I've lost my mojo


It all started last year, after I lost a job and was unemployed for a few months. Those months turned into a year and a half when I couldn't find a steady job that paid as good or had decent hours.

Anyway, the first few months were good. I had saved enough cash to hold me over for a good half a year, and had just gotten a car. Things were great. Took my then gf out all over Cali, caught up with friends, partied, and saw a raise in my grades. I also decided to catch up with my huge back catalog of PS2, PS1, PSP, GC, N64, SNES, DS and XBOX library I had accumulated thanks to that bank job I lost and being introduced by a fellow CAG there. Life was good. I was finally gonna get to play all those games I had amassed.

However, I couldn't find another job. It was as if I was blacklisted. I went to traffic schools, banks, call centers, the mall. Hell I even applied at Wal-Mart and warehouses. A backstory to the job I was fired from. It was WaMu, and I worked at their call center here in Cali. In January of 06, we were informed that we would be out of a job in May or June of that year, and that we should start looking for a new job, or stay with them until they left or ask to be reassigned to the new calling center in Texas. By the end of the month, a lot of people had found new jobs, but there were also rumors that some were getting fired as well. By March, less than half of the 3,000 people were there. People were getting fired over stupid shit. You take a bathroom break too long because that turtle head won't fall off? Fired. A customer you helped bitches to a manager telling them to fire you? Fired. You walk in a minute late for the start of your shift? Fired. Needless to say those of us left were starting to look for other jobs as well.Then one day in April, I get to work late by an hour due to a late bus. The next day, I'm canned. Ever since then, I could not get a decent paying job until last week, and I got a tech support job with an online company.

Anyway, shit got on my shoe. In October of last year, my brand new car, totalled by a douchebag running a red light. That's not the worst part. The fag was uninsured, and fled the scene. My insurance only gave me 1500 for the car.

So I got an under the table job with my uncles company a week later, filing crap and making invoices for him. I got about 500-700 per week. However, I somehow managed to shit it all down the tubes, because now, about a year since that day, I'm still broke.

On the GF front, not having a car really strained the relationship. We constantly got in fights, but we managed to patch things up. But the fights and arguments would be over stupid shit, and she would always nag nag nag. Don't get me wrong, I love this girl and still do, but it gets on your nerves when you're trying to get the cash to fix the car and someone just breathes down your neck for not saving the cash, but then always wanting to go out to dinner or a movie and so on. This January, we broke up. She came back a few days later. Same shit in June.

Then a month and a half ago, she did it again...but she hasn't come back. Shits sucks cock. Harder than this thread:


On the school front, I got on the academic probation list last Fall semester. I got off of it in the Spring, but I'm still struggling to get back to the GPA I had before. And all this time, I've been losing interest in gaming. Maybe it's the fact that I'm starting to realize that at 22, I can't just be finishing up college and waiting to graduate. Maybe it's the fact that I have a huge, and I mean huge catalog of unopened games that I got on cheap. Maybe it's the fact that I'm still trying to get a stable job and working on the days that I'm not in class to pay the bills. Maybe it's the fact that the fucking car still isn't fixed, and I'm seriously thinking of just scrapping it and getting a used car.

The whole point of this is the following: I've lost my gaming mojo, CAG.

I haven't bought a new game for over a year, and this week I picked up the new Zelda for the DS. I played it for ten minutes, and it bored the hell out of me. So what did I do instead? I went out for a jog and went out for some coffee with some friends.

So the question is this. Has anyone gone through this, and if so, gotten back that mojo? It's been about 8 or nine months since I find myself not having that...I guess you can call it craving to play a game. Is my gaming addiction finally over?

I honestly think it's all the stress of having a girlfriend and the problems that come with a relationship, not being able to find a steady job since my last job the whole car crash thing and school. I guess I'm just too stressed out with life in general.

tl;dr: Help me get back my gaming mojo CAG.
It's probably like you said; associated with the stress and all that shit. I was the same way for my last year of college and hardly played any games. Then, while playing Halo 3 for the first time, I remembered how fun/distracting it all is and jumped on the 360 bandwagon.

