Is PS3 delayed 4 a year???

First, G4 doesn't know what they're talking about 99.9% of the time.

Second, say "for" instead of "4." It's two more fucking letters -- it's not that difficult to do and it keeps you from sounding like an idiot.
[quote name='Chacrana']
Second, say "for" instead of "4." It's two more fucking letters -- it's not that difficult to do and it keeps you from sounding like an idiot.[/QUOTE]

It's three more letters, but one less digit, for a total of two more characters. Thank you.
Second, say "for" instead of "4." It's two more ing letters -- it's not that difficult to do and it keeps you from sounding like an idiot.

[quote name='nonggame']Second, say "for" instead of "4." It's two more ing letters -- it's not that difficult to do and it keeps you from sounding like an idiot.


[quote name='2poor']what?[/QUOTE]

I think he for got to quote the original poster who wrote the statement... I believe he just wanted to say "OWNED". Or maybe it's deja vu?

In all rationality I just can't see the PS3 coming out by Spring. No way. But Sony seem so fucking persistent on Spring that I am thinking they're further ahead then they let on. That, or they mean Spring... 2007.
If the PS3 is delayed until 07' then the Revolution has a chance to surpass SONY...:rofl: j/k, but I do think this will aid in MS dominating somewhat. Not only is the launch getting postponed, but stories in relationship to Blu-ray is more negative than positive.
[quote name='neudog']If the PS3 is delayed until 07' then the Revolution has a chance to surpass SONY...:rofl: j/k, but I do think this will aid in MS dominating somewhat. Not only is the launch getting postponed, but stories in relationship to Blu-ray is more negative than positive.[/QUOTE]

I agree, I kind of feel bad for Sony at this point because they're really on the clock right now. Release it too soon and production costs are going to be too high which means either a higher MSRP or selling each unit at a significant loss. On the other hand, if they don't release it soon enough they give Microsoft, and eventually Nintendo, a lot of time to get a huge installed user-base. Either way at this point Sony is really painted into a corner.
97 MILLION units sold for ps2 worldwide 102 ps1's and 15 million psp's still people speculate on ps3. Heres an idea, lets wait till march 1 and 2 for the gamers expo and see what they have to say.
[quote name='Maynard']Heres an idea, lets wait till march 1 and 2 for the gamers expo and see what they have to say.[/QUOTE]

Were sorry to announce the PS3 will be delayed one year. :rofl:

No really I would like to see the PS3, but Sony is in a real hard spot right now. Unless they bring a console out thats nirvana, Sony's fucked.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Either way at this point Sony is really painted into a corner.[/quote]

From a business standpoint, I'd rather be Sony then the other two. Sony has the largest number of base users, they are #1 in Japan, and they have the third-party support. If things get too hot Sony can always ditch the Blue-ray or make it part of a deluxe package, and their system is going to be graphically superior to both XBox360 and Revolution.

Hubris is their only real threat right now.
[quote name='camoor']From a business standpoint, I'd rather be Sony then the other two. Sony has the largest number of base users, they are #1 in Japan, and they have the third-party support. If things get too hot Sony can always ditch the Blue-ray or make it part of a deluxe package, and their system is going to be graphically superior to both XBox360 and Revolution.

Hubris is their only real threat right now.[/QUOTE]

Then you might want to check your business sense. Sony is the only one of the three that is currently operating in the red as a business and is on its way down as a company. At this point they are the weakest of the three in terms of finances and stability.
Yeah, rabidmonkeys is right. The way I see it, even if the PS3 is as big of a success as the PS2, that will only dig Sony out of the whole they are already in. Not to mention, when your number one in a market, it's pretty difficult to continue to expand your userbase. On the other hand, Nintendo and MS as companies are way in the black and still have a good chance to take a little bit of Sony's marketshare.

As for Sony ditching the Blu-Ray functionality on PS3, that's basically the one thing that is keeping Blu-Ray in the lead in the format race with HD-DVD. If Blu-Ray doesn't have that instant installed base in the millions when PS3 launches, Blu Ray looks a lot less attractive. And I don't think Sony wants another Betamax on it's hands. You can argue whether or not Blu-Ray is superior technology compared to HD-DVD, but remember history. Most professionals still say VHS was an inferior format to Betamax, but look how that turned out.

