Israel preps to invade Gaza...again Edit: Israeli forces moving into Gaza

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"There is always a reason why a country would pursue the route, and potential given right, to conduct war; if not for gain it is for pursuit."

I leave you with that quote.
while i dont agree with Israels tactics, I am curious if anyone here has better solutions against constant rocket fire, especially when some rockets are coming from residential areas of gaza.
Don't worry, all the missiles that Israel uses will be replenished by the billions of dollars per year we give them as aid money...
[quote name='BigT']Don't worry, all the missiles that Israel uses will be replenished by the billions of dollars per year we give them as aid money...[/quote]

Yep. I've said it before; the U.S. has a "war on terror! except Israel."
We fund this zionist bullshit.
i dont have a problem with the strikes, hamas should be the one to blame for firing them from residential areas (on purpose of course). i do have a big big problem with us continuing to fund israels military (as i do with most funding to other nations).
After all the complaints about Israel's "disproportionate response," why don't they just set up a few mortors along the border and fire indiscriminately into Gaza? One round for every shell fired on to their soil. Let's level the playing field people!
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']while i dont agree with Israels tactics, I am curious if anyone here has better solutions against constant rocket fire, especially when some rockets are coming from residential areas of gaza.[/quote]

Dissolve the state of Israel.

Soak up the refugees in the way Egypt won't soak up the Palestinians.


Turn a blind eye and let them settle their hash.
Hamas did break the ceasefire and they are firing from residential areas; a government is supposed to protect the people so I can see Israel's reason.
It's pretty clear that Israel's intent, in an invasion, would be to wipe out Hamas and create a power vacuum for the other party to take over. Because Israel knows that Hamas will continue to lob rockets, rocks, and ill-will for eternity as long as they exist.
[quote name='thrustbucket']It's pretty clear that Israel's intent, in an invasion, would be to wipe out Hamas and create a power vacuum for the other party to take over.[/quote]

What other party?
Its weird...i keep hearing Israel has the right to exist but what about Palestine? Does it have the right to exist? If so then why are there Jewish settlements on their land?

And Gaza is the densest populated area in the whole world. to claim that Hamas is firing weapons from residential areas is Fox News balony crap.
[quote name='HeroinJuggernaut']

And Gaza is the densest populated area in the whole world. to claim that Hamas is firing weapons from residential areas is Fox News balony crap.[/quote]

well if it is that dense than it is all residential areas, so they would be firing from them since there is no place else to fire from.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']well if it is that dense than it is all residential areas, so they would be firing from them since there is no place else to fire from.[/quote]

Exactly... nevertheless, it makes for a good excuse for Israel to bomb residential areas... maybe we should start bombing Mexico for slowly trying to reclaim California through illegal immigration and border violence...;)
Damnit, this quote has me thinking too much.
[quote name='M-PG71C']"There is always a reason why a country would pursue the route, and potential given right, to conduct war; if not for gain it is for pursuit."

I've been playing alot of Civilization Revolution lately. If Sid Meier teaches us anything in his games, is that somebody is always looking for a fight.

Israel is in the wrong on this one, again.
I am with the majority here. I am sick of us funding Isreal and treating them as our kid brother. If they are our kid brother then they are our kid brother that goes out and picks a fight with someone that WE have to step in to stop...and then end up having everyone hate us for sticking up for the little turd.

I can understand that they are sick of having rockets fired at them. But maybe if they stopped and thought about the fact that they only exist because we stepped in and made it happen in the middle of someone elses land and that ever since then they have time and time again been an aggressor and been a nation that has expanded their power into others territories.....they would have others top hating them so damn much.
Well, if you are considered an 'enemy of Islam', try not to find yourself in Gaza, because in an effort to help give credit to the Palestinian cause, Hamas has just made crucification legal.

Poor guys, we should have more sympathy for Hamas. I hope they get more aid and live long and prosper.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Well, if you are considered an 'enemy of Islam', try not to find yourself in Gaza, because in an effort to help give credit to the Palestinian cause, Hamas has just made crucification legal.