I'd type some more, but I have to go get ready for work.
It ought to come back, I mean obviously you should grow out of it eventually, but if it's part of you, it's always going to be there, just not as pronounced as it used to be.

I've also experienced something similar, for the longest time I was obsessed with music, I absolutely had to hear everything that came out that week that piqued my interest. Now, I kind of just don't care. I'm waiting for something to knock me off my socks and wow me back into loving music the way I used to but it hasn't come yet. This year has been a terrible year for music, and all the albums I was looking forward to did not deliver, and thus far there's been no breakout, must-have album for me, so that's part of it. Will I get back to loving music? It's tough to say, but it's a part of me, that's who I am, so as I said before, it's always going to be there.

Just stay in touch with what's happening, sample some games, look at some previews, try to find something to get you excited, and with time it will all come back.
yeah i went through something like you went through a few years back. started with someone holding a gun to my sister trying to force their way into our house to get at my father and then i lost my joband then me and my mother got into an argument that caused us to not talk for years. i lived out west had a relationship but that got strained due to alot of drama , crap and unemployment.

longest saddest darkest days of my life. got to the point i wondered if it was me. you know you hit a long stretch of bad luck , bad events and just nothing ever going wrong and of course add a gf to the mix and then shit gets even further aggravated. i dunno what t say to you except maybe for me i needed to go through the bad to realize the good.

when shit goes your way life is great but i think you can learn more from failure than success and you will appreciate your successes more. when i moved back east my first week back i had a job offer and then from that point ive worked on fixing alot fo whats wrong in me and my life in general.

my main thing to you is to not dwell on it or start to internalize it and say its all you. bad shit happens and you can either oll with it and keep on pushing foward or let it get to you and dwell on it and before you know it youre depressed and wishing you could end it all.

not to get weird and churchy on you but id suggest praying about it and talking to people about it becausea diff perspective could help you see things more clearly also dont be afraid to ask for help. my pride made things worse for me in the beginning and if id asked for help or let more people know i was struggling id have gotten help faster.

i really do hope that helps you out and that things will turn around for you. ive been where youre at and im still working on things but its a step by step process but sooner or later things will get better.
Sorry to hear that man, I just think sometimes you just hit streches of bad luck. I have had the moments though before where I just couldn't play a game, even ones I normally love because I was so stressed out. It eventually wears off.
Sorry to hear about all that stuff man.

as for gaming, it sounds like you have a huge collection. If you're not that into gaming right now, why hold on to it? Sell that shit, especially if you're broke. Sell your car too, buy a used one, and don't look back. Just start all over.

If you have been playing some games still, then keep the ones you like. Not surprising to hear your reaction to Zelda, IGN made it sound like the game was made for the younger crowd...
Yeah I hear ya. Thanks for the advice, and just hearing that it's not just me that is/went through stuff like this makes it less shitty.

senorwoohoohoo- As far as gaming, I have tried out the new Halo, but I just couldn't get into it all that much. I was thinking of buying a Wii, but the only reason I'd get it is for the new Zelda, Warioware and probably Smash Bros. I'm actually looking forward to the new MGS4 though... anyone else get a boner while watching those trailers?

ReaperZero- I hear ya, I'm still disillusioned by the current music scene. The only album that's caught my eye this year is the new Foo Fighters, but even then it's more like the 2nd CD of 'In Your Honor' and not what I'm used to from them. Still some good tracks though.

lokizz- It's just weird, this is the third time in my life stuffs been just piling up, just not this huge. I'm not normally a religious person, and maybe that's my problem. I still believe in God and all that stuff, it's just that church bores me, and I don't really wanna be a hypocrite. I have my vices, and I think it's more important to have that connection and try to live life the way you want it, and not feel like church is an obligation. Also, I have been praying this past month, and it seems like it's helping.

darthbudge- I hope so, I mean I remember when I finally got a PS2 about 3 years ago, I loaded up on all those games that I missed. I tried playing FFIX today and it's just like... meh. I don't get that excitement I used to as a little kid...you know like a rush and wanting to keep playing it even though you have other stuff to do.

