IndieGameStand Pay-What-You-Want Game Thread


166 (100%)
Current game on sale at the Indie Game Stand:

Steel Storm: Complete Edition

BTA: Steel Storm: Forgotten Prison DLC (?)

Available for Windows & Linux.

Minimum is $0.25, while $1.00 or more will get you a Desura key, plus a Steam key if it gets greenlit.

Beat the current average for bonus content.

10% of the proceeds will be donated to charity.

Find out if this game has been previously bundled.
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I don't really care much about the Puddle screwup, which isn't entirely BundleBandits fault (lying about it in that tweet was a crappy move though). I do think releasing a full list of email addresses that subscribed to your newsletter into the public is a huge mistake, one that will lose them a lot of customers in the future. Offering Pickle Frenzy desura keys isn't much of an apology.

It's more of an insult than an apology, really.

I really hope he's not a dev, because this blind defense of the site is quite annoying.

We get it, if you are a dev and a bundle site bungles their bundle it will affect sales and it sucks, but you also have to just admit when someone went wrong and someone messed up and move on.

This isn't winning you any fans from a personal side, which can be life or death for indie game devs, so you better hope your game is really good.
All of the above

I'm sure these games will be in future bundles anyway. I don't want to be burned twice by Bundle Bandits. And to the developer/shill/whatever, I find it hard to believe groupees never gave you the games you bought. Have you even tried contacting them if this is the case? PS, I'm forwarding my moonshine bill to you.

IGS is back to their regular 4-day schedule.

New offer is Fields of War:

"Fields of War is a massive multiplayer third-person mech shooter focused on large scale battles, territory control, skill and most importantly team play. The players are divided into two factions, North and South, coming from different climates and landscapes, and fight over control of the entire land."

OP updated.

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Updated OP for new deal: Shin Samurai Jazz (which, for some reason, I keep reading as "Shin Samurai Jizz"...)

Too retro, even for me.

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(which, for some reason, I keep reading as "Shin Samurai Jizz"...)

I'm generally a sucker for this kind of extreme retro style, but in Samurai Jizz's case presentation and gameplay seems to be cut down to the bone, too... next, please.

Anyone played Dungeons of Elements yet? Maybe someone who grabbed the Indieroyale that it was in?
Drop colored pills, try to match 4 adjacent. There is some random loot, which maybe does something, and crafting which probably does something else, and a whole bunch of other quasi RPG stuff that might do something. But in the hour I played, it didn't seem like anything more than a Dr. Mario clone.

It also suggests at the end of the tutorial to activate Twitter integration for increased loot drops.

Feels like a free facebook game that I now have purchased twice...which really isn't helping my impression of it.

Drop colored pills, try to match 4 adjacent. There is some random loot, which maybe does something, and crafting which probably does something else, and a whole bunch of other quasi RPG stuff that might do something. But in the hour I played, it didn't seem like anything more than a Dr. Mario clone.

It also suggests at the end of the tutorial to activate Twitter integration for increased loot drops.

Feels like a free facebook game that I now have purchased twice...which really isn't helping my impression of it.
Thanks. Sound like it might be best to wait for it to hit a bundle I'm buying anyway.
Updated OP for new deal: Three Dead Zed - Enhanced Edition

It's been bundled before and one of these days I'll actually play it for more than five minutes.

Updated OP for new deal: Derrick the Deathfin

I've actually been wanting this so I'm getting it and screw its future bundlelability (it's already been in the IR Mighty Bundle so I'm guessing that since it's showing up on IGS it's probably gonna be in other bundles soon...) Anyone actually played it?
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Another IGS game that's available on Desura without offering a Desura key.

Sigh... who wants to start the party this time?

Another IGS game that's available on Desura without offering a Desura key.

Sigh... who wants to start the party this time?
FWIW, I actually got it in one of those Amazon indie bundles a while back and emailed the developer asking if I could have a Desura key and he gave me one.

Though agreed Indie Game Stand needs to get better about giving Desura keys when available. The only way they will change and know people want them though is if people tell them.

I've posted to their forums before stating that I want a Desura key before I'd buy the deal and a few others chimed in agreeing too. Sometimes it did seem to work and they added Desura keys. *shrug*

I've been wanting this for a long time as well, will definitely be picking it up soon, but was a bit surprised not to see a Desura key come with it. Will try posting in the forums and hopefully that will do something.

Honestly it feels a bit lazy on IGS's part. It's already a bit of a stretch to get me to pay more-than-bundle pricing, so it ought to come with whatever keys are available (something I thought they had been touting in the past).

I've been wanting this for a long time as well, will definitely be picking it up soon, but was a bit surprised not to see a Desura key come with it. Will try posting in the forums and hopefully that will do something.

Honestly it feels a bit lazy on IGS's part. It's already a bit of a stretch to get me to pay more-than-bundle pricing, so it ought to come with whatever keys are available (something I thought they had been touting in the past).
I'll wait a couple of days to see if they add one, otherwise send email to the developer.

I think it's most likely an "indie store competition" thing as opposed to laziness.

And if anyone actually wants the paper cutout "bonuses", they are free to download from the game's site.

Um fan service? Kidding. I don't know, I kind of like Loren. Plus when games get newly added to Steam and I get a key for them it sort of reminds me 'Oh yeah, that game exists and I bought it. I guess I should play it now'.

Okay so Derrick the Deathfin. I read someone describe it as sort of a cross between Sonic and Ecco The Dolphin and I would agree, or rather that it's sort of a poor man's version with more on the Sonic side.

