Iowa Primary Winners: Obama vs. Huckabee

All I can say (since I'm not in the mood for an argument) is I can't believe Ron Paul is doing 6 full percentage points better than Giuliani. I don't care for either of them, but that's some serious lulz right there. Ron Paul internet dweebs will be pleased.

it's on
[quote name='Dead of Knight']If that picture is not Photoshopped, it may very well be the greatest picture ever. Too bad it probably is.[/quote]

idk, but it makes me giggle
If Obama can also win New Hampshire, then he has the nomination in the bag. If Obama can win New Hampshire it would be a huge blow to the other Democrat's campaigns.
On the Republican side of things, it's a free-for-all. Anyone could win New Hampshire.
[quote name='fullmetalfan720']If Obama can also win New Hampshire, then he has the nomination in the bag. If Obama can win New Hampshire it would be a huge blow to the other Democrat's campaigns.
On the Republican side of things, it's a free-for-all. Anyone could win New Hampshire.[/quote]

Last time I checked, having the nomination in the bag IS a huge blow to the other's campaigns. :)

[quote name='looploop']


and when no one's looking....


that's perfect!!

nice... verrrrrrry nice.
I'm surprised the Huckster, on a shoestring budget, was able to out perform Romney.

Paul getting nearly 10% was unexpected to most people. That could be enough to get people in New Hampshire to pay a bit more attention to his campaign. This also hurts Romney in New Hampshire, which any slap to Romney in NH helps Paul and McCain.

Obama will get boosted in NH, but I don't know if he can pull off a win there. He will, however, win South Carolina...
[quote name='Dead of Knight']All I can say (since I'm not in the mood for an argument) is I can't believe Ron Paul is doing 6 full percentage points better than Giuliani. I don't care for either of them, but that's some serious lulz right there. Ron Paul internet dweebs will be pleased.[/quote]

Do you have a library card?

The Grand Chessboard by Zbigniew Brzezinski

IMO, this man will most likely be Obama's top foreign policy advisor.

"Moreover, as America becomes an increasingly multi-cultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, except in the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat." (p. 211)

“It is also a fact that America is too democratic at home to be autocratic abroad. This limits the use of America's power, especially its capacity for military intimidation. Never before has a populist democracy attained international supremacy. But the pursuit of power is not a goal that commands popular passion, except in conditions of a sudden threat or challenge to the public's sense of domestic well-being. The economic self-denial (that is, defense spending) and the human sacrifice (casualties, even among professional soldiers) required in the effort are uncongenial to democratic instincts. Democracy is inimical to imperial mobilization." (p.35)
I think the next US president should have a strong understanding of foreign policy already to try and repair the damage made by Bush. Thats why I really want Richardson to win, but that doesn't look likely :(.

If Obama wins, Oprah should become Vice President.
Think about the power kids Oprah an Obama would have. Now THAT would be Black power. (oops...was that racist?) SHit, i brought race into a thread forget I mentioned it.

I was happy to see that participation in the cuacases more than doubled for both parties, people seem to give a shit more when things are bad.

Admit it though, I am not the only one concerned that people won't vote for Obama becasue he is black, and Clinton because she is female. REMEMBER: Bush got elected then REELECTED, so about half of the country are ignorant backward fuckin assholes. Generalizing I know but nontheless its generally true. Take a trip accross the middle of the country and you'll see.

Nobody is going to answer "yes" to an opnino pollster who asks "Will race or sex affect your vote. But when the curtain is drawn and its time to will be interesting to see what happens.

I fear that prejudice and racism and sexism in this country makes Edwards the best bet b/c he's democratic, and electable (by electable I mean a white male).
Huckleberry? America is fucked. The possibility of me immigrating to Canada in the next four years just shot up exponentially.
[quote name='pittpizza']Nobody is going to answer "yes" to an opnino pollster who asks "Will race or sex affect your vote. But when the curtain is drawn and its time to will be interesting to see what happens.

I fear that prejudice and racism and sexism in this country makes Edwards the best bet b/c he's democratic, and electable (by electable I mean a white male).[/quote]

Well, considering that Iowa is 95% white, I'd say Obama has been quite successful in breaking down those boundaries. Exit polls showed that voters for Obama did so in favor of change of policy in Iraq and the economy, and that younger voters favored him the most.

That being the case, along with the younger voters mostly being an untapped source in prior polls, and Clinton unable to mimic the "Light of Change" policy that is popular right now (Obama does it best), I'd say the rest of the nation is between Edwards and Obama, with Obama taking it.

