I'm honestly thinking of selling most of my video game collection.


18 (100%)
Looking at the array of systems, cables, and random wires laying around my closet, I couldn't believe the mess. At first, I began organizing it, but then I remembered how little I play video games now.

I'm now a much more intelligent, confident, social person. While I still love movies, music, and casually browsing the internet, over the past two years I've really changed. I enjoy hanging out with friends much more, I now have a girlfried, and I just do a lot of stuff I never used to.

I just remembered the last time I played a video game was a Tekken 5 match about two weeks ago with my little brother. He had to absolutely beg me to play. It almost sickens me, looking at all these fucking video games--I have so many imports, so many high-value games that I have just never bothered to play and probably never will. It's like I have this extra money, and I decide to spend it on video games. Yet I could be spending it on much more useful things such as tennis stuff or clothes.

I really have quite a collection, from NES to Wii. I have tons of rare RPGs, hard-to find shmups, rare guides, etc. I would estimate my collection value, with consoles and accessories, at over $1500. Now, I would keep games I absolutely cannot live without, such as the Metal Gear Solid series and my Zelda games. But I'd be getting rid of stuff like Grand Theft Auto and some of those 80+ hour RPGs I haven't even opened.

What do you guys think? I know my post is pretty vague and unorganized, and I know that I have more knowledge of my situation than you guys do. I'm off to college next year, and I'm looking to this as a real stepping stone in life. Shall I sever my last real link from social isolation?
Sell what you don't like/play.
When you have extra cash, just save it, rather than spending it for the sake of spending it.
[quote name='xghostsniperx']

I'm now a much more intelligent, confident, social person. While I still love movies, music, and casually browsing the internet, over the past two years I've really changed. I enjoy hanging out with friends much more, I now have a girlfried, and I just do a lot of stuff I never used to.

I'm off to college next year, and I'm looking to this as a real stepping stone in life. Shall I sever my last real link from social isolation?[/QUOTE]

I'm just wondering what playing videogames has to do with being a well-rounded individual? Sorry, OP, but it seems like you're basically calling us dumpy, friendless shut-ins. I've been selling off some of my shit too, mainly because I don't play it and I'd rather have to go to someone who will get some enjoyment out of it, but I still play videogames and I have no problem doing the normal college-kid thing. Again, correct me if I'm wrong, but I get a real assholish vibe from that post for some reason.
Reality's Fringe;2746321 said:
I'm just wondering what playing videogames has to do with being a well-rounded individual? Sorry, OP, but it seems like you're basically calling us dumpy, friendless shut-ins. I've been selling off some of my shit too, mainly because I don't play it and I'd rather have to go to someone who will get some enjoyment out of it, but I still play videogames and I have no problem doing the normal college-kid thing. Again, correct me if I'm wrong, but I get a real assholish vibe from that post for some reason.

I read it as him referring to himself that way in the past tense... not trying to lay that label on anyone else

I could be wrong though, that's just how it seemed to me.

Also, I sold off 98% of my games/consoles a while back. Now I mostly rent games. Made a ton of $ too. :)
Reality's Fringe;2746321 said:
I'm just wondering what playing videogames has to do with being a well-rounded individual? Sorry, OP, but it seems like you're basically calling us dumpy, friendless shut-ins. I've been selling off some of my shit too, mainly because I don't play it and I'd rather have to go to someone who will get some enjoyment out of it, but I still play videogames and I have no problem doing the normal college-kid thing. Again, correct me if I'm wrong, but I get a real assholish vibe from that post for some reason.

Right, I decided to come to CAG and write a near essay-post with an underlying message about how socially pathetic and incompetent all of you are. That's exactly what I intended. (sarcasm)

Honestly, I did not mean to come off like a complete dick. I guess I just feel better about myself when I'm reading, hanging out with friends, etc. I feel almost guilty staying in on a Friday night to play video games, or even after school. I just was debating it since I don't know if this "new routine" will ever get old.
[quote name='xghostsniperx']Right, I decided to come to CAG and write a near essay-post with an underlying message about how socially pathetic and incompetent all of you are. That's exactly what I intended. (sarcasm)

Honestly, I did not mean to come off like a complete dick. I guess I just feel better about myself when I'm reading, hanging out with friends, etc. I feel almost guilty staying in on a Friday night to play video games, or even after school. I just was debating it since I don't know if this "new routine" will ever get old.[/QUOTE]

Well, no harm no foul, it's just the internet doesn't convey certain things as well as personal conversation would.

