Is the Xbox prone to breaking?


I read on's user reviews that the Xbox typically breaks down after about a year. Either the Xbox does break down easily or everyone who has an Xbox that broke complained about it.

How prone to damage is the Xbox? Is there anything I can do to prolong the life of my system? Is using a DVD player cleaner (DVD with brushes) recommended?
I've had my Xbox since around Christmas-time and I haven't had any problems. I just make sure to never leave a game in the disc drive when the system's off, and keep it well ventilated.

I don't know about the DVD cleaner. Also the brand of DVD drive you have may affect the system's longevity.
Mine's been running strong for three years now with nary a problem. In fact, I'd say the Xbox is much much more stable than the PS2. The trick is giving it proper ventilation room, not abusing it and handling your discs properly.
My xbox broke very very fast !!! I bought it played Halo for about a week and didnt touch the xbox for months until Wolfenstein came out and then it had disc errors and stuff...I also have a Ps2 which was a lauch model and nothin is wrong with it in perfect condition still just like my gamecube.....i beleive some xbox's were made to crap out so microsoft can gain big bucks for fixing their junk but that's MO
[quote name='pimpinc333']My xbox broke very very fast !!! I bought it played Halo for about a week and didnt touch the xbox for months until Wolfenstein came out and then it had disc errors and stuff...I also have a Ps2 which was a lauch model and nothin is wrong with it in perfect condition still just like my gamecube.....i beleive some xbox's were made to crap out so microsoft can gain big bucks for fixing their junk but that's MO[/quote]

The early drives had problems, true.. but for the most part its the way its handled.. if you end up having it wrapped in towels and drizzle it with chocolate syrup and marshmallow cream. yea, you'll have a problem.

Out of all of my x-box owning friends (probably 3 dozen people) not a single one has had a problem.
Ive had my Xbox for about a year and it has not broken down yet. The only thing it has a problem with is with resting on a certain bed in Morrowind, which causes it to freeze.
One of the games I bought caused problems for my Xbox (It caused the DVD tray to rumble wildly). All my other games work fine.

Thats the only thing I have to report. I've owned my Xbox since Xmas.
If you have the Thompson DVD drive, that was in the early Xbox systems, then yours has a very good chance of breaking. Mine did and I had it repaired twice. If you have a Philips or Samsung drive, then you should be fine. Somewhere, there was a photo of the different drives, but I don't know where it is right now.
[quote name='Kaijufan']Ive had my Xbox for about a year and it has not broken down yet. The only thing it has a problem with is with resting on a certain bed in Morrowind, which causes it to freeze.[/quote]

That's not your X-box.. thats a big in Morrowind.
I have a launch Xbox that has been my main game and DVD player, and I have had no problems. Although Halo sometimes takes a few tries to get recognized, but thats only because I've logged too many weeks playing that game.

I also have a launch Gamecube that works perfect, but i had to get rid of my launch PS2 in favor of a newer one about a year ago because it was starting to get DRE.

It pretty much depends on your luck, and you will always hear more from people who's system broke than ones that didn't.
My launch Xbox with Thomson Drive has worked great, although it has trouble with rental discs that have scratches on them.
That's because people whose systems don't break down don't have anything to say. It would be pretty silly to start a topic titled "Post here if your Xbox still works!'

Don't get any ideas, you wiseacres.

BTW I've had my box since almost launch, zero problems.
I've had two Xboxes within the past year. My first one died on me after four months of use. It was well ventilated, and was never moved after it was originally placed on my entertainment center. My brother in-law also had this happen to his XBox. My new one has to be turned on before the tray will eject, and once out of about every ten tries I will have to power it off and back on again because nothing shows up on the screen.
I have one box here at home that works great (knocks on wood). It 's a launch one with a Thompson drive, and is used daily as either/both a game player and DVD player.

I have a second box for college that I picked up for $75 brand new last year. It's a Thompson drive as well, and easily has 500 hours of Halo logged on it, plus other games. I'd have to say it took a pretty good beating being moved to other rooms, surviving dirty conditions, and being left on after heated Halo matches. It also works fine (knocks on wood).
I've had my box since 2 weeks after launch.

It runs, though some EA games like to give me a dirty disc error (Fight Night, MVP Baseball) and well as some MS games (PGR2) only when the music is trying to stream and it misses something. This happens on brand new games, but it's not that big of a problem if you save often.

It's been through a lot. Used it as my DVD player for a while, marathon Halo sessions, countless hours of pretty much everything. i move it around a lot as well, it is in good shape (knock on wood).

This is great considering fact that I burnt through 3 Dreamcasts(Man...what an underrated system) and a PSX.
I've had my XBox for about a year and a half and the only time I've ever experienced problems was with Vice City. It wouldn't load or freeze up during gameplay. I later read the release was buggy and I figured it was the game.

I haven't had any problems with any other game and it doubles as my primary DVD player as well.
I had mine for about 3 months before it broke down on me. I would've sent it in to get it fixed, but my copy of Ninja Gaiden was in there and I didn't feel like it was coming back. So I opened it up(voiding the warranty in the process), got NG out, and sold the broken xbox for parts. I just got another one recently, selling some games and I have a 2 year replacement plan on the sucker. Every system I've had has broken down pretty much ... 1 NES, 2 PSX's, 1 PS2, 1 XBOX ... so it's usually the way it goes for me.
Ive had my xbox since near launch, it has had like 1 DDE with halo and tons of DDEs with Morrowind, but that is expected. Still works great if you ask me.
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