Is it so bad to be a fan?


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Hi, my name is rendil and I'm a fan of Nintendo. I own a Wii, a DS Lite, and a GBA SP. I waited overnight with my fiancee to purchase 2 EXTRA Wii's to give away as Christmas presents (even after I already had my own). My main console before the Wii was a GameCube. I also own an Xbox1 and a PS2, but their biggest feature for me is the amazing rate that they can collect dust.

I don't mind that the Nintendo franchises don't use blood or life-like graphics. In fact, I prefer it that way.

I don't mind that someone 20 years younger than me can get enjoyment from the same console as me.

I like games that are easy to pick up and play, yet more importantly, easy to put down. The days of me spending 9 hours/day on a game without breaks are over. I don't want to live in front of the glow.

I like party games. A lot, actually.

I like that I can play games from my childhood (spanning many consoles), all on the same piece of hardware. My wallet might complain about this one, but nostalgia > wallet usually.

I'm happy with the titles currently out for the Wii. And I'm excited for the new releases (Sonic, SSX, Mario Galaxy, Mario Party, Cooking Mama to name a few).

I like the Mario sports games, yet hate almost any other sports game.

None of this means that I dislike the other consoles. In fact, I'm impressed by the Xbox 360. I think that Xbox Live is great. The PS2 library is incredibly large, but at the same time, feels lacking. They're just not for me.

I don't want to play first/third person shooters as my main genre, online or otherwise. At least not with dual analog sticks.

I can't remember the last time I played a JRPG to its completion. That's not to say I don't like them, but I'm not motivated to finish them anymore.

I tried Gears of War, and didn't care for it.

The idea of microtransactions makes me cringe. Let me qualify this one: microtransactions that are there for the sake of charging you make me cringe. By this, I mean I don't mind paying for new content that is developed after a title is released. But if you're just throwing part of the game up there that should have been included to begin with, that's just wrong.

Given all of this, Nintendo is a great match for me. I don't worship them as the second coming of Christ, but I'm a fan.

So, is it so wrong to love one console, and not care for the others? Does that make me inherently evil and skewed in my views?
The evil people have so much antipathy for does not necessarily reside in being a fan, but a zealous fan who takes his fanboyism to that of a biased mania, slandering all consoles for the sake of partisan blatherings.

With that being said have you played Okami or Beyond Good and Evil? Those are both games available on the PS2 that have the Nintendo level polish and play mechanics. Don't care much for JRPG's? Have you played Tales of Symphonia? One of my favorite games on the Cube.

I do agree though Nintendo has a special place in my heart. They will always be the company I love and support. Although I am having loads of fun with Gears of War.
I'm first and foremost a Nintendo fan, I don't deny it. I do, however, like good games in general, and thus Nintendo hardware isn't the only hardware I own. I like to think that I can still have an unbiased opinion of most games, but when it comes down to it I don't really care what other people think of my opinion anyway.
I agree with just about everything you said except for the comment about Gears. That game is the shit. Good post!
I find that, generally, those dishing out the term "fanboy" are the biggest partisan supporters themselves, regardless of how much they may try to deny it.

Play what you like, and don't harp on others if their opinions differ from yours. That's what turns a "fan" into something that's less than desirable. :)
Fanboy is the stupidest concept ever. If you like a gamecube, ds, psp, ipod, iriver, frosted flakes I don't care. I have a life outside of gaming and don't feel the need to go around saying that people suck because they like a certain system. I like video games. I don't care if it is a 360, ps3, intellivision, Post cereal. I don't really care who makes the games as long as I have fun playing them. The same way I don't really care which studio makes a movie. Who would say I only watch Universal movies all the other ones suck? By the way nice post you nintendo fanboy, jk.
[quote name='strayfoxx']With that being said have you played Okami or Beyond Good and Evil? Those are both games available on the PS2 that have the Nintendo level polish and play mechanics. Don't care much for JRPG's? Have you played Tales of Symphonia? One of my favorite games on the Cube.[/quote]

I beat Beyond Good and Evil, but have yet to try Okami (although it does look excellent).

I put 50 hours into Tales of Symphonia, but I think I stopped playing right before the end. I like JRPG's, I just don't feel the motivation to finish them. I might put 10-15 hours into them and never load them up again.

[quote name='munch']I agree with just about everything you said except for the comment about Gears. That game is the shit. Good post![/QUOTE]

Maybe I'll have to give it another try. My friend brought over his 360 and we played an hour or two of co-op.