Obama will stay as he always has.
Edwards will put on the heat and put up a decent fight.
Clinton will flipflop, trying to "out-Obama" Obama, and fail.

[quote name='HotShotX']Well, considering that Iowa is 95% white, I'd say Obama has been quite successful in breaking down those boundaries.[/QUOTE]
Most racists will be voting Republican, anyways. It's the party of the ignorant, after all.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the next leader of the free world!

[quote name='HotShotX']Last time I checked, having the nomination in the bag IS a huge blow to the other's campaigns. :)


What I ment was if Obama can win New Hampshire, then it will probably be a huge blow to all the other Democrat's campaigns, because he would become the favorite for the nomination.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Most racists will be voting Republican, anyways. It's the party of the ignorant, after all.[/QUOTE]
I'm just afraid some fucking racist asshole would try to assassinate him at one point or another. Racist assholes are still very prevalent in today's world. Though the presidential racial barrier needs to be broken at some point, violent racists be damned, and Obama seems poised to do so.
Damn I think i'm in the wrong thread. Too many dems in here.

Lets look at this from another perspective now:

-Guiliani got his ass handed to him
thank god

-Thompson actually pulled off 3rd. I thought he would have lost horribly to McCain.
I really want Thompson to get the GOP vote

-Huckleberry... ugh
nuff said

I'm Republican but if I had to vote Dem then I want Edwards to get the nomination. He's the most open on his agenda for the democratic side.
Fun Huckabee fact: he once appeared on Canadian television congratulating us for building a giant protective dome over our "National Igloo" - a replica of the White House made entirely out of ice.
[quote name='Magus8472']Who knew the Governorship of Arkansas was the fast track to the presidency.[/QUOTE]
Who knew the ill-received government of Akansas was the fast track to the presidency?

I guess if you pander to the evangelicals, it doesn't matter how much the people who actually lived under your service despise and loathe you.
[quote name='t0llenz']I'm surprised the Huckster, on a shoestring budget, was able to out perform Romney.[/QUOTE]

I'm a bit let down that Romney has lost steam so quickly. He had one thing working for him, and one thing working against him:

1) He could easily convey his "Reagan-ness" to potential Republican voters
2) He couldn't bloody well hide his "Kerry-ness" to potential Republican voters

Dude is an effete Massachusetts flip-flopper of the highest order. On top of that, the past two elections have shown that, as long as Republicans want to run on platforms that divide the country (into freedom-lovers and haters, homolovers and God's people, into hands-trying environmentalists and hardworking entrepreneurs), they demand the "religious right" vote to get to 51-52% (RR, while vocal, aren't all that many people, really). Putting a Mormon in the position to run for president would destroy any hope of getting that vote.

Romney lost, but not as big as Giuliani. Homeboy got OWNED in Iowa.

[quote name='Dead of Knight']I'm just afraid some fucking racist asshole would try to assassinate him at one point or another. Racist assholes are still very prevalent in today's world. Though the presidential racial barrier needs to be broken at some point, violent racists be damned, and Obama seems poised to do so.[/QUOTE]

That's not a reason to not vote for a viable candidate, because that reason (1) will never go away as long as white christian males occupy the presidency, (2) it's an unproven factor, and (3) don't all sitting presidents have people who plan on assassinating them to certain degrees?

Christ...New Hampshire is already this Tuesday, isn't it?
[quote name='mykevermin']

That's not a reason to not vote for a viable candidate, because that reason (1) will never go away as long as white christian males occupy the presidency, (2) it's an unproven factor, and (3) don't all sitting presidents have people who plan on assassinating them to certain degrees?
Oh, I know that. And I will vote for him if he gets the nom. I just feel bad for the poor guy being the first one to break the racial barrier. You know a lot of people are going to be violently pissed about it.
In case anyone else hasn't seen it yet, Obama's Iowa Caucus victory speech was one of the best speeches I've seen a politician make in years. Well, I guess that's not saying much, with everyone being used to Bush-caliber weak speeches, but it really was good.

I'm also impressed/glad that Edwards beat Clinton, if only by a slight margin. I'm definitely glad Giuliani lost by that much; the thought of a Clinton-Giuliani ballot concerned me.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Oh, I know that. And I will vote for him if he gets the nom. I just feel bad for the poor guy being the first one to break the racial barrier. You know a lot of people are going to be violently pissed about it.[/quote]
True, but fuck them. We've had enough white males screw this country up, blacks and women deserve the chance to do the same.

