I've been diagnosed with testicular cancer

God's speed.

(thank for the ball-check reminder. CAG being the sausage hang it is, Cheapy should work a reminder into the CAGcast every month.)
[quote name='Tybee']I know, right? The message to "check your balls" is pretty well conveyed, but the instructions about what you should be looking for (other than "lumps," which is pretty vague) are unclear. A lot of guys don't notice anything until it starts hurting or swelling (but you won't always have that indication).

I was probably not checking myself as regularly as I should. Like I said, the urologist found it, not me. Once he showed me where it was, it was pretty hard to miss -- a bump about the size of a pea protruding from the back of my left nut (after the ultrasounds, it became clear this was just the tip of a nickel- to quarter-sized tumor that spans most of the testicle.

What you're looking for is any change in your testicle(s). Lumps are the most obvious indicator. I've heard of them as small as the tip of a pencil lead, but more often they're going to be pea-sized, I think. Another indicator is a change in the "hardness" of your testes. If they're healthy, they should have a little give, feel slightly spongy (obviously you don't want to squeeze them too hard to verify this ... unless you're into that). If they feel very hard, that can be a sign something is wrong. And if one testicle is a noticeably different size than the other, that can also be an indicator.

Please, please, PLEASE do not be afraid to get checked out by a doctor. And make sure they do a thorough check. I think I was like most guys -- wanting that part of the exam to be over as quickly as possible and thankful when they didn't really do much. It's obviously not pleasant for either party involved. But the doctor is really doing you a disservice if he/she doesn't really work you over down there. Make sure you're not just checked for a hernia, but also for testicular irregularities (there are other disorders, such as Klinefelter's Syndrome, Bell Clapper Syndrome, general testosterone deficiency, and other things that can be diagnosed this way).

Testicular cancer can progress from self-contained to spreading through the lymph nodes, lungs, and beyond in as little as a month, so once something is found, act quickly.[/quote]

I hear that. That's why I didn't jack around ;) a few weeks ago when the pain started in my left nut. My doctor gave my undercarriage the once over, ran a urine test (for things like kidney infections), gave me two rounds of antibiotics, and had an ultrasound done just to be on the safe side. So far there's been nothing found out of the ordinary but I still haven't been able to get to 100%. My doctor seems to think it might be varicose veins in my sack that keep getting irritated and causing my issues.

You had better believe I check myself on a regular basis for lumps. I hope the chronic masturbator that is the OP of the "masturbation side effects" thread finds time to check his nuts while he's down there...:D
sorry to hear that bro. I've been off CAG and missed the 2.0 launch because my mom just found out she has breast cancer. luck to you.
[quote name='Chitown021']My doctor seems to think it might be varicose veins in my sack that keep getting irritated and causing my issues.[/quote]

Yeah, those are called varicoceles, basically an enlargement/entanglement of the veins (supposedly feels like "a bag of worms") that supply the testis, usually the left one. It can cause infertility, but is not much of a risk to health and can usually be easily corrected surgically. At first that's what we thought (hoped) it was. Alas, no.

[quote name='Wolfkin']sorry to hear that bro. I've been off CAG and missed the 2.0 launch because my mom just found out she has breast cancer. luck to you.[/quote]

Damn, Wolfkin. I am so sorry to hear that. fucking cancer. Strength and prayers to you, your mom, and your family, my friend.
I'm sorry to hear the news, Wolfkin. I hope to hear that it was caught early.

(OT) BTW, you two, what happened to our ATL thread?
Wow, I just saw this thread and I am very sorry to hear about this. As a fellow Jeff Buckley fan, I hold you in higher regard than most of the other people here. You'll be in my "New Year's" Prayer and know that "Everybody Here Wants You" to get better. Buckley references FTW.
I've checked every day for a lump for the past two years in the shower...you have to check right after a hot shower, it's easiest to tell (nothing yet!)
There's also a condition known as epididymitis, can cause pain and swelling, but is usually nothing to worry about. Antibiotics usually clear it up.
Damn, sorry to hear. With your positive attitude, I think everything will be ok. Especially since you caught it so early.

Hang in there... (See what I did there) I tried. :lol:
Looks like the surgery is going to be Friday at NewYork-Presbyterian. Flying to New York on Wednesday night or Thursday morning for another battery of tests. Even though the doctor is not technically on our insurance, he's agreed to do the orchiectomy for what our insurance will pay and write off the rest (Thanks Dr. Schlegel!!!). All the hospital costs, anesthesia, O.R. fees, etc. are 100% covered with a $100 co-pay, thank God. We simply have to pay out of pocket for the sperm extraction portion of the procedure, which ain't cheap, but is worth it to us.

