Is the Family Guy Volume 1 video quality normally bad?


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I just found time to pop in the first disc of Family Guy Volume 1 that I got from black friday, and as soon as the first episode started playing, the video was bad. Its hard to explain what actually happens, but the picture looks bad at times, and a straight line looks like big stairsteps. Its like there are 2 identical pictures that are placed on top of eachother but are not perfectly alligned. Its very distracting because it happens often. I cant imagine this being normal for all the copies of the dvd, but is it?
iIts sadly normal. SOme players read it better than others, but it is the actual disk itself. I have the set, and it works fine on some machines and not others
Yes, this was a problem with many people's players. Mine looks pretty good, but yes, you can notice it sometimes. They did a better job on the second volume.
Maybe I should start paying more attention to the quality, but my discs have been fine so far.
I played it on my PS2 and it was sort of distracting, but when I put it on my PC it was horrible. It would be impossible to watch the show on my PC.
As long as there are people that have had the same problem as me, I guess there isnt a reason to go and exchange it because I will probably get the same problem.
Ive done research on various websites. Simpsons/Futurama/Invader Zim and other animated shows have had the same problem, and some live action too. Its called bad encoding. Some players can just walk right through the "mud" while others sink in it.
Family Guy did that one my friends DVD player, but when I watched at home on my laptop, it worked fine. Unfortunately, Futurama gets messed up on my laptop. No problems with Simpsons at all...
[quote name='moe11888']I just found time to pop in the first disc of Family Guy Volume 1 that I got from black friday, and as soon as the first episode started playing, the video was bad. Its hard to explain what actually happens, but the picture looks bad at times, and a straight line looks like big stairsteps. Its like there are 2 identical pictures that are placed on top of eachother but are not perfectly alligned. Its very distracting because it happens often. I cant imagine this being normal for all the copies of the dvd, but is it?[/quote]

This is an infamous problem that has happened since the dvd's came out. I think it can be described as looking at the video through a screen door. The video has tons of jaggies. I personally don't find them a big deal and often forget about them completely but for hardcore videophiles they are a major nuisance.
When these first came out there was a lot of discussion on this in Family Guy message boards/newsgroups.

If you watch the Family Guy on TV you'll notice that the quality of the show right from the beginning wasn't exactly "perfect". The pixelation that you are seeing on the DVD comes straight from the original transfer.

So in other words, you'll see that on every copy.
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