Apossum- I may start selling some stuff, but I kinda also wanna hand it down to my kids if I ever have them or to my sister or something. But we'll see. I do need cash though.
[quote name='thegarageband']Yeah I hear ya. Thanks for the advice, and just hearing that it's not just me that is/went through stuff like this makes it less shitty.

senorwoohoohoo- As far as gaming, I have tried out the new Halo, but I just couldn't get into it all that much. I was thinking of buying a Wii, but the only reason I'd get it is for the new Zelda, Warioware and probably Smash Bros. I'm actually looking forward to the new MGS4 though... anyone else get a boner while watching those trailers?

ReaperZero- I hear ya, I'm still disillusioned by the current music scene. The only album that's caught my eye this year is the new Foo Fighters, but even then it's more like the 2nd CD of 'In Your Honor' and not what I'm used to from them. Still some good tracks though.

lokizz- It's just weird, this is the third time in my life stuffs been just piling up, just not this huge. I'm not normally a religious person, and maybe that's my problem. I still believe in God and all that stuff, it's just that church bores me, and I don't really wanna be a hypocrite. I have my vices, and I think it's more important to have that connection and try to live life the way you want it, and not feel like church is an obligation. Also, I have been praying this past month, and it seems like it's helping.

darthbudge- I hope so, I mean I remember when I finally got a PS2 about 3 years ago, I loaded up on all those games that I missed. I tried playing FFIX today and it's just like... meh. I don't get that excitement I used to as a little kid...you know like a rush and wanting to keep playing it even though you have other stuff to do.

Apossum- I may start selling some stuff, but I kinda also wanna hand it down to my kids if I ever have them or to my sister or something. But we'll see. I do need cash though.[/quote]

for me personally i dont think you have to go to church to be religious or to have a dialogue with God. i feel people over mystify religion overall God knows who we are and what we dont and dont do and for me i pray to him to kind of vent my problems and feelings and to ask him if he knows whats best and if he can show me what i need to do or should be doing then to show me the way. i also pray for safety and health for my family friends and loved ones but yeah thats it.

i feel if you need to talk to him about whatever just do it when and where you can and keep it real since he knows all he can understand and maybe in talking to him that can lead you to a better understanding of yourself and what youre going through. going to church i think can be good but only in that you can meet other people who may be going or have been through your own situations or something like them and you have diff soruces to pull from for guidance and support.

i personally am not too into churches since the people in them tend to be hypocrites and phony. much like you said i know im not living a christian life and theres tons of stuff i do have done and will do that God im sure isnt cool with ( porn being on the top of that list) but that said if youre willing to admit you do have things in you that arent perfect youre alot further along than alot of those who pretend they are perfect and do wrong things. nobody is perfect and I believe God understands that.

and now that im done preaching ill pass around the collection plate lol. funny thing though as a kid i was always pretty upset that they never passed around cookies with the juice.
[quote name='ReaperZER0']It ought to come back, I mean obviously you should grow out of it eventually, but if it's part of you, it's always going to be there, just not as pronounced as it used to be.

I've also experienced something similar, for the longest time I was obsessed with music, I absolutely had to hear everything that came out that week that piqued my interest. Now, I kind of just don't care. I'm waiting for something to knock me off my socks and wow me back into loving music the way I used to but it hasn't come yet. This year has been a terrible year for music, and all the albums I was looking forward to did not deliver, and thus far there's been no breakout, must-have album for me, so that's part of it. Will I get back to loving music? It's tough to say, but it's a part of me, that's who I am, so as I said before, it's always going to be there.

