Is it just me or are the scams getting out of hand?

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156 (99%)
My apologies if a thread like this has already been created. Also, I apologize for the long post, but I feel this is something that should have been addressed several weeks prior.

I've been on CAG for a few years now and have dealt with dozens upon dozens of wonderful people from across the map. Honestly, with the 60+ transactions I've done, there's been only three that I actually felt nothing short of content with. I'm sure most of you can say the same. I just love the sense of community here and how everyone can be so open with each other about things. And as a semi-English major, I love how the majority of you use proper spelling and grammar, which is something eBay or Amazon have never impressed me with, heh.

But I digress. I've noticed in the past two months, the number of stickied threads regarding scammers has increased alarmingly. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I never recall a time where so many people were independently scammed in such a short time. In the years prior, I recall the occassional thread every few months of a seller that had been conducting some shady deals here and there, like selling stolen goods and such, but nowadays it seems like there's a new thread regarding a scam each time I check the trading forums.

Yes, it's to be understood that there comes a certain risk in doing any sort of deal with people over the internet and we are to sell, buy and trade at our own risk, but I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that it's getting out of hand. I suppose some of it could be blamed on the increased popularity of the site, which opens it to a larger audience and thus more people of ill-intent find their way here. Either way, with so many years of thousands of mostly smooth transactions, there's no reason why this trend cannot extend into future days.

Ultimately, I was wondering if there's anything that can be done to further protect the majority of the users here from these ever-increasing scams. I'm not sure how to go about such an ordeal, which is why I post this to ask of everyone's opinion on the matter. Naturally, preventing a situation is the key here, but the only ideas I have involve intrusions of users' privacy, which is something I wouldn't readily support. I am proud to admit that probably 90% of my video game purchases are your used copies. Please don't let make me go back to Circuit City, GameStop and the like.

tl;dr: We need to stop the scams. Any ideas?
Perhaps it's the state of the economy or that people are targeting those with low feedback in some cases. It's always buyer beware so I am careful.
I think it's a number of factors.. the economy being down, our userbase growing due to popularity, the lack of personal information CAG requires you to have in order to trade.. it's why I only deal with people who already have feedback or people who pay or send their stuff first.
Really nothing can be done.

As this site grow, the number of trader will grow as well, thus the number of scammer will grow.

Just use common sense when trading.
I agree.

I have not traded yet but was debating to start. All of these scammer threads are very discouraging so I have decided that I will not be trading in fear of getting scammed. I rarely ever make purchases from online retailers that aren't so well known. When I do, I make sure I research the company a bit before entering any of my information. We cannot really do any research on this site to prevent a scam, since a person could have X amount of trading points and still scam someone at will.

I do hope something is done though, this community is great and I'd hate to see these scammers ruin a good thing.
People are generally taking advantage of the new people which sucks. Since I generally have higher feedback, I don't really ever need to send first or pay first, but truthfully, I don't think I would ever send a high price item out to someone if they don't have at least 50 or 60 feedback anyway.
One thing other sites (Neo Geo, digital press) use is you have to be amember for so long, and have X amount of posts in other areas first.
I don't with a 15 year old just doesn't seem logical

What happens if it goes bad? What? You call their parents??? "Yea, your son traded his ____ for my money and it wasn't in the condition advertised...."

I dunno....I'd rather trade with an adult that I'm fully aware of. High exposure, high credibility, and just passes the sniff test
The only people I would ever trade with on CAG are those that are long standing CAGs that I know of, people such as Scorch, SneakyPenguin, zewone, other CAGs that I've gotten to know through the years, and even those that I'm not a fan of their posts, but I know are good people.....;)

Regardless, in general i would feel better about doing transactions on Ebay before I did them on CAG.
It also must be pointed out that you're only hearing about the scams - TONS of trades go on each day on CAG with no incident whatsoever, they're just not posted about. So take that into account as well, Reno.
Yeah man, and it's all over the board. It's making my FB look worthless at this point. Not that I did it just for the #'s, but I liked the ease and convenience of trading fairly with others.

We just kinda with it? I mean, maybe we should enforce a DC# policy or something, though you can't really enforce it when everything is really voluntary.
CAG has a great community, you just need to trade with some1 that has high rating. This is first time I've seen some1 as high as Anbu get into trouble, but I was not surprised due past trade with him that fell through.

There are tons of great traders out there, you just need to watch who you trade with at first.

[quote name='RenoTurk11']I agree.

I have not traded yet but was debating to start. All of these scammer threads are very discouraging so I will not be trading in fear of getting scammed. I rarely ever make purchases from online retailers that aren't so well known. When I do, I make sure I research the company a bit before entering any of my information. We cannot really do any research on this site to prevent a scam, since a person could have X amount of trading points and still scam someone at will.

I do hope something is done though, this community is great and I'd hate to see these scammers ruin a good thing.[/quote]
[quote name='RenoTurk11']I agree.

I have not traded yet but was debating to start. All of these scammer threads are very discouraging so I have decided that I will not be trading in fear of getting scammed. I rarely ever make purchases from online retailers that aren't so well known. When I do, I make sure I research the company a bit before entering any of my information. We cannot really do any research on this site to prevent a scam, since a person could have X amount of trading points and still scam someone at will.

I do hope something is done though, this community is great and I'd hate to see these scammers ruin a good thing.[/quote]

In absolute agreement. This is part of the reason why I've put off trading on CAG over the years. I just keep pushing it back because of scams.
I think the trading system is fine as it is.. I mean, there is risk here, there isn't any way around it, and you have to accept that to a certain point. All you can do is understand Buyer Beware, hope for the best, and keep in mind their rep and read into the dialogue you and the other trader have, before sending out.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']The only people I would ever trade with on CAG are those that are long standing CAGs that I know of, people such as Scorch, SneakyPenguin, zewone, other CAGs that I've gotten to know through the years, and even those that I'm not a fan of their posts, but I know are good people.....;)

Regardless, in general i would feel better about doing transactions on Ebay before I did them on CAG.[/QUOTE]
what about me
[quote name='dinobot']Really nothing can be done.

As this site grow, the number of trader will grow as well, thus the number of scammer will grow.

Just use common sense when trading.[/QUOTE]

This is really how I feel about it, nothing can be done about it and more people need to just go okay this deal sounds too good to be true or this deal is too risky on my end.
rule #1 of Trading Guildeines - Trade at your own risk.

No where online is trading 100% safe, be it eBay or CAG. The feedback system helps and gives you a better sense of trust but never a guarantee.
Obviously, sending $400 to someone with only a few feedback for small transactions isn't the smartest thing to do.
Like dinobot said, you need to use common sense. It's unfortunate when someone gets scammed, but it's impossible to completely stop.
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