Is this legit? or an obvious scam?


Someone with the Gamertag z iLLISiON z, sent me a message on XBL which said that if I go to I can somehow get free Microsoft Points. I don't know who this person, so I was wondering if anyone have gotten anything like this before.
Do you really have to ask?
It's a standard phishing attempt where they ask you to give them your username/password.
Tell-tale signs: poor spelling, no contact info, cheap webhost, ask for password when it's not required, no encryption, and the list goes on.
Getting a mysterious message from someone you don't know who tells you about free stuff.....
No Brainer Isn't It?
[quote name='kevin82485']Maybe this can serve as a heads up to others.[/QUOTE]
Only for stupid people, but those folks are likely to fall for it regardless. Let 'em burn I say.
bread's done