I like Halo and Halo 2 a lot for their multiplayer, and haven't tried Gears of War online. If I didn't like the co-op that much, is that indicative of what the online experience is like?

[quote name='Apossum']thank you for your emotional outpouring.[/QUOTE]

And thank you for your insightful criticism.
You could have NINT3ND04LIF3!!!!11!!1! tatooed on your forehead and it wouldn't matter. Play what you want to play, do what you want to do and live how you want to live.
[quote name='rendil']

And thank you for your insightful criticism.[/QUOTE]

:lol: c'mon, take a joke fanboy.
Who in the world said that you are bad for being a Nintendo fan?

You like what you like. Other people should not dictate your tastes. I'm a Nintendo fan, but I enjoy games on other platforms. That being said, Nintendo is always #1 to me, but I'm not going to cuss someone out because they think differently.

Also, I bought five additional Wii to give out as Christmas gifts. I'm quite tired of waiting in lines... haha...
[quote name='Apossum']:lol: c'mon, take a joke fanboy.[/quote]
I only understand jokes made by Nintendo. Wait a sec, maybe this will help me figure it out:


Oh, now I get it! The Koopa Troopa (me) tries to say something, but Mario (you) get bored halfway through his talk, so Mario (you) makes a sarcastic comment, demeaning the Koopa Troopa (me) without even acknowledging what he said. Whew, thanks Nintendo!

In reality, I thought it was pretty funny too, and although the Koopa Troopa looks pretty sad, it didn't really have any lasting impact on me. Although looking back, it probably looks like I was both offended and defensive.
to be a fan? no

to be a fanboy/girl? MOST DEFINITELY

because once you cross that border, you no longer are living in reality. and expect to be ostrasiced for it, and make bad decisions because of it.
Sorry, I only find jokes made by Ken Kutaragi funny. Nintendo jokes are so kiddy.
You're not rabidly hating on non-Nintendo stuff for no reason, so you're hardly an evil fan/fanboy. We have a lot in common (love that all ages can enjoy Nintendo games, last generation Gamecube was my primary console, don't care for JRPGs, waited overnight w/significant other for a Wii I didn't need or resell for profit, from the Bay Area ;) ), though I don't really consider myself a Nintendo fangirl (but definitely a fan).
[quote name='strayfoxx']The evil people have so much antipathy for does not necessarily reside in being a fan, but a zealous fan who takes his fanboyism to that of a biased mania, slandering all consoles for the sake of partisan blatherings.

With that being said have you played Okami or Beyond Good and Evil? Those are both games available on the PS2 that have the Nintendo level polish and play mechanics. [/QUOTE]

Beyond Good & Evil is a great game, especially on Gamecube :)
Why would he play it on PS2 with an inferior wired controller?
gotta agree with you there. Sometimes people forget that isn't not such a bad thing to have a preference. It just boggles my mind how the preference can be for Sony.. But whatever.
Okay, so your taste in games is different. By no means is it WRONG. You can't expect everyone to like games like Gears of War. To GOW's defense, its MP is wahts good and it grows on you.

I like my Wii, its nto my main console, and never will be. Im an online gamer. I like the Nintendo games.

See, my opinion differs. Nothing is wrong in having your own opinion of games.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']You're not rabidly hating on non-Nintendo stuff for no reason, so you're hardly an evil fan/fanboy. We have a lot in common (love that all ages can enjoy Nintendo games, last generation Gamecube was my primary console, don't care for JRPGs, waited overnight w/significant other for a Wii I didn't need or resell for profit, from the Bay Area ;) ), though I don't really consider myself a Nintendo fangirl (but definitely a fan).[/QUOTE]

I'm in the same camp too, except for some minor differences (I DO, in fact, like JRPG's quite a bit and it is the main reason I got a PS2). I did also live in the Bay Area (grew up there).

But definitely like you guys my GC was my main console last gen and the Wii will be my main console this gen. I keep going back and forth between the 360 and the PS3 for my SECONDARY console. I get a bit peeved at the industry hacks who dismiss the Wii as a "nice secondary console" and that at best, it will do OK as such. For me it is definitely primary. I think I'm leaning towards the 360 as my secondary for now. If the PS3 pulls through and becomes a good place for RPGs then I will probably get that too, but not for at least another year (then those two can fight over being secondary and tertiary :lol:). I managed to live without an Xbox entirely last gen and didn't miss a thing (that I cared about).