If I was an investor, I'd have my money 60/40 split in Nintendo and Microsoft, respectively. Nintendo for the stable long-term, low yield growth, Mircosoft as the more volitile, but possibly more profitable investment.
[quote name='rabidmonkeys']Then you might want to check your business sense. Sony is the only one of the three that is currently operating in the red as a business and is on its way down as a company. At this point they are the weakest of the three in terms of finances and stability.[/quote]

I didn't think M$oft had broken a profit with their Xbox, the box is only alive because M$soft has the ability to print money with their OS right now.

Nintendo is smart to stick to a business it knows, but they're forced to keep betting the farm on gadgets and hot first-party properties - who knows how long that lucky streak will last.

Sony's other divisions may be in trouble, but they are in a position to capitalize with the PS3. This console has to be good, has to be high-tech, and has to come in at a reasonable price - they have a clear goal, and they're Japanese, so they'll find a way.
[quote name='camoor']I didn't think M$oft had broken a profit with their Xbox, the box is only alive because M$soft has the ability to print money with their OS right now.

Nintendo is smart to stick to a business it knows, but they're forced to keep betting the farm on gadgets and hot first-party properties - who knows how long that lucky streak will last.

Sony's other divisions may be in trouble, but they are in a position to capitalize with the PS3. This console has to be good, has to be high-tech, and has to come in at a reasonable price - they have a clear goal, and they're Japanese, so they'll find a way.[/QUOTE]

No you're right, they haven't broken a profit yet. But that's not what I meant. Its about the revenue available to each company as a hole not the individual divisions. If M$ can lose ~$400 on each 360 sold and they sold 10 million of them, they would still have plenty in the bank to buy Sony if the day ever needed to come. Sony can't hang with those numbers. Its like in sports, the Yankees have the best players because they have the most money to spend. It doesn't mean they'll win but it means they'll be competitive.
[quote name='rabidmonkeys']No you're right, they haven't broken a profit yet. But that's not what I meant. Its about the revenue available to each company as a hole not the individual divisions. If M$ can lose ~$400 on each 360 sold and they sold 10 million of them, they would still have plenty in the bank to buy Sony if the day ever needed to come. Sony can't hang with those numbers. Its like in sports, the Yankees have the best players because they have the most money to spend. It doesn't mean they'll win but it means they'll be competitive.[/quote]

Yeah, so y'all are probably right that M$ as a company is in a better business position, but if you compare the three videogame divisions of the companies against each other then I believe Sony's game consoles have the best opportunity for profit.

I mean c'mon - it's the playstation

[quote name='rabidmonkeys']No you're right, they haven't broken a profit yet. But that's not what I meant. Its about the revenue available to each company as a hole not the individual divisions. If M$ can lose ~$400 on each 360 sold and they sold 10 million of them, they would still have plenty in the bank to buy Sony if the day ever needed to come. Sony can't hang with those numbers. Its like in sports, the Yankees have the best players because they have the most money to spend. It doesn't mean they'll win but it means they'll be competitive.[/QUOTE]
Yes, but despite Bill's claims, MS can't simply continue to lose money generation after generation. If they lose another $4 billion+ with the 360, then what? The 720? How long do they keep it up? It isn't like, to my knowledge, MS has been able to turn the XBOX brand into sales in other parts of their company like Apple has been able to with the iPod (Mac sales up). Unless MS turns a profit (which seems less and less likely with Sony fighting fiercely for their lives), or they're able to turn Live! into a viable content distribution system for games, music, and movies--then, well, I don't really see them sticking around too much longer past the 360. This is not to say the 360 will be a failure for games (the XBOX wasn't either), but it might be a financial and business failure.
[quote name='elwood731']Yes, but despite Bill's claims, MS can't simply continue to lose money generation after generation. If they lose another $4 billion+ with the 360, then what? The 720? How long do they keep it up? It isn't like, to my knowledge, MS has been able to turn the XBOX brand into sales in other parts of their company like Apple has been able to with the iPod (Mac sales up). Unless MS turns a profit (which seems less and less likely with Sony fighting fiercely for their lives), or they're able to turn Live! into a viable content distribution system for games, music, and movies--then, well, I don't really see them sticking around too much longer past the 360. This is not to say the 360 will be a failure for games (the XBOX wasn't either), but it might be a financial and business failure.[/QUOTE]
I'm sure if MS loses money on the 360 over the life of the console, they'll at least consider folding that part of the business, as it just wouldn't make any sense. However, they don't really need to be successful to continue. If they even come close to breaking even with the Xbox division, they can continue throwing Xboxes out till the end of days. That's the benefit they have that Sony does not. If the PS3 is not successful, Sony is in trouble.
Sony is toast....they are not going to announce at E3 that the system is coming out in a month or two....look for winter 2006 for Japan and a 2007 launch in the Us at the earliest....this whole thing is out of their league and the price points are getting too high for kids to buy....its the parents buying the systems at this parent is buying their kid a $500 system with $70 games ....especially in the summer...this is too funny

