Is being "liberal" a choice or are you born that way?

I'm finding out more and more that I'm a liberal leaning Republican(and not a Democrat as I've voted for years now).

For example:

I hate the fact that anyone who speaks out against the current wave of illegal immigrants here in this country is labeled a racist, as I feel that they should ALL be shipped back whenever they're found and any 'anchor babies' should be shipped back with them.

But yet I also hate the greedy insurance companies in this nation and I wish this country would do like Canada and the UK have and have free national healthcare for all.
Part born, part: "However, the, subjects were only more likely to have leanings to the left if they were also socially active during adolescence.".

It makes a certain amount of sense, especially considering the way so many cons are lets face it deeply disturbed.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I'm finding out more and more that I'm a liberal leaning Republican(and not a Democrat as I've voted for years now).

For example:

I hate the fact that anyone who speaks out against the current wave of illegal immigrants here in this country is labeled a racist, as I feel that they should ALL be shipped back whenever they're found and any 'anchor babies' should be shipped back with them.

But yet I also hate the greedy insurance companies in this nation and I wish this country would do like Canada and the UK have and have free national healthcare for all.[/QUOTE]

Could get off-topic here, but yeah, I think it would be a good idea to ship back illegal immigrants. But at the same time I think it would be a good idea to roll back the NAFTA free trade nonsense. Why? Because if we stopped trying to destabilize Mexico's economy--and instead helped them to become a stronger, more independent country--we wouldn't have the problems with people coming up here and looking for work.

A liberal democrat might be pro-multiculturalism. But what is really at the core of lowering borders and the mingling of different ethnicities? The destruction of the nation state. And here the multiculturalist is (consciously or unconsciously?) aiding and abetting the interests of the multinational corporation. Sure, the removal of tariffs might allow Monsanto to unload more genetically engineered corn on Mexico, but at the price of putting their farmers out of business. So then the disenfranchised Mexicans come up here looking for work, and are further used as leverage to disenfranchise the American worker.

If the problem is examined from this point of view, it becomes obvious that certain business interests are all for weakening both the United States and Mexico as sovereign nations. These interests are essentially traitors--but no politician lately has the gonads for dealing with them as they need to be dealt with.
[quote name='Msut77']Part born, part: "However, the, subjects were only more likely to have leanings to the left if they were also socially active during adolescence.".

It makes a certain amount of sense, especially considering the way so many cons are lets face it deeply disturbed.[/QUOTE]

I thought it was funny how the study could be construed as "Liberals are more friendly." :D Somebody should make a sticker that says Helping Liberals Help Minorities Help Evil Corporations.
[quote name='Indigo_Streetlight']I thought it was funny how the study could be construed as "Liberals are more friendly." :D Somebody should make a sticker that says Helping Liberals Help Minorities Help Evil Corporations.[/QUOTE]

Liberals indirectly help evil corporations.

Conservatives directly help them in the name of "small government".
[quote name='depascal22']Liberals indirectly help evil corporations.

Conservatives directly help them in the name of "small government".[/QUOTE]

I know o_O It's pretty messed when you think about it. :D

Though I wouldn't go so far as to make "The greater wrong of Right" argument; as far as I see it corporations get bail-outs and subsidies no matter which party is in power. The effort to fuck the American people is purely bipartisan (good reason to hate that word, by the way).
Dopamine receptors are implicated in the risk-reward pathways, psychosis and nausea. Considering that liberals tend to only think about getting free stuff for nothing, have no grasp on reality and propose policies that are absolutely nauseating, this makes perfect sense.

And yes this was a joke. Look at the bright side, this may finally get die-hard conservatives on board for stem cell research to try to "cure" this.
[quote name='depascal22']Liberals indirectly help evil corporations.

Conservatives directly help them in the name of "small government".[/QUOTE]

I thought it was liberals are in the back pockets of the unions and conservatives are in the back pockets of corporations.

Which one is the lesser of the two evils... well corporations are looking out for their executives and maybe their stock holders and nowadays unions are out for.... well... union leaders and maybe the union members if it equates to more union dues.
[quote name='dopa345']And yes this was a joke. Look at the bright side, this may finally get die-hard conservatives on board for stem cell research to try to "cure" this.[/QUOTE]



Everything you do is a combination of genetics and environment. Problem solved.

winner winner chicken dinner.
H.P. Lovecraft was a mean guy:

“As for the Republicans—how can one regard seriously a frightened, greedy, nostalgic huddle of tradesmen and lucky idlers who shut their eyes to history and science, steel their emotions against decent human sympathy, cling to sordid and provincial ideals exalting sheer acquisitiveness and condoning artificial hardship for the non-materially-shrewd, dwell smugly and sentimentally in a distorted dream-cosmos of outmoded phrases and principles and attitudes based on the bygone agricultural-handicraft world, and revel in (consciously or unconsciously) mendacious assumptions (such as the notion that real liberty is synonymous with the single detail of unrestricted economic license or that a rational planning of resource-distribution would contravene some vague and mystical ‘American heritage’…) utterly contrary to fact and without the slightest foundation in human experience? Intellectually, the Republican idea deserves the tolerance and respect one gives to the dead.”
[quote name='Clak']I never knew that H. P. Lovecraft was a socialist/communist/marxist, but there it is.[/QUOTE]

That guy stole the name of my car.
I could walk into a class of 13-14 years, hold a class debate on current world issues, and tell you exactly what type of people those kids will be in 10 years.

And I think it's largely environmental.
Life is going to be boring when we one day have a scientific explanation for every possible scenario in exsistence.

"Why no Mr Gargus you dont actually enjoy getting blowjobs and enjoy eating cake because according to these T and G strands in your genetic makeup you were already predisposed to liking them since before you were born".
Actually I think it'll be something more like this:

"Why no Mr Gargus you dont actually like black people or minorities because according to these T and G strands in your genetic makeup you were already predisposed to disliking them since before you were born".
Well he definitely stole the name of the sex robot I designed for hewlett packard.

(I'm sure this joke has never been told before and I'm very clever)
[quote name='Msut77']Your car is named Cthulhu?[/QUOTE]

the car of cthulu...My Favorite Metallica song.

BTW sut, your avatar makes me feel dirty every time I look at it.
point well taken....although I haven't quite caught the vision of that either. cant we have merry boobmas once in a while?
bread's done