I'm getting worried about Sudeki...


22 (100%)
I have noticed that, as a general rule, when a game has no professional reviews up (within at least a few days prior to its ship date), the game tends to not live up to expectations. The only review out there for Sudeki (as of 7/20, the supposed ship date) is the Maxim review. Maxim reviews games based on press releases and generally doesn't even play the game they are discussing. I just stopped by EBGames to get an update on when they expected the game in, and I was told it was due in tomorrow (7/21). I'm concerned about the lack of review coverage; I am equally concerned about the lack of buzz regarding the long-overdue release of this game. When Gamestop's home page shoves a new release game down towards the bottom of the page, it makes me worry. Just airing my concerns here- anyone care to comment?
They mention that in the lastest egm, they said how microsoft did the same thing with Grabbed By Ghoulies. I would really wait a while before attempting to get this game.
Have you played the demo? It was pretty good. Also it is an RPG so sometimes these take an extra day or two before they after there release due to the length of the RPG. I wouldn't worry yet and I thought the demo was pretty cool.
I also remember reading something similar in Game Informer a while back. Someone wrote that, every time they review a game that they did not receive a review copy of (i.e. they had to wait until after general release to review the game), the game generally sucks.
This is nothing to worry about. The game actually ships on 7/20, but Gamestop and EB won't have it stocked on shelves until tomorrow. They did the same thing with Tales of Symphonia.

If a game has a Tuesday release date, you can pretty much consider it not to be out until Wednesday at most retailers.
[quote name='Maverick CRV']This is nothing to worry about. The game actually ships on 7/20, but Gamestop and EB won't have it stocked on shelves until tomorrow. They did the same thing with Tales of Symphonia.

If a game has a Tuesday release date, you can pretty much consider it not to be out until Wednesday at most retailers.[/quote]

I'm not worried about the relase date really. I am thinking more about the lack of hoopla surrounding the release. No reviews, no hype, no nothing. Maybe (hopefully) I am just being paranoid.
[quote name='Maverick CRV']This is nothing to worry about. The game actually ships on 7/20, but Gamestop and EB won't have it stocked on shelves until tomorrow. They did the same thing with Tales of Symphonia.

If a game has a Tuesday release date, you can pretty much consider it not to be out until Wednesday at most retailers.[/quote]
Way to answer a question noone asked.

I agree with the OP. When a company releases a game without letting the press get it before hand it is because they are afraid of the bad press.
Yea I definitely have to agree with the OP. Almost every other big name release has reviews before it's shipped. Tales of Symphonia had reviews up almost a week before it came out.
I have the DEMO. Came in the August issue of OXM. I thought it ws ok....it seemed like a hack'n'slash with RPG elements. Definetely can be very faced paced at times.

It was decent....not sure if it's worth $50 to me, but it could kill some time (although, I have 2 new football games to do that)

I think I would just wait for FABLE.
Well look at it this way... I paid $40 for GBTG and really loved that game. I don't understand why it go so much crap other than the fact that there was no voice acting. I mean sure, it's not a DKC, GoldenEye or Battletoads but it's certainly not an ETM either.

I think everything from here on out can be grabbed for $29.99 or $19.99 3 months after release with the exceptions being major titles like GTA, MGS, Halo, GT and the Nintendo ones. Sudeki is a must have for me but it's an October must have LOL.
But they released a playable demo to the masses...so if they were afraid to make a bad first impression they wouldn't have done that. Personally, I thought the demo was average, and it's made me decide not buy the game right away.
If you remember correctly, Psi Ops had very little coverage and that came out and was pretty good.

Normally I'd agree but I'm willing to give Sudeki the benefit of the doubt for now.
[quote name='mmn']If you remember correctly, Psi Ops had very little coverage and that came out and was pretty good.

