iNetVideo - $8 Blu-rays, $3 HD-DVDs, and $18 DVD Boxsets!


26 (100%)
Just caught their latest e-mail. No free shipping deal, unfortunately, but even with iNet's high shipping rates, there are still some great deals to be had. Enjoy.

Highlights include:

$7.77 Blu-rays

Sex in the City
Be Kind Rewind
Brothers Grimm
88 Minutes
Prom Night



The Matrix Complete Trilogy
Sopranos Season 6 Part 2

Happy Feet
Lethal Weapon 2
The Perfect Storm

Here are all three sections in order of lowest to highest price. Many of their unadvertised prices are quite good, as well.

Blu-rays -
DVD Boxsets -
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shipping is a lot even with 15% off. I am really tempted to pick up the sopranos season 6 part 2 box set and few other blu rays. I will sleep on it and see tomorrow.
[quote name='exileinoblivion']everyone should buy be kind rewind.[/quote]

I enjoyed it greatly when I rented it from Netflix.

[quote name='bones56']shipping is a lot even with 15% off. I am really tempted to pick up the sopranos season 6 part 2 box set and few other blu rays. I will sleep on it and see tomorrow.[/quote]

Yeah, it can be tough swallowing their shipping rates, which is why many of us wait for them to have free shipping offers. But some movies are still great deals from them, even after you add in shipping.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']I enjoyed it greatly when I rented it from Netflix.

Yeah, it can be tough swallowing their shipping rates, which is why many of us wait for them to have free shipping offers. But some movies are still great deals from them, even after you add in shipping.[/quote]

yeah, I am waiting for my free shipping order (it should be here today or by monday) but i don't know if the sopranos is a new price cut or if it will go back to the 27.00 price with the free shipping. Also my wife would love to have the sex in the city blu ray. I think i will wait till the next free shipping to see about the prices. thanks
:O isn't it costly. ??

those are some good deals, but there not the best, i would of really liked free shipping aswell, but anyways thanks
Hmm...Everything I'm interested in shows "Out of Stock" even though the prices are temptingly listed.

I hate being down to the last four HD-DVDs on my list...
they need to chill on those shipping charges... like everyone else i usually order when there is free shipping... some of these hd dvd movies at $3 are very hard to resist.
I finally bought Transformers (2-disc) for $6 shipped. I figure that's decent for a new HD-DVD even though they're essentially OOP.
Wow - I really disliked Be Kind. I thought it was neat and had great potential but had a somewhat lackluster story bogging it down. The prop design was awesome though, like any Michel Gondry flick.

I just received my previous order from inetvideo a couple days ago (got in when they had FS, I was surprised they did!)

Didn't see anyone mention this but they have the HD-DVD Planet Earth for $25... but I guess shipping would kill it. I'm looking for the $20 range anyway :p
inet got a TON of new stuff. First time Ive seen Twister for cheap ($7.99). Still not paying that price for shipping though.

Blazing Saddles, V for Vendetta and Goodfellas are also nice picks.

bread's done