Interestingly, Dr. Schlegel seems to think that this actually may not be a germ cell (cancer) tumor, but could be what's called a Leydig cell tumor. There are two kinds of cells down there: Germ cells turn into sperm and are what can turn into testicular cancer. Leydig cells produce testosterone.

Leydig cell tumors are considerably rarer than testicular cancer, only comprising something like 1-3% of all testicular tumors. If this is the case, the great news is that 99% of Leydig cell tumors are benign. It would explain why my testosterone is low and my sperm production is being affected. If it is Leydig, they may actually try to do a partial orchiectomy of the left (leaving me some of my left nut). But we are nervous about this, because that remaining 1% of Leydig tumors that ARE malignant are very nasty, and do not respond well to treatment. Also, benign Leydig cell tumors can sometimes be mixed with traditional germ cell (cancerous) tumors. So things just got a little more complicated.
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Tybee, you and Mrs Tybee are in our prayers.

[quote name='Tybee']In the meantime, I welcome your best off-color testicle-related jokes. ;)[/quote]With all the jokes Kimmer made when he was still on 640 (prostate cancer survivor, but he had a lot of fun cracking jokes at prostate and testicular cancer survivors), you'd think I'd have remembered one. The best I can think of is that I'd be willing to help test all you guys.

...maybe not. That's way too risque for me.

[quote name='neocisco']Thanks. I felt like the kid who got left at the rest stop.[/quote]Aw... No no no. Never.
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[quote name='keithp']Pics or it didn't happen!! :D[/quote]


Note the mass between points 1 and 2. That's the tumor.
I will keep you in my prayers. My father was recently diagnosed with Prostate Cancer and I've had one grandfather with testicular cancer and had another one that had lung cancer. So yea.....outlook not good for me...

Good luck to you.
[quote name='guinaevere']The best I can think of is that I'd be willing to help test all you guys. [/quote]


[quote name='guinaevere']...maybe not. That's way too risque for me.[/quote]

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Sorry to hear this about your gonad. Anyone with NMH art and Iron & Wine lyrics really should get to pick the person to get nut cancer in his place. You could pick me if you wanted, I've got a lot of balls.
[quote name='Chitown021']Is your defective nad going to end up on your trade list?:D[/quote]

Considering it's going to biopsied (twice: once for cancer, once for sperm), frozen, vivisected and then likely dumped in a medical incinerator ... probably not.

It will, however, be on craigslist.

[quote name='mephitical']Sorry to hear this about your gonad. Anyone with NMH art and Iron & Wine lyrics really should get to pick the person to get nut cancer in his place. You could pick me if you wanted, I've got a lot of balls.[/quote]

Yes, it's always tragic when people with good taste are stricken with unpleasant diseases. ;)

But in all seriousness, if I really did have that choice, I'd choose to take it on myself, because as I've said, I've got the insurance, the amazing circle of support, and the strength to beat this, where someone else might not be as fortunate.
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[quote name='Tybee']Yes, it's always tragic when people with good taste are stricken with unpleasant diseases. ;)

But in all seriousness, if I really did have that choice, I'd choose to take it on myself, because as I've said, I've got the insurance, the amazing circle of support, and the strength to beat this, where someone else might not be as fortunate.[/quote]

I'd at least go pick a failure of a human being like Dubya or Osama; someone far more deserving of (any or all) cancer than thee.
[quote name='mephitical']Sorry to hear this about your gonad.[/QUOTE]

I don't know why, but I found this wording fucking hilarious.

And Ty, good luck man. If you ever find yourself quoting Louie, just remember you're going solo: "I WANNA DIP MY BALL IN IT". God I hope someone gets that reference.
Good Luck Tybee....and for the first time on this site...Im a bit ashamed at whomever put those tags up there on this thread.
Tybee, I have a magic stick I wrote "Cancer Beater" on, and I am willing to hire a short fat man to whack you repeatedly in your scrotumular region on what will be the remaining circular soldier.

I have no scientific proof this will prevent anything bad from happening to the remainder, but several witch doctors assure me this is good juju.
[quote name='Strell']Tybee, I have a magic stick I wrote "Cancer Beater" on, and I am willing to hire a short fat man to whack you repeatedly in your scrotumular region on what will be the remaining circular soldier.