I played through a bunch of levels quickly and I like it. It's fun in short bursts. I don't know that I would play it for hours and hours but I have no qualms about recommending it for $1.

Visuals are nice. They have a paper box look in 2.5D and they're consistent. They're not quite Giana level visuals but they're a cut above most indie games I think and it's pretty well put together overall.

I wouldn't call it game of the year but it's a fun modern indie take on the old Sonic games. You couldn't definitely do a lot worse in terms of bundle and Greenlight games.

Do you really need to ask that question? 99% of the time the answer is no. :oops:
True, but why not ask, just in case?

Okay so Derrick the Deathfin. I read someone describe it as sort of a cross between Sonic and Ecco The Dolphin and I would agree, or rather that it's sort of a poor man's version with more on the Sonic side.

I played through a bunch of levels quickly and I like it. It's fun in short bursts. I don't know that I would play it for hours and hours but I have no qualms about recommending it for $1.

Visuals are nice. They have a paper box look in 2.5D and they're consistent. They're not quite Giana level visuals but they're a cut above most indie games I think and it's pretty well put together overall.

I wouldn't call it game of the year but it's a fun modern indie take on the old Sonic games. You couldn't definitely do a lot worse in terms of bundle and Greenlight games.
Thanks. Sounds pretty tempting.

So my tweet to IGS about Desura keys went unanswered, and there's been no discussion on the forums (they haven't even created a thread devoted to the sale yet).

I just e-mailed the dev directly to ask if Desura keys are being added to the IGS Game Wallet, or if we could request one from him directly after purchasing.

Edit: Dev replied -- he will provide a Desura key if I e-mail the receipt. 

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Updated OP for new deal: Spud's Quest

This looks like my kind of game, but smells of future bundling so...

Hey Motoki, I saw your comments on Desura - any opinion on the game?

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IGS really dropped the ball on those Derrick Desura keys which is a shame because the dev would have been willing to give them. I probably should have started a thread myself on their forum and raised a fuss, but I already owned it so I wasn't too invested in doing so. :p

Probably they lost some sales due to no Desura key but it's nice the dev is willing to give one if people request it.

Updated OP for new deal: Spud's Quest

This looks like my kind of game, but smells of future bundling so...

Hey Motoki, I saw your comments on Desura - any opinion on the game?
I like Spud's quest. It's an old school adventure where you actually move you character around a sceen in 2D instead of a flat background. So think sort of a Metroidvania but without much in the way of combat and instead you figure out puzzles and quests and such.

It's heavily influenced by the old Dizzy games if anyone remembers those. I used to have one for the NES. Funny thing is the creators of Dizzy tried, and failed, to get a Kickstarter going for a new HD reboot but I honestly Spud's Quest is a better Dizzy spiritual successor than what the Dizzy creators had planned even though the dev made Spud's Quest on a shoestring budget.

If you like adventure games and retro style games that are more relaxing and not balls to the walls throw your controller at the screen hard then I really recommend Dizzy. Fun little game and a style of game that no one really makes anymore so it was a nice surprise.

Oh :censored: I forgot to buy Derrick the Deathfin.
I would say you could see if someone is selling extras on the buy sell thread, but the fact that they didn't issue Desura keys sort of precludes that I think unfortunately.

It was in an Indie Royale a long time ago but I don't image many extras are floating around anymore.

I suppose it may be in another bundle someday, hopefully this time from a promotor who actually makes the effort to ask for a Desura key. :roll:

Anyway Spud's is worth it if you're up for a light side scrolling adventure with some nice pixel art that actually looks halfway decent and doesn't go all extreme retro ala Atari 2600 like some indie games tend to.

I think Utopian Machine would like it.

Seamoss if you get a chance to play it before the deal ends post your thoughts. :)
Anyway Spud's is worth it if you're up for a light side scrolling adventure with some nice pixel art that actually looks halfway decent and doesn't go all extreme retro ala Atari 2600 like some indie games tend to.

I think Utopian Machine would like it.

Seamoss if you get a chance to play it before the deal ends post your thoughts. :)
Looks like something I'd like, in fact I think I voted for it when I was randomly going through greenlight games a while back. Will likely pick it up.

And I think your right she would like it, but it's not on Steam so she won't get it.

And I think your right she would like it, but it's not on Steam so she won't get it.
Heh, well yes, there's the whole pesky no Steam no buy thing. Even though at this point mostly everything that's halfway decent (and plenty of stuff that isn't) gets into Steam through Greenlight sooner or later.

I'm getting me some Spuddddddddddddddddddddddddsssssssssssssssssssssss. If anything it will be my favorite game sounding like a potato (potatoman seeks the truth was a very average game at that. Would not recommend). This guy is blue and blue = 1 dollar....woot!

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You know if someone had bitched IGS out for not providing Desura keys then ya'll wouldn't have all waited until the 11th hour to see if they added one because you really didn't want to have to fuss with asking the dev by email but then forgot to check back and missed it.

In all seriousness starting a thread there and raising a ruckus about no Desura keys has worked for me and others sometimes in the past. They just need, ahem, reminding that people want Desura keys. If no one says anything then they just think no one cares about it and the game just didn't sell that well.

A bunch of people wanted a damned Desura key but were being all passive about it. The dev even said on the Desura page for the game that he had no problem giving people Desura keys with proof of purchase so clearly IGS was the issue in this case.

If I didn't already own the game you better believe I'd be making some noise for those keys on their forum and twitter. 

bread's done