Is the Bouncer good?

Just wondering. I like brawlers, and I realize I hadn't played one of the big name ones yet (Assuming that Square would muck that genre up royally.). Since it is cheap at GS/EB, I was wondering what the verdict is on it...
I think it was more of a big letdown more than anything...At the time it came out, no fantastic exclusive games had really came out and this was supposed to be that big game. And it just didn't deliver like it was supposed to.
Well, as far as being a good brawler experience, it delivers. But on the other hand, with that brawler experience you get the brawler longevity - as in it can be beaten in less than an hour. So, be forewarned, this game won't last you long, and you can only play through a 60 minute game so many times before feeling like you were jipped. Have fun though if you bite on this.
it was pretty uniformly terrible seeing as how square has no idea how to make anything other than an rpg

the combat is awkward and the leveling-up system is a pain

parts of the game are very imbalanced-- some are quite easy and some are very difficult

the graphics looked good at the time but i doubt they aged well
I love beat em ups (seriously think Final Fight: Streetwise and Beatdown were massively underrated) but the Bouncer was that rare brawler where you literally can finish the game mostly by using one move and even standing in a corner and letting your AI buddies kill enemies for you.
Personally, I think Warriors and Minority Report are some of the best brawlers of the generation, but that's just me.

Beat Down is alright, but needed more work. God Hand was fun, but was more DMC minus the depth than a brawler.

Sorry, I digress.
as someone who loved (and still does) love brawlers from the good ol 16bit days, this game was a HUGE letdown. in fact in another thread i think i named it as my one of my most disapointing ps2 games.
Well, as much as I think a brawler could be enhanced by the wacky cast of characters that adorn all Square products, I have to weigh it against Square's usual sucktitude. I think I'll let this one slide and just play some more Aeon Flux.
Rolling give it a go. It's good for cheap and has a solid story. Anyone who tells you the story is bad doesn't know wtf they're talking about.
[quote name='Sarang01']Rolling give it a go. It's good for cheap and has a solid story. Anyone who tells you the story is bad doesn't know wtf they're talking about.[/quote]

I'll consider it after I beat Phantom Dust and Red Star. Those EB used copies ain't going anywhere. The positive reviews here are convincing, and brawlers usually polarize. But if a fellow admirer of Beat Down: Fists of Vengeance (BEAT DOWN, I say!) cannot get behind it as a brawler, things aren't looking good.

Still, like I said, I'll probably take a swing a bit later, but, man, I'm trying not to nickel and dime myself. ST:Encounters, Bouncer... after a while, these $6-ish games add up...

And, with all due respect and no offense intended, but people lauded MGS2's and Killer7's stories...

But I sell Square short comparing those two. I'm sure we'll get a expertly told story of misfits overstaffing a bar's squad of bouncers beating up an evil corporations to retrieve their girl, who is probably an ancient used to bring about the apocalypse, along with a few colorful midbosses, a few of whom probably have some past with the protagonists that makes them turn good by the denouement. It is Square's forte, after all.
[quote name='graft']it was pretty uniformly terrible seeing as how square has no idea how to make anything other than an rpg

the combat is awkward and the leveling-up system is a pain

parts of the game are very imbalanced-- some are quite easy and some are very difficult

the graphics looked good at the time but i doubt they aged well[/QUOTE]

All true about the gameplay. Character models especially the enemies may be plain and simple but graphics are still okay.

The arenas/stages that you fight in are very small also.
I keep seeing Minority report used for like $4 at EBStop and people keep saying it's a good, RCRish beat em up.. anyone care to elaborate?
[quote name='jer7583']I keep seeing Minority report used for like $4 at EBStop and people keep saying it's a good, RCRish beat em up.. anyone care to elaborate?[/quote]
I'm the only one I've seen on this forum that says it is good, but I'll always be happy to elaborate about it.

It was made by the same doods who did the Spiderman games, so it runs on sort of the same engine, but the combat as MUCH more hands on. Spidey flipped about like some kind of spastic frog. Anderton in MR deals more traditional beatdown.

Basically, tis a straightforward brawler. Doesn't shake up anything a la The Warriors, but it provides you with a pretty nice and enjoyable moveset bolstered by ragdoll physics that are very pleasing all around (I.e. Giant Swing opponents to knock them all down. Just grab and toss opponents around and into stuff. One of the finest "throwing doods through glass" simulators ever created.)

Guns with a simple lock-shoot mechanism are thrown in as well to deal with pernicious robots and well-armored doods. Most notable is the dispersion pistol which fires a pulse that sends enemies ragdoll-flying. Great fun. All in all, if you enjoy the whole "throwing doods into stuff, breaking both the doods and the stuff" aspect of brawlers, then MR will give you a great deal of fun.

Also, there are periodic jetpack levels with some pretty slick controls to break up the beatings, and they are good fun, too.

Downsides? Next to nothing to do with the movie. Often misplaced sense of humor (In the rare instance that the doods you toss off ledges remain in the game engine for long enough, they scream almost comically things like "AIIIIEEEE I'M FAAAAALLLLIIIINNNNG." Also, fat and skinny Mall City cops just look silly. The game's final boss is a skank.), the game lasts too long at points, with not a good deal of enemy variety. Boss battles are usually pretty good, but come few and far between, and the final boss is cheap as hell.

The entire thing also has a fairly rushed presentation, fitting the budget mentality. In theory, you can unlock all of the boss characters as playable characters (In a poorly thought out minigame, too.), but their movesets are simply not implemented at all and they are unplayable, which is tragic. Black Market purchases (I.e. character upgrades with cash found from secret areas) are made simply through a pause menu option.

Still, for what it is, it is a brawler with a good deal of ragdoll physics fun. I'd say it is worth $4 used.
[quote name='smellhasreturned']The Bouncer is more like a movie than a game[/QUOTE]

Agreed but a good movie and even the combat isn't truly as bad as some put out, plus the team attacks look great and graphicswise it DOES look better then FFX. I don't know about FFXII as I haven't played it yet.
[quote name='docvinh']I thought it was kinda fun, I'm sure most people will disagree with me though.[/QUOTE]

I agree. Alot of people had this game being the next step to ergheiz so the hype was somewhat big and the fact that it was a Squaresoft title.
bread's done