PS-- The richest man can make the Xbox 7200 all the way up till his death at a loss if he wants to
[quote name='Daddy']PS-- The richest man the is can make the Xbox 7200 all the way up till his death at a loss if he wants to[/QUOTE]
And Sony can make the PS3 and take a loss and not worry too much. What's your point? All of these are billion dollar companies. They also all have to answer to shareholders, and if the XBOX 360 loses another 4+ billion they're going to be upset. Plus, at some point, why is MS doing this if they're not making money? Just for fun? That money could go into better projects, like protecting themselves from competitors in their core markets.

This is just realistic. I love how people think Sony will crash and burn and be forced to drop out, but MS who is losing they think will stick around forever. They'll leave at some point if they can't make a profit.
[quote name='Daddy']PS-- The richest man the is can make the Xbox 7200 all the way up till his death at a loss if he wants to[/QUOTE]
[quote name='elwood731']And Sony can make the PS3 and take a loss and not worry too much. What's your point? .[/QUOTE]

Actually no they cant...thats why their stock is dropping and they are in the red....thats the point
[quote name='daroga']what?[/QUOTE]

My edit screwed up...basically he can do whatever he wants...he has the money
[quote name='Daddy']Actually no they cant...thats why their stock is dropping and they are in the red....thats the point[/quote]

However that could also be due to the fact that their music business thinks that suing it's customers is good business and has held back their electronics division from making the DRM-free devices that we all want. Not to mention the general state of the movie business.

Again - with the understanding that the console business works like the retail razor business, I don't think Sony is doing poorly.
Sony as a company is losing money as a whole, but isn't the playstation division making money? This would be improtant. If the company restructures, you don't stop making the profitable areas of the company, you do stuff with the non profitable areas. Either way, I don't see Sony struggling too much with the PS3.

Not to turn this into the console war section, but I own all 3 systems this generation (and I plan to eventually own all 3 next generation too). But, right now, there isn't a game out on the 360 that I'd go buy a system to play. Some look interesting, but nothing is system buying. Until a Halo 3, new Panzer Dragoon game, or something of that caliber is out (and I haven't been keeping tabs, so maybe something of that caliber is launching soon), I don't see the need to buy the system. Even though the PS2 had a weak launch, they had GT3 out in 6 months. Xbox 360 needs their big game on the system.
[quote name='lordxixor101']Sony as a company is losing money as a whole, but isn't the playstation division making money? This would be improtant. If the company restructures, you don't stop making the profitable areas of the company, you do stuff with the non profitable areas. Either way, I don't see Sony struggling too much with the PS3.

Yes, Playstation is saving them, for the most part. That's why they need the PS3 to be successful. It's not that they'll stop making video games if they restructure if the PS3 is their only profitable venture. But as a whole they will be in trouble if the PS3 underperforms.
The question that must be asked is whether or not Sony has there stability to last. Sure, if Sony sold 100 million PS3s, they'd be looking pretty good, but look at the loss they'd take on the hardware. The second factor is the cost and time required to make games for the newer systems. Games will be bigger and fewer--if a game blows whole game companies could go under. There won't be as many games produced=fewer profits for Sony on software sales=more of a problem to overcome in clawing back after their losses in selling the hardware.
[quote name='camoor']However that could also be due to the fact that their music business thinks that suing it's customers is good business and has held back their electronics division from making the DRM-free devices that we all want. Not to mention the general state of the movie business.

Again - with the understanding that the console business works like the retail razor business, I don't think Sony is doing poorly.[/QUOTE]

It doesn't work like the razor business. Because the company that makes the handles also makes the blades. Comparing the two is like saying Gilette will give away the handles at a loss and as a company stay in the red, while Schick is making money hand over fist on the blades.

