Info please: What's the difference between Dell Models?? (Inspiron, Lattitude)


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I hate being tech-illiterate!!

I want a good, solid, professional laptop with at least 512 RAM and 80 GB HD....and I want it to be light for mobility and use with WI-FI.

I've heard Dell is reliable, but when I go to their site, I'm overwhelmed!!! I can't see a good reason to choose Inspiron vs. latitude or what. I can't tell whether RAM in 1 Dim is better or worse than 2 Dims.

Can anybody suggest a good reference site??? I'm overhwhelmed!!

[quote name='BrerDan']I hate being tech-illiterate!!

I want a good, solid, professional laptop with at least 512 RAM and 80 GB HD....and I want it to be light for mobility and use with WI-FI.

I've heard Dell is reliable, but when I go to their site, I'm overwhelmed!!! I can't see a good reason to choose Inspiron vs. latitude or what. I can't tell whether RAM in 1 Dim is better or worse than 2 Dims.

Can anybody suggest a good reference site??? I'm overhwhelmed!!


Really depends on what you're going to do with your laptop, but I have a 600m with 512MB and it's nice and light. Great for taking it anywhere. Battery lasts a good while too...
Man, really shop around for it. Dell PC's are reliable, although you'll be talking to somebody in India if something breaks. Now would be a great time to pick up a Computer Shopper magazine. If you look hard enough, you can really find something equal to an upper level Dell laptop at 3/4 the cost.
Basically, the Inspiron models are more the "powerhouses". If you're into a lot of media (music/videos/graphics, etc.), then Inspiron will have better hardware (graphics/video cards, etc) for that purpose.

If you're not going to be using your laptop much for media and games, go with the Latititude. I think (though not sure as I haven't researched in a long time) that they run a bit cheaper, are generally not stocked up with powerful hardware, but are usually better for mobility. Also, because they have less bells and whistles, I believe they are actually lighter in weight than the Inspirons.

I can't go into all the technical specs, as I haven't researched in a while, but just from general observations, comparing my Inspiron with other's (Inspirons and Latititudes alike), and perusing through Dell's catalog, this is what I've come to know about the two models. Of course, you always want to research for yourself. It all depends on what's important to you for your laptop.
Thanks for the replies foks!!

Sounds like the Latitude models would be the way to go.

Time for more investigating!

The only reason 1 DIMM would be better than 2 is that it makes easier to upgrade later, as the laptops can only use 2 DIMMS. It's easier to add than replace.
More about what you want to do with this lappy would be more useful. If you're not doing anything really intense, a Celeron-chipped would do you just fine.
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