Jake "The Snake" Roberts wrestling topic

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[quote name='Demolition Man']I hope you are kidding on putting THAT much money on a scripted event.[/quote]

Yeah I am...

I never really liked Claudio... And I hate Hero... :\
[quote name='Demolition Man']That would be great if TNA would do more with the X Division other than push it as a complete joke like they are right now.[/QUOTE]
In a perfect world, Bob Backlund would be crazy while sitting at home instead of doing it on TV.
[quote name='JJSP']In a perfect world, Bob Backlund would be crazy while sitting at home instead of doing it on TV.[/QUOTE]

And we would never see Eugene, Big Khali, Bob Holly or Bobby Lashley grace our TV sets again.
[quote name='Demolition Man']And we would never see Eugene, Big Khali, Bob Holly or Bobby Lashley grace our TV sets again.[/QUOTE]
Actually, we'd still see Eugene. He just wouldn't be retarded, and they'd call him Nick Dinsmore.

Also random, but Kurrgan is apparently in the new movie "300". Weird.
[quote name='JJSP']Actually, we'd still see Eugene. He just wouldn't be retarded, and they'd call him Nick Dinsmore.[/QUOTE]

That alone is a huge improvement over the gimmick he has right now.
[quote name='JJSP']Yeah, I figured as much. I'm just surprised that as much as TNA loves bringing in ROH guys, Hero and Claudio haven't been seen there. A couple of big men that move like cruiserweights? Shit, that's got X Division all over it.[/QUOTE]

I don't know if you suffer from dwarfism, but Hero and Castagnoli are nothing even remotely approaching "big men." Moreover, both just *SCREAM* "indy". Perhaps I'd rather have them on my roster than, say, Norman Smiley; ultimately, it'd be a moot point since they'd both be on the same spot.
[quote name='mykevermin']Thanks for the recap ahmed.

Morishima won the ROH title from Homicide tonight.


Guess I'll have to get some cheap seats and go next week. The pull of it being my last opportunity to see Joe live for a long time is also making me want to go.[/quote]
I can't believe they put the belt on Morishima!

I mean it's exciting that they've chosen to go this route, especially with the belt now being defended against KENTA in Japan ( if B.J. Whitmer doesn't win the belt back for Ring of Honor), but I honestly didn't believe Homicide would lose. I was personally thinking more along the lines of American Dragon, but you know, this only makes it more exciting for me when I go back to see them in May. :)
Just in case Joe does win the title...

I hope his post-PPV Impact victory celebration consists of him coming to the ring with a Power Rangers lunch box. Setting up a folding chair in the middle of the ring. Eating his turkey sandwich and sipping his Ssips without saying a word, and just leaving when he's done. That'll be quite a mark out moment.

Haha, the anime geek in me finds this pretty cool. You guys may or may not... courtesy of Gamefaqs, the Sisters of Destruction. :lol:

Cool. So I was really bored and was wondering when No Way Out comes on.. and it's on now. Watching it now via PalTalk.
Dunno about the 8 man tag match.

Helms lost the strap. Chavo's out now. I bet Chavo will it then Rey Jr will run out and snap it up

//edit: I should write this, it'd be better. Chavo won it after beating Jimmy Wang Yang.
:rofl: @ Michael Cole suddenly dropping out completely from the play by play. I'm so loving it being JBL going solo on the commentary on this match. He is so awesome at it. :D

I knew there would be at least one heel turn during the match, but I figured it would of been either Cena or HBK turning. I didn't fully think or see it being Batistia.

I'm actually enjoy the WWE product as of lately. Kinda odd.
Hooray, Batista's a heel, and can now cut boring heel promos instead of boring face ones. At least it's something compelling to lead towards their WM match.
[quote name='Scorch']Batista heel turn on UT, HBK and Cena close up this godawful PPV.[/QUOTE]

So I'm assuming the first two hours were aweful? Seeing that I jumped in right during Jillian's female impersonation of William Hung I wouldn't know....
[quote name='neocisco']I just checked and MTV doesn't have WSX scheduled at all this week. Does anybody have any info?[/QUOTE]

MTV pulled it due to content issues. Somehow its okay for a network to show Jackass all day long yet somehow its suddenly not okay to show a staged event with pyrotechnic fireballs being used.
[quote name='Demolition Man']So I'm assuming the first two hours were aweful?[/quote]
They weren't aweful, but they were awful.