As for actual advice, think about it for a few days. I mean, really think about it. Ask yourself if, in the future, if you may want to come back to them, or if the only real reason you bought them was to buy them. If the latter is the reason you have them, and they're not bringing you any joy, then sell them.

Personally, I'm about to offload a lot of my old Ps1 RGS I bought just for rarity sake. Then I realized that I'd never be able to hit the same level as a lot of these internet types with 1,000+ collections, so I decided "fuck it". I got them for cheap, so I still profit (even with inflation taken into account) and I could actually use the money right now. I won't sell certain things, like my two Lunars, and a couple of other Ps1 RPGs I really liked (Brave Fencer etc.) but shit like Tales of Destiny 2/1 are just going to sit there, so why not, ya know?

I'll say this too, when your game collection becomes more a chore than a pleasure; it's time to clear some shit out.
Reality's Fringe;2746339 said:
Well, no harm no foul, it's just the internet doesn't convey certain things as well as personal conversation would.

As for actual advice, think about it for a few days. I mean, really think about it. Ask yourself if, in the future, if you may want to come back to them, or if the only real reason you bought them was to buy them. If the latter is the reason you have them, and they're not bringing you any joy, then sell them.

Personally, I'm about to offload a lot of my old Ps1 RGS I bought just for rarity sake. Then I realized that I'd never be able to hit the same level as a lot of these internet types with 1,000+ collections, so I decided "fuck it". I got them for cheap, so I still profit (even with inflation taken into account) and I could actually use the money right now. I won't sell certain things, like my two Lunars, and a couple of other Ps1 RPGs I really liked (Brave Fencer etc.) but shit like Tales of Destiny 2/1 are just going to sit there, so why not, ya know?

I agree about the PS1 RPGs. I found Tactics Ogre for about $10 last year, and I never even thought about tackling that 150+ hour behemoth. I may just unload a bunch of my old PS1/PS2 RPGs that are just sitting around then. I mean, I also have Panzer Dragoon Saga for my Saturn, I just don't know if I should sell it or not.

But God, it's scary what you said. My video gaming HAS become a chore. I sit here wondering why I simply cannot get into FFXII or even Twilight Princess. Hell, I can't even pick up Ocarina of Time, my favorite game, without picking up a book like Blood Meridian or grabbing a Bond movie. Even just going over to a friend's house to talk can be more fun. I just don't know, maybe it's a stupid little phase.
I was in the same boat last year, and started to sell off my games. I've sold most of my PS1 RPG collection on Ebay, and still have a few left. Like you I have left games I cant live without, I wanted to keep Suikoden 2 but it was too much money just to keep it. I havent had any regrets, my friends were suprised to see my bookcase that was full of Video games and guides were almost empty. I'm just not that into it anymore, I haven't touched my PS2 in a while but of course most of my games are RPGs..I'm in the proccess of selling that off too. I think I play my DS most the time, I'd like to get rid of the Wii but my daughter will probably crucify me.

My advice to OP is do it, sounds to me that there is no sense holding on to your collection. I wish I have done it sooner.
do it.

sell most of it off. It is just valuable junk in the end. the only reason to keep it is to wait until it's more valuable, but that won't happen for most games.

I would hold onto the rare RPGs and Shmups...those only tend to get more valuable, especially rare import shmups. Sell all the stuff you know you'll be able to find if you ever have the desire to play them again.