I most certainly don't consider myself a Nintendo fanboy mostly because I never played most of the Nintendo "classics". Besides an hour or two of SMB and a few hours of Zelda in the 80's/early 90's and Nintendo's arcade machines before that (particularly Donkey Kong) I never played any of their stuff before I got a GC in 2003. So I certainly have no emotional/nostalgia connection with them. I just liked what I saw of the GC in 2003 and picked that and haven't been disappointed. I didn't get my PS2 until 2005.
[quote name='io']I most certainly don't consider myself a Nintendo fanboy mostly because I never played most of the Nintendo "classics". Besides an hour or two of SMB and a few hours of Zelda in the 80's/early 90's and Nintendo's arcade machines before that (particularly Donkey Kong) I never played any of their stuff before I got a GC in 2003. So I certainly have no emotional/nostalgia connection with them. I just liked what I saw of the GC in 2003 and picked that. I didn't get my PS2 until 2005.[/QUOTE]Hey, me too. I was into PC gaming when I was younger, and I only played a little bit of Nintendo stuff (I had some Chinese bootleg imitation Nintendo console). The PS1 intrigued me, but I couldn't get one cuz of school/money. My first real jump into console gaming was with the Gamecube. I think we even got our Gamecube and PS2 the same years... creepy.
[quote name='bmulligan']Okay, I must be an idiot. What the heck does the "J" stand for in JRPG ? I've never heard of this before.[/QUOTE]

^^^^ Yup. Japanese RPG's like FF, Tales series, Atlus stuff, etc - you know, anime-like main characters with lots of spiky hair. As opposed to the "western" RPG's like Oblivion. I like them all.
The whole term fanboy is used to describe some n00b who well could care less as long as you side with him no matter how crappy his thing he is supporting is, imo.

To hate something is different. Hating something imo means that I generally dislike it but you could see why someone else would like it. For example I dislike the Halp series. I could see that somebody would like it, but I just didn't like the games. Just like the Topic Creator hates Gears, there is nothing wrong with that, not everybody will enjoy this game.

As for prefering Nintendo games, I also prefer Nintendo games to other ones. It's not that I am a fanboy but Nintendo makes good games and well I just enjoy playing them and well unlike a gorefest FPS game or something else found on most other consoles, Nintendo games are usually the unique and don't need violence or massive amount of graphical power to be cool. In my opinion Nintendo games are fresh because alot of times they are good and well Nintendo doesn't copy off game ideas already done. Now this doesn't mean that I hate other consoles. I own a PS2 and a 360 and both have had it's fair share of playtime, and even WOW has seen a good amount of playtime to it, there is no denying that, but I just think Nintendo makes more unique quality games that appeal to me than the clones of other games seen on other systems.
Personally I felt that the Playstation 2 had the more better games than the Gamecube. Between the Final Fantasy series, Metal Gear Solid, Burnout, Silent Hill, Guitaroo Man, Katamari Damacy, Xenosaga, Tekken, Yakuza, Wild Arms, Twisted Metal, Virtua Fighter, Time Crisis, Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, Suikoden, Rez, Shin Megami Tensei, Dragon Quest, Rogue Galaxy, Onimusha, Okami, Kingdom Hearts, and Amplitude, you get an idea of what I'm talking about.

Yes the Gamecube had a lot of great games, but it had nowhere near the cornicopia of great games that the PS2 had. I think a lot of people, at times myself included, become Nintendo-drunk which causes us to cast off other games which don't feel Nintendo. After really doing my best to cast that off myself, honestly Nintendo screwed up pretty badly on it's software during the GCN era. Of the original big three, only Metroid Prime lived up to the hype. And really since that big year, it was all one big lull until the Wii came around. Does anyone else remember Ms. Pac-Man being the big Nintendo game at E3 a few years back? That's how out of it they were.
[quote name='propeller_head']to be a fan? no

to be a fanboy/girl? MOST DEFINITELY

because once you cross that border, you no longer are living in reality. and expect to be ostrasiced for it, and make bad decisions because of it.[/quote]


[quote name='rendil']Hi, my name is rendil and I'm a fan of Nintendo. I own a Wii, a DS Lite, and a GBA SP. I waited overnight with my fiancee to purchase 2 EXTRA Wii's to give away as Christmas presents (even after I already had my own). My main console before the Wii was a GameCube. I also own an Xbox1 and a PS2, but their biggest feature for me is the amazing rate that they can collect dust.

