I'm thinking about getting a cell phone and need advice.


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Hey my carrier is Cingular and my phone is a P.O.S. I'm about to get a new phone and I have it narrowed down to two:

1) The Motorola RAZR V3 BLK Phone

2) The Sony Ericsson W600i Phone

I can get both free after rebates on Amazon.com, so price isn't an issue. So far I like the Razr better but any advice or feedback would be greatly appreciated as I have heard mixed reviews. Thanks
You already know what I think.... Get the Sony Ericsson W600i.

w600i you fool!

Razr breaks with 1 drop! I read all the reviews I could on it because I really wanted one as well but was shocked to see so many complaints. I got a free LG phone but I'm planning to upgrade to the w600i when my bday rolls around. The w600i has gotten nothing but good reviews if you check amazon.com and phonescoop.com
[quote name='A Happy Panda']w600i you fool!

Razr breaks with 1 drop! I read all the reviews I could on it because I really wanted one as well but was shocked to see so many complaints. I got a free LG phone but I'm planning to upgrade to the w600i when my bday rolls around. The w600i has gotten nothing but good reviews if you check amazon.com and phonescoop.com[/QUOTE]
I drunkenly drop my razr all the time and it hasn't broken once. For as thin as it is it holds up to my abuse pretty well. Every Motorola I've ever bought has had solid construction. I will say that Motorola does make some junky phones (I replaced my V300 three times because the speakers went out once, one of my buttons stopped working, and the final time my antenna broke). The razr however has stood up pretty well (its definitely better made than previous Moto phones) but I must say that its a pretty basic phone that just so happens to look cool.

I hear bad things about sony-ericsson phones. Mostly I hear about how poor the reception is on some of their models. Other than that I imagine its a pretty solid phone.

Might I suggest you checkout some Nokia's. They do make some pretty sweet phones. Their solid like a brick (like a moto), have great reception, cool styling, and extremely reliable (some models suck, but every manufacture has sh!ty model phones). My next phone is going to be a high end Nokia (I switch up phones yearly).
OK, really stupid question. I too have Cingular, but I may want a new phone soon. If I don't purchase via Cingular, what should I look for to make sure the deals not a scam on ebay or Amazon? And I'm paying another activation fee, right?
I haven't read any replies, but all I will say is DO NOT GET THE RAZOR. Other than being thin, it is perhaps the shittiest phone I have ever owned (for like 3 days before I returned it).
yeah i know. lol. it seems like this is a razr vent zone. i appreciate the advice though. keep it coming please.
W600i > RAZR.. just compare the features .. yes RAZR looks slick but its "slick"/"new toy" factor will wear off in a week after that you realize what little it can do.

I have a Sony S710a, which is a stunning phone and it has stong signal reception than any phone ive owned. I'd also look at Nokia phones. If you like a do-it-all phone that is extremely customizable.. i'd look at Symbian Phones like Nokia 6600/6620/6670/7210 Sony P800/P900.

If your going via Ebay route, buying a phone with out a contract, you need to look at Unlockled phones that uses the 850 GSM band since your carrier, Cingular, uses that band. For example Nokia 6600 and 6620 are identical phones and both are GSM Triband..but 6600 is 900/1800/1900 and 6620 is 850/1800/1900. If you use the 6600 on Cingular..you will be roaming (prolly on Tmobile) even if your local since it uses 900 band, remember local roaming on the Cingluar National Plan you will pay roaming charges but you can roam outside of your home area without charges..its vice versa on Cingular Local plans.
considering my GF has the Razr i got her for christmas and we've replaced it fucken twice, I say sony ( i also own the w600i) it rocks. Also it runs circles around that new Moto ROCKR (which sucks ass)
you should get whichever is more gaudy in the most hideous color possible.

Then, try and fit it in your pocket and discover you can't.
We have both of those models at my work and I've tested on both personally. I would go with everyone here and get the sony. Everyone likes the look of it but we all know it's crap. The razr is too flimsy and the screen can literally screw up if fallen on the ground. Another thing with the razr is that you see the button indentations on the screen after trying to wipe it off. If you like to play games on the phone, between the two...go sony.

If if becomes available for Cingular and you want looks I'd get this model Samsung A900. It's for Sprint and is much better, IMO.
bread's done