Is lair worth it with new controls????/

Also wondering this. IGN reviewed it again and said its better but still not great cause the SIXAXIS is still involved to much. I saw the game at Target for $30 but I won't take the plunge until it hits $20.
I got halfway through it before getting frustrated with motion controls and trading it. The voice acting is excellent. Story seemed to be pretty good. I would say if you can get it for $20 or less, it is worth it with new control scheme. The game wasn't shit, it just didn't live up to expectations, and had a frustrating control scheme.

IGN gave it a 5'ish. I would say with new controls it is a solid 7. Much better than the shovelware they usually slap a five on.

I tried the demo in the HK PSN store and didn't think it's as bad as everyone says, but I still wasn't impressed. The motion controls were actually decent, but about halfway through I switched to analog and it was way more precise. Either way, you can't really do very tight turns and the dragon feels very sluggish. I had more fun playing Drakengard, although I think I enjoyed that game more than most people.
[quote name='metaly']I tried the demo in the HK PSN store and didn't think it's as bad as everyone says, but I still wasn't impressed. The motion controls were actually decent, but about halfway through I switched to analog and it was way more precise. Either way, you can't really do very tight turns and the dragon feels very sluggish. I had more fun playing Drakengard, although I think I enjoyed that game more than most people.[/QUOTE]

First off, Drakengard was AWESOME (as was its sequel). I loved the hell out of that game and got all 5 endings, even the INSANELY DIFFICULT rhythm game one. :D

Lair, on the other hand, was average at best in my opinion. I got the game for Christmas last year and I played through a mission or two with the motion controls but started playing other games and it got swept into the backlog.

I finally picked up the game again to try out the new controls. I actually ended up playing through the entire game in a few nights (there are only 15 missions) and while I did enjoy the story and gameplay for the most part, the game is fairly repetitive and the new controls still aren't perfect.
I'd recommend renting it or picking it up for $20 if you have a chance.

*Note* I played the game on an SDTV so I can't really justify a comment on the graphics, but I'm sure they look pretty fantastic on an HDTV.
[quote name='Nephlabobo']So is there a recommended price people should try and pick this up at?[/quote]

[quote name='Lsgun1']I saw the game at Target for $30 but I won't take the plunge until it hits $20.[/quote]

$20 is right.

bought it used for like $28. i beat it with motion controls and then tried analog. returned it to gamestop. i'd keep it if it was $20. i think target has it on clearance for around $20, but YMMV as my Target still has it for $41.98.

like Wombat said in the CAGCast, it's like Rogue Squadron with dragons. that's probably the reason i liked it so much. the voice acting and story were pretty good. but once you finish the game...that's it. unless you want to redo missions with the new dragons and such.
I've posted this before, but I paid full retail for Lair and beat the game using the motion controls. All the time I was wondering why everyone was whining about them.

The game was fine on release. The motion controls really made the game interesting. Graphics, Audio, and voice are all top-notch.
bread's done