Is the 250gb worth the extra money?


8 (100%)
Hi all,

I am trying to decide between the 250gb 360 and the 4gb. Is the extra disk space worth it? I am currently a ps3 owner and I get away just fine with 8gb, bur I'm not sure about 4gb and how much is saved to the disk on the 360.

Thanks for any responses!
I'd say the 250GB is very worth it. I suppose that depends on how much you play games. That 4GB would be good for simple title updates, saves, and the little things. But arcade games on XBL have been increasing in size lately, getting into hundreds of MB's. The new system is supposed to be more hardware stable, but many of us still install the games to HDD in order to not only get through loading screens quicker, but extend the life of the system. DLC of course is also fairly large at times.
I bought my first current gen console on black friday an xbox 360 4gb. It was not enough memory and had to purchase a harddrive.
How are you even surviving on 8GB on PS3? I have 500GB and it's half full...

To answer your original question, yes, it's worth it. I had the Pro 360 with a 20GB, then upgraded to 250. I've got about 179GB free right now. Most of that is arcade titles (I own 83 or so).
I'm fairly sure there has never been an 8 GB PS3, unless you downgraded your hard drive, which is pretty idiotic if you have a PS3 (Idon't see how you could survive with an 8 GB with the OS and then most of the games having a pretty big install.

For the 360, I'd say yes it is worth it, I play alot of XBLA games and have about 90 GB of ym hard drive full right now.
thanks a bunch for the responses, I really appreciate it. I think I'm going to go for the 250GB, especially since Best Buy has a $50 credit and I have a $55 gift card to there. So, all-in-all it will end up being a pretty good deal. It also seems like the 4gb does not come with a wireless controller or the xbox live headset
Yeah my old 120GB elite has about 19GB free thanks to arcade games, and I think even moreso now, DLC to disc games. Alot of these add-ons are 1GB or more now. I had to put a new HDD in my 40GB PS3 too and haven't bought anything off PSN either. The Blu-Ray library took up most of it with the updates/BD-Live features that always seem to download when I pop a new movie in.
Yes. I don't need 250GB per se, bu I need more that 4. For instance, all the DLC and game saves etc. for Dragon Age origin are over 4GB by themselves.

Before I had a 20GB that died on New Year's Eve, that was ok for me. A bit of a hassle to always be deleting DLC after beating games etc.--but not much point in keeping it around after beating the game and sending it off on Goozex anyway (I'm not a collector and seldom replay games).

4GB model just seems silly to me, seems they could have put a 20GB hard drive in their for pretty much the same cost and made it a lot more viable option.

One thing I do like about having the big HD now is finally having enough space to install games so they run better and quieter.
[quote name='gnychis']thanks a bunch for the responses, I really appreciate it. I think I'm going to go for the 250GB, especially since Best Buy has a $50 credit and I have a $55 gift card to there. So, all-in-all it will end up being a pretty good deal. It also seems like the 4gb does not come with a wireless controller or the xbox live headset[/QUOTE]

Yes it does come with a wireless controller.
I have had the 20, 120 and 250 GB hard drives in Xbox 360s. The 20 REALLY was not enough space. Especially after they started allowing installing DVD games to the hdd. I don't need the 250 over 120, but it is nice being able to install a crap ton of games.

If you think you could do alright with 8 GB, you could buy a USB memory stick for added space. The Xbox 360 can use up to a 16 GB memory stick. So, between that and the built in 4 GB, you'd be up to 20 GB.
A 360 with a hdd is not only worth it, it's a required necessity imo.

Installing games to the hdd is the way to go. Faster, quieter, longer life, etc. I used to have a 20gb 360, and even with that I was constantly deleting and redownloading stuff. I cant even imagine trying to use a 4gb arcade 360. It would seem crippled and broken to me.
u should get the kinect 250 GB 360 for 100 more you get the kinect and game
Like everyone else has said, go with the hard drive. Even if you're sitting here now and are convinced you will never need the extra space, you never now what will pop up in the future.
I have a 60 gig and I wish it were bigger. I only keep about 2 games installed at a time, and I'm constantly deleting demos, videos, and DLC to make space.
Even the most causal player will wish they had a 250GB unit over the course of a year. XBLA games are really fantastic and some of them are getting pretty big in size. Also if this is like any of the other HDD sizes, you won't get a full 4GB to use, it will be closer to 3.5.
My 4 GB definitely came with a wireless controller and I'm darned sure it came with a headset too, but that I'm not entirely sure about now.

The only problem I've had with using a flash drive for storage is that it can be slow. No doubt depends on the particular flash drive. I put the 120 GB drive from my Elite into it using a case from ebay. Worked like a charm.
I just upgraded from a 20GB Premium or whatever they were called way back when to a 250GB console (I found a holiday bundle!) yesterday and I did this out of necessity. I've been hovering at 19GB for a while now and I haven't been able to DL a demo for about a year now and I just decided it was time to upgrade. I think it will be worth it in the long run. Thanks to e-Rewards and trade-ins the whole thing was "free" too!
To answer the thread title, yes the 250gb is absolutely worth the money compared to having a console with a 4gb limit, as many others have said so far, it is almost a requirement.
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