MTV pulled it due to content issues. Somehow its okay for a network to show Jackass all day long yet somehow its suddenly not okay to show a staged event with pyrotechnic fireballs being used.
MTV has rarely, if ever, run Jackass since controversies in 2003. That's why shit like Next, My Sweet Sixteen, etc. are shoved down our throats.
[quote name='Sporadic']I thought it was pretty good.

I was at Hooters watching it and the biggest pop of the night was The Condemned trailer :lol:[/QUOTE]

Wasn't there a film a number of years back called "Surviving the Game" that's more or less like Condemned? Or the film adaptation of "The Running Man?" At any rate, I suppose action movies can be criticized for unoriginality about as much as horror.

The genius about these WWE movies is they're putting little money into anything related to pay and production (See No Evil cost $15 million). Ticket sales may bomb, but b/w tickets and dvd sales, they're a guaranteed moneymaker.

Sucks about Deuce and Domino losing; between that and the "if you're a cruiserweight in a gauntlet match, you are hurt enough to be pinned in 45 seconds" match, I'm glad I didn't watch.
A picture from the intro to WCW Mayhem. Some dude is at a PC and some machine makes Goldberg or something, nothing made much sense in the 90's
[quote name='Sporadic']Rumor is Vince/Khali and Trump/Lashley.

Which, if true, will be the worst match in Wrestlemania history.[/quote]

They'd be hard put to pass Lesnar/Goldberg. Especially with all the hype both of those two had over their careers. That match could've been a WM main event, had it not been for both superstars leaving.

Anyway, word on the street is Foley is coming back for WM to face Umaga.

I'm expecting that to be the match at WM involving Vince & Trump. Foley owes Vince payback for firing him awhile ago, and he seems like a big enough name and a reliable enough performer for this match. Meanwhile Umaga has been pushed and pushed and pushed, only to job to Cena... he's in limbo right now, this storyline will end at Mania, he'd fit in about right.

Unless Hogan suddenly comes back I'm expecting Vince/Umaga vs Trump/Foley.
[quote name='Matt Young']I'm sorry, but the worst WM match ever, I saw live- The Big Show vs. Akebono.[/QUOTE]

I think for everyone else... its best we completely wipe that "match" from our memory and move on.
The following message was issued on the official "MySpace" page for Wrestling Society X early on Friday morning: "Quick update on the status of the program as I'm sure you all are very curious. First and foremost, the show has not been cancelled. However Wrestling Society X will not be on next week in its normal timeslot. The show WILL resume to its normal schedule the week after. Thank you for your support! Please be sure to let everyone know WSX will resume Feb 27 at 10:30pm on MTV! -WSX"

MTV made a decision to pull Episode #4 of WSX this coming Tuesday when a portion of the show raised concern with the network's "standards and practices department." What concerned MTV officials was an angle where IWA Puerto Rico star Ricky Banderas threw a fireball in the face of WSX Champion Vampiro. Upon further review, the network felt the stunt was too risky too show in fear that viewers may attempt to duplicate it at home. Given the backlash the network got for showing the popular "Jackass" show for many years and then in turn seeing footage of children duplicating what they saw, MTV is hoping to avoid any type of legal snafu in the near future by pulling this episode. You can view complete footage of the episode at this link.

So, as of now, Wrestling Society X is not 100% gone from MTV at this time and anyone reporting otherwise is not getting the right information. The show will return in two weeks on February 27 at 10:30pm Eastern/9:30pm Central, once again going head-to-head with WWE's ECW on Sci Fi program. We have heard reports that given the amount of major shakeups within MTV, it is possible that WSX could be moved to a different night of the week since the show has seen a steady drop in viewership over the last two weeks going up against ECW. Either way, we will continue to follow this story as it develops.

