Iran gets serious: Renames food


Just to show that American politicians don't have a monopoly on ignorant and useless symbolic gestures, Iran has decided to renamed "Danish" pasteries.

Tehran, 7 Feb. (AKI) - Iran has decided to rename Danish pastries "Mohammedan" pastry - a new twist in the crisis which has triggered protest by Muslims throughout the world against cartoons of Mohammed first published in Denmark. The name change recalls when some Americans started calling French fries, "Freedom fries" to protest France's opposition to the United States-led invasion of Iraq.

Iran has recalled its ambassador from Copenhagen, and on Tuesday announced a halt to all imports of Danish products. Demonstrators in Tehran on Tuesday attacked the Danish embassy with stones and petrol bombs, the second such assault in two days.

Denmark says it holds the Iranian authorities responsible for the embassy attacks.

A series of cartoons depicting the Prohet Mohammed published in a Danish daily in September has triggered protests throughout the Islamic world which in recent days have led to at least five deaths in Afghanistan, one in Lebanon and one in Somalia.

Islamic tradition explicitly prohibits images of Allah and the Prophet Mohammed.

Da Link

I didn't even know they had Danishs in Iran.
In related news, Danish record stores are even now re-labeling unsold copies of “The Best of a Flock of Seagulls.”

Come on... Think about it…
Haha, that's classic, I love this stuff. The earliest I know of was the renaming of hamburgers and sauerkraut to "liberty sandwiches" and "liberty cabbage" during WWII I think it was, does it go earlier than that?
Isnt Denmark one of the worlds biggest exporter of pork products?

Seems like an Islamic country wouldnt be getting much of those anyway.
[quote name='SpazX']Haha, that's classic, I love this stuff. The earliest I know of was the renaming of hamburgers and sauerkraut to "liberty sandwiches" and "liberty cabbage" during WWII I think it was, does it go earlier than that?[/QUOTE]

I know that the very first controlled substance in the United States was margarine, as a result of the dairy industry lobby at the time. Even possession of oleo capsules was a punishable offense. It's possible that it was in part b/c of the dairy lobby, as well as the French origin of margarine (Napoleon couldn't keep butter on the battlefield, so it was developed to keep the French happy at the time).

Not releated, I know, but nontheless interesting.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']what next no more American Cheese in Iran, what the hell will I get on my lamb subs at Subway Anti-American Cheese?[/QUOTE]

Subway sells lamb? What's next horse meat? I've never seen a fast food restaurant sell any meat but beef, pork, chicken, turkey and fish.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']Subway sells lamb? What's next horse meat? I've never seen a fast food restaurant sell any meat but beef, pork, chicken, turkey and fish.[/QUOTE]

I was thinkin of foreign subways, not the classy american ones
bread's done