Japan Editions of Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2 for $12 each at CDJapan - expires 1/27

Thanks for pointing this out. I've been meaning to pick up the Japanese version of Vol. 1. It's really funny how the movie was made in the US but ended up being uncensored for Japan. Talk about complete cultural differences.
What're the main differences between the two?

EDIT: Besides this?

While US and most European versions include action scenes shown only in black and white (to tone down bloody violence and to avoid the NC-17 rating), the Japanese editon is in full color!
They're full of crap. Every movie released these past few years have a big "UNRATED" slapped on them when they hit DVD to avoid NC-17 or X due to non-sexual content. Kill Bill could've done it, too. They obviously chose not to.
I was living in Japan when Kill Bill came out in theaters, so I never knew about the black and white scene until I came back home and bought the movie on DVD. I spent a good minute or two freaking out over my "broken TV."
Haha! Here is the land of freedom but Japan really has this 'freedom' of media. They have all sorts of weird things in their media which could be deemed inappropriate here.

I would have pulled the trigger on at least volume 1 if not for the fact that I don't have a region-free player. Oh well!
[quote name='rabbitt']What're the main differences between the two?

EDIT: Besides this?[/quote]
During the anime sequence, there's a bit more gore shown.
[quote name='eau']Haha! Here is the land of freedom but Japan really has this 'freedom' of media. They have all sorts of weird things in their media which could be deemed inappropriate here.

I would have pulled the trigger on at least volume 1 if not for the fact that I don't have a region-free player. Oh well![/QUOTE]

then there are things that are more censored there for some odd reason...like RE4 and God of War.

i don't get it.
Tarrantino said I think about a year ago that he was gonna be re-releasing both movies at the theatre's uncut and uncensored. He's calling it, Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair.

And they were gonna re-release both the DVDs again and have it as a single set.

It seems like he keeps on delaying this and with Grindhouse coming soon it seems like its being put on shelf again.
Yeah I've been holding off on the DVDs just because I assumed a re-release was inevitable. I mean they haven't even officially been released as a set yet, so they're more ripe than usual for double-dipping.
Actually, he stated in 2005 he wanted to at least have a year off from Kill Bill (the movie was made in 2004) before releasing anything. We're in 2007 and the closest to Kill Bill he's mentioned were the prequels. :\
[quote name='Tsukento']Actually, he stated in 2005 he wanted to at least have a year off from Kill Bill (the movie was made in 2004) before releasing anything. We're in 2007 and the closest to Kill Bill he's mentioned were the prequels. :\[/quote]
Umm, hate to burst your bubble, but you're wrong on him talking just about the anime prequels. Here's a link of many if you google on him talking about Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair.

Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair

That was March 2005 when everybody got word of it. And since its '07 and Gridnhouse is about to come out, I believe that the Kill Bill re-release into theatre's and DVD will be around fall/winterish this year.... Well I hope atleast.
Spoilers ahead, so move along if you don't want to know.

Japanese cut extra footage:

In the anime scene, O-Ren is shown graphically disembowling the mafia boss.

The entire House of Blue Leaves fight is in color. It's also slightly longer. I believe the scene when The Bride uses two swords to spin around and lop off several legs is not in the American cut.

During the final scene of the Bride vs. O-Ren fight, the camera pans up far enough to see O-Ren's exposed brain.

When The Bride interrogates Sophie while Sophie is in the trunk of the car, the Bride cuts off Sophie's other arm.

American consumers be warned that the R2 DVD has no on-screen translation for Japanese dialogue the way the American cut does. The DVD does have optional English subtitles for the entire dialogue track.
[quote name='FJO']Japanese cut extra footage:

In the anime scene, O-Ren is shown graphically disembowling the mafia boss.

The entire House of Blue Leaves fight is in color. It's also slightly longer. I believe the scene when The Bride uses two swords to spin around and lop off several legs is not in the American cut.

During the final scene of the Bride vs. O-Ren fight, the camera pans up far enough to see O-Ren's exposed brain.

When The Bride interrogates Sophie while Sophie is in the trunk of the car, the Bride cuts off Sophie's other arm.[/QUOTE]
Wow, I distinctly remember all of those scenes from when I saw it in Japanese theaters, but for some reason it didn't even occur to me that they were missing when I watched the DVD. Though when I saw the TV broadcast version a few weeks ago, I was thinking to myself "Aw, they didn't show the brain!" and "Why didn't she cut off Sophie's other arm?!"
[quote name='FJO']American consumers be warned that the R2 DVD has no on-screen translation for Japanese dialogue the way the American cut does. The DVD does have optional English subtitles for the entire dialogue track.[/quote]
So basically, the entire movie's still in English but also has Japanese subtitles so they can understand what's being said except for the parts where they are speaking Japanese, correct?
All subtitles are optional. During the Japanese scenes in Kill Bill 1 there are no automatic hardcoded subtitles like in the American version. During those parts you have to turn on the optional english subtitles to see what is being said.

I don't recall if there is automatic Japanese subtitling in Kill Bill 2 during the Cantonese scene but expect the same thing, manually turning on english subtitles to see what is being said.
bread's done