Is there any trick to finding "buy it now" deals on ebay?

crows in black

I've noticed lately when searching completed auctions on ebay that there are some INSANE deals with buy it now. For example a few months ago I saw a boxed Sega Master System and a bunch of games at buy it now for 5 dollars and only 10 dollars shipping! A few days ago I saw a Turbografx 16 with a few games that sold for 15 dollars buy it now.

Obviously it must be people that don't really know what something is worth and the first person to find it just lucks out, but is there any trick or way to know when buy it now stuff like this comes up other than just looking at exactly the right time?
Yeah, I've seen some pretty good ones. Seems like people are really desperate to sell and would put something of great value and a very low price.
If there is something you are looking for you just need to search for it on a regular basis. When I was looking for a Guitar Freaks controller and a game, the controller alone was selling for as much as $100 even for a used one and the game was worth $40. I saw a BIN for the controller and 1st mix game for $75 shipped, I didn't even think twice and clicked buy it now so I could get it.
You'll see many more BIN listings down the line with eBay's again-realigned pricing structure that greatly favors BIN auctions and powersellers, and punishes (or doesn't reward at least) pure auctions with finite end dates and small sellers.
Sometimes if a person lists a buy-it-now at a somewhat high price, you can probably beat them down a bit if they have the "best offer" option available. You might want to take advantage of that.
While it takes up time, I usually make the title as vague at possible and only search in the Video Games category. Do not click any further than that, not even "Games." This is how I find a lot of cheap stuff from people who don't list it in the proper category or who simply don't type out the game's entire name.
Search abbreviations (GH3), vague keywords (GOW), and intuitive misspellings (calibur/caliber). Also, search frequently. That's the best way to snag deals, and the only way to get ones that are advertised well, just underpriced.
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