Janet's boob: Appropriate for Superbowl?


Was Janet Jackson letting Justing expose her boob appropriate for the Super Bowl or are the news making a big deal out of nothing?
I'm all for boobs but it's a football game, not a boob show. If I wanted to see boobs there are plenty of other places to do so...
no, definitely not since there are 5 year olds watching the goddamned superbowl. get some self respect, girl. if it wasnt a mistake, then she wouldnt have had a STAR covering her nipple.
I think it was a brilliant move on Janet's part. When is the last time you heard anyone say Janet Jackson?

I should also note that despite it being a great PR move, I don't agree with it. The SuperBowl was not the place to do it.
Its not appropriate for live tv that is watched by the whole family. I am sure a lot of parents were not happy to have their little kids see that. Plus even if her boob wasn't exposed, ripping someones clothes off is not appropriate.
[quote name='x0thedeadzone0x']no, definitely not since there are 5 year olds watching the goddamned superbowl. get some self respect, girl. if it wasnt a mistake, then she wouldnt have had a STAR covering her nipple.[/quote]

It wasn't covering anything. She got her nipple pierced forever ago, and this was just a piercing. The nipple was still fully exposed. And how many 5 year olds do you know pay attention to the super bowl and were so attentive that they saw that split second boob shot? I didn't even catch it and I was watching it. The Super Bowl is aimed at 21+ adults and as such, the boob shot was acceptable. I don't see anyone bitching about the 10+ Budweiser commercials.
I voted no, it was not appropirate, even though I feel pretty much the same way as RichD1. I don't think it was a big deal, about 1/23rd of the fuss the media is making, however, that does not mean it was appropriate.
Football, contrary to popular belief, is for men. Men like titties and beer inaddition to football.

This country has a hang up about nudity that not many others in the world share.
I don't do this often, but RichD1, you're an idiot. It is not acceptable to flash someone on live tv. I don't care how short it was. If my 5 year old were watching the halftime show I wouldn't want him/her to see it.
" If my 5 year old were watching the halftime show I wouldn't want him/her to see it. "

Too bad for you that the world doesn't revolve around you, your kid and your lack of parenting.

A woman flashing her breast for a moment shouldn't be treated like it's the worse thing to see.
Im all for seeing her boob. It may not be child appropriate but if people were really all that worried about there children seeing some skin, the channel would have done been changed before the boob incident cause there were dancers out wearing next to nothing before that happened...

In other words, it is a small thing getting made into a big thing.
I like that during dinner time we can watch a man drink some maggots and bull testicles blended up and then have a nice close up of ti when he throws up. Yet the second where they show someone's boob and not even the nipple, everyone gets upset. I mean, didn't lil kim already do this on the MTV awards, and god knows MTV and other news networks replayed that over and over .
for me it is not a matter of being appropraite or not. There are plenty of shows on TV that show similar amounts of skin. People are just flipping out beause SO many people were watching at once.

Yeah, it sucks that they chose the bowl to do that b/c there are children watching, but one boob isnt going to scar them for life.

I have a problem with the whole stunt because of how lame it was. I mea, MTV, or whomever orchestrated the grand plan to do this wanted to do something outrageous. And all they could come up with was one boob? pretty lame.
There are a lot of shows out there that are way worse. But those shows usually sport a TV14 rating and if someone younger than that is watching, well that really isn't the networks fault. A boob on tv might not be as bad as we are making it out to be, but it's not part of the superbowl. Take it somewhere else.
I'm actually going to have to refer to ESPN.com's page 2 on this one, while everyone is making a big deal about Janet's boob, everyone has completely forgotton about the streaker who was on the field only moments after the boob incident.

There's a time and place for boobies, and the Professional American Football Championship game was not the time or place for it. However, it was refreshing to see Mark Roberts make the big time.. next up, 04 Olympics and 06 World Cup Finals.
It wasn't covering anything. She got her nipple pierced forever ago, and this was just a piercing. The nipple was still fully exposed. And how many 5 year olds do you know pay attention to the super bowl and were so attentive that they saw that split second boob shot? I didn't even catch it and I was watching it. The Super Bowl is aimed at 21+ adults and as such, the boob shot was acceptable. I don't see anyone bitching about the 10+ Budweiser commercials.

first of all, i knew that her nipple was pierced, and the shots on the internet going around clearly show that there is a STAR on her nipple. secondly, 50 year olds, 18 year olds and such may not think its such a big deal, but its kind of sad how obsessed men are about breasts. if that's what she had to do to get some attention and get her image back even with her aging, that's pathetic... and i won't be buying her cd coming out later, like the guy on the radio said. Oh yeah, and LOTS of kids watch the superbowl , as well as the halftime show, budweiser isnt NUDITY, its beer. its for adults. It never says WARNING: ADULT SEXUAL CONTENT AND NUDITY flashing before the superbowl appears, so it was completely unexpected and im sure millions of little kids caught the flash. Sure one boob won't scar them, but unless your a sick, perverted fuck who lets his 3 year old kids watch porn movies, you don't want your little kid to see janet jackson's tit.