I don't mind that the Nintendo franchises don't use blood or life-like graphics. In fact, I prefer it that way.

I don't mind that someone 20 years younger than me can get enjoyment from the same console as me.

I like games that are easy to pick up and play, yet more importantly, easy to put down. The days of me spending 9 hours/day on a game without breaks are over. I don't want to live in front of the glow.

I like party games. A lot, actually.

I like that I can play games from my childhood (spanning many consoles), all on the same piece of hardware. My wallet might complain about this one, but nostalgia > wallet usually.

I'm happy with the titles currently out for the Wii. And I'm excited for the new releases (Sonic, SSX, Mario Galaxy, Mario Party, Cooking Mama to name a few).

I like the Mario sports games, yet hate almost any other sports game.

None of this means that I dislike the other consoles. In fact, I'm impressed by the Xbox 360. I think that Xbox Live is great. The PS2 library is incredibly large, but at the same time, feels lacking. They're just not for me.

I don't want to play first/third person shooters as my main genre, online or otherwise. At least not with dual analog sticks.

I can't remember the last time I played a JRPG to its completion. That's not to say I don't like them, but I'm not motivated to finish them anymore.

I tried Gears of War, and didn't care for it.

The idea of microtransactions makes me cringe. Let me qualify this one: microtransactions that are there for the sake of charging you make me cringe. By this, I mean I don't mind paying for new content that is developed after a title is released. But if you're just throwing part of the game up there that should have been included to begin with, that's just wrong.

Given all of this, Nintendo is a great match for me. I don't worship them as the second coming of Christ, but I'm a fan.

So, is it so wrong to love one console, and not care for the others? Does that make me inherently evil and skewed in my views?[/quote]
Good post.

As others have said, nope, there's nothing wrong with your views at all.

Nintendo is producing quality stuff, and IMHO has consistently been doing so for as long as I can remember, so it's great that there are lots of us who support 'em! They deserve it.
[quote name='ahmedmalik']Personally I felt that the Playstation 2 had the more better games than the Gamecube. Between the Final Fantasy series, Metal Gear Solid, Burnout, Silent Hill, Guitaroo Man, Katamari Damacy, Xenosaga, Tekken, Yakuza, Wild Arms, Twisted Metal, Virtua Fighter, Time Crisis, Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, Suikoden, Rez, Shin Megami Tensei, Dragon Quest, Rogue Galaxy, Onimusha, Okami, Kingdom Hearts, and Amplitude, you get an idea of what I'm talking about.

Yes the Gamecube had a lot of great games, but it had nowhere near the cornicopia of great games that the PS2 had. I think a lot of people, at times myself included, become Nintendo-drunk which causes us to cast off other games which don't feel Nintendo. After really doing my best to cast that off myself, honestly Nintendo screwed up pretty badly on it's software during the GCN era. Of the original big three, only Metroid Prime lived up to the hype. And really since that big year, it was all one big lull until the Wii came around. Does anyone else remember Ms. Pac-Man being the big Nintendo game at E3 a few years back? That's how out of it they were.[/QUOTE]

the difference being the fact that Nintendo makes timeless classics. You list some great games on the PS2 but outside the time the PS2 ruled will any of them even be discussed or even be played 10 years from now? Maybe Katamari or Kingdom Hearts. Possibly Okami. But for the most part Sony's consoles are great for a short term investment, i.e. while you own the system. Look at the original Playstation. Is there a single game anyone is dying to pay $10 for on a 'Virtual Console" type service? On the opposite side of the coin you have a plethora of users waiting to give Nintendo $10 for their titles like Mario 64, Mario Kart & Zelda:OOT.

That being said, the wii will be my secondary console to the 360, if only for the fact of the release schedule and library. there will be a ton of great games for the Wii, but will be spread out.
[quote name='Corvin']the difference being the fact that Nintendo makes timeless classics. You list some great games on the PS2 but outside the time the PS2 ruled will any of them even be discussed or even be played 10 years from now? Maybe Katamari or Kingdom Hearts. Possibly Okami. But for the most part Sony's consoles are great for a short term investment, i.e. while you own the system. Look at the original Playstation. Is there a single game anyone is dying to pay $10 for on a 'Virtual Console" type service? On the opposite side of the coin you have a plethora of users waiting to give Nintendo $10 for their titles like Mario 64, Mario Kart & Zelda:OOT.

