January NPD - Hardware sales - Software Added


50 (100%)
Wii - 435,503
PlayStation 2 - 299,352
Xbox 360 - 293,774
PlayStation 3 - 243,554
Nintendo DS - 238,869
PlayStation Portable - 210,719
Game Boy Advance - 179,482
GameCube - 33,806
Xbox - 833

3. 360 GEARS OF WAR 212k
6. PS2 MADDEN NFL 07 156k

Lots of Lost Planet and WarioWare.


Specific numbers are pulled from NeoGAF, but the console numbers are accurate per Bloomberg; still some uncertainty about the authenticity of the portable numbers.


Good showings by Wii and PSP... and GBA again? Hopefully the Japanese will stop importing our Lites so I can think about snagging one at some point.
Wow, only 833 Xbox's sold. I'm guessing it won't be tracked much longer as a system.

360 has a decent showing. Outselling the PS3 and almost selling as much as the PS2 (since I'm sure there is a margin of error in the study, 360 and PS2 might have statistically the same sales.
Solid numbers for the PS3. Sony has to be pretty happy with the new numbers. I wonder if the DS Lite is having supply issues in the US still because those numbers seem pretty small.
360 not to bad considering Wii and Ps2 are cheaper systems. PSP is hanging in there. And a lot of people say it's dying. No!! 833 xboxes that is dying.
If sony can get just a fraction of the Nintendo hand held market (which it looks like it is) that is enough to sustain the PSP and make money.

But software and accesories is where the real money is.

I wonder if they posted any attach rates to the hardware?
Wow, hard to believe that GCN is still selling that much considering there's almost no Xboxes being sold. Also surprised that PSP is doing that well; I guess the gap here is much smaller than it is in Japan.

furyk: I'm pretty sure that they are still having DS supply issues, but it also definitely seems that PSP has more of a following here than it does in Japan.
The scary part is, I bet the Wii could have sold double that number if they had systems on the shelves. The Wii is still a product that sells out 5 minutes after stores get it in stock.
DS systems were pretty much impossible to find here and in my hometown up until the end of January when the occasional black and pink systems would pop up.

and the best buys around me said they were sold out of PS2s since mid december when I went to exchange mine a week ago.

[quote name='Puffa469']The scary part is, I bet the Wii could have sold double that number if they had systems on the shelves. The Wii is still a product that sells out 5 minutes after stores get it in stock.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, seriously. Nintendo underestimated the demand big-time. And unfortunately for Sony, they overestimated the PS3's.
People on NeoGAF were pulling all sorts of crazy numbers out of their ass, but it's unclear how good or bad the PS3 number is. I think one comparison showed that the 360, which was impossible to find in January 06 sold more in that month than the PS3 did last month (and it was a 5-week month this year), when it is much easier to find. But the 360 was also the only game in town at the time.
I am shocked at how well Sony is doing. I mean the way its played off is they are bombing but in reality they are not doing half bad and actually combing the three systems are rocking ass.
[quote name='Puffa469']The scary part is, I bet the Wii could have sold double that number if they had systems on the shelves. The Wii is still a product that sells out 5 minutes after stores get it in stock.[/QUOTE]

They could have sold 5X more if they had a Mario or a Metroid game on the store shelves.
I actually think they might delay some of their big titles to use as hardware sales boosters, when there are actually units sitting in the shelves, unsold. Lets say Metroid was done already, and you know some people would buy the system for it that havent already. Therefore, you wait until there are systems for them to actually buy.
[quote name='Apossum']DS systems were pretty much impossible to find here and in my hometown up until the end of January when the occasional black and pink systems would pop up.

and the best buys around me said they were sold out of PS2s since mid december when I went to exchange mine a week ago.


Yeah, the DS systems were almost impossible to find here too for about the first 3 weeks of Jan. A co-worker of mine spent all kinds of time trying to find one for his daughter, and finally Wal-Mart got a shipment of like 4 in and he was lucky enough to snag one.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Wow, hard to believe that GCN is still selling that much considering there's almost no Xboxes being sold. Also surprised that PSP is doing that well; I guess the gap here is much smaller than it is in Japan.

Probably because new GCN systems can still be found in most stores while most stores don't have new XBox systems.
Or it could be that sub $100 is a big break point as far as MSRP. Although it's been under $100 for a looong time now.
Why would anyone buy a Gamecube and not a Wii at this point? I know the Wii is more expensive but in the long run there is clearly more value (these same people will probably spend another $100 at the end of the Wii's lifecycle to buy it just like the Gamecube now so why not just lay out the money up front and enjoy the Wii now?).
[quote name='YoshiFan1']Probably because new GCN systems can still be found in most stores while most stores don't have new XBox systems.[/quote]

Exactly. Nintendo is still producing new gamecubes, while Microsoft hasnt made a new Xbox in a year. Supply has to be running out. I havent seen a new Xbox anywhere in months.
[quote name='javeryh']Why would anyone buy a Gamecube and not a Wii at this point? I know the Wii is more expensive but in the long run there is clearly more value (these same people will probably spend another $100 at the end of the Wii's lifecycle to buy it just like the Gamecube now so why not just lay out the money up front and enjoy the Wii now?).[/quote]

Its just not a high priority. There are lots and lots of folks that casually stay one or two generations behind. I dont see whats so hard to grasp about it. Yes, they can just enjoy the Wii now for a little more money, but hell, you could just enjoy a PS3 now instead of a PS2, right? People draw the line in different places.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Oh come on, its only $99. Thats like 1.6 new next-gen games.[/QUOTE]

