is Fable 2 worth playing?


3 (100%)
I just picked up a 360 Arcade unit and am wondering whether I should pick up Fable 2 or not. Is it a good game? I absolutely loved Oblivion so this looks like a game I would like. I've heard it's very short though, and i've never played the first Fable. Is that really necessary?
Fable 2 doesn't require playing the first one to enjoy it. It's a great co-op experience with a friend online or local co-op. It is indeed short and hardly worth playing a second time, and the DLC does add a good amount of time - so I'd recommend getting the Platinum Hits version that includes 2 pieces of DLC.

Also, if you want something more like Oblivion - Dragon Age Origins, Assassin's Creed, and Fallout 3 are good choices.
If you play the first Fable, you'll know more about the story kinda. But anyway, absolutely play Fable 2. Very good game!
fable 2 is pretty good, but it is nothing like oblivion. it's probably closer to zelda. it doesn't have much depth, so if you're looking for a deeper game try fallout3 or dragon age.
Yes, most definitely yes! Fable 2 is one of my favorite games of all time. One of the very few games I kept playing to get all of the achievements.
I hated Fable II, I like the Zelda series or Okami better. The story is weak in Fable and
it does not matter if you walk 2,789 miles to one place your guy still gets fat unless you only feed him celery. Also, spending 20 years in a jail in the game is pretty fucking shitty story telling as well.
If you are looking for a game with action/adventure with RPG elements play Crackdown. Zelda and Okami both pull off what Fable tries to do, only they pull it off with much better class and style. You could always go to Gamestop and buy it used and take it back within seven days if you do not like it as well.
it's like a kid game, like a kid version of Oblivion. There's not much seriousness to it at all. There's no depth, the combat is meh, customization sucks. Not much of an RPG, etc.

All that being said, it's a fun game and worth a play through, but don't expect anything spectacular. Your main character can't even talk, I hated that the most.
You can download and play the first chapter for free from Live, can't you? (I know you could... because I did!)

Just don't buy it from Live, it's massively overpriced!!! :p
i beat fable 2 quickly but i usualy end up going back to try to buy all the houses and do the things i missed, so there is some stuff to do when you are done, the acheivements can give some replayability so theres that. i liked it a lot but i think it's because i played it not caring about the story.
Fable II is a definite must buy. It is an enjoyable, creative game.

I agree with other posters, Fable II is not a deep game. If you are looking for something closer to Oblivion, buy Fallout 3 GOTY.

Don't forget, Fallout: New Vegas and Fable III come out in the fall.
I'd say it's definitely worth playing, but as other people have said don't go into it expecting the same depth you found in Oblivion. The co-op is nice in theory but doesn't really work that well in practice. Both my wife and I really enjoyed Fable II though, and it's really pretty cheap these days.

If you want a solid action/RPG game with a little more depth I'd highly recommend both Mass Effect and Fallout 3 GOTY. I haven't tried Mass Effect 2 yet but I've heard that's great as well.
I enjoyed the game a lot and honestly haven't finished it simply because I don't have the time and kind of got bored with it. If you liked the first Fable then you will definitely like the second it builds on that, the first Fable was "new" where as Fable II is simply just a rehash really even though it is a great game in my opinion. This just leaves me worrying about what Fable III will be like, slightly better graphics, similar story involving time travel or time altering, something to that effect, the mention of really "Controlling" your character and world when it is just another Fable game.

