Is this a good deal? (PS1 RPG's)


Hi, I had a question for those of you that know some about RPG's. I was never a big RPG fan until I recently began to appreciate them, and I ran across a deal, but I haven't played any of the games. Can anyone recommend these games? Also, are any of these valuable? He wants $60 for a PSOne with these 16 games (all mint and only FF9 and MGS were GH he said):

-Chrono Cross
-Final Fantasy 8
-Final Fantasy 9
-Final Fantasy Tactics
-Legend of Dragoon
-Legend of Mana
-Lunar: Silver Star Story
-Metal Gear Solid
-Vagrant Story
-Mortal Kombat Trilogy
-Ape Escape
-Gran Turismo 2
you must be shrooming. Thats so good I'm not sure I can accurately convey just how good it is.

If you gave him twice that it would still be a good deal.
haha, sorry I wasn't trying to gloat over the deal...I more wanted to know if anyone had a good/bad experience with any of them? (All except Ape Escape...I've played that one :p)
There's some of the best games ever in there and some like Lunar could be sold for more than you paid for that whole lot.
Are you crazy? Hells yeah that's a good deal. That lots easily worth $200+ if you sell the games individually.
^^^ so these games realisticlly couldn't be enjoyed by a beginner? I've been gaming for a while, I just never gave RPG's a chance.
I wouldnt go that far. They're not complicated. I just figure most people that have been gaming for a long time either like or dislike RPGs after a certain amount of exposure.

But since you havent 'given them the chance', it might turn out you like them.

I'm not entirely sure which one to try to begin with:
Lunar is brutally hard at the beginning.
Maybe Xenogears or Chrono Cross?
I cant recommend Final Fantasy 8 and 9 on the basis that people who start with them tend to not end up liking the earlier ones, which is just a crime.

You need to play something that looks, for 'like crap'. RPGs are story driven games, you cant get hooked on the graphical prowess of a title.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']I wouldnt go that far. They're not complicated. I just figure most people that have been gaming for a long time either like or dislike RPGs after a certain amount of exposure.

But since you havent 'given them the chance', it might turn out you like them.

I'm not entirely sure which one to try to begin with:
Lunar is brutally hard at the beginning.
Maybe Xenogears or Chrono Cross?
I cant recommend Final Fantasy 8 and 9 on the basis that people who start with them tend to not end up liking the earlier ones, which is just a crime.

You need to play something that looks, for 'like crap'. RPGs are story driven games, you cant get hooked on the graphical prowess of a title.[/QUOTE]

Xenogears is not an easy RPG. It took me a few attempts to get pass some of the bosses. I thought Lunar was easy though.
[quote name='MHRX']haha, thanks for all the advice. I think I'll start with Lunar.[/QUOTE]

I'll probably get flamed to hell, but I didn't like Lunar... it felt old school in the worst way possible. While it's probably not good to start with Xenogears, you should try Chrono Cross. One of the best games ever.
I have only been fortunate enough to play one of those games, that was FF8. I beat it when i was like, 9, so i think that you could be able to do it.
And ooh, do i hate it when i get far into something and then i die and lose all my progress.
[quote name='Chacrana']I'll probably get flamed to hell, but I didn't like Lunar... it felt old school in the worst way possible. While it's probably not good to start with Xenogears, you should try Chrono Cross. One of the best games ever.[/QUOTE]

I don't hate Lunar but I thought it was only an OK game.
I think FFIX would be a good start.
Chrono Cross is indeed a great game.
Not sure if I would play that first though since there are so many any endings and characters to recruit.
It might be a little too much for an RPG newbie.

edit: Just for the heck of it, I have played 13 of the games listed.
definitely start with Chrono Cross. one of the best RPGs of all time, and it's easy to get into. then go FF VIII, my other favorite PS1 rpg next to CC and FF VII. i thought lunar was pretty hard, it made you work for progress, though it is pretty simplistic. Xenogears imo was boring, though it had cool plot twists once you got to them. Vagrant Story's a customization nut's dream, kinda like FF VIII. FF T is still my favorite SRPG, with agreat story and great, albeit easily exploitable, battle system. anyway, i'm getting too nostralgic here, great find.
Oh yeah, i did play Chrono Cross too. Yeah, DEFINETLY start with that game. I completed that when i was 10. It was epic to me, and i really enjoyed it. It had a great story line and wasn't too easy. I do remember staying up into the wee hours in the morning with [user]chrono72090[/user] playing that game.
Play Lunar then sell it and you can have recuperated all your costs.

Then just slowly have fun with all the other AWESOME games.
That's such a beautiful deal..........I wish I had found it since I recently started building up an RPG collection. All the games I missed.
Give them a try and if they are not your thing you can at least know you made some money on the deal.
thanks again guys, I'm picking up the system and games tomorow (local deal). After looking up all the games, I'm really excited to try Chrono Cross (got a perfect 10 from gamespot way back when)
How long before he comes back crying "Vagrant Story's too hard. I can only do 1-point of damage to the bosses."?

While I believe Vagrant Story to be the best game EVAR!, most find it too difficult. Especially if they've been weened by crap games like Final Fantasy.
Katria I remember from when my dad rented it was a fun strategy rpg that is pretty rare these days. Just that, Xenogears, and Lunar are worth 60 dollars. Good deal.
[quote name='pimp tyranny']don't worry, CC crushes CT, recommend it before CT all the way.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but a lot of the stuff in CC is far more significant if you've played CT...
Is Chrono Cross really that good?

I remember hating it when I played it the first time, so many unnecessary characters... maybe I'll play through it again.
idk man, but if you've made it to the Miguel battle, and still don't love CC... idk what's wrong with you. that's one of the most powerful scenes in gaming imo. and a hardass fight to boot.
[quote name='Roufuss']Is Chrono Cross really that good?

I remember hating it when I played it the first time, so many unnecessary characters... maybe I'll play through it again.[/QUOTE]

I didn't care for it much either, too many useless characters. I also didn't like the color sphere, and I hated having to re-assign elements every single fucking time I had to switch a different innate character into a fight (which was more or less every boss fight). On top of that I personally found the story and plot to be lacking, the only cool stuff imo were the references to Chrono Trigger. Despite all this I still wouldn't call it a horrible game, just average.
[quote name='Roufuss']Is Chrono Cross really that good?

I remember hating it when I played it the first time, so many unnecessary characters... maybe I'll play through it again.[/QUOTE]

I fucking hated it. It was the reason I traded in my Ps1 and got a Gamecube when it came out.
Here's my impressions of the games that I've played out of those. $60 is a good deal, none of the games are rare or valuable really but you get a TON of value for the money. I paid $60 just for FF8 and FFT new back then if that gives you some idea, and I was happy with the money spent.

-Chrono Cross - OK, I just got it a little while ago and haven't played much yet, but its rated incredibly good.
-Final Fantasy 8 - Great game
-Final Fantasy 9 - Great game
-Final Fantasy Tactics - Amazing game, one of my all time favorites
-Legend of Dragoon - Ok, solid RPG though I didn't play all of it.
-Metal Gear Solid - Again, an all-time great
-Oddworld - It's solid, not really my type of game though.
-Vagrant Story - Pretty fun combat.
-Ape Escape - Another solid game
-Gran Turismo 2 - Was really awesome in its time, still fun to mess around with.
bread's done