Jack Thompson strikes again!!!


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'Sup, peoples? Not only am I a Cheap Ass Gamer, but I also work for a TV news station in Tuscaloosa, AL. Yesterday, we did a story on the infamous Jack Thompson and how his case is going to get some SERIOUS national press. Ed Bradley from "60 Minutes" came down here to interview him for the show (I guess it will air on Sunday).

Here's the story wrap up we did on it:

60 Minutes Eyes West Alabama: One of America's oldest and most-respected news shows visited West Alabama today, taking a closer look at a mega-million dollar lawsuit filed in Fayette County Circuit Court last week. 60 Minutes correspondent Ed Bradley made a special trip to Tuscaloosa to meet with Jack Thompson, the attorney who filed suit against Game Stop, Take Two Interactive, Wal-Mart and Sony for their roles in making and marketing violent video games. Thompson argues games like Grand Theft Auto played a role in the shooting deaths of two Fayette police officer and a dispatcher in June, 2003. He say he appreciates the media attention, and hopes 60 Minutes will help educate the public on the alleged dangers of violent video games.

and a link for proof.

I hate to say it, but this guy is not going to stop until video games with Mature ratings are off store shelves completely.

Also, last week, Alabama state legislators proposed a bill that would make selling a Mature-rated video game to a minor punishable by up to three months in jail. Stuff like this was quickly shot down in other states, but Alabama is the heart of the Bible Belt, and anything pertaining the preservation of "proper moral values" is usually the favorable side in this state.
bread's done