- Jason
I never played the first, but I enjoyed Fable 2. It's not a masterpiece or anything, but I had fun with it. The story is ok, graphics are very good, the combat is mindless but fun. I didn't do a whole lot of the sim stuff with getting a wife, etc. etc. though.
Im on my 2nd play through of fable two and so doing a third also my wife is on her first solo play through and she loves it
[quote name='dbmottle']I just picked up a 360 Arcade unit and am wondering whether I should pick up Fable 2 or not. Is it a good game? I absolutely loved Oblivion so this looks like a game I would like. I've heard it's very short though, and i've never played the first Fable. Is that really necessary?[/QUOTE]

I was in the same position - I picked up an arcade a couple of months ago. Fable 2 was the first game I played and I thought it was fantastic. As the others have said it isn't like Oblivion but it is very fun. I didn't play the first Fable either and I don't feel like I missed anything story-wise. I think I finished it in a little under 20 hours.
I vote just get it. It's like $10 this week at Gamestop, even cheaper if you have an edge. It's worth at least that. If you don't like it, you have 7 days to return it.
Personally, I prefer the first Fable over the second. I just felt it was more engaging. Fable II doesn't really have an ending, at least not one worth experiencing, in my opinion.

Also, Fable II tends to feel drawn out. Some of the quest seem designed around making you run in circles (The DLC is DEFINITELY designed this way) or chasing colored objects/people. It's a good game, but not as great as everyone hyped it to be at release.
Yes it is worth playing. The only real downfall for both Fable I and II is they are really short games. Even with all the side quests you end feeling like it shouldnt be finished yet.
There's another downfall. Fable 2 is one of the glitchiest games you will ever play, despite being very enjoyable.
[quote name='KingBroly']There's another downfall. Fable 2 is one of the glitchiest games you will ever play, despite being very enjoyable.[/QUOTE]

My wife and I haven't had any problems really, and she's played that game a ton. I don't know if we've just been lucky or if most of the glitches have been patched now.
I don't recall running into any glitches--but again I didn't do much of the sim stuff. I got a wife, kid etc. after beating the game and messing around for a couple hours, but I didn't do much with buying the house etc. etc., so maybe I missed some of the glitchy parts. I mainly just did the main quest and some side quests.
This game is the Deal of the Week used at Gamestop next week for $9.99. I think it's definitely worth a playthrough at that price.
If you're the type of person who likes to explore and see everything in a game, I'm sure you will enjoy it a lot. I played it as a rental and had a more straight to the point approach to the game and finished it very quickly. Enjoyable but not as engaging as I had hoped.
Well, I was stupid for buying the Collector's Edition when it first came out =/ but it's a pretty fun and enjoyable game despite the fact that it's easy, short and glitchy. Was a step in the right direction and hopefully the third can improve on a lot of things wrong with the first two.

Also, at 9.99 (or anything less than 20 bucks) its pretty much a must buy.
I enjoyed it. It's a kind of breezy, lighthearted game with a lot of humor and not much difficulty. You can take things at your own pace-- it's fun to tool around doing stupid stuff like getting married and murdering your wife, hassling the town guards, getting tattoos, etc. The story had some intriguing bits but also a lot of things that came off weird or just didn't fit the tone of the game.
Like another poster mentioned, the whole 10 years in jail interlude was just a bizarrely dark thing to put in a game like this.

As far as RPGs on the 360 go though, there are games I liked better-- Mass Effect series, Final Fantasy XIII, Tales of Vesperia, Dragon Age.
It's funny, about three days ago I started up my first Fable II playthrough after buying it way back when it came out. Can't even quite remember why I never got around to it. But I'm really, really liking it. The main quests are fun, and I'm really getting into all of the ancillary stuff - having a family, buying property, customizing your character, etc. The setting is cool as well. It sets up a lot of great fantasy atmosphere.

I'm not sure how much I'd compared it to Oblivion, the game doesn't take itself all that seriously, which is great. There's a good sense of humor prevalent throughout the entire game.

All in all, I'd definitely recommend playing through it.
Fable II is extremely overrated.

It is not at all challenging (no penalty for death, no blocking i.e. attack attack attack).

I highly suggest you try the free demo on the marketplace to see if you like.

The real reason I found the game unsatisfying was the lack of challenge, however if you just want a game to mess around with without challenge I can see Fable II as an enjoyable experience for that type of gamer.
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