Is the novelty of Wii wearing off?

For me, the novelty hasn't worn off and I'm nowhere near a drought.

Almost done with Zelda and Rayman, just started Monkey Ball, Marvel, and Trauma Center.

This doesn't even count games I want but can't justify spending the money on yet. Elebits and Excite Truck are among these. And I just know something like Excite Truck will be much cheaper later on.

I even am looking forward to things like Billy and Mandy and Rampage and Dragonball Z, not because I expect them to be really good, but because they look like they might be fun, or at least a little more fun on the Wii. But, like Red Steel and Wario Ware, I have no intention of paying anywhere near retail for them, so I wait.

This is not quite a drought but more an effect of a new console and the fact that all the games are full price and cheap ass prices are few and far between. I won't spend $50 for a game anymore, no matter how dry my "drought" is.
[quote name='blandstalker']
This is not quite a drought but more an effect of a new console and the fact that all the games are full price and cheap ass prices are few and far between. I won't spend $50 for a game anymore, no matter how dry my "drought" is.[/QUOTE]

I don't think it's due to the price... every game but Zelda is crap IMO and I'm not paying even $10 for any of them (MAYBE $5). I guess if you want to play minigames you might be satisfied with what's out... but I really only like real games (don't know what else to call them)
I still think what's happening on the Wii is novel. I've had a lot of family from out-of-town stopping by since early January, and everybody's had a chance to experience the Wii for the first time. Seeing lots of people discovering the Wii has kept it "fresh" to me.

My family and acquaintances skew heavily to the "non-gamer" demographic: they may have a little old Atari or Sims experience, but outside of a competitive Mario Kart streak they don't keep up with consoles and gaming. I'd say pretty much all of them are sold on the Wii, and they all anticipate buying one eventually. A few of them noted that they wouldn't buy now if one were to become available because they want something more colorful (one vote for green, another for blue, and one for black).

There's a lot of gold to mine out of the "family console" lode. People knock it, but it's a great way to build a library and make developers more comfortable with the kind of experimentation that sells more consoles and makes things consistently novel. I really hope we get a good smattering of interesting games over the summer, and SMG can't get here soon enough. I'm hoping the Metroid and Smash delays mean that SMG will fill the Spring 07 slot *fingers crossed* (though I doubt they'd set SMG up against SPM).

In any case, I think that there's still a lot of novelty left to burn due to the steady demand.
[quote name='DrFoo']I don't think it's due to the price... every game but Zelda is crap IMO and I'm not paying even $10 for any of them (MAYBE $5). I guess if you want to play minigames you might be satisfied with what's out... but I really only like real games (don't know what else to call them)[/quote]

Well hell, if you really want to get down to the core of video games, your "real games" are basically pushing the EXACT same buttons as every single other video game out there.

Me personally, I would rather play a bunch of mini-games where I can play in short spurts (I don't have tons of time to play) than stuff like Crackdown which is basically a rehash of everything that got beaten to death last generation. You may call Crackdown or ___ 360 PS3 game a real game, but stop and think about what you are doing. The EXACT same thing you do in every other game. I am in NO WAY bashing the 360 or PS3 as I do enjoy the occasional game on them, so don't take it as such.

I'll take the Wii over them any day though.
[quote name='mercilessming']
Why cann't people just enjoy their respective consoles....[/QUOTE]

I don't think there's any fanboy crap in this thread, just some Wii owners a bit underwhelmed currently, myself included (and I'm a long time fan of Nintendo).

I'm sure I'll enjoy it more in 6-9 months when some of the heavier hitters start rolling out, it's just going to gather a lot of dust until then.
[quote name='schuerm26']your "real games" are basically pushing the EXACT same buttons as every single other video game out there.[/QUOTE]

Simplifying it a bit too much aren't we?