$100 is too much for a system that's completely dead. Yes, the Wii's more expensive, but you're getting something that'll not only play all the Gamecube's games, but also Nintendo's new games coming out over the next 5 years. I don't think it's a difficult decision to make unless you completely miss the fact that a game system is an investment.
Also any store that still have Xbox is selling it as a bundle with Foza for $180, and makes it hard to sell.
[quote name='Chacrana']$100 is too much for a system that's completely dead. Yes, the Wii's more expensive, but you're getting something that'll not only play all the Gamecube's games, but also Nintendo's new games coming out over the next 5 years. I don't think it's a difficult decision to make unless you completely miss the fact that a game system is an investment.[/quote]

Who cares if theres nothing new coming out for it if theres 5 years of games you've never played. Sounds like a bargain
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Who cares if theres nothing new coming out for it if theres 5 years of games you've never played. Sounds like a bargain[/quote]

It's not a bargain if these same people are going to buy a Wii in 5 years for $100. It makes absolutely no sense at all because the Wii is a Gamecube. The PS2 to PS3 argument isn't relevant either because the PS2 is $129 now and there is no evidence that the PS3 will be similarly priced at the end of its lifecycle (and I think most people will agree that it is unlikely the $600 PS3 will ever get that low).
[quote name='javeryh']It's not a bargain if these same people are going to buy a Wii in 5 years for $100. It makes absolutely no sense at all because the Wii is a Gamecube. The PS2 to PS3 argument isn't relevant either because the PS2 is $129 now and there is no evidence that the PS3 will be similarly priced at the end of its lifecycle (and I think most people will agree that it is unlikely the $600 PS3 will ever get that low).[/quote]

The few people buying a gamecube are probably getting it to play zelda and would rather play it now (January) than wait a couple months for Wiis to be available.
I don't know why this is argument-worthy. It's the same thing you see with the GBA. The GBA is pretty cheap, relative to the DS, but the DS plays everything the GBA does (and no, most people buying a GBA now don't have any use for GB/GBC support). And yet the cheaper alternative continues to sell obnoxiously well. If not for the hype that pushes the Wii, GC sales would likely be even higher.

Just look at the numbers: GBA sold 75% of what the DS sold, while the GC sold all of 8% of what the Wii did.
These same people are also budget minded with the software. They're not going to buy $50 games. They'd probably start with buying Metroid Prime 1 or some other $5 game. You dont have an economic argument here.
Hey when you have a promo that says "BLOOD. RUNS. COLD!" it's going to sell hot cakes. Just ask Glacier from WCW.... wait a minute... wheres RD from wrestlecrap to catch that?

More like Lost Pwnage. That game made everything look like crap, sales wise. I'm sure Capcom is thinking of doing the full monty with Bill Gates right now, especially after those amazing Dead Rising sales they had previously.

The PS3 is actually selling suprisingly well right now imho. But they are still losing money on the PSP and PS3. The real winner is Nintendo with nothing but profit on all their systems, including the idiots that bought the Gamecubes.

As for the XBox, well MS stopped producing them, and they are actually pretty hard to find around here (In CT) so I'm not suprised by their numbers, and they are also producing alot less titles for it. I'm guessing 20 xbox titles come out there to the US, if that.
[quote name='javeryh']It's not a bargain if these same people are going to buy a Wii in 5 years for $100. It makes absolutely no sense at all because the Wii is a Gamecube. The PS2 to PS3 argument isn't relevant either because the PS2 is $129 now and there is no evidence that the PS3 will be similarly priced at the end of its lifecycle (and I think most people will agree that it is unlikely the $600 PS3 will ever get that low).[/QUOTE]

Um, it's still a bargain. $100 for a GC now + $100 for a Wii in 5 years = $200 vs $250 for a (hard to find) Wii now. Plus as someone else mentioned, if you lag behind a few years, software gets really cheap.
[quote name='Kaijufan']If those numbers are accurate then Justice for All didn't crack the top 50. :cry:[/quote]
The game sales are probably not that accurate as getting the numbers for those are harder than just console sales, so you may want to wait a few days or so and see if anything changes.
[quote name='Kaijufan']If those numbers are accurate then Justice for All didn't crack the top 50. :cry:[/quote]The first game only sold 100k or thereabouts, so I'd have been surprised if the sequel got anywhere near that point in a month.

Thanks to Cao Cao in the PW thread for giving me the numbers I need:


First game sold has sold 75k in 16 months, Justice for All sold 35k last month.
JFA was a port of a GBA game right? Under those circumstances, it doesnt need to be a million seller to be successful. I'm sure Capcom is happy.
[quote name='javeryh']It's not a bargain if these same people are going to buy a Wii in 5 years for $100. It makes absolutely no sense at all because the Wii is a Gamecube. The PS2 to PS3 argument isn't relevant either because the PS2 is $129 now and there is no evidence that the PS3 will be similarly priced at the end of its lifecycle (and I think most people will agree that it is unlikely the $600 PS3 will ever get that low).[/QUOTE]

My hunch is that your missing out on a couple of key things on why someone would buy a Cube over a Wii

1) Buying for a younger child. This might be their first system. You buy them the cheaper one not only because it's cheaper, but it very well may end up broken. If you're only going to buy them cheap games anyway, there won't be many cheap Wii games for quite awhile.

2) A new or casual gamer. If you aren't much into games, you may buy a Cube because it's cheap (maybe you use to play Mario). These people might buy a Wii in the future, but they are not planning on it. So, sure in the long run, you could argue it's the same (see point 3), but that's not how they are viewing it

3) Econ time here. Your completely missing the time value of money. Basically, $1 now is worth more than $1 in the future. So, technically you are spending less on a Cube now and Wii in the future than a Wii now. You may spend the same nominal amount of money, but because of inflation, spending later is cheaper.

I see your arguments for a gamer (wouldn't make much sense for me or you to buy a Cube over a Wii). But, for others, it makes sense.
bread's done