From here on out, you'll only get more busy. If you aren't pretty busy most of the time in college, then you're doing it wrong. You'll find that you'll spend more time procrastinating on sites like CAG while writing a paper than actually playing games. and your collection won't go with you to school...you may not even have room for a huge collection for the next long while.

so sell that shit. get paid. spend it on hoes.
Agreed. Keep the games you want, and sell off the rest. I was thinking of doing the same thing, but then I just passed some of the games and stuff to cousins, friends, etc.
If and when you do decide to sell off your games, let me know :)
you sell them all off and you will regret it later. not only that you will never get back what you put into purchasing them. i still regret trading in games back in the 90's back before ebworld became a crappy place and i wasted so much money doing that. i should have just kept all the games cause if i had id have one hell of an n64 ps1 collection.

now if you got alot of those games really cheap through the cag deals then id sell those you got at a steal or that you have multiple copies of but theres nothign better than lookign through your collection and picking up a new or classic game every so often and gaming away. damn i wish i still had banjo kazooie and tooie.
This is why i didn't get a Wii, already i have a ps2, a pc and an xbox, and the xbox gets very little use even after I dumped a ton of money into it. Sometimes I wonder if I should sell the xbox and cut back on my gaming.
I agree with this thread. As most of you know i just no got a 360 so i am playing like mad now..but i am sure its because its something new and anything new is great.

But I agree fully with you OP. I used to play games every second that I wasnt at school/athletics. It was so fun..I could get lost in an RPG like Vandel Hearts or play a season in Madden in a couple of days.

But just like you OP I take a glance to my video game self and it almost sickens me. I look at all the new games coming out and i cant be dazed by any of them they all look the same and they could be in part because the industary rarely does anything orignal anymore. WHAT YET ANOTHER FIRST PERSON SHOOTER UBER COOL!!!!!

I used to love playing sports video games (in the case of NBA 2k7 for 360 still do) but now that I have graduated broadcasting school I much prefer to shoot a Pistions game than to play one.

Sometimes I feel old as hell because I hear this kids talking about new games that i have no freaking clue what they are talking about. I also used to think those guys who are like 23 and older who work at video games stores were so cool and now they fucking disgust me sorry to offend anyone in that range thats just how I feel. Its just like Dude...your 26 who really fucking cares if Zelda got pushed back again.

Video games are video games....the Hardcore gamer is dying out.
[quote name='xghostsniperx']
I really have quite a collection, from NES to Wii. I have tons of rare RPGs, hard-to find shmups, rare guides, etc. I would estimate my collection value, with consoles and accessories, at over $1500. [/quote]
pshh. I went through the same thing you are feeling (about selling your collection off) about a month ago. Mainly because I needed a second car and wanted a new TV. I started off only listing the crap games I didn't care about and have a low collectors value and I got sick of listing stuff after I listed 100 games. I sold 70 of them ended up making about $2000. I still have over 550 games. So only having $1500 of stuff isn't as out of hand as you think.

So yeah, my point...sell them off you aren't enjoying the hobby anymore. No big deal. Make some money and buy stuff you'll use and enjoy, I got a nice new LCD TV and a nice downpayment on a new car that I am having more fun driving then I had with the 70 games that were sitting on my shelf untouched since I bought them.
[quote name='PKRipp3r']just b/c you regret it doesn't mean he will[/quote]

He might.....depending on how he spent the money.

If you sell all that crap and then blow the money on something stupid I am sure he will regret.

But meh. Who's to say.

Sell them mofo's
Well, for any who are interested...here..PM me. I'm trying to sell in BIG, BIG lots. I accept only paypal, that's it.



I won’t even bother putting on my MGS collection, because I know I won’t trade it, even if I’m offered a billion dollars.

Ar Tonelico
Grand Theft Auto 3
Shadow of the Colossus
Tekken 5 GH
We Love Katamari
Final Fantasy X GH
Final Fantasy X-2 (NONGH Sealed)
Final Fantasy XII CE
Rogue Galaxy
Gradius V
Silpheed: The Lost Planet
Contra Shattered Soldier
R-Type Final
Castle Shikigami 2
ESPGaluda (import)
Homura (import)
Gunbird 1+2 and Strikers 1+2 (import)
Psyviar 2 Ultimate Final (import)
Shin Megami Tensei Digital Devil Saga 1+2 Deluxe
Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne LE
Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner
Dragon Quest VIII
Guilty Gear Isuka
Street Fighter Anniversary Collection (absolutely battered condition, former rental, I probably will add this in free)
Mega Man X Collection (EB stickers all over case, will give for free)
Xenosga 2
Xenosaga 3
Kingdom Hearts
Zone of the Enders 2: the Second Runner (no manual)
Guitar Hero (w/ Guitar)
Dynasty Warriors 5