PS. i know some 5 year olds who have a better attention span then adults, so shut it on that. it was plain inappropriate.

*~ and let the controversy begin, my friends ~*

EDIT: PS. and what REALLY pisses me off is that they don't even admit or say they're sorry. What the fuck, Justin? What the hell is a "WARDROBE DEFECT"? Just admit it, you wanted people to pay attention and notice the sex, sad enough, but fucking admit it, dont shun it away like the big fucking pussies you are. It wasn't appropriate period. Just say sorry and lets all get on with our fucking lives.
[quote name='x0thedeadzone0x']

first of all, i knew that her nipple was pierced, and the shots on the internet going around clearly show that there is a STAR on her nipple. secondly, 50 year olds, 18 year olds and such may not think its such a big deal, but its kind of sad how obsessed men are about breasts. if that's what she had to do to get some attention and get her image back even with her aging, that's pathetic... and i won't be buying her cd coming out later, like the guy on the radio said. Oh yeah, and LOTS of kids watch the superbowl , as well as the halftime show, budweiser isnt NUDITY, its beer. its for adults. It never says WARNING: ADULT SEXUAL CONTENT AND NUDITY flashing before the superbowl appears, so it was completely unexpected and im sure millions of little kids caught the flash. Sure one boob won't scar them, but unless your a sick, perverted fuck who lets his 3 year old kids watch porn movies, you don't want your little kid to see janet jackson's tit.

PS. i know some 5 year olds who have a better attention span then adults, so shut it on that. it was plain inappropriate.

*~ and let the controversy begin, my friends ~*[/quote]

The star was NOT ON her nipple, it was around. Do you need to see a zoomed in pic for me to prove this? I'm sure you were goign to buy her cd before this incident, anyways.

Basically you're telling me it's ok for your son/daughter to see people advertising the sale of alcohol and nicotine, but you won't allow them to see a split second shot of a boob? And your attention span statement was stupid at best--I'm watching a 60+ inch screen and there is tons of stuff going on, and unlike most men according to you, I'm not obsessed with breasts so I wasn't staring at them when it happened. It only lasted a split second

[quote name='Zforce']I don't do this often, but RichD1, you're an idiot. It is not acceptable to flash someone on live tv. I don't care how short it was. If my 5 year old were watching the halftime show I wouldn't want him/her to see it.[/quote]

A little ethnocentric? Every other country in the world this would be more than acceptable, and a boob on national TV is common place. People in America are so damned ignorant it amazes me, as well as saddens me to be an American with people such as this. Makes me think why I want to join the military...to protect people who get so worked up over a tit?
The star was NOT ON her nipple, it was around. Do you need to see a zoomed in pic for me to prove this? I'm sure you were goign to buy her cd before this incident, anyways.

Basically you're telling me it's ok for your son/daughter to see people advertising the sale of alcohol and nicotine, but you won't allow them to see a split second shot of a boob? And your attention span statement was stupid at best--I'm watching a 60+ inch screen and there is tons of stuff going on, and unlike most men according to you, I'm not obsessed with breasts so I wasn't staring at them when it happened. It only lasted a split second

Alright i'll give you one thing, alcohol isn't appropriate for a little 3 year old to see. But they weren't selling nicotine, where the hell'd you get that? The closest thing was one of those stupidly done Marijuana antidrug commercials, to help kids STOP smoking. But seeing a beer bottle's much better then seeing nudity. like i said, most parents were unaware of the NUDITY that was gonna be shown. Sure it was a tit, but like i said, you don't want your little kid to see it! Men are typical, and im sorry you're one of the extreme few exceptions who weren't obsessed with tits like 95% of men , really, are. Also they wouldn't even fucking admit they made a mistake, like you might have seen in my edit but clearly avoided confrontation while making your case against the "Is it ok for little kids to see TITS while watching football"? 50 year olds out there, go watch your porn shows all you like and jack off, but its the damned superbowl, and its for the damned family. The sex and cheerleaders are fucking bad enough, even though it was minisculely toned down from the COORS LIGHT commercial with the huge boobed blonde cheerleaders bouncing and jumping up and down. By the way, don't get a picture of her tit for me, ive seen enough on the one time that i had to witness, alright? You can look that up yourself all you like... Oh yeah, and i dont listen to Janet jacksons bubbly pop shit. Maybe you do, do what you'd like....join the newly formed janet club with the other janet groupies who have now, probably, formed a Janet Jackson's Greatness And Her Exposed Tittie Club :roll: . Sad, but true. I listen to rock, man. Oh yeah, and a little rap. Metal/whatever. Anything but bubbly pop, and country.

