Is a DS right for me?

Armstrong x360a

24 (100%)
Hello all DS gamers!

I'm looking into buying a hand held system and I've heard great things about the DS but I'm wondering if it's right for me.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself.

I started my gaming career on the PC with the original Civ which got me hooked so fast there was no going back. I fell in love with the SimCity franchise and still play that now and again. I continued playing all sorts of top down strategy games and quickly came to love the RTS genre and hack and slashers (lots of blizzard games). I was never allowed to play FPS on my parents PC so the first one I played was Max Payne when I got my own computer for college (sad right?). I'm currently an avid Xbox 360 gamer engrossed mostly in the graphically impressive FPS and racing genres.

So I'm open to new innovative ways of playing games but I'm not interested in anything childish or taking care of any pets (nintendogs is right out). That said and considering my history is there any chance I would enjoy gaming on a DS when traveling or away from my Xbox? And if so, what games should I look into right off the bat?

Thanks in advance for your input!

(Sorry if this is the wrong place! If, so please don't hesitate to move it.)
[quote name='Armstrong x360a']Hello all DS gamers!

I'm looking into buying a hand held system and I've heard great things about the DS but I'm wondering if it's right for me.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself.

I started my gaming career on the PC with the original Civ which got me hooked so fast there was no going back. I fell in love with the SimCity franchise and still play that now and again. I continued playing all sorts of top down strategy games and quickly came to love the RTS genre and hack and slashers (lots of blizzard games). I was never allowed to play FPS on my parents PC so the first one I played was Max Payne when I got my own computer for college (sad right?). I'm currently an avid Xbox 360 gamer engrossed mostly in the graphically impressive FPS and racing genres.

So I'm open to new innovative ways of playing games but I'm not interested in anything childish or taking care of any pets (nintendogs is right out). That said and considering my history is there any chance I would enjoy gaming on a DS when traveling or away from my Xbox? And if so, what games should I look into right off the bat?

Thanks in advance for your input!

(Sorry if this is the wrong place! If, so please don't hesitate to move it.)[/QUOTE]
The DS is a fine machine, but from what you say about yourself you'd probably get a lot more out of a PSP.
[quote name='Armstrong x360a'] I'm currently an avid Xbox 360 gamer engrossed mostly in the graphically impressive FPS and racing genres.

So I'm open to new innovative ways of playing games but I'm not interested in anything childish or taking care of any pets (nintendogs is right out).[/QUOTE]

>>Is a DS right for me?

PSP aint right either. It doesn't have any good shooters and only barely playable racers.

I think you're just out of luck at the moment.

DS has the simulation games you claim to like along with a good interface to play 'em, but I'm guessing those don't interest you no mores.
[quote name='Strell']PSP aint right either. It doesn't have any good shooters and only barely playable racers.

I think you're just out of luck at the moment.

DS has the simulation games you claim to like along with a good interface to play 'em, but I'm guessing those don't interest you no mores.[/quote]

Hmm, I guess I haven't picked up a good sim or RTS in a long time but I'm not sure if that's more because my computer can't run them (and an RTS is unplayable on the Xbox imo) or because I lost interest. I also loved the old side-scrollers back in the original gameboy days (Mario, Wario, Kirby) but again haven't played anything like that since I was a kid due to not owning a hand held. Well, now I'm stuck!
get a gba on the cheap and try out some stuff like advanced wars, metroid, mario etc.

If you like it, look forward to more of it using a touch screen from the ds.

If not, you wouldn't have lost much money.
The best way to determine the best platform for you is to youtube the video games you might have the slightest interest. For example, I'm an avid FPS gamer and i enjoy 2D platforms like Super Mario on SNES, so I chose NDS Lite. I like DS titles more than PSP's games. Most of my DS games are in 2D platform, such as Sonic Rush (Adventures), Contra 4, Commando Steel Disaster, Mario Kart, and BubbleBobble. 3D platforms and FPS games are difficult to play on a small handheld screen. You can barely see the distance beyond the character, or vehicle. Personally, I am not fond of using the DS's stylus for playing video games. So, I tend to find games that hardly use the DS stylus. Overall, 'youtube' the video games and go from there. Good luck.
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Honestly, I think just about anybody can find games for the DS that they'd enjoy.

Yeah, there's a ton of kiddie stuff and shovelware, but there's a bunch of quality games out there as well.
DS is a great machine, if you like gaming then there is bound to be a game for you.
Just Mario, Zeldas, Castlevanias have been worth it for me.
But then you have a shit load of RPG's, little mind games, sudoku's, etcs.
another thing if you have kids, you guys can both share the system and get that little criter off your back while you play other games.
FPS are better on PSP and PSP will get Grand Turismo. GT on PSP will put any racer on DS to shame.
You could definitely get some good RTS/strategy RPG games on the DS, and there are several good 2D platformers, so you may like it for that.

For your other interests, both suck for FPS games (no dual analog on either, DS can't do the graphics well enough IMO). For racing the PSP wins hands down.