[quote name='Demolition Man']Okay I'll correct myself...

We all would like to forget about that SEGMENT period.

... is that more correct? ;)[/quote]

Well excuse me princess!

Yes it is.

Side note: because of that exact comment that you left for Scorch, I finally decided to start watching my Zelda Cartoon dvds :D

Some interesting stuff in there, and odd things too. Link has a little fairy friend called "Sprite" which could have possibly been the inspiration for fairy guide you have in OOT. Did that fairy have a name?

A few other points of interest: There was another prince in one episode, vying for Zelda's affection, somewhat unfortunate that no character in those lines ever made their way into the video games. There is also a king (Zelda's father) in the cartoon series, another character the games were lacking. Although, OOT did have a king, I believe, you just never saw him.
Now this is interesting, tomorrow night it's Edge vs RVD in a qualifying match for MITB 3 at Wrestlemania 23.

This is great because that means there'll be another MITB ladder match this year.

The question is, who wins?

They're the two previous MITB match winners, and both have been in numerous ladder matches.

Edge vs Orton has been rumored as a WM23 match for awhile now, and if they're not facing each other they could be teaming as tag champs again. RVD is also more expendable at this point, so putting him into a cluster match obviously makes sense. Edge has a tidy 5-0 record at WM now, meaning he'd have to win this match to keep that going. Seems like Edge has won enough ladder matches at WM at this point, and had enough title shots vs Cena for now. RVD might be the only guy from ECW fit to be in this match, with Sabu and CM Punk even further shoved into the doghouse than RVD. By that logic RVD wins.

On the other hand, RVD could be a part of a big 4 on 4 ecw new breed vs old breed match at WM23. RVD is also obviously in the doghouse as most expect him to be leaving the WWE when his contract expires. Randy Orton could easily be added to the match too. By that logic Edge wins.

Call me crazy, but I honestly don't know who to pick in this one. I hope RVD wins, as I don't want to see Edge win the MITB match again. Plus Edge vs Orton is more intriguing to me.

I expect to see some combination Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Johnny Nitro, Mr. Kennedy, Randy Orton, MVP, Joey Mercury, Chris Masters, Carlito, Super Crazy, Kenny, Finlay, Booker T, Kane, Sabu, CM Punk, Kevin Thorn and crazy old Ric Flair in qualifying matches for this event. I'd wager they stick with 6 guys in the match, meaning almost half of those guys actually won't be in qualifying matches.

Ideally this match would be Jeff, Matt, Nitro, Booker, RVD & Mr. Kennedy... but, logically:

1. If tradition holds the I/C champion will be in the match, so Jeff is in.

2. MVP isn't capable of being in a singles match yet, so I think he's in.

3. Mr. Kennedy could re-match Lashley, but I think he'll be in this instead.

4. Nitro is still too high up the card to leave out of this type of match, regardless of Melina.

5 & 6. If Edge is in, then Orton is in. If RVD wins, I think Super Crazy may round out the field as Vince is pretty high on him right now.

If Edge is in, I expect him or maybe Orton to win. Otherwise I think Mr. Kennedy will win as he's already got a few title shots, and the past two winners have been from Raw.

Also more evidence of how fickle the WWE is: Scotty 2 Hotty has been moved back to the Smackdown Roster on WWE.com, Shannon Moore has moved over from ECW as well. I guess WWE is going to try to re-build the cruiserweight division. Like Scorch, I expect to see Chavo vs Mysterio at WM23.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']I guess WWE is going to try to re-build the cruiserweight division.[/QUOTE]

That's funny. I keep waiting for them to have a cruiserweight *match*.

Mike Awesome passes away

Written: February 19, 2007

WWE is saddened by news of the passing of Mike Alfonso, better known to wrestling fans as Mike Awesome. He was 42.