Poor guys, we should have more sympathy for Hamas. I hope they get more aid and live long and prosper.[/quote]

When was crucification made illegal?
As per usual foreign affairs has a brilliant essay up relating to this issue. I just finished reading it(I actually subscribe to their journal)and it had me rethinking the issue and seeing things in an even more moderate way. It really does show where the mind state of both sides must be at and how both sides really do have a history of being survivors and feeling they must fight.

Very interesting and highly recommended read.
Another item, almost worth its own thread is this:

FREE THE SHMINISTIM – ISRAEL'S YOUNG CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORS. The Shministim are Israeli high school students who have been imprisoned for refusing to serve in an army that occupies the Palestinian Territories. December 18 marks the launch date of a global campaign to release them from jail. Join over 20,000 people including American conscientious objectors

After reading a bit more on their site, I see where the problems are stemming from:

Because of their principled refusal to serve in an occupying army, youth who sign the letter face jail terms in Israeli military prisons. Terms range from 21 to 28 days; those who refuse to wear a military uniform while in jail are sent to solitary confinement for the duration of their term.

After completing their sentence, they are then drafted again and if they refuse a second time, as most do, they face the same sentence. This can be a repeated process in which Shministim return home for a few days or longer and are then drafted and then imprisoned. Even through they refuse to serve, they still in a sense ‘belong’ to the military until they receive their discharge papers. A Shministi may never receive these papers, and although the Israeli military may tire of re-calling objectors into prison regularly, without these papers, an objector’s fate is always uncertain. There is literally no end to the number of times youth might be sent back to jail.

Israel's draft makes WWII Germany's look more relaxed than the tryouts for the Jamaican bobsled team.
Mandatory military service is nothing new, many countries practice it. Not saying it's right, but it's certainly not a new concept.
[quote name='carpwrist']Another item, almost worth its own thread is this:

After reading a bit more on their site, I see where the problems are stemming from:

Israel's draft makes WWII Germany's look more relaxed than the tryouts for the Jamaican bobsled team.[/quote]

Hey screw you, us Jamaicans take that team very seriously!
Female and devout Israelis can easily get out of serving in the army. They also dont allow the Arabic population to join. And the devout Jews and the Arabics all have a ton of kids while the secular Israelis only have 2 or 3. It's the few protecting the many so they NEED mandatory enlistment provided the bad neighborhood they're in. I support Israeli 100% in all of their attacks. They have lived in the holy land for thousands of years and will do a better job keeping it safe than the palestinians.
You know, it's incredibly insensitive to say, but you speak what many feel.

Nobody wants to see people die or suffer, but the more one lives life and tires of seeing middle east/Israeli drama day after day, one begins to conclude whether the only end to it is for the middle east to be left a smoldering crater.

If it weren't for oil dependency, I have a feeling it would have happened long before now.
[quote name='level1online']I think USA should take action against the people that started Al-Qaeda in the first place.[/QUOTE]
The British?
[quote name='thrustbucket']You know, it's incredibly insensitive to say, but you speak what many feel.

Nobody wants to see people die or suffer, but the more one lives life and tires of seeing middle east/Israeli drama day after day, one begins to conclude whether the only end to it is for the middle east to be left a smoldering crater.

If it weren't for oil dependency, I have a feeling it would have happened long before now.[/quote]

Nah... with the US govt's unconditional love and support for Israel, we'd never nuke the whole middle east...
Why nuke it when there is money to be made? Who gives a rats-ass about the oil, if I can put a Mickey D's and a Wally World, along with our all-time favorite Starbucks, on every other corner, I would make more money in consumption than I ever would in commodities. :D

Then again, I guess the nukes going off would make a great 4th of July, granted our last one more than likely.
The only thing we will ever bomb Israel with is our tax money! bah-dum-dum!

But, seriously, Israel is a leech on your wallet.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']while i dont agree with Israels tactics, I am curious if anyone here has better solutions against constant rocket fire, especially when some rockets are coming from residential areas of gaza.[/quote]

Of course - just build an Aegis cruiser nearby and support it with a small division of destroyers.