Just stay in touch with what's happening, sample some games, look at some previews, try to find something to get you excited, and with time it will all come back.[/quote]

Why should he (or anyone for that matter) grow out of it? It's a hobby, and people usually keep those until the day they die.
I have this happen almost every other year. I usually sell my system and all of my games (keeping a couple). Then one day, I just decide to start playing again and basically don't stop for another few months. Like recently... I haven't played my PS2 in about a year. I've had a PS2 and only a PS2 for a couple years now... well just last week I bought a CDX off craigslist and started playing that. Now I remember how much fun I had as a kid playing games like Sonic and Streets of Rage. Screw the new age crap.. I'm playing games that actually got me into gaming in the first place. :)

I've always been a fan of emulation too but playing them on a CDX on a big TV is just so much better than on my computer monitor... It feels authentic.
[quote name='PhrostByte']I have this happen almost every other year. I usually sell my system and all of my games (keeping a couple). Then one day, I just decide to start playing again and basically don't stop for another few months. Like recently... I haven't played my PS2 in about a year. I've had a PS2 and only a PS2 for a couple years now... well just last week I bought a CDX off craigslist and started playing that. Now I remember how much fun I had as a kid playing games like Sonic and Streets of Rage. Screw the new age crap.. I'm playing games that actually got me into gaming in the first place. :)

I've always been a fan of emulation too but playing them on a CDX on a big TV is just so much better than on my computer monitor... It feels authentic.[/quote]

i was the same way with comic books.id collect for a while stop and then start up again until i finally stopped. now im kinda back into it again but only with tpbs and only certain series that have caught my eye.

one thing i never thought would happen was that id have so many games i wouldnt ro couldnt play them all but being here at cag with all the great deals it happened. ive got so many games i havent finished but started its amusing but annoying when it comes to looking at your collection and trying to figure out what to play. so now im basically playing pokemon diamond and every so often tomb raider anniversary.
I try not to go here on internet forums, but every once in a while I can't resist.

[quote name='lokizz']for me personally i dont think you have to go to church to be religious or to have a dialogue with God. i feel people over mystify religion overall God knows who we are and what we dont and dont do and for me i pray to him to kind of vent my problems and feelings and to ask him if he knows whats best and if he can show me what i need to do or should be doing then to show me the way. i also pray for safety and health for my family friends and loved ones but yeah thats it. [/quote]

Church is not a Biblical necessity for Christianity, true. However, your description of God is so trivial, it's almost insulting. You place God on a back-burner, content with calling on him when you have troubles or frustrations or needs, and as you so aptly put it, "thats it". If you believe in God, and believe that He is who He says He is, then you know that He is really God, and not just your own expendable life counselor. He requires certain things of His children, and we Americans hate to hear that, because we want Christianity on our own terms. We like to think that God will just have to accept us for what we are, and deal with it. Sorry brother, that is wrong.

i personally am not too into churches since the people in them tend to be hypocrites and phony. much like you said i know im not living a christian life and theres tons of stuff i do have done and will do that God im sure isnt cool with ( porn being on the top of that list) but that said if youre willing to admit you do have things in you that arent perfect youre alot further along than alot of those who pretend they are perfect and do wrong things. nobody is perfect and I believe God understands that.

Take a moment to analyze what you've said here. You don't attend church because of the hypocrites that are there. Why should you base your own spiritual decisions on others, and what they are doing? Is it up to you to judge them as hypocritical, or is it up to God? Furthermore, in your post you promote talking to God, but you then downplay His house and a lifestyle that is fully committed to Him. A man with a foot on both sides of the river will one day fall in, my friend.

Additionally, you state that you do many things that God doesn't approve of. That is your business, and I'll not judge you for it. However, you then rationalize them away by saying that God understands and He is basically ok with it all as long as you admit to it. A person who constantly sins, and one who constantly sins but admits he does are one in the same. Both sin continually, and make no attempt to stop. Both are on the path to condemnation.