Normally I'd agree but I'm willing to give Sudeki the benefit of the doubt for now.[/quote]

Yeah, but Psi Ops wasn't hyped up for a couple of years. It was sort of a underdog sleeper success. It just sort of showed up out of nowhere.
[quote name='Kaijufan']I played the OXM demo of this game and I was less then impressd with it.[/quote]

Many folks have said the same thing, particularly over at Evil Avatar. I think it's important to remember, though, that the demo on the Xbox magazine disk was pretty old- I hope they've put a nice coat of polish on the game since then. I have really been looking forward to this one for a long time. If anyone gets their hands on a copy, could you give a short "first impressions" review? I would appreciate it greatly.
[quote name='Tromack'][quote name='Maverick CRV']This is nothing to worry about. The game actually ships on 7/20, but Gamestop and EB won't have it stocked on shelves until tomorrow. They did the same thing with Tales of Symphonia.

If a game has a Tuesday release date, you can pretty much consider it not to be out until Wednesday at most retailers.[/quote]
Way to answer a question noone asked.

I agree with the OP. When a company releases a game without letting the press get it before hand it is because they are afraid of the bad press.[/quote]

Ok, so I didn't read the original post thoroughly. I apologize.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']IGN has a detailed 4 page review up now...I think their final score was a 7.8 or something.[/quote]

and they stuck the word average to the game.

Gamespot will probably give it a far lower score
Yeah IGN gives what they call average games scores in the mid-7's an awful lot. Funny cuz I always thought 5/10 would be considered an average score.
The same rule can be applied to movies and books. Keeping the product hidden from the press is never a good sign. This has led to a lot of what I refer to as wheelchair blockbustoers.

They open big but have no legs. Once word of mouith spreads the enthusiasm dies quickly.

Sudeki sounds like a $20 game to me but then it's been a couple years since I spent more than $20 on any game.
[quote name='Mishimaryu']so is the action in it turn based or real time? because I prefer turn based RPG's.[/quote]

REAL TIME ACTION....no turn based what so ever. Your partners are actually controlled by the ocmputer when you are fighting other "things"
So far the reviews are looking pretty mediocre. Nothing too bad, but I guess MicroSoft didn't want to risk it. I still have good RPG's to finish and get (I really really want Tales of Symphonia but I can't justify getting it yet), so I doubt I'll check this out.
Ive seen the reviews, and sorry Microsoft, Nintendo and Namco get my money for Tales of Symphonia. Ill pick up Sudeki when I can get it for around $10.
Yep, seems to be middle of the road across the board, as far as reviews are concerned. A little disappointing, but I guess I was just hoping for too much. I'm still going to get it- I've been waiting so long...
I was just at Gamestop and noticed that Sudeki is rated 'M' - I played the demo and so I'm surprised to see this rating. Any of you play the demo and think M?
I'll be buying Sudeki for $20 or less, but with KOTOR 2, Jade Empire, and Fable, there are obviously better RPGS out there worth my money coming out this holiday season. Although I read KOTOR2 probably wont be out till Feb next year.
I never cared for Sudeki since it was a western RPG trying to be Japanese. I remember Shadow Madness trying to do the same thing and it turned out pretty bad. I kind of knew the game would be over hyped. Star Ocean 3 and ToS will be my big RPG games.
I'm about 3 hours into it, i traded in my MVP 2004 ( i have an Xecuter 2.3 lite on one of my Xbox's) and got 25 bones for it. So i only had to pay 25 bones to get it, i like it so far. The story, which is typical, is just good. Nothing too great, but i'm starting to find that the only RPG's that have really good stories anymore are the FF and the Star oceans and Tales. Usually a good story has to be worked on for a while, but it's ok and it sorta makes you wonder. The combat is where this game is at. I consider this game a Baldurs Gate II (dark alliance) with a HUGE i mean HUGE combo based combat engine. It's pretty damn cool though, if you have a newer game you don't play and its collecting dust i would say trade it in beat it then take it back to eb (keep your sticker to seal it) and just say hey i beat it in a week can i return it for store credit. My eb ALWAYS does that for me because i went in there and made friends. Either way I would give it a 8/10. Good but not OMG PHENOMINAL!

