however it does have one the best fight scenes in a movie I've ever seen. Great story, top-notch acting, heck even the simpsons made reference to it

jPoD -

Oldboy changed the way I felt about cinema. I didn't think a movie could disturb me. I never thought a person could go through that much pain, and I could feel it along with him. But knowing you feel the same way I have a few to recommend.

1. every other chan-wook park film! I mean it. Oldboy isn't his only good film. The man is a brilliant director. JSA, sympathy for mr./mrs. vengeance, and 3 extremes are easily available in the USA.

2. Requiem for a dream - Intense movie. I stopped taking asprin after seeing this movie i was so afraid of being addicted to anything.
3. City of God
4. Ichi the killer
5. Versus
6. Downfall
7. Tai Guk gi - brotherhood of war
8. Tale of two sisters.
9. Attack the gas station
10. Shiri

there is over 10 foreign films you definatly need to see. I would hold off on visitor q untill you've seen Ichi the killer and audition
sarausagi - You are the type of person I was hoping would post here. Last Samurai is a disgrace to the film industry. It was the ultimate insult to eastern culture. It was even a decent film by itself, however it carlos mencia'd dozens of films.

1. Seven samurai
2. Spirted away (I'm sure you've seen it, but I'm not well versed in anime)
3. Samurai Trilogy - directed by Hiroshi Inagaki

honorable mension:
Nothing will ever be quite like the blues brothers (especially the 2000 version) but check out little miss sunshine. Makes me glad we havn't banned comedy's yet
[quote name='bobomallone']

jPoD -

Oldboy changed the way I felt about cinema. I didn't think a movie could disturb me. I never thought a person could go through that much pain, and I could feel it along with him. But knowing you feel the same way I have a few to recommend.

1. every other chan-wook park film! I mean it. Oldboy isn't his only good film. The man is a brilliant director. JSA, sympathy for mr./mrs. vengeance, and 3 extremes are easily available in the USA.

2. Requiem for a dream - Intense movie. I stopped taking asprin after seeing this movie i was so afraid of being addicted to anything.
3. City of God
4. Ichi the killer
5. Versus
6. Downfall
7. Tai Guk gi - brotherhood of war
8. Tale of two sisters.
9. Attack the gas station
10. Shiri

there is over 10 foreign films you definatly need to see. I would hold off on visitor q untill you've seen Ichi the killer and audition[/QUOTE]

Yeah, Park is an insanely good director. Ive seen JSA, Sympathy movies and 3X at blockbuster, just didnt pick em up. I saw and own Requiem. One of my favorite movies ever. I forgot about Ichi. Attack the Gas Station looks weird. Which Downfall is that? The Hitler one? Heard good things about Tai Guk Gi. City of God looks amazing.
Rusty Ghia -

robocop and alien, classic sci-fi. Check these out.

1. space oddysey 2001
2. Dead Ringers (about transformation of self)
3. The Fly (yea I'm a cronenberg fan, he deserves it)

well folks im out for the night! About to watch jacobs ladder, my fiance has never seen it! She's in for a treat. Still go ahead and post, I'll post replys tommorow after work
I like:
Leon, The Proffessional
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
The Departed

The Incredible Hulk
Taxi or anything with Queen Latifah save Chicago
jpod - whatever you do, do NOT get 3 extremes at blockbuster, same with ichi the killer. I've heard the edits are terrible. And yes the downfall is the hitler movie. Der Untergang i believe its called in german

Love- A Scanner Darkly
History of the world Pt 1

HAte- Donnie Darko
Any of those Scary Movie/Teen Movie things

As a sidenote, Der Untergang (the Downfall) is REALLY good.
Dr. Strangelove: Or How I learned to stop worrying...etc
Muppets Take Manhatten

Boondock Saints
Donnie Darko
[quote name='bobomallone']trq - You're the first person to mension a movie I've never seen, Enemy Mine. After looking it up at IMDB, it seems pretty sci-fi'ish? Can't comment much on it sorry. You hate Shrek, but like Lilo & stitch? Think about that for a minute.

1. Usual Suspects. It's always reminded me of LA conf, you've probably already seen it, but if you havn't you need to shoot yourself now
2. Firefly/Serinity. Sci-fi in its finest form.
3. Fargo. Yea that's right effing fargo![/QUOTE]

Well, I tried to think outside of movies made in the last fifteen years for stuff I like, hence Enemy Mine. It's quite the heavy handed Cold War metaphor, but it's got heart. "Heart," like that little bastard from Captain Planet, is also what separates Lilo & Stitch from the very processed, not-as-clever-as-it-thinks-it-is Shrek in my book.

Anyway, point is: I've seen all three of your suggestions, and I like them all quite a bit. Well done, sir.
[quote name='bobomallone']rendil - You like lighthearted takes on serious situations (cubicles r srs bsns MIRITE?) Which may explain why you hated saving private ryan.

1. Boondock Saints (yea the emo kids like it, but it's still decent)
2. Love me if you dare. Modern french love story.
3. Usual Suspects. [/quote]
Well done. I hadn't really thought about it, but I think you're right about me liking lighthearted takes on serious situations. It's sometimes painful to watch serious movies without a sense of humor. Just because the majority of the movie is serious doesn't mean you can't/shouldn't interject some comic relief.

Also, I thoroughly enjoyed Boondock Saints and Usual Suspects. Haven't heard of Love me if you dare, but I'll have to look into it.
These are the first ones I think of, not my favorites by any means. Sorry I couldn't narrow it down to 3.

Fight Club, Butterfly Effect, Cruel Intentions, The Girl Next Door, The Mummy Returns, Big Trouble, Serenity, Josie & the Pussycats , Virtuosity, Brainscan, Go, Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back, Bad Boys 2, Vanilla Sky, Spawn, Not Another Teen Movie, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Bedazzled, Donnie Darko, and Cecil B Demented.

Some of my most hated movies.

Aeon Flux, Bewitched, Ultraviolet, the Bourne movies, Abandon, Once Upon A Time In Mexico, Elektra, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the Ring, Lord of the Rings, the Grudge, Cabin Fever, Jeepers Creepers 2, Domino, Boogeyman, Alien vs. Predator, Blade 2, Chronicles of Riddick, Requiem For A Dream, and Silent Hill. And so on... let's not even bring foreign or movies made much more than 20ish years ago, nine times out of ten can't stand 'em.
bread's done