Not that I believe that Obama would/could, but equal opportunity FTW.

On the heels on assassination, I imagine that not only would the assassin's name go down in history, he/she probably won't even make it to the courthouse alive.

That's right, lynchings work both ways. Here's to hoping that day never, ever comes.

Huckabee all about the evangelist christians.....sigh. A guy focused that much on religion makes me uncomfortable...again I'll vote for the canidate who is less of an idiot or who is the one who promises just to Nuke everything first. No war's, and no foreign policy, just do what Nixon didn't do and blow everything up.

Sorry that last bit was a little thread crapping.
[quote name='kube00']...I'll vote for the canidate...who promises just to Nuke everything first.[/quote]

[quote name='seanr1221']Wait wait wait...Huckabee DOESN'T believe in evolution? Am I understanding this correctly?[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure he doesn't. And, while this is a huge thing that makes me wonder about him, it is a belief, right? How is this going to effect his foreign policy or tax plan?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not interested in more years of a presidency tainted by premillenial jesus-worshipping nitwits who prefer to cast out those not like them in this country (in a very non-Christ-like fashion, no less). I'm not going to vote for him, of course - but is a disbelief in evolution a huge deal, really? - compared with other views he could have?
[quote name='mykevermin']I'm not going to vote for him, of course - but is a disbelief in evolution a huge deal, really? - compared with other views he could have?[/QUOTE]
Evolution is the least of my concerns. The guy is a fucking fundamentalist nutcase, above and beyond Bush.
[quote name='mykevermin']I'm pretty sure he doesn't. And, while this is a huge thing that makes me wonder about him, it is a belief, right? How is this going to effect his foreign policy or tax plan?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not interested in more years of a presidency tainted by premillenial jesus-worshipping nitwits who prefer to cast out those not like them in this country (in a very non-Christ-like fashion, no less). I'm not going to vote for him, of course - but is a disbelief in evolution a huge deal, really? - compared with other views he could have?[/quote]Well, it does raise questions about the funding/direction scientific research would take with him as president. And that, y'know, is kind of a Big Deal.
[quote name='The Crotch']Well, it does raise questions about the funding/direction scientific research would take with him as president. And that, y'know, is kind of a Big Deal.[/QUOTE]

That smirking fellow took the words out of my mouth.
Huckabee woudl be disasterous for the Sep of Church and state.

This is a huge issue IMO in this country. There are too many fuckin G-d fearing christians that want thier religious beliefs and mores reflected in the laws, when there is no secular purpose for them. Huckabee woudl only add fuel to hte religoius fire.
Huckabee as president would mean absolutely no funding for stemcell research, and that is unacceptable.

Also, him being a young earth creationist is a big deal, as Crotch stated. I believe useful scientific research would go nowhere, which would be devastating. I simply can't believe the possible leader of the free world would be ignorant enough to think the Earth is only 6000. Ugh.
Why can't we have a good president?

Seriously. Serious question. Why can't we find, over this twelve year period, a good leader in this nation of 300,000,000?

[quote name='hootie']Also, him being a young earth creationist is a big deal, as Crotch stated. I believe useful scientific research would go nowhere, which would be devastating. I simply can't believe the possible leader of the free world would be ignorant enough to think the Earth is only 6000. Ugh.[/QUOTE]

His beliefs won't necessarily affect his actions, I don't think it's fair to assume that they will. I wouldn't want Huckabee (or any of the Dem/Rep candidates) in office, but I think assuming he'd cut scientific funding is a bit of a leap.

[quote name='wikipedia']Huckabee supports NASA, and said in November 2007 that "Whether it's the medical technologies that saved many of our lives and the lives of our families, it's the direct result from the space program. We need to put more money into space and technology exploration."[/quote]

A good politician is one who doesn't let his personal beliefs influence his representation of the people.
Can't say I've really seen much of Huckabee since his rather unfortunate appearance on the CBC. What's his record in this area? And, for that matter, on public funding of "faith-based initiatives"?
Huckabee is actually holding his own quite nicely in the Republican debate. Mitt's still my man, but I like what Huckabee said about health care; he's the only candidate that emphasized the need to focus on preventative care rather than giving everyone insurance being the only required solution.

Rather than basing your views on prejudice and assumption, maybe it's actually worth listening to their opinions before coming to a conclusion? Just as it would be wrong to slam Obama just because he's black, it's just as wrong to slam a candidate just on their religion.
bread's done