Zelda Four Swords Adventures
Zelda Collector’s Disc
Zelda Bonus Disc
Zelda Wind Waker
Chaos Field

Metal Slug Collection
Twilight Princess

Gears of War CE

Phoenix Wright
Elite Beat Agents
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Trauma Center
Final Fantasy III

SNES (all cart only)
Secret of Mana
Secret of Evermore
Zelda: ALTTP
Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country 2
Super Mario World

Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (w/ box and everything)
Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete Fan Edition (look it up on Digitpress—it’s just the discs but they have different art, they’re quite rare)
Vagrant Story (non-GH)
Chrono Cross (non-GH)
Final Fantasy Tactics (GH, cracked case—easily replacable)
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (GH)

Assault Suit Leynos 2 (import)
Donpachi (import)
Dodonpachi (import)
Battle Garegga (import)
Layer Section (import)
Twinbee Deluxe Pack (import)
Soukyugerntai (import)
Batsugun (import)
Panzer Dragoon Saga (MINT!)
Christmas NiGHTS Into Dreams
X-Men vs. Street Fighter (import w/ cartridge)
King of Fighters ’95 (import w/ cartridge)
Panzer Dragoon Zwei II (import)
Virtua Fighter 2 (import)

Ikaruga (import)
Giga Wing
Last Hope (import)

GBA (all boxed w/ manuals and cartridge)
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
Castlevania Double Pack
Tactics Ogre: The Knights of Lodis
Final Fantasy 1+2
Final Fantasy 5

N64 (all cart only, some may have manuals, I’ll only put down the ones I’m sure do)
1080 Snowboarding
Star Wars Shadows of the Empire
Starfox 64
Zelda Ocarina of Time Gold (w/ manual)
Zelda Ocarina of Time Grey
Zelda Majora’s Mask Gold/Holo
Pokemon Snap
Jet Force Gemeni
F-Zero X (label ripped)
Super Smash Bros
Rush 2

Systems/CONSOLES (I probably have a shit load of controllers and stuff, assume they come with the necessary hookups)
PS2 Slim Black (modded to be able to use swap disc, have swap disc as well)
PS2 Slim Silver (boxed)
Saturn Japanese Grey (boxed)
Saturn Japanese Grey (modded)
Black DS
GBA Micro (Famicom 20th Anniversary)
Nintendo 64
Xbox 360
Dreamcast (poorly painted black/green color)
Genesis (2nd edition, boxed and almost brand new, looks unused)
Atari 2600 (works, but not in great condition, comes with a ton of games I’ll throw in for free)

Zelda TP Prima Guide Wii
Zelda TP Prima Guide (Gold collector’s edition) Wii
Xenosaga Episode II Collector’s Edition Guide (w/ Soundtrack)
Zelda Majora’s Mask Guide N64
Zelda TP Nintendo Power Guide Wii
Final Fantasy XII CE Guide (no idea which cover, I’ll check later since it’s buried)
Final Fantasy III Guide DS
Final Fantasy V Guide
Suikoden V Guide
Dragon Quest VIII Guide
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne Guide
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner Guide
Kingdom Hearts 2 Collector’s Guide
Dragon Quest VIII Slime controller (sealed)

Vamp MGS Action figure
Ninja MGS Action Figure
6-7 Final Fantasy VIII Action Figures
Advent Children Action Figure Vincent
Advent Children Action Figure Tifa

Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams sealed Art Cell
Zelda Collector Box (includes TP soundtrack, replica master sword and shield)
Zelda TP Soundtrack
Castlevania 20th Anniversary Pack

Tekken 5 Arcade Stick (2x, really the best sticks you can get in the USA)
Tekken 5 Ultimate Bundle (sealed, comes with arcade stick, game, and 10th anniversary case)

Gameboy Player

That’s…about it unless I find some other stuff. Looks like I didn’t have as much as I thought. I forgot about a lot of the stuff I sold awhile back.
[quote name='xghostsniperx']Well, for any who are interested...here..PM me. I'm trying to sell in BIG, BIG lots. I accept only paypal, that's it.