I have the 360 and PS3 but will be getting the Wii cause my wife wants one. She really enjoyed it after playing at our friend's house. The Wii definitely won't be the main system in our house, but it's great for parties, because of the mini games. Nothing beats knocking out your friends or wife in a game of Wii boxing. :)

However, I'm not gonna kid myself and think that the Wii could replace my 360 or PS3. But that's just me.
My Wii was a bit of an impulse buy. I didn't really expect to buy one this soon and while I enjoyed it for a few weeks, I have not played it in quite a while. I own Zelda, Excite Truck, and Trauma Center and I enjoyed them for a bit but none of them put any lasting desire to play into me. Nowadays I only turn the Wii on every few weeks to see if any downloadable games I want have popped up. It's way too early to tell but hopefully my Wii does not end up like my N64 which mostly collected dust outside of when I played Ogre Battle 64. The multiplayer games just don't help me much when most of my friends are not gamers and I'm mostly an RPG fan. I never sell my personal systems so it will just continue to collect dust until a game that excites me comes along.
[quote name='Apossum']it wore off a few weeks ago and I sold it. It's cool, but it's just substituting hand motions for button presses...which is great for casual players, but I felt like I saw through it since I'm used to more complex controls and the comfort of a controller[/QUOTE]

I think I see what you're getting at, but I'm not sure that's what you're actually saying. I mean, what step forward ISN'T substituting some kind of control for some other kind of control? Isn't an analog stick just a more precise substitute for a d-pad, which is a more precise substitute for the Atari-style number pad? If the Wii2 was hooked up to your brain, wouldn't that just be a substitute for button presses, too?
[quote name='Msut77']If anyone is bored with their wii I will buy it off of them.[/quote]

I'll second this, sell your system to me. If you're really that bored of it, give it to someone who'll use it.
Doesn't the novelty wear off everything after 2-3 months?

It's kinda like young love. It's great banging that hot chick for the first couple months, then reality kicks in and that "new" thing just becomes that freaking hag I have to take out to eat 3 times a week.

It's especially pronounced when there's barely a trickle in the game release department.
[quote name='bmulligan']Doesn't the novelty wear off everything after 2-3 months?

It's kinda like young love. It's great banging that hot chick for the first couple months, then reality kicks in and that "new" thing just becomes that freaking hag I have to take out to eat 3 times a week.

It's especially pronounced when there's barely a trickle in the game release department.[/QUOTE]

Well why not take the initative and take the young lady to a "novelty" shop?
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']I think this analogy is starting to wear thin....[/QUOTE]

Agreed. If something runs as thin as this, you're better off just pulling out before something happens you regret.
Have had it since Nov 19th, got Elebits (got it for CoD3) Zelda TP, Madden 07, and of course Wii Sports.

Got gamefly about 2 weeks ago, and have enjoyed games like Wario Ware, Excite Truck a ton. Not sure they are worth the $50, but definatly worth a rental. I think I might send out Wario Ware to get Sonic soon.

I don't think it's a novelty, playing a game like Madden 07 really lets me know that. I've always liked the Madden series but could never understand all the crap you had to do. Now it's as easy as an arm motion, and it just feels fluid, like the game was really meant to be played like this.
[quote name='Moxio']You guys thought the Wii's novelty would last forever, or something?

Come on. Everything gets old after a while.[/QUOTE]

It's a cheap attempt at a troll by zoglog. He finds random article that will inevitably encourage flaming that he can be distant from since all he did was post the article.
[quote name='furyk']It's a cheap attempt at a troll by zoglog. He finds random article that will inevitably encourage flaming that he can be distant from since all he did was post the article.[/QUOTE]

It's still worthy of discussion. The novelty may have worn off for some, including myself, but, like I and others have explained before, novelty wears off and then become norm. I would never choose to play any 3d person hack and slash with a regular control scheme again. And I don't think I'll ever buy a non-Wii sports game. Novelty or not, Nintendo's revolution has been accomplished in my opinion.
[quote name='furyk']It's a cheap attempt at a troll by zoglog. He finds random article that will inevitably encourage flaming that he can be distant from since all he did was post the article.[/quote]

I figured who the OP was just from the title... :roll:
it has potential but......