I have no scientific proof this will prevent anything bad from happening to the remainder, but several witch doctors assure me this is good juju.[/quote]

Ooh, ooh, I'm local and available! I'll even have someone do the bell ring *ding* from WWF No Mercy with every shot. YouTube gold, no doubt!
They should be in NYC by now. I met Tybee for lunch y'day (and to pick up my cheap copy of Jam Sessions), and he seemed in good spirits. Hopefully all goes well.
Here I am in NYC. Had a great corned beef sandwich yesterday at a honest to goodness deli, and tore up some plates in Chinatown. Any of you New Yorkers: Where is the best place for a slice (where is the real Ray's?). Also, where is the main Gray's Papaya? I'll be prone and drugged up (yay!) for the next couple days, but my folks and wife might want to step out for a bite, so trying to set them up with the good stuff.

It's two hours to go time. I won't say I'm not nervous...I am -- less about something going wrong during the surgery, more about what they're going to tell me about the cancer when I wake up. Focusing on the positive. Hoping for the best.

Pray for me, guys.
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Good luck Tybee, I'm praying for ya. In the meantime I may have to head back to the doctor myself. My right nut pain is starting to flair up again.
[quote name='PRMega']I don't know why, but I found this wording fucking hilarious.

And Ty, good luck man. If you ever find yourself quoting Louie, just remember you're going solo: "I WANNA DIP MY BALL IN IT". God I hope someone gets that reference.[/QUOTE]

Anyone who references The State is awesome. I hope all is going well Tybee. I'm outta heeeeeeeere.
Tybee, Patsy Grimaldi's Pizza under the Brooklyn Bridge is pretty awesome. Some consider it the best in town. There's also a neat little chain called BEARD PAPAAAAA! where they make delicious cream puffs. Recommended.
Greetings from the other side (well, not THAT other side), where Celebrex and Vicodin are plentiful and things are a little more spacious between my legs.

The surgery was a smashing success, and so far, all the news is good. To no one's surprise, the tumor in my left testicle WAS cancerous. We won't have the complete pathology report for another week, but the initial assessment is pure seminoma, which would be the best possible type, as it is considered the least aggressive and most likely to be contained to the testicle. Interestingly, the blood supply to top part of the tumor had been cut off and it had "died" and become necrotic. That infection was what was causing the pain I'd been feeling since last Friday.

Also, WE HAVE SPERM!!!! According to Dr. Schlegel, there was still a lot of healthy tissue in the testicle and he was able to get lots of healthy, active sperm and freeze multiple samples. I can't tell you how euphoric it feels to know we have those banked. When my wife told me that after I woke up, I wept.

There's also good reason to hope that sperm production may be naturally restored to the right testicle now that the cancerous one has been removed. So we'll be watching that. We'll also be getting monthly ultrasounds to make sure that "suspicious area" doesn't develop into anything bad.

Interesting aspects of the surgery:

- As it turns out, didn't have to mark myself, as Dr. Schlegel put his initials above my left one the day before the surgery.

- Because I'm 6'5", I wasn't able to fit into the normal hospital gown. They had to put one around my front, and another around my back. The supposedly loose-fitting pajama pants fit like tights.

- They walked me into the O.R. and I laid down on the table. Just before they put me out, one of the surgical assistants asked me if I wanted "both sides" shaved or just the left. I didn't want my junk to look like Two-Face, so I said both. I assumed they'd just be shaving up top, where they would be operating (the incision is just above the crease where my left leg meets my torso), but he shaved EVERYTHING, and I do mean everything. It looks like a naked mole rat down there, and is probably going to itch like Hell in a few days.

- Surgery took about 2.5 hours. Afterwards, you progress through two recovery rooms as you wake up and become more alert. They give you anti-nausea meds, painkillers, and fluids through an IV. Because I'm a big guy and because I have had sleep apnea in the past, they gave me a massive amount of anesthesia. I slept a lot longer than normal afterwards, and was really, really nauseous (a feeling intensified by the violence done to my genitals). In fact, the first sight my wife and parents saw of me post-surgery was me vomiting violently and repeatedly, which was a bit embarrassing.

Just chilling in my hotel room now. My wife and folks are getting ready to head out and do a little sight seeing. I'm looking forward to a nap and some quality time with my DS, maybe listen to the latest CAGcast. Thanks to everyone here for your support. It's meant more than you can know, and really helped keep my spirits up when I was low. You guys rock.
I'm very glad to hear the surgery went well.

I'll be perfectly honest your post made me think, and how I should probably get myself checked out every once in a while (to assure nothing is wrong).
Glad to hear it went well, Tybee! If it starts to itch, remember, DON'T SCRATCH TOO HARD. :D

Seriously, good luck and here's to a speedy recovery!
bread's done