PS. Yeah i am a broad, and even tho i got a filthy mouth, so what? :wink: :? Its not like I say cock obsessively while toddlers are present. Plain and to the point: Tits aren't appropriate for little kids. And ADMIT YOUR fuckING MISTAKES, MTV :evil: . Jeesssh.
[quote name='RichD1']I think a good portion of my points have fallen on deaf ears. Don't expect any more responses from me.[/quote]

Well, I'm just happy you posted first, because I said I agreed with you and nobody's called me an idiot.......yet.......

Yes, I know, now that I mentioned it, someone must call me an idiot...

If a child is emotionally changed from this incident, the kid already had problems coming. I would much rather let my kid watch some pr0n than watch a tv gangster break the legs of one of his lackies. Let's face it, when the kid grows up, he's gonna want to do it, and do it a lot, that's a guarantee... He should see how to do it instead of seeing how hurting and/or killing is ok. This, my friends, is what we call an extreme example
was the tit show right, probably not....the media going apeshit and drawing way more attention to something then it deserves definately. I agree with what RichD has been saying that the US does have a hang up on nuditiy that most of the rest of does not have, however that being said its a fact of life here

people can bitch and whine about how evil and bad this was, but plain and simple it was a split second shot of a boob, big freaking deal, there is much worse on TV than that on a regular basis and I am so very sick of people bitching at the movies, tv and video games and whatever else they can think of to pin the evils of the world on simply to have an excuse for anything that can go wrong.

I suppose I'm done ranting for now
[quote name='jdpimp'] I would much rather let my kid watch some pr0n...[/quote]

But this was NOTHING like porn. It was a split second, out of focus tit shot.
I see no problem with it. If you are letting your children watch guys running around and hittin the shit out of each other and see ads to drink I dont see a big deal about a little boob
A lot of you people are comparing apples and oranges. You guys like to point out the "other" bad stuff on tv, but first of all 2 wrongs don't make a right and secondly the super bowl had a FAMILY rating as far as I know.
:shock: Great publicity stunt anyway. All the "divas" seem to be trying to out-slut each other for media coverage. The public reaction to a little partial nudity is absurd. BFD! Spend 5 minutes on a fully topless beach and it already starts to seem like no big deal. Regardless, I didn't think it was necessary during the Super Bowl. I ignored the no-talent half-time crap but I think for a lot of people, it took the limelight off of the football game. just because of a stupid nipple.

I wouldn't mind seeing more tits and ass on TV and less violence, murder, blood, and gore. What kind of value system does network TV have anyway - nudity=bad, violent murder=Great! What would you rather have your kids see?
Does anybody have an online link to the original (read: not doctored) footage? Well, as if it's possible to have anything Janet Jackson that hasn't been touched by a doctor...

Thanks in advance!
So, where was all this hate when Lil Kim was on the grammy's 2 years ago with nothing on but nipple covers and Diana Ross grabbed a handful ? Americans are prudes. Everybody demands free speech except when the asshole next to you won't shut up. If you don't like the halftime show, then don't watch it.

When enough people stop watching the halftime show or the Super Bowl in general, and CBS can't get their $2 milion per commercial anymore, then they'll stop doing stupid crap like this.

Why isn't anyone complaining about the suggestive lyrics and general vulgar 'songs' performed before the peep show? Nelly grabbing his member avery 2 seconds and rapping 'I want to take your clothes off' every 3 seconds was a lot more inappropriate, IMHO.
[quote name='RichD1'][quote name='jdpimp'] I would much rather let my kid watch some pr0n...[/quote]

But this was NOTHING like porn. It was a split second, out of focus tit shot.[/quote]

Thank you for taking me out of context, I even said it was an extreme example. I am making the same point as you, that its not a big deal....

[quote name='Scrubking']A lot of you people are comparing apples and oranges. You guys like to point out the "other" bad stuff on tv, but first of all 2 wrongs don't make a right and secondly the super bowl had a FAMILY rating as far as I know.[/quote]

Absolutely, this was inappropriate. However, it's also is not a big deal. JJ should get fined by the FCC and that should be the end of it.
Who really watches the halftime shows anyways?

Since everyone is so interested in the commecials, and doesnt want to miss much of the game, Halftime is a break to get up and do whatever for a few minutes.

I dont care either way what she did.
bread's done