Not gonna bother with reading all the posts, but....

I mean, yes, the rockets that hit Israel are the biggest joke ever, and are very low quality shit, but they still put a large number of people at danger. It's about time that Israel decided to take the initiative. The worst thing is that they (Hamas) actually think they're winning.... Best joke I've heard in a while. Also, those pieces of shit hide the rockets in mosques and hospitals........ UGH! It annoys the fuck out of me sometimes. Obviously, innocent civilians' death is inevitable, and I do feel bad because of it, but what can you do, huh? Especially when you elect fuckers like Hamas.

You know what's also absurd? Most of Israeli Arabs are supporting the Palestinians, but if you tell them, "well, if you support them so much, why not go ahead and live in the Gaza strip?" They answer: fuck no. Why? Because Israel's the only place they get so many good benefits and welfare. Name one freaking Arab countries that give its citizens the same amount of rights Israel gives the Israel Arabs. It's ridiculous man.

I can't believe what some of those people say. Sorry that I'm coming out so strong.... I would say it again: it sucks to have civilian casualties, but I do 100% believe that Israel's actions are justified. After the cease fire ended, Hamas said that it won't renew it. A few days later, 60(!) rockets were shot by Hamas and other terrorist groups. Oh btw, during the cease fire, rockets were still shot and Israel didn't do ANYTHING.

Remember the disengagement of 2005? Israel withdrew all of its forces and forced Israelis out of their homes in the Gaza strip. Why? Because Israel wanted the Palestinians to have the territory for themselves. About a half year later, Hamas was elected.

Hamas was elected "democratically" by the Palestinians, right? Well, their lives have turned for the WORST since then. Hamas has been ruling Gaza with a strong arm. Then, they say that their lives suck even more... What can you say to that? You elected the Hamas "democratically." Well, sucks for you. Also, Hamas, by all means, tries to maximize innocent civilians' casualties. That's why they launch the rockets from places where there are civilians. That's why they shot the rockets from the UN school that was bombed.

Israel, of course, should be blamed for a lot of things, too. Yes, it is a disproportionate use of force. Yes, a lot of innocent civilians die and are going to die because of the operation. But please tell me.... What would the US done if Mexico started to shot rockets at Arizona and Texas? Come on people..... I wish you guys knew how it feels like to live in those cities that surround Gaza. Your opinions would have been much different if you did.........

I'm trying to be at the center of the political spectrum, but some issues really, really tick me off. I hate it when innocent people suffer for nothing. They shouldn't be the ones suffering. FYI
[quote name='HowStern']^It's about time Israel took the initiative? That's the most backwards, uneducated statement about this situation I've ever heard.[/QUOTE]

Theres no point in arguing seems like there are just some people that Israel just has by the hips at this board....sad thing is they seem to enjoy it.
I know, it's bizarre. I can't understand why. Injustice irks me a lot. But I think if a couple of moonbat countries want to fight over religion I wouldn't care AS much if my tax dollars weren't funding the aggressor.
[quote name='HowStern']I know, it's bizarre. I can't understand why. Injustice irks me a lot. But I think if a couple of moonbat countries want to fight over religion I wouldn't care AS much if my tax dollars weren't funding the aggressor.[/QUOTE]

This is why I rarely come to this place :D I hate talking about politics because it ticks the hell out of me... Some people's responses. Well then, I shall not reply to you guys any longer. Just waste of time and energy for me. And FYI, Israel is not fighting for religion. That's the biggest bullshit I've ever heard.
[quote name='HowStern']I know, it's bizarre. I can't understand why. Injustice irks me a lot. But I think if a couple of moonbat countries want to fight over religion I wouldn't care AS much if my tax dollars weren't funding the aggressor.[/QUOTE]

You a libra? Im not a big astrology person but Justice is like one of the things I believe firmest in and balance as well. Never knew anything about astrology till I meet my fiancee and then read some stuff since she was kind of into the subject and found out balance and justice are the supposed core of any libra.
Taurus. So I'm stubborn lol I don't usually fall for that stuff but that is actually a truth.