^ ^

Thanks for the mini-review, man. It kind of set my mind at ease. The first sale/deal/coupon I find for this game I will pick it up. Still a little sad, though- I was fully prepared to pay full price for this one. Damn you, Microsoft in-house development!
[quote name='Maynard']I'm about 3 hours into it, i traded in my MVP 2004 ( i have an Xecuter 2.3 lite on one of my Xbox's) and got 25 bones for it. So i only had to pay 25 bones to get it, i like it so far. The story, which is typical, is just good. Nothing too great, but i'm starting to find that the only RPG's that have really good stories anymore are the FF and the Star oceans and Tales. Usually a good story has to be worked on for a while, but it's ok and it sorta makes you wonder. The combat is where this game is at. I consider this game a Baldurs Gate II (dark alliance) with a HUGE i mean HUGE combo based combat engine. It's pretty damn cool though, if you have a newer game you don't play and its collecting dust i would say trade it in beat it then take it back to eb (keep your sticker to seal it) and just say hey i beat it in a week can i return it for store credit. My eb ALWAYS does that for me because i went in there and made friends. Either way I would give it a 8/10. Good but not OMG PHENOMINAL!


I'm sorry, but I don't agree w/ the examples you've provided for having good stories? Star Ocean: The Second Story had a decent story, but that's not the best thing about the game. We'll have to see how the next one plays out. Tales of Symphonia is labeled as having a decent yet clichéd and predictable story, so I don't think that’s a good example either. Finally, Final Fantasy, where to start. I don't think I will because I don't want to start a flame war. I'll just say that I’ve been less than impressed with those stories for quite some time now (FFVII had a good story though).

If you're really into stories, why not play the Xenoseries (Xenogears on PS1, Xenosaga on PS2) or the excellent Lunar series or even the Suikoden's. Chrono Series is supposed to have a really excellent story as well, although Chrono Trigger is one of my favorite games of all time, I don't think the story is one of the best, however, people have told me Chrono Cross has an excellent story (I refused to play it then when I did old-gf stole it to buy drugs along w/ all my games & systems at the time and I haven't purchased it again). If that isn't enough, you could check out many of the excellent PC RPGs such as Baldur's Gate 1 or the superior 2 or Planescape Torment which has been considered to be one of the best stories of all time. Fallout 2 is another example of the PC RPGs having an excellent story. Arcanum also has a pretty good story.

Then again, that's just my opinion, and well I don't voice my opinon much.

[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']I hope you played the demo or something because if you cancel just based on reviews (a 76% is not bad really) that would be kinda silly.[/quote]Eh, I don't pay $50 for 76% games anymore. I got over that habit a long, long time ago.
the only reason it's 76% is because of a gay and lame ass review by 1up.com (EGM morons). I myself know for a fact that i absolutely HATE egm and their reviews, i got an idea how about trust your instinct for once and quit letting everyone tell you what is awesome and what is ok. The only reason i posted a review was so that the creater of this discussion was unsure, at least try it.

76% isn't really bad anyways. I could see people forking over 30-40 for a score like that. 80% means the game is above average and Sudeki isn't far from that. It has a C+ right now.But either way I would give it a rent if possible or watch ur friends play it, or play the demo, whatever, if you got spare money and think it will be worth it then simply buy it.

Suikoden II has a 80.1% average on gamerankings, yet I consider it the best RPG I have ever played. Not always will the overall average give you a good merit to base your purchase on, although if the general amount of reviews are praising a game you should probably purchase it.
I'm tempted to pick this up at GameRush or something like that eventually...although, I'm not the BIGGEST RPG fan....so who knows. I guess I have ESPN 2K5 to keep me busy
without the lame ass review by 1up.com it earns a hefty 86.6 average!


ps just saying THINK ABOUT IT MANNNN (in a jack black voice for all you tenacious D fans)
actually you drop the highest and lowest

so drop the 100% and 55% reviews

and your stuck with a 83.25% review which is pretty good.
bread's done