Jack Thompson possible getting disbarred for "abusing legal system"


Simply giddy I am!

02/19/2008 ORDER-SHOW CAUSE TO: JOHN BRUCE THOMPSON It appears to the Court that you have abused the legal system by submitting numerous frivolous and inappropriate filings in this Court.
Therefore, it is ordered that you shall show cause on or before March 5, 2008, why this Court should not find that you have abused the legal system process and impose upon you a sanction for abusing the legal system, including, but not limited to directing the Clerk of this Court to reject for filing any future pleadings, petitions, motions, letters, documents, or other filings submitted to this Court by you unless signed by a member of The Florida Bar other than yourself.
To which Jacky replies:
This is the single greatest gift that any court has ever given me in my 31 years of practicing law. I shall now, through a new federal lawsuit, deconstruct The Florida Bar…

Thank you, Supremes! You have given me the weapons I need.
Don't worrry Jack, we'll get Apollo Justice on the case...oh wait there's blood in that game...sorry. ;)
According to this, even if he is sanctioned, he can still submit whatever he wants as long as it is co-signed by another member of the Florida Bar. Anyone else think he has someone lined up to fill this role?
He's not being disbarred, but he is basically being able to submit anything in Florida without approval from another lawyer. He'll still be able to practice law, but he'll need to have another lawyer approve anything he submits.
bread's done