Investigators Slip Nuclear Material Past Border Guards


This, in my mind, is the true cost of Iraq.

Rather than spending all those billions to make sure our ports and our borders are secure, we're spending the money rebuilding and providing security for Iraq, a country that had no WMDs, never sponsored terrorism against America, and had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11.

We attacked in the wrong direction, and now we are less safe than we could have been had smarter and cooler heads prevailed.

WASHINGTON, March 27 — Undercover Congressional investigators successfully smuggled into the United States enough radioactive material to make two dirty bombs, even after it set off alarms on radiation detectors installed at border checkpoints, a new report says.

The test, conducted in December by the Government Accountability Office, demonstrated the mixed progress by the Department of Homeland Security, among other federal agencies, in trying to prevent terrorists from smuggling radioactive material into the United States.

Nationally, at a cost so far of about $286 million, about 60 percent of all containerized commercial goods entering the United States by truck or ship and 77 percent of all private cars are now screened for radioactive material.

But flaws in the inspection procedures and limitations with the equipment mean that nuclear materials may still be able to be sent illegally into the country through seaports or land borders, the study found. And because the program for installing radiation detectors is far behind schedule, many border crossing points, including many seaports, still have no detection equipment, the report says.

"We suffer from a massive blind spot in our cargo security measures," Senator Norm Coleman, Republican of Minnesota, said in a statement that accompanied the report, which will be released Tuesday morning at a Senate hearing.
Like every news channel has reported, it is IMPOSSIBLE to monitor 100% of what goes in and out of the US. To check everything, and I do mean everything that goes into an offical US dock would cost the country billions of dollars and shipment delays.
[quote name='dennis_t']This, in my mind, is the true cost of Iraq.

Rather than spending all those billions to make sure our ports and our borders are secure, we're spending the money rebuilding and providing security for Iraq, a country that had no WMDs, {THEY DID} never sponsored terrorism against America{THEY DID}, and had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11.{AS FAR AS WE KNOW NOW}

We attacked in the wrong direction{BAD PREMISE}, and now we are less safe than we could have been had smarter and cooler heads prevailed.{BAD CONCLUSION}

Avoid conflict at all costs! Give peace a chance. All you need is love and diplomacy. You are such a democrat tool. Why don't you blame your congressman instead of Bush, or can't your mind numbed ego break away from the democratic party control signal?
[quote name='bmulligan']Avoid conflict at all costs! Give peace a chance. All you need is love and diplomacy. You are such a democrat tool. Why don't you blame your congressman instead of Bush, or can't your mind numbed ego break away from the democratic party control signal?[/quote]

I paid my tax money in the hopes that it would be used to defend the shores and borders, keep the peace, and insure the government stayed out of my personal life. The government has (again) proven woefully inept at defending the shores and borders, the government has recently ramped up it's approval powers on deciding what I can eat/drink/watch/protest/etc, and if I remember my civics lessons correctly the US govenment was not setup to force the spread of democracy throughout the known world by method of war, let alone make me pay for it.

To be sure, Republican congressmen share much of the blame for the latest incarnation of the US government, however Mr. Bush has been the wayward captain hell-bent on steering our massive beaucracy straight into any iceburg on the horizon.
[quote name='bmulligan']Avoid conflict at all costs! Give peace a chance. All you need is love and diplomacy. You are such a democrat tool. Why don't you blame your congressman instead of Bush, or can't your mind numbed ego break away from the democratic party control signal?[/QUOTE]

Asserting that Iraq had WMDs at the time of invasion and had sponsored terrorism against America is a whole hell of a lot different that proving it, bmulligan.

Even the Bush administration will not argue either of those points, because they are NOT TRUE.

I would ask you to stop sipping the kool-aid, and think for yourself. Patrick McGoohan would be very disappointed in you. ;)
You're right, we attacked in the wrong direction. I guess that, according to your allusion, we should have been attacking all those illegal mexicans slipping over the border for the last 4 years.

Opps, I have a hang nail - It must be Bush's fault.
bread's done