I'm Sorry to Have to Say This, But Phantasy Star II Sucks


34 (97%)
Really. This shit is whack. All macro battles unless I push more buttons to select another round?

Slow ass movement? Such a level of zoom in the dungeons/space stations that you get lost, not because of great level design, but because you can see fuck-all?

No sense of direction or explanation in the game, yet it's virtually linear in design?


I like the first one, but lawd a'mighty this game is the drizzling shits. It simply does not hold up well.
back in its time it was one of the best RPG games. I still remember the walk though guide fetching 50 bucks and that was very rare for its time.
Agreed 100%. One of the most overrated games of all time. Do yourself a favor and play IV though. It still holds up as one of the greatest RPGs of all time. I honestly don't know of any RPG that moves so fast with such an engrossing story. There's almost no bullshit or fetch quests to be found the whole game (there's optional quests for extra cash though), the graphics are excellent (my boyfriend thought I was playing a game made for the Saturn), and the battle system is wonderful.
This topic is full of lies and baloney. PS2 kicked ass. There was the huge exploration aspect which dwarfed any game back then. The story set up many modern staples, and it had Nei. How can you hate on Nei? If you want to hate on a game hate the right ones. Lets hate on the PS3 which was a true punch in the balls.
[quote name='mguiddy']

You know, I always read it as "my kevermin". It took me several years before I realized it was "myke". I used to think "what the hell is a kevermin?" I thought his name was Kevin or something.
I read it as "my kevermin" for a little while as well, not years but a few months.

Until I realized people were calling him "myke".
Ok, I had to Google "Nei" and was very disturbed by what I found. I had never seen the "hentai tranny blog" site before, thanks.

By disturbed, I mean excited.
agreed. Sooooo awesome when it first came out though.

Love how there are no explanations for any of the items-- you can't pick up and play the game if you don't know what monomate, dimate, etc. do.
Say it aint so Joe, there ya go again. PS2 was revolutionary for me when it came out, it's too bad you were either A) not born or B) didn't have the means to play it then. While I agree, the game does get taxing today, especially the leveling up, the game did provided concepts that were lacking in RPG's up to that date. But, cmon, the music? The death of a character that so much was invested in? Priceless.
It was awesome for its time because the only other RPGs in competition were Dragon Quest and FF, and PS2 was a bigger seller because graphically, it won out easily. Just compare the huge monsters and mechs you get is PS2 to the slimes and goblins and you can see how PS2 had a real WOW factor in its day.

The game was was also notoriously hard, and even though now gamers hate on the GRIND, when these games first released, the GRIND was what made them special and popular.

Major character dying permanently in a RPG? Most people just think of Aeris, but Nei was there long before that. It really made an impact on the players too because if you had finished the game, you'd also realize that Nei was the most powerful character in the game, and to lose her basically right before the end, it's like having your star QB miss the championship, yo.
[quote name='SeanNOLA']I liked PStar2. It was MUCH better than PStar3...yuck.[/QUOTE]


I actually like PS 1,2, and 4 but had never tried 3. I fired up 3 on my PSP via the Sega Genesis collection and that shit got turned back off in 10 minutes. It struck me as turrrrrrible.

I'll have to give it another shot once that bigass PS3/360 Genesis compilation comes out but things aren't looking too good.
I don't think PS2 is horrible.

I gotta say I first tried PS2 I think and wasn't impressed. Then I played PS and there's something about that game that is compelling. It's more basic but it's just got something to it.
I loved 2, I think I beat it last a couple years ago. Loved the first one on the Master System as well, easily beats anything the NES had for RPG's. 3 sucked, but 4 was great.

This game is from 1989. Its contemporaries are Dragon Warrior III and Final Fantasy II. Keep that in mind when levying your criticism, a lot of these complaints were simply standards of the day.
4 was great? I know it's a mater of opinion and I didn't give it much of a chance but I rented it the other day and everyone at Blockbuster warned me against it. But I think it was awful. Does it get better after the first 4 hours? I mean it as rediculous during the talking parts and you got guys dancing around while they're talking, hands moving rediculously, your character must have a cold judging by how many times he wipes his nose. And the fighting is mediocre at best. But like I said it could get better idk I couldn't muster more than 4 hours, went back and got Lost Odyssey which I'm 20 hours into and lovin.
This game was so good in day our little mom and pop shop which never rented more then 1 copy of a game ended up with 6 of them, making thousands in rental money for the year. Plus my friends Lenny, Mike and Joe bought a genesis after they seen me with the game. Now pong, that game sucks! It not even in color and its so simple it doesnt even use a button! Sorry dude, reviewing titles a decade plus out of range is silliness.
bread's done