Mike Awesome's first major exposure came overseas, where he became one of the Japan's top stars. Awesome would eventually become a star and champion in America while wrestling for Extreme Championship Wrestling. Following his successful run in ECW, Awesome spent time working in WCW and later WWE before retiring to his native Tampa, Florida.

While in ECW, Awesome was a two-time World Champion and Tag Team Champion. His matches with Masato Tanaka, including a show-stealer at One Night Stand in 2005 were among the most memorable in ECW history.

WHAT THE fuck!?

This is getting ridiculous.. what the fuck dude!

//edit: I'm reading the same thing:

Dave Meltzer is reporting that former ECW World Heavyweight Champion Mike Awesome (real name Michael Alfonso) has passed away. He was found dead on Saturday evening in the Tampa area according to those close to the family. He was only 42 years old.

At about 10:30 p.m. on Saturday night, friends were going to his home in Tampa, Florida to pick him up and go out. He never answered the door and found him hanging in the home. It is believed the death was due to suicide pending results of the autopsy.
[quote name='mykevermin']Where did you read that?[/QUOTE]


"2/19/2007 2:49:00 PM
Former ECW champ Mike Awesome passes away

by Dave Meltzer

[email protected]

Mike Alfonso, better known as Mike Awesome, was found dead on Saturday evening in the Tampa area according to those close to the family. He was 42.

Friends were coming to his home in Tampa to pick him up and go out Saturday night at about 10:30 p.m. and he never answered the door and found him hanging in the home. It is believed the death was due to suicide pending results of the autopsy.

Mike Awesome was one of the top foreign stars in FMW in Japan, who as a high-flying big man was made ECW champion on two occasions in 1999 and 2000. As champion, he signed with WCW, creating a situation that many feel ended up killing the title as Tazz from WWF was brought back to ECW to win the title, yet at the same time the title was jobbed in WWF.

He worked for a few months with WWF after the collapse of WCW, as well as with All Japan, but had not wrestled in some time. He was working as a realtor at Coldwell Banker at the time of his death."
[quote name='mykevermin']Where did you read that?[/quote]
[quote name='Rajah.com']Dave Meltzer is reporting that former ECW World Heavyweight Champion Mike Awesome (real name Michael Alfonso) has passed away. He was found dead on Saturday evening in the Tampa area according to those close to the family. He was only 42 years old.
At about 10:30 p.m. on Saturday night, friends were going to his home in Tampa, Florida to pick him up and go out. He never answered the door and they found him hanging in the home. The death is believed to be due to suicide pending results of the autopsy[/quote]


I'll never forget the ECW TV taping I went to.. Tanaka vs. Awesome, an improptu (sp?) match.. Tanaka won the strap from him.. and Awesome spiked that dude over the top rope and through a table onto the concrete near me.. it was awesome.

[quote name='Scorch']Man..

I'll never forget the ECW TV taping I went to.. Tanaka vs. Awesome, an improptu (sp?) match.. Tanaka won the strap from him.. and Awesome spiked that dude over the top rope and through a table onto the concrete near me.. it was awesome.


i have the Anarchy Rulz 99 dvd, with Tanaka vs Taz, and then Mike awesome comes through the crowd and gets himself included in the match. That entire match was one of my favorite matches of all time.
He upset all the smarky-smark ECW fans by going to WCW as their champion. That's pretty awesome.

He then dropped the belt to Taz in the only WCW-WWF crossover match of that era. That's pretty awesome.

His theme song sounded like it was done by a Jackyl cover band. That's pretty awesome.
He upset all the smarky-smark ECW fans by going to WCW as their champion. That's pretty awesome.

He then dropped the belt to Taz in the only WCW-WWF crossover match of the modern professional wrestling era That's pretty awesome.

His theme song sounded like it was done by a Jackyl cover band. That's pretty awesome.
Wow, hard to believe he'd kill himself. I met him at Q-Zar (laser tag place here in Tampa) back when he was the ECW champ; really nice guy. My guess is that drugs probably played some part in it.
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