That being said, the wii will be my secondary console to the 360, if only for the fact of the release schedule and library. there will be a ton of great games for the Wii, but will be spread out.[/quote]
The only three Nintendo games that could be considered timeless classics for the Gamecube are Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, and Twilight Princess. Between Metal Gear Solid, Devil May Cry, and Final Fantasy, you've got that much covered already on the Playstation 2.

Animal Crossing? You got a better version on the DS. Mario Kart? You got a better version on the DS. Smash Brothers? You'll have a better version on the Wii. The Gamecube had by far the least 'timeless classics' out of any of the Nintendo home console.

As for a Playstation download service, Final Fantasy 7, Final Fantasy 8, Final Fantasy 9, Jumping Flash, Twisted Metal 2, Vagrant Story, Parasite Eve, Resident Evil 2, Chrono Cross, Xenogears, Tony Hawk Pro Skater, Super Puzzle Fighter 2, Lunar: Silver Star Story, Crash, Crash 2, Crash 3, Parappa The Rapper, Silent Hill, and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Those are definite buys for me. Other people may disagree and I will respect their opinions, but if these same games appeared on the Wii virtual console, I believe that at least a few people here would download them in a heartbeat.
[quote name='rendil']So, is it so wrong to love one console, and not care for the others? Does that make me inherently evil and skewed in my views?[/QUOTE]Skewed, absolutely. Evil? You wish.
In your post you seem cal, cool, and of completely sound mind. Being a Nintendo fan is not bad. I have all the nintendo systems through gamecube. I bought my 360, because i didn't want to wait for a Wii. I'll probably still get one soon. But you are a clear-minded fan. A fanBOY acts something like this. (Hold on a sec, lemme get my caps lock warmed up)


Notice the difference?
Yes, its silly to exclude yourself from certain play experiences because of idelogy. You play the games, not the system. Prefering the set of play experiences that one can get from a particular system is not irrational. Prefering a system in lieu of other play experiences is.

I use the term play experiences because a game can be the "same" on two different systems, yet be very different. Madden for the Wii and for the 360 comes to mind. A game is the sum of its parts, gameplay & graphics included. Given two systems with similar capabilites e.g. 360 & PS3, the given experience of playing a game will also be similar.

This is the first generation where graphics are not the main cleavage of play experience. That makes it even more imperitive to NOT be a fanboi.
"Smash Brothers? You'll have a better version on the Wii."

Thats not a very good example, thats like saying
The original mario brothers? You'll have a better version on the N64 with Mario 64? or GC with Super mario Sunshine. Or the new super mario brothers on the DS. It doesnt mean its not a classic, just cuz theres something better out there. At least my definition of classic is that you can play it as many times as you want, but itll still last for a good loooong time. Is pong a classic? There are way more better versions, editions, whatever. Its still a classic, its still around. I think SSBM counts.
[quote name='AmigoOne']"Smash Brothers? You'll have a better version on the Wii."

Thats not a very good example, thats like saying
The original mario brothers? You'll have a better version on the N64 with Mario 64? or GC with Super mario Sunshine. Or the new super mario brothers on the DS. It doesnt mean its not a classic, just cuz theres something better out there. At least my definition of classic is that you can play it as many times as you want, but itll still last for a good loooong time. Is pong a classic? There are way more better versions, editions, whatever. Its still a classic, its still around. I think SSBM counts.[/quote]
Once SSBB comes out, we'll see how much people rock the SSBM multiplayer. I can still go back and play Mario Brothers and because the single player level design is so great, it holds up. However, Melee was built up on the multiplayer and I highly doubt people will pull out a copy of Melle for their multiplayer needs once they have Brawl. I mean how much do you play Super Smash Bros. for your 64?

The franchise on a whole is timeless, but not any single one game in the Smash Bros. series itself can be considered a timeless classic. Pick one up, you've picked them all up.
[quote name='ahmedmalik']I mean how much do you play Super Smash Bros. for your 64? [/QUOTE]
Melee was horrible. After playing it for a couple months I went back to the original. That said, there is also concern that adding even more stuff will further ruin the game. *glares at ssbb*
Its fine to be a fan, just don't be a fanboy and go trashing other systems that you don't even own.

I've always been a HUGE fan of nintendo's games, but there hardware has often left a lot to be desired and has lost most third party support from the SNES on so I've always owned multiple consoles. It's the best of both worlds, get the Nintendo games I love on their hardware and everything else on the other consoles.

Though currently I only have the Wii as I don't have the free time to justify dropping $400 on a 360 now and just play stuff like Gears at my friends place.
bread's done