It may be another GC: supported by ONE THING. GC had its fans due to Nintendo name brand exclusives: Zelda, Mario, Metroid, etc....We all know Nintendo does make great games and they r gonna push their own games with WIIMOTE controls (and probably do a good job) but come on who wants to play multiplatform games on wii? Im not sayin all games will suck but i cant fathom playin lots of games with awkward wiimote controls as opposed to a standard controller. (Marvel Ultimate Alliance is one example)

I have loved Nintendo since the NES but damn i dunno how long the wiimote gimmick can carry them. they are gonna make games catered to their wiimote but multiplatform games will either not appear cuz of these controls or be really annoying to play by waving your hand around.
[quote name='furyk']It's a cheap attempt at a troll by zoglog. He finds random article that will inevitably encourage flaming that he can be distant from since all he did was post the article.[/QUOTE]

Well in this case, the attempt failed, so far the discussion has been on three main points.

1) That the novelty, or newness hasnt worn off and you lost interest in the WIi
2) Novelty has worn off and you are sitting out the post release slump.
3) The Wii is still novel and new, ect...

The only real point of conention would be why is novelty even a topic? Either the Wii game sales are up or down and I think those numbers should be out today so the answer for the general public should be clear.
[quote name='SithFran']I'll second this, sell your system to me. If you're really that bored of it, give it to someone who'll use it.[/QUOTE]

No response to either one of us, I guess that speaks volumes.
i wish i had a chance to feel bored of it. I bought a 360 to see if it would take my urges away and it has done a very very good job..but i still want one because Zelda is sitting here and everytime i look at kills me.
[quote name='Msut77']No response to either one of us, I guess that speaks volumes.[/QUOTE]

It speaks that Nintendo has some great games in the pipeline.

Too much hassle to sell and rebuy this fall when some of the big games are out.

The novelty is gone, and it's gathering dust for me and will until Super Paper Mario in April, but I'm a big Nintendo fan and will hold onto it and wait with baited breath for that game, Metroid, Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros etc.
I think I see what you're getting at, but I'm not sure that's what you're actually saying. I mean, what step forward ISN'T substituting some kind of control for some other kind of control? Isn't an analog stick just a more precise substitute for a d-pad, which is a more precise substitute for the Atari-style number pad? If the Wii2 was hooked up to your brain, wouldn't that just be a substitute for button presses, too?

I'm saying that it still feels thinly veiled and that while it's different, I don't like it better than traditional control yet. Instead of feeling like I'm using a revolutionary new control scheme, I feel like I'm using a suped up U-force. I'm wondering if it's a step forward at all and if it's strong enough to keep my interest (though I think a lot of people are more easily satisfied.) i'm not sold on it yet since it doesn't have any games that couldn't be done without a normal controller. (and for the record, the jump from d-pad to dual analog sticks felt more revolutionary, since it was attached to new fangled 3D play.)

The first 2 months were great, but I'd still rather play Burnout than excitetruck, Table Tennis than Wii tennis, any baseball game over Wii baseball, Fight Night over Wii Boxing. I'd also rather use a dual analog scheme in elebits, and use any traditional action adventure game control scheme over Zelda's. the games I'm most interested in don't even use the Wii mote- Paper Mario and Smash Bros Brawl.

just one person's opinion...trying to avoid flame wars here :)
I love my girlfriends Wii, I play the VC games and wii tennis constantly over the weekend. But if you bought it thinking that this wouldnt be the second act of the gamecube, you're a fucking idiot.
[quote name='Apossum']while it's different, I don't like it better than traditional control yet.[/QUOTE]

That's kinda what I thought you meant. Not in a "Ah ha, now I've got you!" kind of way -- just that the "substituting hand motions for button presses" argument seemed to be kind of a poor reason, in and of itself.

[quote name='Apossum']i'm not sold on it yet since it doesn't have any games that couldn't be done without a normal controller. (and for the record, the jump from d-pad to dual analog sticks felt more revolutionary, since it was attached to new fangled 3D play.)[/QUOTE]

C'mon: I know people like to complain that it's "just more mini-games," but you've got to admit Rayman was FILLED with stuff that's barely possible on other systems, even with Vision Camera/Eyetoy functionality.

[quote name='Apossum']The first 2 months were great, but I'd still rather play Burnout than excitetruck, Table Tennis than Wii tennis, any baseball game over Wii baseball, Fight Night over Wii Boxing.[/QUOTE]

Well, yeah, but I can't help but think that might have something to do with the insanely shallow gameplay of Wii Sports compared to most of those games. Would you rather play Excitetruck than ... Auto Modelista?

