Is Prey worth getting? for 34.99 @ outpost

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I am enjoying the game, but I would wait for $25 or less. The fact that you can't die in the game makes it extremely short. It's a fun ride, but short.
[quote name='mtxbass1']I am enjoying the game, but I would wait for $25 or less. The fact that you can't die in the game makes it extremely short. It's a fun ride, but short.[/quote]
Wha...? Unlimited continues or you literally cannot die like its a God-mode?
When you die your spirit appears in another realm where you shoot a couple of flying "enemies" (they don't attack you and die in 1 shot) and then you are resurrected in the "real world".

That is, assuming the full release is just like the demo in that sense.
similar to unlimited continues.

you die in game, you go to indian spirit world, shoot wraiths, come back to the real world with 1/2 - full health.

and actually you dont even have to shoot the wraiths, you'll eventually pop back to the real world.
[quote name='Diiz']When you die your spirit appears in another realm where you shoot a couple of flying "enemies" (they don't attack you and die in 1 shot) and then you are resurrected in the "real world".

That is, assuming the full release is just like the demo in that sense.[/quote]

actually, they do attack you.
I actually bought orntar's copy a while back. I had a good time with it. I even enjoyed the multiplayer. New free d/l content was released last week, so there are now more multiplayer maps and skins. Its not the hardest of games, but its fun.
Well from what I played of my friends copy It's easily worth $20ish. But the lag on Live was absurd and It's pretty short. I don't know if I would pay $35 for it, and I'm sure you can get a better deal down the road with all the holiday titles coming out.
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