Interesting XBL Situation


158 (100%)
Last week I got 400 points from bing rewards and attempted to redeem them via on June 30th. When attempting to do I was getting an error simply telling me to try later, I figured it was just a Live issue which was fine. I then noticed my MSP total was 2100 instead of 4460. I was taken aback thinking my account may have been hacked or something and someone bought 2400 worth of items. I checked my purchase history and nothing was out of the ordinary, so I decided to call XBOX Customer Support.

I spoke with someone named AJ, who was very nice. I told him the situation and he told me there was a lock on my account, I was shocked by this. I have had my XBL account since the start of 2008 and have been a Gold member since that day, never having my account lapse in coverage, not even for a day. He told me he would escalate the call because he cannot remove the lock and someone would get in touch with me in the next few days.

A few hours later Brandon called me back. I was surprised to get a call back so soon and proceeded to tell him the situation about the lock. A few months back, I along with a number of other CAGs took part in a promotion with XBL and Hulu where a month of Live was $1. It was also found that it was stackable. I was able to get 4-5 months for $1 each, according to Brandon the system automatically puts a lock on the account when it thinks something fishy is going on. He removed the lock right away and apologized for it. I asked him when the lock was put there and he said the middle of May, which was more then a month ago and I was NEVER notified by email, which annoyed me.

I then told him about the point situation. He noticed that the points that expired were promotional points. I told him that a friend of mine had gotten them and had no use for them so had given them to me. He asked if my friend ever told me about an expiration date to which I told him that he didn't. I understood that it was partially our fault, but I asked him if it made any logical sense to him that if I knew $30 worth of points were going to expire would I just let them? He agreed that it made no sense.

I then asked him when the points expire, this is when things got weird and reminds me of what just happened with PSN and the Welcome Back program. He said they expired on June 30th, which was today, the day I was calling. I brought that up to him and he said "well this goes by GMT to keep it fair to every region" so I proceeded to ask him "well....what day is it going by GMT" he answered with "June 30th". So once again...why are my points gone? Shouldn't they be good till the end of the 30th GMT? He then said that they expire during the transition from the 29th to the 30th. Well then the expiration date should be the 29th!!!

I then asked him if there was a way for me to check when points on my account would expire. He wasn't sure and went checking, to his surprise (but not to mine) there was no way. He agreed that this was wrong that the only way a customer knows if/when their points expire is one of two ways. Call Microsoft support or simply let them expire. They don't email you a warning, they don't have any place to check via the website or the 360 itself, the customer is left totally in the dark.

He agreed that it wasn't good business overall. I told him that I am sure I am not a big customer in Microsofts eyes but I have spent well over $300 since 2008 on digital content (inc Live memberships) and I have over 100 retail release titles and this just upsets me. He said it doesn't matter how much I spent, I bought a 360 and I am a XBOX customer and should be treated better. He sent a request to the billing department to get my points back, but it is up to them to approve the request or not. He said he will personally call me back tomorrow (Wednesday the 6th) to let me know one way or the other.

Sorry for the long post, but this is meant as a warning for anyone who has any promotional points in their account. This includes points from Xbox Rewards, they last one year from the month of issue. I am unsure if they make that clear on the rewards website, but I had no idea. Also, anyone who got in on the Hulu $1 Gold promotion might want to see if their account is locked.
not as interesting as the title of the thread led on

short version
"pay attention or your points can expire from promotions"
I didn't say it was amazingly interesting, but just that it was interesting. Also, where should you pay attention to? An email you got a year ago? I dunno about you but things happen in my life and a date is easy to forget. Do you remember when your Gold expires? What about your CC or the coupons in your kitchen/car? At least those you can check whenever you want, there is no way to check when points expire.
wow, some of the replies are a little assholeish. thats a shitty situation. I hope you get your points back, but if you don't at least it sounds like you didn't pay outright for those points. I'm glad I only ever have more that 200 to 400 points in my account when I'm about to buy something. I'd be PISSED if this ever happened to me. It wouldn't surprise me if points from store bought cards or ones bought through the 360 or expired as well. Yet again Microsoft tries their hardest to fu#k over their consumers. How exactly are they still in business again?
6/10 on the interesting scale is about right. It isn't a nail biter nor does it keep you on the edge of your seat, but it is something I have never seen discussed before.

A few people I have talked to say this might even be a case for a law suit since they are basically "taking money" from customers and giving no way for customers to know when their money expires. All I want is my points back and I'll consider it a live and learn experience. Which is why I am trying to pass along this info, that's all. The reason I had that many points sitting in my account is I wait for sales, like a good CAG should. Like for example I wanted to get Torchlight when it went on sale, aka now. But since I lost $30 worth of points I am unsure if I want Torchlight. If I get the points back I'll be buying it ASAP.
on the brightside, XBL claims that points that expire sooner are spent 1st when you purchase anything on the marketplace.