Boozi they are fighting for land because of religious reasons. The Zionists...So, it's not just religion but that's one of the roots of the tree, so to speak.
[quote name='HowStern']Taurus. So I'm stubborn lol I don't usually fall for that stuff but that is actually a truth.

Boozi they are fighting for land because of religious reasons. The Zionists...So, it's not just religion but that's one of the roots of the tree, so to speak.[/QUOTE]

Since I know I can maintain calmness, I'll reply. The current "battle" is not over the land. Israel already disengaged from Gaza, correct? There's no point for Israel to have Gaza because Gaza is a hell hole. Egypt did the smartest move by NOT taking Gaza back when it signed the peace treaty with Israel. Gaza is nothing but trouble. And Zionism..... I got nothing to comment about that. Zionists are usually not religious. That's all I can say.
[quote name='M-PG71C']"There is always a reason why a country would pursue the route, and potential given right, to conduct war; if not for gain it is for pursuit."

I leave you with that quote.[/quote]

We should have a ban on posts that are only quotes and offer no real analysis or substance.

I'm also going to throw myself into the "Frak Israel" group.
I'd much rather support Israel than the Arabs. It's the lesser of two evils. I have no idea why you guys would say that the Arabs are the just force in this whole mess. Do Isrealis harass Christians on the way to Bethlehem? Do Israelis dedicate themselves to the destruction and genocide of their neighbors? Why would you guys support murderous thugs that would rather continue war instead of better their people?
[quote name='HowStern']
If they don't want the land why are they illegally establishing so many settlements on it?[/quote]

Ahhh... Check your facts man. All Jewish settlements in Gaza have been removed prior
to the disengagement. After the disengagement, no Jewish settlements remained in Gaza.
True, there are still many settlements in the West Bank, but those will be taken care of
in the future. Israel won't be able to remove all of them, though, 'cause some of them are
too big. As a result, the Palestinians would probably get 90% of the West Bank instead of \
100%. As for Zionism, did you know that ultra orthodox Jews oppose it? It might have roots
in the religion, but..... Yeah, most ultra orthodox Jews are utterly against it. 'Nuff said.
[quote name='depascal22']I'd much rather support Israel than the Arabs. It's the lesser of two evils. I have no idea why you guys would say that the Arabs are the just force in this whole mess. Do Isrealis harass Christians on the way to Bethlehem? Do Israelis dedicate themselves to the destruction and genocide of their neighbors? Why would you guys support murderous thugs that would rather continue war instead of better their people?[/quote]

Considering Israel has broken every cease fire first, or just plain refused cease-fire deals, you should be asking yourself this question.
Here is a chart of non-fighting/peaceful intervals (defined as more than one day of no fighting) interruptions.

Look who's starting it most of the time. If Israel wants to reduce rocket fire from Gaza, it should cherish and preserve the peace when it starts to break out, not be the first to kill.

boozi, you are leaving out some huge info. When they demolished those settlements they also demolished the palestinians homes.
One thing you got right is that there a lot of Jewish and Israeli people against this war. Just like there are Americans against the Iraq war.
[quote name='HowStern']Considering Israel has broken every cease fire first, or just plain refused cease-fire deals, you should be asking yourself this question.
Here is a chart of non-fighting/peaceful intervals (defined as more than one day of no fighting) interruptions.

Look who's starting it most of the time. If Israel wants to reduce rocket fire from Gaza, it should cherish and preserve the peace when it starts to break out, not be the first to kill.

boozi, you are leaving out some huge info. When they demolished those settlements they also demolished the palestinians homes.
One thing you got right is that there a lot of Jewish and Israeli people against this war. Just like there are Americans against the Iraq war.[/QUOTE]

I'm done arguing. I wonder why Israel refused the cease-fire deals.... They didn't help Israel in any way. It's a shame that Hamas wants 32152315231523532 Palestinian prisoners for one kidnapped Israeli soldier. That's just tells you how low they think human beings are. One thing is for sure. The UN is the most worthless body in the world. But yeah, I'm out.
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