[quote name='Apossum']just one person's opinion...trying to avoid flame wars here :)[/QUOTE]

Hey, you'll get no flames from me -- you're more than capable of disagreeing without being disagreeable. Sure, there's your weird addiction to going off-topic, but nobody's perfect, right? ;)
[quote name='Apossum'] I'd also rather use a dual analog scheme in elebits[/QUOTE]

No WAY no HOW would I want to use an analog stick to aim and pick off those little Elebits when they are hiding behind things, under things, or WAY in the background. I think that game shows off the potential of the Wii like no other.
I would use the Wii a lot more if I had WiFi or if my 360 didn't have so many damn good games. I need to finish Zelda.. I love the Wii, just so many good games for everything out right now! Crackdown coming out this week doesn't help.

The other problem is I find it hard to buy and play games that lack achievements.. sounds weird, but it's true.
[quote name='io']No WAY no HOW would I want to use an analog stick to aim and pick off those little Elebits when they are hiding behind things, under things, or WAY in the background. I think that game shows off the potential of the Wii like no other.[/QUOTE]

With a dual analog set up, it could've been a lot more interesting. you could turn around faster, use other buttons to perform other actions, get through doors without a it is, the game is like glorified channel surfing.

C'mon: I know people like to complain that it's "just more mini-games," but you've got to admit Rayman was FILLED with stuff that's barely possible on other systems, even with Vision Camera/Eyetoy functionality.

I didn't play Rayman. I forgot about warioware though...while that could be done with a controller, it wouldn't be as fun.

Well, yeah, but I can't help but think that might have something to do with the insanely shallow gameplay of Wii Sports compared to most of those games. Would you rather play Excitetruck than ... Auto Modelista?

It does, but I have nothing else to compare at the moment. Nevr played Auto Modelista before.

Hey, you'll get no flames from me -- you're more than capable of disagreeing without being disagreeable. Sure, there's your weird addiction to going off-topic, but nobody's perfect, right?

:lol: yes, and I'm surprised no one has called me on that before.

I should say that while I'm unsure about how the control scheme will fare in the future, I'm definitely buying another one once the good games start to accumulate.
[quote name='Apossum']With a dual analog set up, it could've been a lot more interesting. you could turn around faster, use other buttons to perform other actions, get through doors without a it is, the game is like glorified channel surfing.

I didn't play Rayman. I forgot about warioware though...while that could be done with a controller, it wouldn't be as fun.

It does, but I have nothing else to compare at the moment. Nevr played Auto Modelista before.

:lol: yes, and I'm surprised no one has called me on that before.

I should say that while I'm unsure about how the control scheme will fare in the future, I'm definitely buying another one once the good games start to accumulate.[/quote]

I just have the feeling it is going to be THE way to play games. Once a game such as Metroid Prime comes out, I think you are going to have the copy effect. Nintendo does it right, and then all the rest figure it out and do it right.

Maybe it's just me, but I think it is fairly obvious that the potential is there (especially in FPS) for it to be a huge upgrade over the old way of playing. It is just going to take some time for everything to be figured out.
[quote name='io']No WAY no HOW would I want to use an analog stick to aim and pick off those little Elebits when they are hiding behind things, under things, or WAY in the background. I think that game shows off the potential of the Wii like no other.[/QUOTE]

My problem is I don't want to play those type of gimmicky games (or the minigame collections) regardless of control scheme.

I'm still excited for the possibilities of the Wiimote, I"m just not impressed yet as other than Zelda no games of the type I like have came out and used the Wiimote well yet.

Hopefully Metroid, Mario Galaxy and some other games will buck that trend.
I think elebits is just right for the wiimote.. pulling and throwing things wouldn't be nearly as fun with dual analog setup.

Its a testament to the Wii controls that I enjoyed Far Cry Vengeance (on a rental) quite a bit, despite the absolute wretchedness of the game design and the graphics.
As far as the gameplay goes, I would certainly say that the novelty's gone -- I'm no longer amazed at how intuitive the controls can be. But I would say that the control system has actually changed how I want to play games -- i.e., it's not new, it's the new baseline for me. Going back and playing RE4 after shooting with my bow in Zelda feels awkward.