I won’t even bother putting on my MGS collection, because I know I won’t trade it, even if I’m offered a billion dollars.

Ar Tonelico
Grand Theft Auto 3
Shadow of the Colossus
Tekken 5 GH
We Love Katamari
Final Fantasy X GH
Final Fantasy X-2 (NONGH Sealed)
Final Fantasy XII CE
Rogue Galaxy
Gradius V
Silpheed: The Lost Planet
Contra Shattered Soldier
R-Type Final
Castle Shikigami 2
ESPGaluda (import)
Homura (import)
Gunbird 1+2 and Strikers 1+2 (import)
Psyviar 2 Ultimate Final (import)
Shin Megami Tensei Digital Devil Saga 1+2 Deluxe
Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne LE
Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner
Dragon Quest VIII
Guilty Gear Isuka
Street Fighter Anniversary Collection (absolutely battered condition, former rental, I probably will add this in free)
Mega Man X Collection (EB stickers all over case, will give for free)
Xenosga 2
Xenosaga 3
Kingdom Hearts
Zone of the Enders 2: the Second Runner (no manual)
Guitar Hero (w/ Guitar)
Dynasty Warriors 5

Zelda Four Swords Adventures
Zelda Collector’s Disc
Zelda Bonus Disc
Zelda Wind Waker
Chaos Field

Metal Slug Collection
Twilight Princess

Gears of War CE

Phoenix Wright
Elite Beat Agents
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Trauma Center
Final Fantasy III

SNES (all cart only)
Secret of Mana
Secret of Evermore
Zelda: ALTTP
Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country 2
Super Mario World

Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (w/ box and everything)
Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete Fan Edition (look it up on Digitpress—it’s just the discs but they have different art, they’re quite rare)
Vagrant Story (non-GH)
Chrono Cross (non-GH)
Final Fantasy Tactics (GH, cracked case—easily replacable)
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (GH)

Assault Suit Leynos 2 (import)
Donpachi (import)
Dodonpachi (import)
Battle Garegga (import)
Layer Section (import)
Twinbee Deluxe Pack (import)
Soukyugerntai (import)
Batsugun (import)
Panzer Dragoon Saga (MINT!)
Christmas NiGHTS Into Dreams
X-Men vs. Street Fighter (import w/ cartridge)
King of Fighters ’95 (import w/ cartridge)
Panzer Dragoon Zwei II (import)
Virtua Fighter 2 (import)

Ikaruga (import)
Giga Wing
Last Hope (import)

GBA (all boxed w/ manuals and cartridge)
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
Castlevania Double Pack
Tactics Ogre: The Knights of Lodis
Final Fantasy 1+2
Final Fantasy 5

N64 (all cart only, some may have manuals, I’ll only put down the ones I’m sure do)
1080 Snowboarding
Star Wars Shadows of the Empire
Starfox 64
Zelda Ocarina of Time Gold (w/ manual)
Zelda Ocarina of Time Grey
Zelda Majora’s Mask Gold/Holo
Pokemon Snap
Jet Force Gemeni
F-Zero X (label ripped)
Super Smash Bros
Rush 2

Systems/CONSOLES (I probably have a shit load of controllers and stuff, assume they come with the necessary hookups)
PS2 Slim Black (modded to be able to use swap disc, have swap disc as well)
PS2 Slim Silver (boxed)
Saturn Japanese Grey (boxed)
Saturn Japanese Grey (modded)
Black DS
GBA Micro (Famicom 20th Anniversary)
Nintendo 64
Xbox 360
Dreamcast (poorly painted black/green color)
Genesis (2nd edition, boxed and almost brand new, looks unused)
Atari 2600 (works, but not in great condition, comes with a ton of games I’ll throw in for free)

Zelda TP Prima Guide Wii
Zelda TP Prima Guide (Gold collector’s edition) Wii
Xenosaga Episode II Collector’s Edition Guide (w/ Soundtrack)
Zelda Majora’s Mask Guide N64
Zelda TP Nintendo Power Guide Wii
Final Fantasy XII CE Guide (no idea which cover, I’ll check later since it’s buried)
Final Fantasy III Guide DS
Final Fantasy V Guide
Suikoden V Guide
Dragon Quest VIII Guide
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne Guide
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner Guide
Kingdom Hearts 2 Collector’s Guide
Dragon Quest VIII Slime controller (sealed)