I'd actually say wait for Bastion and see if the demo is better than TL's demo. If you just want to play TL and dont care about quests and achievements you can play the demo and just keep buying dungeon scrolls until you get bored.
Hmm. I am a pretty big Diablo fan but the fact that Torchlight has no online component does dissuade me from wanting it. I know Torchlight 2 is going to have online, what about Bastion? Also does Bastion have random loot drops like TL/Diablo? I know pretty much nothing about Bastion.
speaking of diablo, I heard that blizzard is considering making diablo 3 for consoles. This podcast I listen to (KOXM, the one for the official xbox magazine) speculated that torchlight success might encourage it. I REALLY hope they do, since I can tell from the screen shots that my PC won't be able to play it (I have a really basic graphics card, which keeps me from running all but older/really low end games. I can't even play Fallout 3 on the lowest settings without massive lag).
Yeah my computer can't play Diablo 3 at all. I did get SC2 as soon as it came out. I can play the SP decently enough, but online forget about it. I hope to build a decent gaming rig soon, but I think I rather get Diablo 3 on console if it has cross-platform online (like Portal 2 for PS3 did)
google Bastion, check out the looks like it has potential.

one of the major disadvantages a console port of a game like Diablo runs into is you're limited to the number of abilities your character has. playing TL on the console over the PC was a completely different experience, while both were enjoyable I couldn't chain a lot of the abilities each class had without having to make a concerted effort to do so...and sometimes it just got to the point where I couldn't be bothered doing it.
The only way I know of is trying to redeem MSP since that is how I discovered it. I was able to redeem other codes, such as my FEAR 3 pass without a problem. There may be other ways to do so, but I do not know them.
[quote name='resevil239']speaking of diablo, I heard that blizzard is considering making diablo 3 for consoles. This podcast I listen to (KOXM, the one for the official xbox magazine) speculated that torchlight success might encourage it. I REALLY hope they do, since I can tell from the screen shots that my PC won't be able to play it (I have a really basic graphics card, which keeps me from running all but older/really low end games. I can't even play Fallout 3 on the lowest settings without massive lag).[/QUOTE]

scroll down the page to Diablo 3, there have been job postings for console for quite a while

Diablo III

Senior Software Engineer, Console -- Graphics Specialist
Senior Software Engineer, Console -- Network Specialist
Senior Software Engineer, Console -- Playstation 3 Specialist
No where on there that I can find shows when future points expire. If you look at past months it'll show you that your points expire, but that is of no help after the fact.
[quote name='Saix_XIII']Last week I got 400 points from bing rewards and attempted to redeem them via on June 30th. When attempting to do I was getting an error simply telling me to try later, I figured it was just a Live issue which was fine. I then noticed my MSP total was 2100 instead of 4460. I was taken aback thinking my account may have been hacked or something and someone bought 2400 worth of items. I checked my purchase history and nothing was out of the ordinary, so I decided to call XBOX Customer Support.

I spoke with someone named AJ, who was very nice. I told him the situation and he told me there was a lock on my account, I was shocked by this. I have had my XBL account since the start of 2008 and have been a Gold member since that day, never having my account lapse in coverage, not even for a day. He told me he would escalate the call because he cannot remove the lock and someone would get in touch with me in the next few days.

A few hours later Brandon called me back. I was surprised to get a call back so soon and proceeded to tell him the situation about the lock. A few months back, I along with a number of other CAGs took part in a promotion with XBL and Hulu where a month of Live was $1. It was also found that it was stackable. I was able to get 4-5 months for $1 each, according to Brandon the system automatically puts a lock on the account when it thinks something fishy is going on. He removed the lock right away and apologized for it. I asked him when the lock was put there and he said the middle of May, which was more then a month ago and I was NEVER notified by email, which annoyed me.

I then told him about the point situation. He noticed that the points that expired were promotional points. I told him that a friend of mine had gotten them and had no use for them so had given them to me. He asked if my friend ever told me about an expiration date to which I told him that he didn't. I understood that it was partially our fault, but I asked him if it made any logical sense to him that if I knew $30 worth of points were going to expire would I just let them? He agreed that it made no sense.

I then asked him when the points expire, this is when things got weird and reminds me of what just happened with PSN and the Welcome Back program. He said they expired on June 30th, which was today, the day I was calling. I brought that up to him and he said "well this goes by GMT to keep it fair to every region" so I proceeded to ask him "well....what day is it going by GMT" he answered with "June 30th". So once again...why are my points gone? Shouldn't they be good till the end of the 30th GMT? He then said that they expire during the transition from the 29th to the 30th. Well then the expiration date should be the 29th!!!

I then asked him if there was a way for me to check when points on my account would expire. He wasn't sure and went checking, to his surprise (but not to mine) there was no way. He agreed that this was wrong that the only way a customer knows if/when their points expire is one of two ways. Call Microsoft support or simply let them expire. They don't email you a warning, they don't have any place to check via the website or the 360 itself, the customer is left totally in the dark.

He agreed that it wasn't good business overall. I told him that I am sure I am not a big customer in Microsofts eyes but I have spent well over $300 since 2008 on digital content (inc Live memberships) and I have over 100 retail release titles and this just upsets me. He said it doesn't matter how much I spent, I bought a 360 and I am a XBOX customer and should be treated better. He sent a request to the billing department to get my points back, but it is up to them to approve the request or not. He said he will personally call me back tomorrow (Wednesday the 6th) to let me know one way or the other.

Sorry for the long post, but this is meant as a warning for anyone who has any promotional points in their account. This includes points from Xbox Rewards, they last one year from the month of issue. I am unsure if they make that clear on the rewards website, but I had no idea. Also, anyone who got in on the Hulu $1 Gold promotion might want to see if their account is locked.[/QUOTE]

Damn guys, don't criticize his story. He took his sweet time to share this story with us. Man, that's fucked up: you don't know when your promotional points will expire. I guess they assume everyone will spend it so they won't care! haha.

That reminds, me do Reward points ever expire?
It shows you if any expire in the next 30 days, which is helpful now that I know my points do expire, but you can't check any more then 30 days (the current month) ahead. I do wish I knew about this sooner though, I wouldn't be in this situation if I did. But overall that information is rather well hidden, unlike when your Gold membership expires.
bread's done