iPhone Announced! Wow....

[quote name='Dead of Knight']QFT. Though $600 is too much for a PS3 as well.

Apossum, I'd consider getting a new group of people to talk to if you shoot the shit about your cell phones all the time. Honestly, who cares what type of cell phone you have?[/QUOTE]

nah, I don't hang with people sit around and chat about phones. Just saying small talk about cell phones is much more common. It's also more socially accepted since it's a fashionable necessity. Paying $500 for an iPhone when they come out will net you a lot of attention for a while as it'll be one of the most cutting edge pieces of technology for some time, but $600 for a PS3 means you just wasted $600 on something that plays video games and you're a dork out to make other dorks jealous :lol:

it's superficial that an object can enhance a person's appearance to others, but that's how the mind at large seems to work.
This thing will definitely be a status symbol when it launches. Expect Paris to Britney to Lohan all be flashing this thing when it hits.
PS3 is a dust magnet but Iphone is going to be a scratch magnet. What will the average life expectancy of a Iphone be? 2 weeks? Merging two things that get used so much in a day the Iphone better be able to take a beating and keep on ticking.
This will be the next big phone, even though it's pricey expect it to be in high demand.

It's really an awesome peice of Tech and I hope that the next ipods use the same touch screen. As soon as they come out with an Ipod that is pure touch screen I will get one of those.

But this phone I think I'll wait for the 2nd or 3rd gen iphone. Right now it's too much money and 8 gigs of space isn't that much.

I waited 5 gens for my first ipod, I can wait a bit for this.

But I'm glad to see apple to push the bounderies of what a phone is.
Not worth $500. My ipod does half of those things well enough already, my Sprint Katana is a good, durable, functional phone (although the ringer sucks ass), and internet on a cell phone to me will mean hidden costs, as if there's anything online I need to do

Also, I can't stand that kind of touch interface. Everyone that I know with a touch interface-phone will have some problems with it, and I can't even remember to keep my ipod on lock, how do I know im not accidently calling someone when I sit down?

One thing I will admit. Golly, that is thin. The Apple team has some great designers.
im sooooooooooo getting this.. when does it launch

edit.. june huh.. fuck decisions decisions.. i was going to upgrade my ppc next month but may wait it out
[quote name='Thunderscope']I don't think its a touch screen since you don't actually touch the screen, you just hover above it.[/quote]no it's a touch screen
i'm glad everyone realizes that this thing is overfuckinpriced, jezz, and i thought the ps3 was overpriced!
That screen is so getting fucked up in my pocket.

My iPod has a skin that covers the trackwheel, and both it and my phone still have the factory plastic on the screen.

I got both my 60gb Video iPod and Samsung Black Carbon for the price of the iPhone and I didn't need to get a 2yr. plane either. :p
[quote name='getmeoutofjoliet']That screen is so getting fucked up in my pocket.

My iPod has a skin that covers the trackwheel, and both it and my phone still have the factory plastic on the screen.

I got both my 60gb Video iPod and Samsung Black Carbon for the price of the iPhone and I didn't need to get a 2yr. plane either. :p[/QUOTE]
OT but where did you buy them for that price?
[quote name='rickonker']OT but where did you buy them for that price?[/quote]

I got the iPod here on CAG, and I got my phone for a very nice price on eBay. :D
well, it's fucking hawt...too bad i just dumped Cingular and won't mess with them again. If Sprint or somebody else ever picks it up, then maybe
There's a large number of problems I see with the iPhone, but I don't have the time or inclination to describe it all now. It's got a lot of really nice useless features that are seamlessly integrated together in ways that I would never see in my daily use. And it's got both an upfront cost and monthly fee that I see as completely unreasonable for a carrier-subsidized phone.
fucking Cingular! Why can't tmobile get this phone.......

Oh well, hopefully I can either unlock this phone for Tmobile or I'm SOL.

BTW if it can be unlocked, my tmobile Sidekick 3 will be up for sale asap!
when it gets subsidized further like the razr i'll get one. There are some design concerns though. Mainly Apple's asshole stance on battery replacement and also I don't know about you guys but my cell phone screen gets dirty pretty easily since it's pressed against your face.

But apple is likely gonna shaft the early adopters on price and scale it down with cingular subsidizing more and more.
[quote name='shipwreck']It will be mine when it comes to Verizon.[/quote]
I don't think it ever will. Verizon has always been a bith about their interface with the "BUY it NOW!" and "PIX AND FLIX." Verizon runs a pretty tight ship. I don't think they's let some OS X on their phones. No that I wouldn;t like it.
I can't believe it took this long for Apple to release an iPhone.
It looks pretty cool for a phone, but I would much rather spend $600 on just about anything other then a phone.
One major problem seems to be a touch screen with no stylus. My DS's touch screen gets grimy when I accidentally touch it and I have to wipe it off. Fingerprints and grime from your fingers and face on the screen are going to be a pain.
I just watched Steve Jobs introduce and demo the iPhone here:


All I've gotta say is, I'm in for 2!!

Yeah, it's pricey, but it's an incredibly cool device that converges the internet, messaging, personal media, and phone service in an easy to use way. And it's SOOOO sexy!

I've got a Blackberry, and surfing the web or doing anything online is SOOOO SLOOOOWWWW AND PAINFUL....kudos to Jobs and the Apple engineers on a remarkable design!

I've been wanting to upgrade my 3rd gen iPod anyway, so it's only a few hundred more, and I get a full featured web browser and a phone too? HELL YEAH!

Worth it alone for checking the price of my Apple stock that's going to pay for the iPhone, muah-ha-ha!!

