Impression Sonic Rush???


22 (100%)
I been quite happy w/ this holiday season on the DS...

everything I picked for my DS has been simply amazing... beside Lunar...

didn't seee any topic on Sonic Rush.. the reviews seem good... who actual has this game?

it's on my next to get game.. for DS...
I started a thread about it a bit before it came out because it looked really good. Since then, i have bought and almost beaten the game.

It's old school, good, Sonic. A mix of mostly 2-d backgrounds with 3-d characters, bosses, and interactive background bits. There's pretty much a built in easy mode with the new character Blaze, who seems almost pointless, but is actually fun to play anyways.

if you have any specific questions on it feel free to ask, i love the game
I just got it last night from my gf ^^ I loved what I played so far, good old fast paced Sonic madness split accross two screens.
I got it yesterday from my parents and I really like the game. It is classic 2s sonic goodness but it does (or it took me) sometime to adjust to the quick screen changes (top to bottom, vice versa). Other than that fantastic game.
Blaze sucks, for the record.

I was also kinda dissapointed that
A: The levels are the same for Sonic and Blaze
B: Only Sonic and Blaze are playable even though they have models for Amy, Cream, Tails and Knux

But all in all, it's a great game
I love it. It's totally the old Genesis Sonic back again, with a few new twists. I've been at least mildly disappointed with every incarnation of Sonic since 3 & Knuckles. Got this one for Christmas from my fiancee's brother and have played it a lot... How can the DS support this many quality games, seriously!
I was just about to make a topic on this, I got the game today and I dare to say it uses the Duals screens the best of any DS game. Their is not a map on one screen and the other screen is the game. This is full on high speed dual screening all the way. I'm very happy with it my favorite DS game right now.

BTW I own lost in the blue, Trauma center, Mario kart, and mario 64. And yes its my favorite.
Awsome!.. I was afraid this game wasn't goin to use the dual screen as much...

but since all you cager love it.. I'm down... I love the old sega sonic up to sonic 3.. everythig just went poop after that... saw this at game rush for $29.99 plus 25% off... picking this up as soon as I can...

thanks all...
Its a great game. By far the best sonic game in quite a long time.

FIRST POST FROM was hard. Took about 20 min. Think I will stick to doing this on the computer from now on.
bread's done