For the slower members of the audience I have included a handy key:

And yes, I know Sony distributes games. If you bring that up, you're missing the point and should read Marketing for Dummies and Economics for Dummies.
[quote name='rabidmonkeys']It doesn't work like the razor business. Because the company that makes the handles also makes the blades. Comparing the two is like saying Gilette will give away the handles at a loss and as a company stay in the red, while Schick is making money hand over fist on the blades.

For the slower members of the audience I have included a handy key:

And yes, I know Sony distributes games. If you bring that up, you're missing the point and should read Marketing for Dummies and Economics for Dummies.[/QUOTE]
Um, not really. Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo all make money on every game sold due to the licensing costs.
The thing to realize is that each company is taking losses on the hardware for a number of reasons (albeit the reasons are pretty much the same). The most pointed out reason is that the companies figure that if they sell the hardware at a loss, they'll be able to make it back with games. The second (and also widely pointed out) is the fact that no matter what it costs to make it, consumers are only willing to spend so much. So they'll sell them at what consumers might be willing to pay.

Lastly, and probably most important at this point is that both MS and Sony are simply trying to outlast each other. When Sony was in the VG industry by themselves (for the most part... Ill explain Nintendo's stance in a second), they made money no problem. However, since MS realize there was money to be made, they hopped in on the action too. Now, rather than the money going to one company, it's being split between two companies who are competing for business and being forced to take losses to try and one up each other. In the end, they're trying to outlast one another so that when it's just one company again, they can sell consoles at a loss but still make all of the money back and more without any problems. Problem is, they're playing a game of chicken and eventually either one of them gives up or they both die.

As for Nintendo's stance, Nintendo has directly stated that they do not wish to compete (directly) with MS or Sony. They're trying to make themselves a second console in households (a kind-of tag along I guess). Anyways, with they're price points being so low, they will most likely succeed in doing this, so while they may take some money from the other two companies, it isnt significant enough to detract from the above argument.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
[quote name='daroga']The question that must be asked is whether or not Sony has there stability to last. Sure, if Sony sold 100 million PS3s, they'd be looking pretty good, but look at the loss they'd take on the hardware. The second factor is the cost and time required to make games for the newer systems. Games will be bigger and fewer--if a game blows whole game companies could go under. There won't be as many games produced=fewer profits for Sony on software sales=more of a problem to overcome in clawing back after their losses in selling the hardware.[/QUOTE]

Boom...I feel like daroga is the only one listening sometimes....good stuff and again exactly the kind of stuff ive been posting everywhere I get the chance....MS has the cash to win the battle here plain and simple....and nintendo knows it...look for them to stay solid,safe and sit back while the MS/Sony war goes on......i keep bringing up PSP as a great example of Sony and there about want a PSP and 4 gig duo its $500 ....just to make the thing what it should have been originally? much is the PS3 gonna cost with all of its bells and whistles if a PSP with nothing is $250 and a 4gig PSP is $500? When the president of a company says "PS3 will be EXPENSIVE" he's not I've stated time and time again the PS3 will be that Neo-Geo type system you tell your friends about b/c they wont have you even see rumours of MS entering the market with an announcement on March 2nd? i still find it funny everyone is jealous of Ipod/I tunes and totally want a peice of that....well due to marketing...80% of older people dont say i gotta buy an MP3 player they say IPOD....they have done the same thing with branding and marketing that Kleenex did with tissues.....and everyone wants that kinda boom behind their product.....I love it...all these greedy bastids LOL
[quote name='daroga']Um, not really. Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo all make money on every game sold due to the licensing costs.[/QUOTE]

Thanks captain obvious. But its pennies compared to the developer and distributors profit margin. And are they really making anything when they receive a $10 licence fee, when they've lost $400 a console? At that rate they'd need that particular user to purchase 40 games at retail, not used, to recoup their losses. This is one of the main reasons why Sony is in the hole they are in and is also the reason the "stock razor/blade" comparison that is always used doesn't apply.
Its a blood bath plain and simple...someone has to lose and it looks more and more like its gonna be Sony
The more and more i read through this, the more and more i feel like its a mixed bag.

On one hand we have intelligent arguements on why Sony might have problems and/or struggle at first.