WiiConnect24 is another matter, though. It's looking as tired and worn out as my first girlfriend. I've turned off that standby connection, partially out of fears that I might face what's happened to daroga and others (console heat in standby mode possibly affecting the graphics card), and partially out of the fact that, besides the news and the weather, nothing on the console needs it. Will this constant connection ever be useful? I don't think so.
[quote name='zyblorg']Will this constant connection ever be useful? I don't think so.[/quote]

Bold statement, especially considering this is the first time Nintendo has had online like this, AND we are only 3 months in to the life of the system.
I think the online function will be usefull, I don't think the always on part will be.

I'm only (mildly) interested in playing games online and downloading VC games. I don't need it always connected for that.

I don't care about the non gaming channels etc. and it's not a problem to just download updates when I turn it on.
With a dual analog set up, it could've been a lot more interesting. you could turn around faster, use other buttons to perform other actions, get through doors without a it is, the game is like glorified channel surfing.

The speed at which you turn and go through doors in Elebits has nothing to do with the controls. Konami did a bad job implementing certain things and the speed at which you move and going through doors are two of them.

And frankly I don't see how Elebits would be possible with an analog stick, which is a lot slower than the wiimote which you can easily point and click. I guess you could do it, but you would have to either add a ton more time or eliminate the clock altogether. Even then I don't see anyone moving or manipulating objects with any dexterity.
I'm sure someone else has said this, but join me to those who read this post title and say "uh, how can the novelty have worn off when I still haven't found the blasted thing!"

Trust's not from lack of looking--both my boyfriend and I have been routinely checking and nada. I just saw my first PS3 the other day though...I think it's due to being in the Bay Area.
Note that the OPs article's evidence is a link to a Gamepro article stating that sales have dropped 4 weeks in a row, despite being the top seller, amidst shortages.

Its not like its going to sell like its launch every week. The exact same evidence applies to the other systems as well, only moreso.
The novelty is definitely wearing off for me (Though a Wii Golf would justify the purchase alone... sadly that release schedule for 2007 seems like it isn't in existence.)

The Gamepro article and everyone who talks about Wii sales figures and dropping demand are retarded. You can't make demand statements when something constantly sells out immediately. All it means is Nintendo shipped less those four weeks. The internet is rife with this talk and it pains me. Isn't Economics taught in school anymore?
[quote name='PaulG']The novelty is definitely wearing off for me (Though a Wii Golf would justify the purchase alone... sadly that release schedule for 2007 seems like it isn't in existence.)

The Gamepro article and everyone who talks about Wii sales figures and dropping demand are retarded. You can't make demand statements when something constantly sells out immediately. All it means is Nintendo shipped less those four weeks. The internet is rife with this talk and it pains me. Isn't Economics taught in school anymore?[/quote]

Im pretty sure a Tiger Woods is coming out soon for the Wii.
[quote name='schuerm26']I just have the feeling it is going to be THE way to play games. Once a game such as Metroid Prime comes out, I think you are going to have the copy effect. Nintendo does it right, and then all the rest figure it out and do it right.

Maybe it's just me, but I think it is fairly obvious that the potential is there (especially in FPS) for it to be a huge upgrade over the old way of playing. It is just going to take some time for everything to be figured out.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I agree. I think it's obvious that the pointing functionality is head and shoulders above using an analog stick to the do the same thing. IT's much more exciting to shoot things with the Wiimote.

Also obvious the gesturing is fun when used right.

And also its not like developers can't just use the buttons and stick and dpad of the Wii controller or they can use the classic controller.

This is why I too think that the Wii controller will become a standard. The Wiimote can not only be used for it's functionality but can be plugged into any other kind of peripheral including a regular gamepad.

At the very least I thnk the wiimote is going to force Sony or MS to upgrade their controls by next generation.
shocked that the above post didnt tell me i was completely insane and how wonderful the wii is, to tell the truth i had mine for like 2 months and sold it to get a ps3
[quote name='johnmirra']shocked that the above post didnt tell me i was completely insane and how wonderful the wii is, to tell the truth i had mine for like 2 months and sold it to get a ps3[/quote]Congratulations. Are you just going to keep posting until someone attacks your opinion of the Wii?
bread's done