Is a "Just-Above-the-Ass-Crack" Tattoo SEXY?


20 (100%)
On the ladies of course - I can't imagine it looking so hot on a dude. I saw some chick wearing a 1/2 shirt at lunch today and she had a design or something going on back there. I dig it.
I don't know if it's my conservative roots, but I think that a tatoo on the small of a woman's back is a major turn off. It makes a girl look like a pornstar.
[quote name='MrBadExample']That all depends on the ass right beneath it. No one appreciates a nice Welcome mat in front of a condemned building.[/QUOTE]

Great point. I was gonna say it's hot but I agree with you, it depends on the girl.
[quote name='The Gifuto']I don't think so, but I'm rather conservative.[/QUOTE]
Same boat here. It's led to many an arguement for me with some of my decorated friends.
I don't remember where I saw it, but there was a picture of that kind of tattoo on an older, saggier woman... and it didn't look too happy. It might have been on Conan or something, so it could have been fake. Regardless, even if it looks nice now, it's probably not going to look nice later.
I don't find them sexy at all. It seems like everyone has them to the point that they seem like branded cattle. I see it as nothing more than a fad.....and people who will have a permanent reminder that they bought into a fad don't sound very appealing to me.
[quote name='KillingMachine']I don't find them sexy at all. It seems like everyone has them to the point that they seem like branded cattle. I see it as nothing more than a fad.....and people who will have a permanent reminder that they bought into a fad don't sound very appealing to me.[/QUOTE]

hmmm..exact words i was looking for :)!
Its a "fuck me" tattoo...

If a chick has that, I play no games...right into bed.

Then I focus on the tat and last foever...the end. Remember, they get them to help you, not hurt you.
It doesn't matter how good a tattoo looks now, it won't look good later. Then again, same goes for the person wearing it.
I think they're pretty weak. Think about it: When that girl is 40, its going to look really dumb. Unless she gets a tattoo of a target on the small of her back. Then shes just a whore 4 life
My GF has a one that's about 2 inches long. I don't really care for it that much. She said that if she could do it all over again, she wouldn't have gotten the tattoo.
[quote name='javeryh']It definitely depends on the ass but I think it looks hot on the right person...[/QUOTE]

I agree. There is this waitress at Nationals(sports bar) and damn if it isn't hot on her. I have seen some that makes the girl look trampy.
[quote name='MrBadExample']That all depends on the ass right beneath it. No one appreciates a nice Welcome mat in front of a condemned building.[/QUOTE]

Hilarious. But I would have to agree with MrBadExample it depends on the booty that is located under the tatoo.
The female body is a work of art. I could look at nude woman all day; and I think most of you could, too. Add a tattoo and that becomes a focal point. It detracts from the natural beauty of a woman, telling your eyes to 'LOOK HERE'.
I was at the vet a few days ago and one of the veterinarian who was treating my pet had tattoos all over her arm and you could see 2 on her lower neck. I would have loved to see the rest of them, really made me wish I was the sick one.
funny this thread should be created now, my gf just came back from ocean city with a temporary painted on butterfly tattoo right there....its supposed to last for quite a looks hot imo, but then again, she has a nice badonkadonk
I'm indifferent .....I guess when i think about it, tatoos are kinda played out. Most of them are not interesting to me; There are very few that make say "Wow!"
To all those who said it was "played out" I whole heartedly agree. It's about as fresh as a Foghat concert, just like those douches who get tattoos of asian characters or barbwire on their arms.
Reality's Fringe]To all those who said it was "played out" I whole heartedly agree. It's about as fresh as a Foghat concert said:
Yeah, I could never understand people who get asian characters put on them when they honestly have no idea what they mean. Are you chinese? Hmmm... Do you speak chinese? No? Then why the fuck do you have chinese characters that you can't read printed on you for life?!!! Just because the weirdo dude at the tattoo parlor told you that it means "strength" or "freedom", doesn't mean shit. For all you know it could say "ass-monkey" or "another dumb foreigner". If you are going to get readable shit printed on you, make sure you get it in a LANGUAGE YOU CAN READ!!! :bomb:

Now back on topic... tattoos on chicks are rarely ever sexy... mostly just sleazy.
I think they are played but can be sexy on the right woman as others have said. I find a tattoo near the wasteline in the front and a little off to the side (like in joevans sig) much sexier.

EDIT: It's got to be the right tattoo too. I don't really know how to define that, but I know it when I see it. It can't be anything too flashy or fancy. Simple is better when it comes to tattoos. Nothing big either.
Reality's Fringe]To all those who said it was "played out" I whole heartedly agree. It's about as fresh as a Foghat concert said:
tekkens gunna iron fist you for that :lol:

anyways a good tattoo is a good tattoo the placement dosent make the tattoo good or bad.

bad tattoos: butterflies, kanji, tribal, barbed wire, astrological symbols, nautical stars, looney toons characters.
I'm not a conservative, but I don't like it. It's not that they're not attractive, it's just that (for me at least) tattoos in areas like that are kind of like tongue rings. Mainly worn by hookers and fuck-sluts
It's not a deal-breaker for me one way or the other. Don't hate 'em, don't love 'em. It's not like I'm going to turn down some ass just because there's a tattoo right above it. ;)
[quote name='punqsux']tekkens gunna iron fist you for that :lol:

anyways a good tattoo is a good tattoo the placement dosent make the tattoo good or bad.

bad tattoos: butterflies, kanji, tribal, barbed wire, astrological symbols, nautical stars.[/QUOTE]

The placement might not make it good or bad, but that isn't the question. The placement can make it sexy or not sexy, IMO. A tattoo on a womans breast or thigh or shoulder is NOT sexy.
I like 'em. Like the others have said, the body makes or breaks the deal. I like them on small waisted, wide hipped women. Clingly short t-shirts set them off. Tight stomachs also help.

On a side note, how many people answering have tattoos? I have 4, but I am just curious about the rest of you.
Could never imagine doing something like that. So no, I don't have a tatt. Never will either.
[quote name='Stryffe2004']I like 'em. Like the others have said, the body makes or breaks the deal. I like them on small waisted, wide hipped women. Clingly short t-shirts set them off. Tight stomachs also help.

On a side note, how many people answering have tattoos? I have 4, but I am just curious about the rest of you.[/QUOTE]

I totally agree. My ex had one and it was hot yet my best friends girl has one and it looks awful.
Dont care for tattoos at all. Or any other self inflicted fashion statement.
Lower back just screams look at me, i might do you.
I don't like tatoos on girls at somebody already mentioned they'll get worse as the years pass by.
[quote name='Pylis']I don't know if it's my conservative roots, but I think that a tatoo on the small of a woman's back is a major turn off. It makes a girl look like a pornstar.[/QUOTE]

I kind of doubt that...
I would think that a breast augmentation and other types of cosmetic surgery would be much, much better at achieving that end :)
Ugly girls should get tattoos of hot girls just above their ass cracks so you have something to distract you from the fact that yer banging an ugly chick.

(I know, so shallow, but you'll thank me later)
bread's done