On the other hand we have completely asinine comments from Daddy.

Heres how it rolls, personally I dont consider myself a Doctor in business financials, but i'm about to get my master's in business so i'm not a complete dolt either. Both companies are operating fine. Microsoft is operating with a better cash flow, but what would worry me from an investors stand point is that you dont want too much cash sitting around because it looks lazy. They should be investing this into other ventures, putting it back into investors hand, or spending it to make more. Right now microsoft is sort of just sitting on their hands. This is to be expected though its still early in the life cycle of the new system and we'll probably see more spending soon to come. Some of you might have trouble understanding what all this means, but we just finished talking about this very situation that i brought up to a doctor in business and he completely agreed with myself and countless others who made the same argument.

Sony, while operating in a time where they're losing money, why does that mean that they're doomed? Unless you have something to back up the statment of "Its a blood bath plain and simple...someone has to lose and it looks more and more like its gonna be Sony" why make a post? Yes, sony has less cash in hand right now, but they most certainly on there way out? You think Japan is going to let a company like Sony go under? If you honestly think that way I beg you to take a business class of some sorts to learn about how it works and how cash vs. debt works also. As for the claim that MS has enough to buy Sony, HA! Thats absolutely the most laughable claim i have every heard. Again, you think the East is going to let the WEST buy Sony? Come on guys, rather than make shallow - minded comments like this look at it from an investors point of view.

Thats my personal two cents

PS go visit nasdaq if any of what i wrote confused or to check up on the validity of my claims
Hahah... ok...i think your schooling is getting to your head....considering i already have a masters and already have a career....i dont need you to even comment grasshopper and why dont you say ROI if your gonna use examples.

At no point did i say MS was gonna buy Sony....or that Sony was going out of business, I did say they will crash and burn...that is a reference to their console part of their business....They are losing grip in this generation of consoles and charging insane amounts for even their handheld and they want market share increases by dipping their hands into everything and merging their movie dept. with their gaming dept. and its boosting prices to high for an average consumer

Considering most people on these forums seem to be past 20's or mid 20's ......your the ones buying these systems and games and assuming you have a job or even a career you can afford this. No 16 yr. old kid is cranking out $500 bucks for a system, $70 bucks for a game and or Blu-ray movies.

This post spans across 3 seperate if your not getting the point on my "bloodbath" comment or it isnt making sense to you perhaps you should do some more research or go back to studying for your masters. The bloodbath is referring to MS vs. Sony and why Nintendo wants no part of that nor can they afford that battle....apparently it hasnt occured to you their is tension between these 2 companies with pricing,options and integration of their respecting companies (IE...MS with windows/media center/vista or Sony with Blu-Ray movies and gaming) and everyones jealousy of Itunes,music and DLing of movies and games.

PS- why would you reference Nasdaq proof for your claims? Are you retarded or just stupid....This post is about PS3 and losing money and the console war...all the stuff im posting factors in to this equation...sorry if your a PS fanboy and its apparent from your comment "On one hand we have intelligent arguements on why Sony might have problems and/or struggle at first"

It should say WHY not may have problems...your in denial just like all the other fanboys....the more this story unfolds it seems as if it will be a factor of HOW MUCH they get hit on this PS3

Try referencing the other post:

PPS- You comment here is also rude to many of the people posting in here as well "Some of you might have trouble understanding what all this means" No one has trouble reading about what your posting ...their not post and defend Sony by stating comments about MS and also state Sony "may" have problems.....again denial. Im not here to argue but dont call my posts asinine if you cant back it up
ha, I would love to know where you got your masters from and what your career is, hopefully not english or literature? Usually people with or obtaining a masters can form thoughts that are easier to read IE this is a . and we dont start sentences with and.

Actually this thread originally was about ps3 being delayed, thanks!

The reason I referenced nasdaq is because it is an easy site to obtain earnings, financial reports, and forecasts. Your claim that kids wont spend 500$ is absolutely without grounding, a little under 25% of the 360's picked up were under 21 and 12% under 16? Please, please, dont make others who are educated look stupid when your claims are just that. I understand your bloodbath comment, I wasn't really focused on that comment persay. Considering I have family that works for Sony, you could definately say I'm a little biased towards Sony, but I am by no means a "fanboy". In the end I would like all the companies to do good, because with competition comes ideas, creativity, and challenges to make all the companies do better. I simply am stepping into Sony's corner to defend them while everyone batters them. Yes Sony is dropping about 200000 employee's, but having your masters in whatever you have it in you should understand such is business and they'll save overall a projected 5 BILLION dollars.