Vamp MGS Action figure
Ninja MGS Action Figure
6-7 Final Fantasy VIII Action Figures
Advent Children Action Figure Vincent
Advent Children Action Figure Tifa

Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams sealed Art Cell
Zelda Collector Box (includes TP soundtrack, replica master sword and shield)
Zelda TP Soundtrack
Castlevania 20th Anniversary Pack

Tekken 5 Arcade Stick (2x, really the best sticks you can get in the USA)
Tekken 5 Ultimate Bundle (sealed, comes with arcade stick, game, and 10th anniversary case)

Gameboy Player

That’s…about it unless I find some other stuff. Looks like I didn’t have as much as I thought. I forgot about a lot of the stuff I sold awhile back.[/QUOTE]

i'll give you $1,000,000,001 for the MGS collection
OP, I'm feeling the same way. I bought a bunch of SNES and NES stuff just because I thought I was missing out on gaming I was too young to enjoy. Turns out they couldn't hold my intrest for long. Same thing with a lot of Dreamcast games. But I can say, I'm glad I read through this thread, this was the kick I needed to decide I'm going to sell off my old school gaming stuff.
[quote name='Ahadi']OP, I'm feeling the same way. I bought a bunch of SNES and NES stuff just because I thought I was missing out on gaming I was too young to enjoy. Turns out they couldn't hold my intrest for long. Same thing with a lot of Dreamcast games. But I can say, I'm glad I read through this thread, this was the kick I needed to decide I'm going to sell off my old school gaming stuff.[/quote]

Exactly how I felt! I thought I was one of the few that felt they were missing out, and felt obligated to buy retro stuff.
[quote name='xghostsniperx']Exactly how I felt! I thought I was one of the few that felt they were missing out, and felt obligated to buy retro stuff.[/QUOTE]

And you said you're going off to college next year, I'm also heading off to school. I figure this might be a good way to start off maybe some book money or something. But yeah, thanks for getting me to think outside the box. I'm definetly tossing my stuff up on Ebay later this week.
[quote name='phutu']sorry but i'm getting a real assholish vibe from the post too!!![/QUOTE]

i thought that vibe was just coming from you
Selling stuff becomes very entertaining... I'm actually bored now that I don't have a ton of shit on eBay at the moment. I've sold some $1500 worth of stuff in the last two months... I could go ahead and buy a 360 and PS3 and still be in the black, but I'm still going to wait. My plan from this point forward is to just keep the few best games for each system, rent or buy/sell the others.

And generally speaking, you won't regret selling anything. I don't even remember most of the games I've dumped. And if you do, particularly if you eBay stuff, it makes sense that you would be able to rebuy something for the same price you sold it unless the market gets wacky.
As far as selling stuff and regretting it. You may never regret it. You may regret it occasionally. All of us go through stages in life, and why should you keep things that don't bring you enjoyment? Just because they're valuable? They only hold value if they bring you enjoyment.

For the selling stuff, don't go to ebay, sell on Amazon. You'll get top dollar. Ebay has really become the flea market in many senses. When I sell on Amazon (and it's really easy), I get top dollar, at least 20% more than ebay. I wouldn't just blow the money, though. You put a lot of time into amassing that collection. Pick a new goal: a large purchase, vacation, money for education, etc. and put the money toward that. Open a whole new bank account if you want. That's also the nice thing about Amazon--no debit card--so you won't piss it away in dribs and drabs. It only transfers every two weeks to your bank account, unless you initiate a transfer.
[quote name='botticus']Selling stuff becomes very entertaining... I'm actually bored now that I don't have a ton of shit on eBay at the moment. I've sold some $1500 worth of stuff in the last two months... I could go ahead and buy a 360 and PS3 and still be in the black, but I'm still going to wait. My plan from this point forward is to just keep the few best games for each system, rent or buy/sell the others.