Oh, and near the end of the presentation the CEO of Cingular comes out and says they've got a multi-year deal with Apple to provide service for it, so don't expect to see it on Verizon or anyone else anytime soon, unless it can be hacked, and even then probably not. Jobs says Apple filed over 200 patents in the process of designing the iPhone and says they're going to defend them vigorously.

He also says if they only get 1% of the marketshare, it'll be 10 million iPhones sold. I think that's low IMO.

Apple is going to sell a S!#%load of these things!
Spend $600 on a phone to be able to check CAG the next time Sears has a clearance and I need to know if a game is going to ring up for $4, or $14?

Now that's how you make the $600 cost turn into $590. Saving money, it's what we do.
wifi feature is cool,

but in the absence of a signal, ppl are gonna fuck up their bills using the phone's features.

especially since this phone just cries out "use my features got dammit!!!"

I'm in for 0, coz thankfully this phone overshadows the attention of the samsung F500!!

I'm all about the underdog muthasuckas!!
[quote name='JEKKI']wifi feature is cool,

but in the absence of a signal, ppl are gonna fuck up their bills using the phone's features.

especially since this phone just cries out "use my features got dammit!!!"

I'm in for 0, coz thankfully this phone overshadows the attention of the samsung F500!!

I'm all about the underdog muthasuckas!![/QUOTE]

I went to Cingular's site to see if they had a plan listed for the iPhone, but they don't yet. I would imagine that they are going to offer some sort of unlimited data plan bundled with the phone service, and from the looks of their Blackberry service I'd guess it would be around $75/month?

If they don't jack the rates up just because this thing is hawt.

Really expensive service would be the only thing that deters me...
[quote name='shipwreck']Uhm... yes. It's highly recognized as being one.

Maybe you should have gone with: The mighty mouse a revolutionary interface? :rofl:[/QUOTE]

Except that they're claim is that the mouse in general was the revolutionary interface. The Mighty Mouse is only pictured because it's their newest one.
My god this thing is on the front of EVERY newspaper today. I swear if Apple marketed a turd in a fancy enough package it'd be a million seller.
I like the way the iPhone looks, but has anyone yet considered that with a screen that big, it's going to get scratched to hell and back? Anyone remember the whining that followed the iPod nano and its screen/surface/anything?
My biggest issue with phones are battery life, and call clarity
for convergence to work, you need a strong core around which all the other extras can revolve. those are the two issues for me, until I know how this phone performs, i'm disinterested.
[quote name='Rasen']I like the way the iPhone looks, but has anyone yet considered that with a screen that big, it's going to get scratched to hell and back? Anyone remember the whining that followed the iPod nano and its screen/surface/anything?[/QUOTE]

I haven't read anything yet, but there were a couple of people at work talking about how Apple was going to be using a material used in hip replacements which would definitely cut down on scratches as a similar material would have a high hardness and minimal friction.
[quote name='oddfella']Whats the accelerometer for? Wii compatability?
Maybe for when you turn the thing it rotates the screen[/QUOTE]

Exactly. It senses whether you are holding it vertically or horizontally and adjusts to that view. There are Quicktime examples of this on Apple's site.
this thing looks really cool, but oh boy spending over $500 for a phone isn't exactly my cup of tea

the iPhone looks like a great product but will not take over the phone market like the iPod did for mp3 players because the price tag is way too much for the average consumer
I use a prepaid phone and it works fine with me. I am heavily into technology, but a phone is one thing I dont see the point of having a souped up version of. That's coming from someone whose dad was in wireless telecomm. for years. I make phone calls receieve phone calls. That's it. I care about looks and if it gets good battery. I dont care if it recognizes my asscheeks or can make me a latte...
I think it's cool and everyone at the show was gonig "I want one,! I'm gonig to cancel and join Sprint!" Those people might, but how many people will spend that much for a "phone"? I don't think this will be as big of a hit as Apple thinks it will be.
[quote name='Diiz']Pretty much my thinking as well. I want one, but will do without at $500 WITH a 2 year contract.[/QUOTE]


I am going to wait it out and see how well it does after a year... by then there should be an improved model out.
[quote name='keithp']Oh, and near the end of the presentation the CEO of Cingular comes out and says they've got a multi-year deal with Apple to provide service for it, so don't expect to see it on Verizon or anyone else anytime soon, unless it can be hacked, and even then probably not. Jobs says Apple filed over 200 patents in the process of designing the iPhone and says they're going to defend them vigorously.[/QUOTE]

The phone can't be hacked to work with Verizon because it's a GSM phone. The patents don't have anything to do with that.
[quote name='David85']I think it's cool and everyone at the show was gonig "I want one,! I'm gonig to cancel and join Sprint!" Those people might, but how many people will spend that much for a "phone"? I don't think this will be as big of a hit as Apple thinks it will be.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Dead of Knight']:rofl::rofl::rofl:

From the article:
"Apple argues that because its device is a mobile phone, rather than a landline, it is not infringing Cisco's trademark."

Bullshit. I hope Cisco milks them for whatever they can.[/QUOTE]
I haven't seen Apple's side of the story anywhere else, and that argument is so stupid I doubt it's real. I'm waiting for an actual quote from Apple.
I wonder if one of the CAG lawyers-by-trade can speak to this situation. It looked for a moment like there'd be some peace over the name, but I guess Apple is either stalling for more time or honestly believes they have a strong case here.
[quote name='shipwreck']I haven't read anything yet, but there were a couple of people at work talking about how Apple was going to be using a material used in hip replacements which would definitely cut down on scratches as a similar material would have a high hardness and minimal friction.[/quote]
Well then! This certainly will be the "hip" phone to have!
*cue manly laugh*
Wow. $500 + Contract is steep. This probably won't live up to Apples expectations, but then again everyone buys anything Apple nowadays.
bread's done