So it seems like neither really fits your needs, but each offers a few things you may want.

For me I went DS as I like the 2D platformers (unfortunately those have been fewer and far between lately, but plenty are out for someone new to the system) and puzzle games. PSP never really appealed to me as I had no need for "console like" games on a portable. I mainly play at home and I'd rather just play FPS games etc. on my consoles rather than a handheld.
Thanks for everyone's input.

I'm still trying to decide what I'm looking for but leaning a bit towards the PSP right now with the look of the new screen. I would be using my handheld mostly for travel and small bursts of play in between other things.

I'm also interested in the story based games such as GoW and MSG that I haven't had a chance to play since I don't have a PS2/PS3. Are those games well ported to PSP and worth playing or are they just crappy ports for a quick cash in?
There is a god of war game for the PSP that is supposed to be pretty good.

MGS 4 won't get ported, but there are some MGS games for PSP, though I think they play a good bit differently from the console games (someone who has a PSP and played them could fill you in).
The PSP is a good system. I just got a good deal on a slim from ebay. I'm enjoying it, I just need to find some more games. I would also recommend looking on craigslist for a DS. You could probably find a original model for cheap. It is nice to have both. I was wanting a DS specifically for the Valkyrie Profile game. I lucked out though and found an original model DS for $15 at a garage sale.
[quote name='erehwon']The PSP is a good system. I just got a good deal on a slim from ebay. I'm enjoying it, I just need to find some more games. I would also recommend looking on craigslist for a DS. You could probably find a original model for cheap. It is nice to have both. I was wanting a DS specifically for the Valkyrie Profile game. I lucked out though and found an original model DS for $15 at a garage sale.[/quote]

Wow! What a deal! If I could find a DS for that price I'd pick up both too. If I go for the PSP I'll probably wait till they bundle the PSP-3000 with something I'm interested in playing and then bite. Well, thanks for everyone's help, I may end up going for both eventually, who knows...
The only good racer on the PSP would be GT, and that's if it ever shows up as anything more than a fun tech demo with the PS3 circa E3 2006. FPS games on the PSP suck - please see that Konami one....something Code I think.

I'm not even saying DS will be any better in either regard, but Trackmania is supposed to be awesome (though the lack of wifi is RIDICULOUS) and you've always got Mario Kart to fall on for racers. Then again, both of those are arcade-y and not sim, and I don't know what you are looking for.

I don't really play FPS games so I can't say much there.

Also, PSP-3000 is hardly worth being called an upgrade, and in some cases is a step back (slightly less battery life). Might as well just get....well most people aren't even convinced the Slim is that much of an upgrade. Might as well just get something if you want a PSP.
[quote name='Strell']The only good racer on the PSP would be GT, and that's if it ever shows up as anything more than a fun tech demo with the PS3 circa E3 2006. FPS games on the PSP suck - please see that Konami one....something Code I think.

Forgetting about Resistance PSP? OP has to wait for that one just like GT.
Burnout Legend is a very good racing game, containing tracks from Burnout 1-3. Burnout Dominator isnt as good but worth checking out if you like the series.

As for Resisteance PSP it is from the same team as Dark Mirror team so I would at least give it a chance.
[quote name='dmaul1114'] PSP never really appealed to me as I had no need for "console like" games on a portable. I mainly play at home and I'd rather just play FPS games etc. on my consoles rather than a handheld.[/QUOTE]

This is my biggest problem with the PSP. It has lots of great games, but they are all pretty much inferior versions of console games and I'd much rather just play those. The DS, on the other hand, has unique games and RPGs that I can't find other places. I really should play my PSP more. I have an original launch-day model and I've probably played it no more than 40 or 50 hours total. I think I've turned it on 2 or 3 times this year. And that was to test the Ratchet & Clank game I bought used. It is a great game, but I haven't even played the PS2 versions yet and I'd probably prefer doing that over playing the PSP one.

I also don't see it as very portable so I don't take it when I travel - the DS is much better for that as it seems more sturdy and easily portable (and I don't have a good way of carrying multuple UMDs) as well as having awesome battery life. Having said that, I have a huge number of PSP games so I should just force myself to play some of them soon as I always do enjoy it when I play it. The problem is that when faced with a game decision it is either going to be a 360 or Wii games, or, if I feel like sitting on the couch with a handheld, it will often be a quirky DS game (Prof. Layton, etc) or a retro RPG (FF IV, DQ IV, etc). But probably I'll fire it up to play Jeanne d'Arc since at least that is a PSP-exclusive and not a port or sequel of any console game (and supposedly an excellent strategy RPG so get that if you like those sorts of things).
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I'd recommend a DS to someone who is a social gamer and has friends that enjoy their DS. Some of the best games you'll play on the DS are only going to be as fun as you make it, like Crystal Chronicles. An okay game in single-player, but an amazing Multi-player hack-n-slash. Tetris DS, Mario Kart DS, even the New Super Mario Bros are all better with a friend.
That's my 2 cents.
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