Again, dying to know where and when you achieved your masters
Sony as a company has been going downhill for nearly 5 years and I believe in the red ink for the last 4 or so. They've already started the restructuring process and despite firing people, shifting their workforce, and hiring a new CEO, thus far they aren't faring much better. It will no doubt eventually help Sony out of hole they are in, but how long and how effective is the real question. Projected $5B isn't $5B in their pockets.

Their stock price started going up in November, but you better believe it's going to tumble when spring roles around and PS3 is nowhere to be found. It's on a steady decrease in 06 for the most part.

As for what people have said regarding 'the games division is doing fine, even if the company as whole is not', I say to you, that's reverse of logical thinking. If the plant is rotten but one branch is healthy, do you consider the whole plant or the one branch? People can make all the excuses they want that Sony electronics have so much DRM because of the music and movie divisions that it is hurting business, but it's still real and it's still hurting the business. Who cares what the cause is. Before Columbia Pictures misfired recently, the were the only other divisions along with videogames making a profit, so don't count on them selling off Columbia anytime soon, and if they do, it's even worse than people know. Anyone that doesn't acknowledge Sony is in trouble is either stupid, blind, or they work for Sony. That doesn't mean Sony is dead in the water, but it does mean they have little room for error. With PS3 and Blu-Ray on the way, 2006-2007 could be redemption time for Sony, or it could be a near death blow. Sony as a company may still be around but it may look drastically different in a couple years.
[quote name='camoor']If things get too hot Sony can always ditch the Blue-ray or make it part of a deluxe package, and their system is going to be graphically superior to both XBox360 and Revolution.[/QUOTE]

GRAPHICALLY SUPERIOR! So were is your link for in-game footage of a PS3 title... huh...where...that's what I thought. I'm a fanboy of the 3 major consoles and am fortunate enough to own the 360 , but there is no factual info on graphical superiority. Many have been quoted as saying the systems are as equally powerful; I think I read an interview with Cliffy B somewhere. Also it has been posted here on the boards, but here is a direct link to a former SONY employee who worked on one of the first five dev kits, on how difficult the hardware is to work with.

I'm looking forward to the PS3, but I think SONY is taking a turn for the worse. MS will have had there system on shelves for 6-12 months and Nintendo will be aiming at a low launch price ($199), so SONY has an uphill battle IMHO. just dont quit Maynard your the only one routing for Sony in here...I guess you'll try to come up with a real good one now that Sony announced a $1000 Bluray player and up to $40 for a DVD.....good luck....looks like you need to go study so more...bhahahab, looks like your forecats are wayyyyyyyy off now, so much for Nasdaq...oh man im it
Stuka is one of the few people posting who i will actually take the time to read what he says, because he seems informed. I agree that the 5 billion will definately not work towards there pocket, but a restructuring has been in the work for Sony for about 12 plus years. As a company I dont think they have huge problems in the '06 '07 forcast, but again i'm looking from a investors standpoint. You make some valid arguements stuka. The only real way to tell whats going to happen is just to wait and see. I personally strongly dont believe Sony will be hurting after the PS3 launches. I think a lot of the questioning and thoughts about Sony's problems is just simply because we dont really know what they're doing. I almost wonder if they completely know either?

Daddy, listen there is no way that you achieved your masters in anything other than typing. Even than your skills are sourly lacking, Routing for Sony? Am I routing there data lines? Possibly maybe routing there emails? Learn to spell than argue with me. By the way the first DVD players that debuted were just as much and more than a Blue - Ray player, so dont use that pitful arguement. As of current, blue ray has more support and probably will continue to base simply on the security it offers to companies. Daddy get a life.
[quote name='Daddy'] just dont quit Maynard your the only one routing for Sony in here...I guess you'll try to come up with a real good one now that Sony announced a $1000 Bluray player and up to $40 for a DVD.....good luck....looks like you need to go study so more...bhahahab, looks like your forecats are wayyyyyyyy off now, so much for Nasdaq...oh man im it[/QUOTE]

At least he can type.
bread's done