I'll go ahead and stop now. Here's something to ponder, though: You don't get cleaned up to go to the shower, you go to the shower to get cleaned up.
[quote name='the ender']I try not to go here on internet forums, but every once in a while I can't resist.

Church is not a Biblical necessity for Christianity, true. However, your description of God is so trivial, it's almost insulting. You place God on a back-burner, content with calling on him when you have troubles or frustrations or needs, and as you so aptly put it, "thats it". If you believe in God, and believe that He is who He says He is, then you know that He is really God, and not just your own expendable life counselor. He requires certain things of His children, and we Americans hate to hear that, because we want Christianity on our own terms. We like to think that God will just have to accept us for what we are, and deal with it. Sorry brother, that is wrong.

Take a moment to analyze what you've said here. You don't attend church because of the hypocrites that are there. Why should you base your own spiritual decisions on others, and what they are doing? Is it up to you to judge them as hypocritical, or is it up to God? Furthermore, in your post you promote talking to God, but you then downplay His house and a lifestyle that is fully committed to Him. A man with a foot on both sides of the river will one day fall in, my friend.

Additionally, you state that you do many things that God doesn't approve of. That is your business, and I'll not judge you for it. However, you then rationalize them away by saying that God understands and He is basically ok with it all as long as you admit to it. A person who constantly sins, and one who constantly sins but admits he does are one in the same. Both sin continually, and make no attempt to stop. Both are on the path to condemnation.

I'll go ahead and stop now. Here's something to ponder, though: You don't get cleaned up to go to the shower, you go to the shower to get cleaned up.[/quote]

And I can get my mojo back how?
[quote name='thegarageband']The whole point of this is the following: I've lost my gaming mojo, CAG.

I haven't bought a new game for over a year, and this week I picked up the new Zelda for the DS. I played it for ten minutes, and it bored the hell out of me. So what did I do instead? I went out for a jog and went out for some coffee with some friends.

So the question is this. Has anyone gone through this, and if so, gotten back that mojo? It's been about 8 or nine months since I find myself not having that...I guess you can call it craving to play a game. Is my gaming addiction finally over?

I honestly think it's all the stress of having a girlfriend and the problems that come with a relationship, not being able to find a steady job since my last job the whole car crash thing and school. I guess I'm just too stressed out with life in general.

tl;dr: Help me get back my gaming mojo CAG.[/QUOTE]
I felt like this for about 2 years from the age of 19-21, I felt like my love for gaming had seemingly gone away out of nowhere. I had problems finding a job, did not know what to do in college, and my ex-gf was pissing me off.

I can only recommend what I did to get better and rebound, Travel.

Yup, Travel...I'm not talking about going across the country or across the world, hop on a greyhound (do not drive), pick a state (nothing too crazy hopefully) and explore...you find out a whole lot about yourself like this (or at least I did). Lots of thinking gets done on those trips (pack in a PSP or DS in case you get bored), and when you are finally getting ready to hop off the bus you are in a new location (hopefully unexplored)...with a plan of what to see/do once the next day rolls around.

Best thing I have ever done in my life until this point (I am 23)

Also, explore new music...that also helped.
been there.... when i was finishing up school..and also being diagnosed with a chronic illness....i didn't even own a last gen system till 2 years in.. after i got school togehter and a good internship i ended up getting an xbox one summer and got back into gaming.

eh it happens... there is more to life then gaming.. .but there is always room in life for gaming though.
[quote name='thegarageband']Apossum- I may start selling some stuff, but I kinda also wanna hand it down to my kids if I ever have them or to my sister or something. But we'll see. I do need cash though.[/quote]


You need cash - sell the games. This is not a time to be thinking about kids that don't exist.

Keep some of the AAA titles, but chances are the kids of the future will be so busy playing laser football that they won't notice a few missing PS2 titles.
[quote name='the ender']I try not to go here on internet forums, but every once in a while I can't resist.