And generally speaking, you won't regret selling anything. I don't even remember most of the games I've dumped. And if you do, particularly if you eBay stuff, it makes sense that you would be able to rebuy something for the same price you sold it unless the market gets wacky.[/QUOTE]

That is what I have been doing recently. Getting rid of the mediocre games that I don't enjoy and only keeping the games I really enjoy and are AAA in my eyes. I had so many games in my collection just to make my collection look good but games I really didn't play much nor care about. Now I'm just like fuck what every one else thinks of my collection, why keep games that I'll never play or like, just for the sake of making my collection look good. I don't know why I started doing this but I'm glad I am stopping and getting rid of stuff I don't play/care about.
Sell it all then spend the money on over priced booze at bars. Oh and take your GF to really expensive places to eat.

But if your smart, you'll sell everything and then put the money to good use.
Just be aware you run the risk that when your married with kids your wife may not "let" you re-buy the stuff you sold.

That's why I'm not selling anything I own. Not my "toys", Dj Gear, Games, Car, Nothing! It's all mine! FU woman, you can't change me!!
If you don't enjoy it, just sell it and put the money into something you like.

A ton of rare games could easily equal a big TV, ground-shaking home theater system and an HD-DVD player.
[quote name='help1']how could someone own that many games. I own like 6.[/quote]
I blame online gaming.

And for the OP, if you're going to sell anything, it should be around mid-late Q4.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']I blame online gaming.

And for the OP, if you're going to sell anything, it should be around mid-late Q4.[/QUOTE]

Yeah but you blame online gaming for everything.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']And for the OP, if you're going to sell anything, it should be around mid-late Q4.[/QUOTE]I agree, coz I want hella dibs on a piece of your stash,

especially the shmups!!!! and x-men vs sf.

but by the time I got the money it'll prolly be Q4 =P
I think you'll regret it.

If nothing else, follow the wisdom you've already been given: only sell the mediocre games.

I remember when Call of Duty came out on PS2. I wanted that game so badly. I didn't have any money, so my only real option was trading games in. You know what I gave up?

Final Fantasy IX - $9
Final Fantasy Anthologies - $17

All for one crappy game.

Somewhat of a bad comparison, because I was selling games for more games, but I did end up regretting it. I think you will, too.

I bet you in the future you'll come back to gaming and you'll regret doing this -- at least if you sell your truly good games.
[quote name='KingDox']
Just be aware you run the risk that when your married with kids your wife may not "let" you re-buy the stuff you sold. [/QUOTE]

You know, I love when women get the blame for this. Most of the time, women aren't like this at all. But I will say, when kids come around, a house is purchased, there ARE more important things that will come up over re-buying a game. But when something we (or he or I) want to do comes up, my husband and I talk about it. There's never a dictum handed down from either of us. At most, I might have to remind him that if we do one thing, there won't be room in the budget for doing the other thing.
If you're selling this stuff to buy gifts for girls, you are a fool.

If you're selling it for booze to impress your friends, good lord.

Now if you're selling it for a something useful that you'll use for a few years, go for it. I'm thinking about dumping some of my older cart based systems to help get me a new couch or a naked bike.

What is more likely to happen may be me splurging on handheld systens since I seem to be doing more and more of my gaming on the go.
Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one detecting the assholish vibe here. But, that being said, I wonder why post this. You say you feel bad about playing games right now and that you feel better doing almost anything else. If that's the case, good for you.

For stuff you don't want, sell. I wouldn't hold onto anything game related as an "investment". All you need is the game to be announced that its coming to XBLA, and your investment just lost a lot of value.

But, do think twice before you sell anything. I'm guessing your in your early 20's or so now. So, many people change at that age. You are going to spend less time at home at that age than any other time. But, wait 5-10 years, you'll be amazed, your right back at home (why do you think there is so little tv that appeals to early 20's, cause they don't watch).

Also, some said about the wife not letting you buy it back later. If' I'm right about you, your thinking, that won't happen to me. Let me caution you on one thing, everyone says that at that age, and when your married, 95% of guys have to ask if they can buy stuff like that back. So, it can happen to you.