Church is not a Biblical necessity for Christianity, true. However, your description of God is so trivial, it's almost insulting. You place God on a back-burner, content with calling on him when you have troubles or frustrations or needs, and as you so aptly put it, "thats it". If you believe in God, and believe that He is who He says He is, then you know that He is really God, and not just your own expendable life counselor. He requires certain things of His children, and we Americans hate to hear that, because we want Christianity on our own terms. We like to think that God will just have to accept us for what we are, and deal with it. Sorry brother, that is wrong.

Take a moment to analyze what you've said here. You don't attend church because of the hypocrites that are there. Why should you base your own spiritual decisions on others, and what they are doing? Is it up to you to judge them as hypocritical, or is it up to God? Furthermore, in your post you promote talking to God, but you then downplay His house and a lifestyle that is fully committed to Him. A man with a foot on both sides of the river will one day fall in, my friend.

Additionally, you state that you do many things that God doesn't approve of. That is your business, and I'll not judge you for it. However, you then rationalize them away by saying that God understands and He is basically ok with it all as long as you admit to it. A person who constantly sins, and one who constantly sins but admits he does are one in the same. Both sin continually, and make no attempt to stop. Both are on the path to condemnation.

I'll go ahead and stop now. Here's something to ponder, though: You don't get cleaned up to go to the shower, you go to the shower to get cleaned up.[/quote]

im not rationalizing anything nor am i trivializing Gid. all im trying to tell the guy is anybody can talk to him and you dont need to go to church to do it. he is who he is and how you interact with him shouldnt be limited to church. you have you views on religon and so do i mine just arent as rigid. God does understand us and though he may not like what we do or dont do he doesnt condem us for it either. i really dont want to get into a stupid religious debate with you or anyone since it doesnt do any good.

i hate that people feel like they cant connect with God because of not going to church because its not the building that brings you closer to the lord , imo, its your heart. you can talk to God when you have problems or you can talk to him when everything is al good. the guy is having problems and he feels like he cant talk to God unless hes in church and i dont believe he was to be in church to talk to him. hes everywhere and in al of us and if you need him talk to him and he will listen.

reread what i said before and if it still doesnt make sense to you i dont care because we both have diff views on what religion is or should be mine are just diff. not better or worse just diff.

and as far as hypocrites in church go its people in churches that made me not see the use for churches. you can be spiritual and connected to God without being in those kinds of places. ive had enough experiences that my faith in God comes from the things ive seen and experienced not what i was told by someone.
Since when did this become a religion discussion? Lets leave the fairy tales to the little old ladies and discuss why he might not be into games anymore.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Since when did this become a religion discussion? Lets leave the fairy tales to the little old ladies and discuss why he might not be into games anymore.[/QUOTE]
I am going to have to co-sign this post.
[quote name='thegarageband']

Apossum- I may start selling some stuff, but I kinda also wanna hand it down to my kids if I ever have them or to my sister or something. But we'll see. I do need cash though.[/QUOTE]

Do what you will, but I'll just throw my opinion out one last time.

if you have expensive plastic sitting around and you're in need of money, it's better to think in the present than in the distant future (like Camoor said.) Use the money to get back on track, so when your kids are born, you'll have the money to get whatever games you want for them. Games are all over the place. Unlike a family heirloom of some sort, they're easily replaced.

plus, kids aren't in to large collections. you show them Pokemon, they'll play Pokemon for their whole childhood :)

just my 2 cents. Once the cash starts rolling in from Ebay, you'll warm up to the idea ;)
[quote name='thegarageband']tl;dr: Help me get back my gaming mojo CAG.[/QUOTE]u from sylmar?!?!

get good at Third Strike, then bring it to Family Fun Arcade on Devonshire & Balboa.

aint no better way to get into gaming then competition.
Find some old school shit that you haven't played yet. May I suggest Ninja Gaiden for the NES? That or a good round of Punch-Out!
Sounds like the OP needs some "Gamers Viagra" because he just can't "get it up" for Master Chief, Mario, or Solid Snake anymore... j/k :)