So, for rare stuff you'll want to replay, I'd keep. Other stuff, you can get rid of it. You may regret it, you may not. I know I couldn't do what your doing right now, but then again, I look on my collection with love. I get warm fuzzies looking at it, not some deep pit in my stomach thinking that I wasted a portion of my life.
My gf has grudgingly embraced my game collection. I am starting to get to the point where I want to sell about 70% of it (check my ign list which only has a few of my many doubles) and keep the rares or games I really enjoy playing. My moto when buying a game is never to purchase it for more than I can get selling it. I've been doing this for a few years now, and when I have sold my doubles, I have made a decent profit. The ebay fees can be a killer though, so next 20 cents listing (after today), I think I may list almost all of my cart or disc only games that I dont or never have played.
If you think you don't play that many games and you are just entering college, wait until you graduate and land a job (although I can see graduates without jobs still playing hardcore instead of searching for employment.)

I barely, barely play games and when I do, they're games like Brain Age, Nintendogs, & Final Fantasy VI Advance (for FF3 nostalgia). I only have time for 10 - 15 minute sessions and not the involved console RPG games any more.

I've moved from a hardcore gamer of 8 years to a casual gamer... but I somehow sense I'm in a crowded boat here.
After eight years of buying, collecting, playing, and enjoying video games, I now see that it is time to move on not to bigger and better things, just to different things.

This is a transitional period for me. I'm in my senior year of high school and next year I'm going to a great college that I want to make the most of. I also have a new group of friends who are truly great, as well as a new girlfriend who supports me either way I go on gaming. I've started playing tennis more and caring more about myself. I've developed new interests, particularly in reading and skiing, and I'm much more social than I used to be.

Looking back at all the memories, this is tough for me. I remember all-nighters playing Ocarina of Time. I remember Halo LAN parties, and I remember the Super Smash Bros tourneys. I loved when my friends had our friday night video game parties, where everyone would just bring a few consoles and a bunch of games and we'd just play the whole night.

But now, my collection has to go on eBay. Everything from my SNES RPGs to my PS1/PS2 RPGs, my Saturn shmups to my Dreamcast shmups, my GBA Castlevanias to my DS Castlevanias has to go. Almost all my consoles from Atari 2600 to Xbox 360 are going to be sold.

I did decide to keep my Wii and DS though. I'm still a bit ambiguous whether or not I should keep my PS2, since I do love Metal Gear Solid so much. So I still will be a gamer, I just won't be at Gamestop checking out the newest RPG or at Wal-Mart grabbing up the latest sales. I'm sure I'll get in a few games of Brain Age once in awhile, or maybe finish the new Mario game. I just don't have time to trudge through the newest Nippon Ichi RPG or the latest PS2 action installment.

Well, I know I made a topic earlier questioning whether or not I should sell my stuff, and I truly believe that selling most of it is the best decision. I'm putting the money into my bank account for awhile and then investing it into some safe stocks and mutual funds. Hopefully when I'm out of college I'll pat myself on the back and remember this.

Well, this is me saying goodbye, not that many/any of you knew me. Bye CAG! I may be back to trade off the crap I can't get rid of on eBay :p
Wow. I've also been on the fence for about a month or so now about video gaming. I mean, I love multiplayer gaming, but single-player gaming has lost its magic. I don't get "lost" in the new Zeldas anymore, or spend hours toiling away in the mario games to collect all the stars, as I did when I was in middle school. I feel like I'd much rather do something constructive like go to the gym, go running, or hang out with friends. But though I may feel this way about single-player gaming, I have not lost all my love for video gaming. I still love multiplayer gaming and there's nothing better than kicking back with friends and playing Super Smash Bros on the cube, or playing some bowling on the Wii. I'd like to agree with a previous poster and say that what's really done this is online gaming. Playing an online game with your friends brings much more enjoyment than sitting in your basement by yourself and going through an RPG. As for my gaming future... well I think I'm going to start thinking about selling of most of my collection and keeping the classics. I'll also buy only the top games that I know I will get use out of, which will all probably be online. Online gaming is not merley a "fad" it is a social revolution, which is affecting every single aspect of gaming.
I think it's interesting that you're quitting gaming when you're not even in college yet. Most of the people I know got major game time in during college. Of course, it's your life, and you can do whatever you want with it, so good luck in your endeavors.
bread's done