I know what he means though. When I was younger I used to love it when a new system or highly anticipated title would come out. I'd be first in line to get it and would play it for hours on end. In the last 5 or 6 years my desire to play games had dropped significantly. Partially because it's not as big of a deal as it used to be and because I just don't have the time I once did for it. Marriage, work, a 9 month old in the house, all add up to minimal gaming time. That and when I do have a few hours in the evening to play games my wife is usually on the main HDTV where the systems are hooked up watching crap like Grey's Anatomy or Desperate Housewives:puke:

I still love finding great CAG deals but most of the games I've found have ended up in my collection unplayed. Just last month I sold my PSP Phat and picked up a slim using that Target price error. When I read about it I was completely hyped and couldn't wait to play it. Here it is a month later and I still have yet to crack open the box.

I guess I'm just getting old :oldman:
[quote name='Chitown021']
I guess I'm just getting old :oldman:[/quote]

Speaking of that, I just found my first white hair this morning.
[quote name='the3rdkey']Just do what I did. Get drunk everyday and smoke pot everyday.[/quote]

Yes, that's great advice for somebody who's broke. Spend what little money you have on booze and pot! It'll make your life so much better. :roll:
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Yes, that's great advice for somebody who's broke. Spend what little money you have on booze and pot! It'll make your life so much better. :roll:[/quote]
Well, I have been getting drunk most every day, but it's usually on the house. I guess all my friends really really want me to get over this girl.

But yeah, I don't do pot...makes me wanna throw up. And I'm really strapped for cash till the end of the month. That and I don't want to become Jay or Silent Bob.
[quote name='thegarageband']Well, I have been getting drunk most every day, but it's usually on the house. I guess all my friends really really want me to get over this girl.

But yeah, I don't do pot...makes me wanna throw up. And I'm really strapped for cash till the end of the month. That and I don't want to become Jay or Silent Bob.[/quote]
You try to drown your sorrows but what you need to realize is that sorrow can swim. You need to stop being a baby, get over it, quit getting drunk, get your shit in order, get a job, any job and stop making yourself out to be a victim.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']You're on your way!:applause:[/QUOTE]

I'll second this. What you need to do is get a job and start moving forward. Being unemployed isn't helping.

As far as your "gaming mojo". I think most gamers have it in their blood. You grew up with it and it will always be there. If this is true for you, once you get your life back in order, gaming will find a place. But, when your life is turned upside down, you won't have the time or energy for it.

Plus, I think almost every gamer goes through some sort of stetch where they barely play games. There will be a year or 2 here and there where you barely play at all (just like you will watch less tv, etc). This is normal.
Well, I assume you're better off than the guys who have to go through my garbage cans for bottles here in Sylmar!

Seriously, concentrate on school; that's your ticket out of unemployment and jobs where they treat you like shit. If you're in school, and somewhat social, there's PLENTY of girls around. I assume you're going to Northridge- you should have no problems there.

Forgot the past; concentrate on your future; that you can change.

Stay away from the weed and alcohol.
I'm actually not looking at dating or having a more than friends relationship with girls right now. It's a mix of her still talking to me and being very very mind boggling (says shit like she misses me and still lets the 'baby' slip out) but also the fact that I've caught up with friends from high school and just been doing a lot of stupid shit every weekend.

Also lol at the bums and trash cans DesertEagle. But yeah right now I'm pretty much keeping busy. My goal for this year? Buy my motorcycle or fix my car. Hopefully both.
So today I went to a karaoke night. Here's some pics. The whole night everyones giving me advice and telling me she'll come back, but I have to keep lying to myself and reminding me that she wont' come back. That way, when she doesn't, it won't sting as bad.



[quote name='the ender']A man with a foot on both sides of the river will one day fall in, my friend.

Probably not. Sounds like he is pretty tall.
bread's done